b*tch. I'm a ***** I'm a ***** ***** ***** YEAH =D
Should I come back to staff in August, yes or no! O: vote vote vote vote vote. AND VOTE HONESTLY D: =D
DO YOU PEOPLE KNOW HOW CLINGY LITTLE PEOPLEZ ARE D: THEY ARE LIKE "Strawberry (my camp name) hold my hand!!" " No, hold mine!" " NUUU I WANT HER TO SIGN MY T-SHIRT!" "Strawberry, will you baby sit me?" @___________@ *dies* Camp counciling ._. *twitches*
.... ITS A NOOB *gaspeh"
Tootles mis amigos. Love ya.
Who here actually remembers this xD ...BESIDES MISTY >_> :3
I would put this in the departure lobby, but we ALL know I've had my fair share of threads in there xD So I shall be gone for a week <3 Im going on a school trip to Dc. Idk if I'll have Internet, or even have time to get on o: Staff: Just don't kill anything <____> Zack: GETBETTERSOON!!! Ctr: ...<3 Muffin: I LOVE YOU x7!!!! XD Family: ...(: love ya guys Jellybeingz: Take care of meh pet >: Orange: Lol you are the pet (: Myoblivion: Love ya sweetie!!! And I shall be going soon (: SEE YALL LATER!!!
For all you boys. Why the HELL is it so wrong to hit a girl? >_> I mean seriously, what the hell is up with that? Cause personally, I think its sorta stupid, if a guy wants to throw a punch at me, Ill just punch him back =/
Oh geez xD Ive been on the site for over a year now >.> ....thats sorta depressing D:
Lol Target Raids. My friend got bored and posted on her blog how to do one and Im re posting it so that all of you guys can be idiots and go have fun being target raiders too <3 ^ Lol I love my friends :3
Yeah I was just wondering who was taking them/has taken them/ and what they got on them xD Im taking them again in June, on the 7th or something. I took them last year when I was in 7th grade, and got a 500 on math, and a 510 in reading. But that was in 7th grade with no prep what so ever <.> So yes, discuss :3
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DA!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD Kitty wants to give you a cupcake! =D ....have fun being 19!! ^.^ EDIT: Holy shiz, its SA's Bday today also? O: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU TOO! XD
Happy Birthday Cookie <3 Yes, I know I'm late with this, but it is still your Bday over here =P Have fun being 15! ~From Rosey and the family <3
Yeah this has no title I just made that random title up >> I was thinking of a little girl I know when I wrote this. 11 o'clock inspirations ftw? >> Cnc please <3 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How do you tell a child that mommy doesn't love her anymore? And that daddy is never coming home, That she will never see her family hug again, And why her brother and sister moan. How do you comfort a child's tears? When its all they have left to cry, How do you give them a hug and kiss, When they just want to go and die? How do you tell them that it will all be okay? When you know its just a lie, And you want to tell them the truth, But its the sadness in their eyes. How do you react to a child's screams? When you know they're not okay, But they hold their tears and bite back pain, And say they're okay anyways. How do you tell a child that mommy doesn't love her anymore, And that daddy is never coming home, That life is just one cruel game, And there is no such thing as home.
Im baccccccccccccccccccccccck <3 *takes out mod whip* >:
SHE ABUSES US UNDER STAFFMENWOMANPEOPLE >: demotiondemotiondemotion >:
Ginger is really really good. You know the kind you get when your eating sushi to cleanse your pallet or something like that? ITS REALLY REALLY REALLY GOOD O_O *starts twitching from eating so much*
HB is our spotlight for this week. Just cause shes a higherbeing doenst mean shes an angel *brick'd for lame joke* =OOO nRa you can be it next week or somethin <_> THE RULES~~~~ - Keep it to the rules of the forum, nothing over PG-13, after all this is still a part of KHV. 2 - The person in the spotlight does not have to answer all the questions. 3 - The person in the spotlight will have to answer the question on a regulars basis, daily would be preferred, so dedication will be needed. 4 - Do not ask to be in the spotlight, we will contact you if you want to be the weeks guest. 5 - No arguing with the guest, keep it clean and don't use it as an attempted to flame the person. 6 - Don't ask too many questions, give the person some time to answer, and let others have a chance to ask. So go on and ask :D
Zomg. We were up in the mountains for school and we got stranded up in the mountains xDDDD We had to stay an extra night because the highway was shut down, and we had an epic snow ball fight with 3 feet of snow on the ground. But then after that my friend got hypothermia, and we all started freaking out =/ ...yeah. Though I got good pics from the time up there =O Oh and then we played truth or dare with the boys. xD *my past 4 days in a nutshell*