Well, some of my friends (girls) think I'm a nice guy. But I have the feeling one of those friends thinks that I'm too nice. She doesn't really say it to me directly but I'm sure she thinks of me that way and well, I'm pretty sick of that image and I want to show her that I'm not too nice (because I'm not), she just knows me like a nice guy because I help her all the time (she had a rough time the past few months). And what I also think is strange is that she already said a few times that I'm 'bad' (when I tease her or when I tell her stories about things I did, what's that called, mischief?) and then sometimes she says I'm not 'bad'. I tease her alot (and she becomes crazy when I do it, she likes it xP) but I don't think that really helps to change her mind. I don't want to change my personality or anything I just want to show I'm not like that sooo any ideas?
I hope you can help me :unsure: So, there's this girl I like. I know her since October and I'm trying to get to know her better (she already said she doesn't like 'quick' guys and I also think two people need to get to know eachother before being a couple). We're getting along very well, I see her almost every week at badmintontraining, and sometimes go away with her and some friends. We sometimes even text eachother until we go to sleep (sometimes till midnight :P), and when there hasn't been training for a while, which means we don't get to see eachother, she says she misses me. In the beginning she asked questions like "do you have a girlfriend", "do you want a girlfriend" etc. She also said that she wanted to go with me to a party someday, that she wants to make picture with funny faces from her and me and watch a movie with me at my place, in other words personal questions and things that are just for the two of us, 'unique' like the picture (don't know how to explain this well). When I said I had an accident last year, she said "Omg, when this happens to you now, I will go directly to the hospital to see you". I also tried to help her when she had some problems, and she was happy and said it was nice from me to help her. So after all these things I am like, wow, she's likes me ... My problems: 1) I would love to invite her at my home to watch a movie but then my mom would get suspicious and I don't like that she teases me with that xP I think it would be better if we would go watch a movie in the cinema just the two of us ... but wouldn't that be strange for her? 2) She thinks I'm nice, but sometimes too nice [?] (Not sure about this one because she didn't say this to me but she was talking to someone and I think they were talking about me and then she said "No, he's too nice". I can accept this one,if it's me they were talking about, but hey, it's still a problem) 3) I don't know how to say it to her that I like her, because she is one of my best friends now, and I'm scared to lose her this way. I also had two similiar scenarios a couple of years ago. Always someone I like, I get to know her better, I like her but don't know how to say her and BLAM someone else "get's her" and I think I can't handle it again, three times would be too much, it's just traumatising and depressing, I would be broken inside if that were to happen one more time :S 4) She has somehow met my nephew, and I'm afraid she likes him ... well, I'm almost certain that she likes him because she said she's happy she got to know him, that she'll always be there for him and that she would be even be crying (wtf?!) if someone hurts him. All these things she also said to me except for the crying part (I'm afraid she likes him more then me ...... I think I'm getting jealous here for the first time in my life :S) Now, that normally wouldn't bother me BUT my parents have a huge fight with his parents. And I swear, his parents are pure poison, there actually bad people (they're allways thinking about themselves, about money, and are very hypocritical) and I'm afraid he's no different. His parents have been 'manipulating' him and his sister with their lies so they think my mom's the bad person, and therefore won't even talk to me. I'm just afraid that one of my best friends will fall into someone's bad hands. 5) When I like a girl, I end up talking to her ALOT, and I think that can scare her away ... It's like I'm trying too hard or something ... but when I try to talk to her less I'm scared that she won't like me as much as before :S How many can you talk to a person before they actually think you're annoying? I know it's a long story but you have to know everything right? So what should I do?
Hi guys, I made an intro for my videos but it's the first time I made an intro so I hope you guys could say wether it's good or not. I hope I did good for a first time :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7xmMIVeHhU (best to watch in high quality)
Hi, I sometimes make videos and I want to share them with you. They're not that good but I'm still proud about them. I was still working on one (the first time with Sony Vegas, if you want to see it, it's the last one in the list) but the free trial of Sony Vegas 8.0 ended before I could finish it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tr9Mp1iJRRg&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hlT4smB-A5c&feature=channel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4nOZtA0sTg&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3X80lNMU7Y&feature=related I know the last one is very short but better than nothing, no :P I hope you guys like them :D
Hi, my name is Glenn and yeah ... I'm new here xD I also have an account on the forums of khinsider so I'm used to the forum rules and stuff. I hope I will have a great time here :lol: