Search Results

  1. {feel.the.wrath}
    I have been told from some people that I make good avatars and sigs, so I have decided to open a graphic shop.
    I want to make a couple things clear:
    1.) I will do nothing yaoi/yuri.
    2.) It might take me a little while.
    3.) I am best with renders. I really suck when it comes to making sigs with pictures.

    Avatar form~
    Link to picture/render-
    Text (if any)-
    Subtext (if any)-
    Any effects in mind-
    Anything else-

    Sig form~

    Link to picture/render-
    Text (if any)-
    Subtext (if any)-
    Any effects in mind-
    Anything else-

    Samples of my work~


    [​IMG] [​IMG]







    Well then, thanks! :D
    Thread by: {feel.the.wrath}, May 29, 2008, 100 replies, in forum: Art Shop
  2. {feel.the.wrath}


    My mom was stupid. She asked me to cut her hair. I did...

    (Note- I'm 11 years old)
    Thread by: {feel.the.wrath}, May 26, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. {feel.the.wrath}
    Yes! Utada Hikaru sings Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day! Don't believe me? See for yourself...
    Thread by: {feel.the.wrath}, May 26, 2008, 26 replies, in forum: Music
  4. {feel.the.wrath}

    School Bands

    (Erm... I dunno if this is in the right section, but...)
    I am in my school band. I was wondering if anyone else was in their school band. I just played a concert tonight. :D So.. yeah. Oh! And if you are in your school band, what instrument do you play?

    I play bassoon. Yeah, it's an instrument! I did not lie!
    Thread by: {feel.the.wrath}, May 21, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Music
  5. {feel.the.wrath}


    I just saw a dog food commercial and the dog on it was named Axel! The dog bowl said Axel, and the kid kept saying, "Come here Axel!" "Come on Axel!" and things like that. I saw this about 2 minutes ago and laughed out loud. Hard. My brother told me to be quiet. xD
    Thread by: {feel.the.wrath}, May 14, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. {feel.the.wrath}
    You know the songs Simple and Clean and Sanctuary? Well, Hikari and Passion are completely different than them!
    If you go it shows Passion and Hikari and translated in English, and then Sanctuary and Simple and Clean. That is so strange. They are so, so different, yet have the same beat and are used in the same parts of Kingdom Hearts. Isn't it a bit strange?
    Thread by: {feel.the.wrath}, May 13, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Music
  7. {feel.the.wrath}
    My brother is at his friend's house. I saw his reflection in my laptop screen and thought he must have come home and in trying to sneak up on my like he always does. So I turn around and he's not there. WTF? I am crazy. But, you knew that. Well, there's just more proof.

    But... why?
    Thread by: {feel.the.wrath}, May 4, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. {feel.the.wrath}
    Okay... I was looking at Utada Hikaru songs. I dunno if this is really by Utada Hikaru, but this came up.

    ぼくはくま くま くま くま
    車じゃないよ くま くま くま
    ぼくはくま くま くま くま

    ぼくはくま くま くま くま
    けんかはやだよ くま くま くま
    ぼくはくま くま くま くま

    Bonjour! Je m\'appelle Kuma.
    Comment ça va?

    ぼくはくま くま くま くま
    冬は眠いよ くま くま くま
    ぼくはくま くま くま くま

    ぼくはくま 九九 くま ママ くま くま

    Now... when I translated it, this is what it said...

    Can of can the dance singing is though corner corner corner
    corner car it.. Ayu.. disregarded by me.

    The chocolate I am a corner corner corner surely corner. Zense ..the
    lobster fly it.. ..corner corner corner corner fight.. rival

    Bonjour! Je m\'appelle Kuma.
    Comment ça va?

    "Good morning Mr. pillow" I am a corner corner corner corner at "Good
    night Mr. pillow" morning in the corner corner corner corner winter ..
    me.. ..sleepy.. ..Yol...

    "Good morning Mr. pillow" I am a mama corner of 99 corner corners
    corner at "Good night Mr. pillow" morning at night.
    Is that right? It can't be right. I seriously laughed for a LOOOOOONG time when I saw it. Is that what it translates to?
    Thread by: {feel.the.wrath}, Apr 27, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. {feel.the.wrath}
    Here is something that confused me.

    Did Roxas have a heart? Part of a heart? But nobodies don't have hearts. Hearts create emotion. If hearts create emotion, how come Axel and Roxas are best friends and Namine saved Sora purely out of... what's the word. Well you get my point.

    And Roxas. Does he have a heart?

    Diz-"His heart is returning. Doubtless he'll awaken very soon."

    I always thought this meant Roxas's heart who was really Sora's was returning back to Sora. It would have to go somewhere else to return right? But Roxas is a nobody, so he can't have a heart, but then where was Sora's held?

    Do you get my point?
    Thread by: {feel.the.wrath}, Apr 27, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  10. {feel.the.wrath}


    Okay, I made 3 different verions of an avatar. Which one do you like best?
    ~click here for original~
    ~click here for silver~
    ~click here for slightly edited~
    Which one is best?
    Thread by: {feel.the.wrath}, Apr 26, 2008, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. {feel.the.wrath}
    (If there is a post for this already, I am sorry)
    So... what are you doing right now? Yes, post what you're doing right now here. We are all interested... =D
    Thread by: {feel.the.wrath}, Apr 13, 2008, 69 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. {feel.the.wrath}

    Utada Hikaru

    Utada Hikaru is a great singer, but not just for Simple and Clean and Sanctuary. I also love her songs called:
    First Love
    Flavor of Life

    There are many more songs of hers I want to listen to, but those are the ones I have so far. Does anyone else like her?
    (Just to note, I have all those songs in Japanese, I don't have the english version if there even is one)
    Thread by: {feel.the.wrath}, Mar 31, 2008, 16 replies, in forum: Music
  13. {feel.the.wrath}

    I am Olette.

    Me and my friends all are KH characters. I am Olette cuz I am like her. Same color hair, same length of hair, same personality (so I am told). I look like her and act like her.
    My best friend is Namine. I don't know why though. She is nothing like her, looks nothing like her, acts nothing like her/.
    Same with my other friend who's Kairi. She WISHES she looked like her. (To be honest this person isn't my friend)
    Then there's Fuu. Kinda like Fuu, but you couldn't tell until you really knew her.

    We can't do cosplay cuz we don't have money to buy costumes and aren't good with sewing machines. xD

    I dunno why, but I just wanted to say this. :D
    Thread by: {feel.the.wrath}, Mar 27, 2008, 38 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. {feel.the.wrath}
    I love this game and I have only had it...hmm...I'd say almost a week. Do you like it??
    Thread by: {feel.the.wrath}, Mar 21, 2008, 2 replies, in forum: Gaming
  15. {feel.the.wrath}

    Riku Day

    I made a new holiday!

    July 22 is now Riku day! :woohoo:

    Spread the word!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Thread by: {feel.the.wrath}, Mar 20, 2008, 24 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. {feel.the.wrath}
    In Destiny Islands, who do you like best and why?

    I think you all know my answer.
    Thread by: {feel.the.wrath}, Mar 20, 2008, 126 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  17. {feel.the.wrath}
    Who is this person from...
    Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
    Final Fantasy 7
    I took a quiz about which final fantasy person i am most like. i didn't pick any final fantasy in particular. then it gave me her and i don't know who she's from.
    Thread by: {feel.the.wrath}, Mar 20, 2008, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. {feel.the.wrath}
    This may just be the fact that I am Kingdom Hearts obsessed and it has taken over my life, but has anyone had a dream when you were a character in Kingdom Hearts, like in the Organization or friends with Sora or something? I do all the time. Is it just me?

    [font="Franklin Gothic Medium]Again, just last night, I had a dream that me and by friend lived on the islands with Sora, Kairi, and Riku. (Tidus was there too, but he didn't make much of an appearance)[/font]
    Thread by: {feel.the.wrath}, Mar 20, 2008, 24 replies, in forum: Discussion
  19. {feel.the.wrath}
    Let's say Sasuke and Riku somehow met anf fought. Who would win?
    Thread by: {feel.the.wrath}, Mar 17, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. {feel.the.wrath}
    Did anyone else notice that Sora looks a little different in kh1 than in re:com for ps2? I dunno what it is but he just looks different.
    Thread by: {feel.the.wrath}, Mar 16, 2008, 24 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX