My buddy, me, and my brother. Look if you dare. Proof cucumbers get thrown at me.
Watch it until the very end. xD
I can't sleep. :crybaby:
First, I should tell you that my mom knows nothing of Kingdom Hearts. I don't know whether that is very relevent, but I thought it would help the story a bit, maybe. My mom is at work at the moment. I heard my cell phone ring (with mah Shadow of the Day ringtone :D). It was my mom. This was our exact conversation. Me: Hello? My mom: Why is Roxas always so sad? Me: What? My mom: Why is Roxas always so sad? Me: Uhh... where did this come from? My mom: I was looking up Kingdom Hearts stuff because I am always so busy at work, and I know you're obsessed. (At this point, I laughed) Then I saw a bunch of pictures of Roxas and in every picture he always has a frown on his face. Why is he always so sad? Me: Uh... it's a long story. My mom: Okay, so who are the main characters of the story? Me: Sora, Riku, and Kairi. My mom: And Riku is the guy you like, right? Me: Right. My mom: Who are the girls in the story? Me: Kairi and Namine. My mom: Kairi and who? Me: Namine. (Apparently, she can't comprehend the name "Namine", because she asked this over and over again xD) My mom: Well, that's all I wanted to say. Me: Okay. Weird...
I've been a member of kh-vids for exactly 5 months now! :woohoo: This is my random thought of the day.
You know this is true.
I made a quiz. zomg, she follows fads! I was bored, okay? If you get a 100, you shall be awesome. :D
I love just out of nowhere to bursting into song.
I don't get this commercial at all.
is extremely creepy in my opinion. That is all I have to say. :D Have a good day!
It is sooooooo darn hot here, and I really want to jump in my pool, but I am in a contest to see who can go without swimming the longest, and whoever wins, gets a cookie. I WANT THAT COOKIE!!!! Is it worth it?
I just saw this movie called Appleseed last night. Who else has seen it? I think it's really good! I love the graphics, and the way the people are 2-D but the backround is 3-D. So... yeah. Who else has seen it?
It's true.
This song won't get out of my head. My sister is watching this channel. Ugh.
People like to throw them at me. I am dead serious.
I just noticed that his ears look like elf ears! xD
I feel nauseous. The world is spinning. You see, I live in Las Vegas. You know the Strip, right? On the strip, there is this one hotel called Circus, Circus which holds the *angelic choir* Adventuredome. It is a small park which is held under a dome. I went there today for six hours straight. Rollercoasters, rides, McDonalds, candy, twists and turns... So. Much. Fun. Now I feel nauseous. Both me and my friend (crazyaxelfangirl).
You know how in KH1 in the End of the World, you were on all these rock platforms, traveling through memories of worlds (or whatever they were) through beams of light? Well, in KH2, there is a beam of light leading to the separate Twilight Town. I found a similarity because the beams of light leading to the worlds, lead to fake worlds. Do you get what I'm saying? Are they the same type of beam of light? That's just something I noticed about 30 seconds ago... xD
I'm gonna say it, loud and proud... I AM A RIKU FANGIRL!
2 more days and I'm in 7th grade! :D