I hear a mysterious noise. It sounds like someone is hitting something hard against the wall on the outside of the house I am in. 0_o
Anyone heard of it/ been there? I was there for 12 hours straight yesterday. xD
It truly is an awesomeful name. xD
Does anyone actually click the links that are in people's sigs?
Way2Dawn made me emo. . . . . . . . . . But he's still awesome. *is emo-like*
http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll180/o0mikaila0o/rikubraces.jpg lolololol Of course, mine are more crooked than his... xD
I've been gone for a couple days. First off, did I miss much? Second, I am in Missouri with a very different setting compared to las vegas, nevada. xD So yeah, I am bored. It's what, 3:00am here? It doesn't feel like that, darn time zones... so, yeah! xD
I didn't know where to put this. so the spamzone is good! xDD If you watch Avatar: The Last Airbender, whenever I read my CoM manga, Larxene's voice in my head sounds like Azula. xD I dunno how to make that make sense.
Arm.. in.. pain... I needed shots today. They said it wouldn't hurt. Oh, how it hurt.I'm usually not that in pain with shots and stuff like that. It hurt like hell. When they were done, my mom said, "It's all over now." My reaction was, "NO IT'S NOT, I'M STILL IN PAIN!" Help. :crybaby: edit- And I got a sticker. The people were like," Do you want High School Musical?" xDD I got winnie the pooh, cuz he's awesome. But my mom was about to ask, "Do you have any japanese anime or something?" In the hall I said, "Yes, Mom, they have Death Note." xDDDD
Is it just me, or does this picture of Utada... http://www.flickr.com/photos/22137601@N07/2284997720/ remind you of Yuna somewhat? http://www.flickr.com/photos/62835479@N00/112551052/
All of a sudden, when I go on certain websites (like wikipedia, yahoo and ebay) the text is all tiny. I don't know how to fix it so it's larger again. Can someone help?
When my brother woke me up, he told me to go downstairs and eat breakfast, and then I went back to sleep. I had a dream that ghosts in my room were trying to kill me. Now I think my room's haunted. :crybaby: *is in sister's room*
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXcWBiBCk3c Be forewarned: this is what cake does to you.
My name means god-like. wtf?
I like to watch caramelldansen.
Everywhere I go, I am hearing this dinging noise! It's driving me crazy! You see, I go on a website that has this teeny chatroom thingy, and apparently I go on it a lot. Every time you make a message or someone comes in, you hear this dinging noise. Now I'm hearing it everywhere and it's bugging the heck out of me! HELP!!! lol, you can't put a title in all caps.
Yes. As of July 2, I won't be on for a week or so. I'm going to Missouri! I might be on every once in a while, because I'm bringing my laptop, but really not very often. But, this is July 2 that this is happening. I just wanted to put this up now so I wouldn't forget. xD
I was bored and looked up voice actor names. The voice of Saix also is Kisame.... 0_o (I'll never look at Kisame the same way again) The voice of Setzer is also Will Turner (in Kingdom Hearts xD), Rude (in Advent Children), and Itachi (in Naruto)... The voice of Zexion in Re:CoM is in a lot of anime in Japan, and I mean a lot. The voice of Xemnas is the voice of the Nine Tailed Fox. 0_o Those are just to name a few that I looked at. I was a little shocked by this.