This is for you. Happy birthday. xD
I started school in Missouri today. Oh, joy. I was silent most of the time. At lunch I just sat there reading my Death Note manga, seeing as I wasn't hungry and the food didn't look too good. Then his older guy sat at the same table as me (I sat alone) like a joke, and I smiled a huge smile at him so he wouldn't bother me and would think I was weird (which I am) and he, like, fell out of his chair and ran back to the line. Ran fast. Is my smile that scary? :blink:
Why the sudden burst of threads in the spamzone? It's a sign. Flies won't leave me alone. It's a sign. I heard whispers come from under my bed when I was cleaning my room and no one was there. It's a sign. ~a conversation~ Me: *is thinking* You know Death Note never comes on anymore... YOU KNOW WHAT!? my mom: *blank stare* Me: The week that we moved was the week Death Note stopped coming on! IT'S A SIGN! my mom: ... of the apocalypse? (sp?) Me: YES! These are all signs... but what do they point to?
I made a Green Day sig. CnC please?
You can not hate that song. You just can't. Strange music video though. But I DON'T CARE! =DDDDDD
Epic win. Yes. Yes, someone said this to me. Of course, I don't agree with this statement, but, still, epic win.
Ah, so great to be back on kh-vids. What did I miss? ~edit~ I live in a house haunted by some old guy. DON'T SAY GHOSTS DON'T EXIST, CUZ I SAW HIM! And everyone knows who it is.
My mom wanted to know about Death Note. I showed her some episodes. She loved it. 0_o
The prems stole my teal color.
I'm moving to another state. I'm driving by car so I won't be on for a couple days. *facepalm* By car... why can't we just take a plane... DON'T WANT TO GO! Anyway, I'm leaving late tonight. Maybe 3-5 days I'll be gone. This is all I have to say.
I just got into Code Geass, and I figured something out when Lelouch's voice sounded farmiliar... LELOUCH'S VOICE ACTOR ALSO DOES ITSUKI KOIZUMI! ITSUKI IS THE BEST PERSON EVER! Just wanted to share. xD
My brother's friend called Riku an idiot. I chased him down the street. And across the neighborhood. >_<
I wish it would rain. It did today and was walking in it, but it seemed like I was only making the air hotter some how. I don't know how. I want cold rain though! DDDD:
Win. (In this conversation, I am
I have an aim now. xDD
In this conversation, I am .::lawliet.and.riku.are.caramelldansen::. Wow.... just wow...
before I leave to Missouri. 1.) Take a cosplay walk. I have always wanted to just dress up as Riku and walk to McDonalds. 2.) Go out in public and shout random things. Wouldn't we all like to? xD 3.) Go to the Adventuredome again. I sure will miss it. 4.) Scream at a tree 5.)Yell a bunch of spoilers to really popular movies and books in the most densely populated area you can find. Then run. Feel free to help me here. I only have a week, unfortunately. :cryinganime:
^ Pure lolness by Katoxic once again ^ It just had to be shared.