Half of my tongue has no taste buds. Dead serious. It was that darn sour candy I ate yesterday. xD
I was bored and drew Haruhi. Keep in mind, I drew this in about 20 or 25 minutes. CnC? (And, sorry about the quality of the picture. >.<) http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll180/o0mikaila0o/001-1.jpg
The spamzone is dead at the moment.
There was a person with a gun outside my school. First of all, I would expect this in Las Vegas. It wouldn't be news. Las Vegas is Las Vegas and that is that. Guns outside of schools are scary of course, but not a huge threat after a while. This is fricking Bethany, Missouri. The most rural town that I can imagine. This had never happened before here, and I find it ironic that I move from Las Vegas to here and this is just something that I can't escape. I don't know much about it, but it just ticks me off. What the hell is this world coming to? All I can say is what the hell. Your thoughts on this?
I am just ticked off. Random rant. In art (which is the most fun class because my teacher is such a pushover xD), there was this one kid who thought he was so cool. He saw my kingdom hearts necklace (cuz I wear it xD), and he was like "OMG, KINGDOM HEARTS IS SO COOL!" and he started asking me questions and stuff like that. Now first, I told him I was obsessed with Riku, and he gave me this wtf look and said that Riku was creepy. That alone made me want to slap him. But that's not all. He said he had Birth by Sleep. And I said it wasn't out yet. He said in Tokyo. First of all, Tokyo is a city, idiot. He's the worst liar I've ever heard. And, it's not even out in Japan! And I told him so and he said, "That's bull****!" I told him to go check any website on the internet that is a reliable souce, and then know that I know that you are a fricking liar. I don't know, he just ticked me off, is all. xD
Where we are, When we drive, In your car. I like, Where we are, Here. <3 Gotta love that song.
I was watching a medical show and this person had a junebug in her ear. How wonderful.
http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll180/o0mikaila0o/cheese.jpg What should I get rid of? >.<
I started a story randomly. I didn't base it off of anything or anything like that, I just felt like it. I'll put up what I put so far, and I would greatly appreciate it if you'd tell me if I should continue or not and/or what I could improve on. Thanks! ;D [It has no title yet. :/] .::~Prologue~::. I'm 14 years old, you could say. Mentally, I'm over that. Or at least, that's what I'm told. I'm in the year 2008. Of couse, I'm not from this time. That's why I said that you could say I'm 14. I'm from further into the future. But from the time I'm from, not many people stay in their own time, the Earth is not too stable, and we are spreading ourselves out through the timeline, not interfering with the time, being as invisible as possible. I have no idea what time I was born in, no idea at all. But, if I were to actually be in the present time, I'd say I'd be in a year around 3000. Now, some people that live in the present might call me medieval for living in a such a time, but I find things here quite simplistic. And, of course, there's the 1,000,000 people limit, a law created by the Universal Data Controllers, more commonly known as the UDC. Their mental abilities are so far beyond the common man, therefore making them superior to most being, which is a neccessary element to becoming a part of the UDC. The 1,000,000 people limit law states that no more than 1,000,000 people from the present time can be in each year, or they suffer a death penalty, usually a rare illness. Once some people from the present time naturally die off in whichever year they are in, then the time travelers are given back their health, what people in the year 2008 commonly know as "miracles". The UDC has the power to do almost anything. They reign over the universe, and all of the universes that they have the power to travel to. As I've said before, their mental abilities are extreme, making them both physically and mentally superior to everyone and anything that dares to challenge them. Just about the only thing that they can't do is give the Averages, people that aren't a part of the UDC, a way to travel to another universe, leavivng them stranded on the puny, weak Earth. Oh, and of course, my name. Miyuki Takahashi. A bit unique, considering I am not Japanese, and it is a Japanese name. My mother was really into Japan around the year 2000 time period. I love my name though. Miyuki means snow, or something along the lines of it. I can't really remember. Takahashi is my last name because my mom wanted a Japanese last name, so she went to a member of the UDC and asked them to change her Universal File so our last name was Takahashi. Now, a bit more about the UDC. For as long as I can remember, my mom has always spoken so highly of them. They were always supposed to be a symbol of peace and greatness and such. But lately, they have become less and less of a symbol of peace, and more and more of a symbol of disloyalty, and somewhat war. As more of the peaceful members of the UDC are slowly dieing off from old age, the younger members, who learned all of the tricks from their elders, became madly obsessed with the power they held. There are about 100 members of the UDC. If I had to guess, I'd say 40 of them are just as I described to you. And as a result of that, the people of the present must suffer. Thank god for the elder, more responsible members. If it weren't for them, the whole universe, every time period, would be a living hell. This is the basic structure of everything you need to know about the story I am going to tell.
I had this conversation. (Chloe is my six year old sister) Chloe: Can you open this water bottle for me? Me: *opens* Oh my god, that was so hard. Chloe: Oh my god, you're hard. Me: Oh my god, you're a banjo. Chloe: Well, if I'm a banjo, you're a shovel.
Meh, I searched this and found nothing. I also have no idea if this is where to put it, but if it's not, by all means, move it. >.< I want to make a Final Fantasy amv with clips from X and X-2. Where can I find videos from there that I can download? I really have no idea. Thanks! ;D
I have an msn now. :3
I looked right into the sun and yelled, "It's hot! You're way too hot, Mr. Sun! How can you be so energetic and bright? Share your secrets with me!" I wanted to be powerful, just like the sun. If you know what that's from, you get cookies galore. :3
I declare you hypnotized.
Randomness sig. CnC?
Made purely out of boredom. Yes, I know, it kinda sucks. Made out of excitement for seeing Death Note: The Last Name in the movie theaters although the japanese version will be better. CnC?
Diet V8 Fusion coming out your nose... is not fun. And people say you could've had a V8. D:<
This is what I learned in school so far this year. Substitutes have shinigami eyes. LIEK, OMG! MY BROTHER READS NARUTO! IT'S STUPID, MIKAILA! Old lady teachers are either really nice or mean as hell. LOLWUT? WTF IS DEATH NOTE? 97% of girls are preppy [insert insult here] CAN I BORROW YOUR MANGA? 8D NO! RAWR! D:< It's tibia, and fibula, not fibia. Gosh. LIEK, OMG! DID YOU HEAR THAT [insert name here] IS GOING OUT WITH [insert name here]!!?!?!!?!?!?!? Gum is god. Everyone needs it, and will trample you for it. ~more will be added as I remember~
........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ ........................................................................ I think Light's cute in the manga. OK, SLAP ME! SLAP SOME SENSE INTO ME!