Against the Darkness Chapter one Author Note: This is my first fan fiction ever posted. I am so happy that I am finally able to type this out. Enjoy! :) I do not own Kingdom Hearts, I do own my characters though so no touchy touchy. Sibra peered around the corner of the stone wall that surrounded the garden. Her sharp brown eyes studied the two figures lit up by moonlight. She knew the black cloaked man. He was the leader of the organization that hunted her for her rebellion. Her refusal to join their cult had gotten her into a lot of trouble. Sibra had decided to help others that caught the organization's interest, beginning with the nobody in the garden. Sibra didn't understand why they wanted this girl. She didn't look the type, at least on the outside. The nobody looked about sixteen and had long white-gold hair that fell to her waist. Her eyes were a light violet and had a soft glow about them. The young women overall seemed normal and weak. She couldn't hear from where she was hidden but knew that the man was starting his “naming gameâ€. Large white letters appeared reading the name Naria. Sibra tensed preparing to make her move. When the words Nixara were spelled, Sibra leaped from behind the wall. He turned quickly his amber eyes flashing under the darkness of the hood. The girl turned as well her eyes wide in surprise. Sibra made a move towards the hooded man. He stepped away expecting her to attack. But she wasn't aiming for him today. She grabbed the girl's hand and dashed away dragging Naria with her. She started towards the garden gates glancing behind her as she ran. There was no sign of him. Suddenly she heard the faint sound of a portal and stopped just as the organization leader materialized in front of her. “Nixara,†he said simply those eyes glaring at Sibra. “come to me.†Naria/Nixara didn't know what to do. She had just woken up in this garden after being attacked by a dark thing. Naria looked at the girl who still held her hand. The girl had black hair in a small ponytail and deep brown eyes, her eyes reflected a fierce and confident personality. “Naria, you are NARIA.†Sibra told her. “ Don't listen to him, he just wants to use you to get what he wants.†The man just shook his head, a strand of silver-grey hair escaped from the hood. “I can help you get back what was taken from you, your heart Nixara.†Sibra snarled and her grip on Naria's hand tightened. “you would sacrifice anyone to get what you want,†she said.†your organization cares for nothing but yourselves, they have no morals and are corrupted.†“you yourself are “corruptedâ€, he smirked.†you are heartless, a nobody just like us.†“but not the same,†she replied.†your corruption is your darkness-and I will take no part in it, and neither will Naria.†Naria felt like she should say something but didn't know how to respond. Who are these people? What does the girl mean by darkness? What is the cloaked mans organization? Who is the cloaked man? These questions rolled through her head and Naria was more confused. “Do you remember my element, my power?†Sibra suddenly asked him. He said nothing but quickly ran at them. Sibra summoned a portal and was gone with Naria before he could reach them. Naria was surrounded by the pressures of the portal then found herself on the ground. She looked up to find herself in a forest. The girl who had brought her here grinned and stood up, brushing the dirt off her shorts. “That went well.â€she said to Naria Naria knew she should feel upset but instead felt devoid of anything. “whats wrong with me?†she suddenly whispered. Sibra frowned,†I guess he didn't tell you then.†“he just said that I was not alone and did that strange letter thing.†Sibra sighed deeply. She didn't like to reminding herself of the “heartless†part. “okay,†she said,â€my name is Sibra.†“I'm Nix.....err, Naria.†“good, we got that out of the way.†Sibra cleared her throat,†you are different-can you feel it?†Naria bit her lip. “your emotions are not there.†Sibra told her,†you feel-†“lost.†Naria said softly, “lost and empty.†“exactly.†she said,†your a nobody.†“nobody? But I am somebody, I'm ME.†Sibra shrugged.â€sorry but thats just what your called, you can't change that.†Naria stood and started to walk away. “hey! Where are you going?†“home.†Naria said without looking back. Great, Sibra thought, my org against darkness is so not working out. “wait.†Naria turned. “Just one question,†Sibra said, “ do you want to be in his organization?†She shook her head.†I just want to go home.†Sibra stepped closer.†you're family will be at risk and so will you.†“what?†“Mr. Black Cloak and his org don't take refusal well.â€Sibra said.†He and his group will hunt you down just like me.†Naria closed her eyes. After a minute she opened them. “what do I do?†“join his group or mine.†“that is not fair!†“i am not the villain.†Sibra told her impatiently.†I think what they do is bad, what they are all about is wrong.†“what are they about?†“hurting others to get what they want.†“what are you about?†Sibra paused, then replied.â€Taking them down, protecting others like the family I left behind and....†“and what?†Sibra sighed.†and sadly hiding.†she gave Naria a small grin. “ one girl cannot take down thirteen nobodies by herself.†“then.†Naria said. She paused. Standing there for a second she thought to herself, would she really make a difference? Could two girls take down this organization? Was she going insane or something? “then......†she took a deep breath. “count me in.†TO BE CONTINUED....... Author Note: Reviews are welcome. I have not wrote another chapter yet so If you have any good ideas you want to share then PM me. I would be happy to write them down if they are interesting. I will also be adding a new character one day maybe later on, way later on in the story, if anyone wants to post a character profile, a background, etc I may use the character in an upcoming chapter, main or just small character.
Do you work on left or right brain most? (Right=creativity, Left=braininess, seriousness)
....pie. Cherry flavored.
Come on spread the love! *hug*
Your so lucky, its like 90 degrees here and i HATE it.
Not all of them are bad though, well im not sure but a family member and some witnesees saw a ghost of a swedish guy or something in a hospital elevator saying he wanted to go to the basement. Yep weird but interesting story.
*slaps ArchAwesomeman* I win.
I want someone who is kind, funny, at least decent looking to a point, loves animals, likes drawing or reading, plays videogames, is passionate or close even. And someone who respects my strange nature.
I winneth.
Okay girls and boys, post what you hope to find in that special someone
I dont like him for doing stuff to poor Roxas....
I challenged you and won.
Anything tech or dance. Maybe Runaway by Cascada, but a female version...
eat,sleep,draw,write,play games, play on computer, listen to music everyday,
I win again. Yay me.
She has a post now. OH LOOK I WON!!! YAY!!!!:roll:
What is your fave element? If your not sure take a quiz just look them up. Its fun to see. Im a mix of water and fire.
Sora could of taken them all. Poor axel did not have to kill himself.....
Baby when the David Guetta feat. Cozi Another Cascada Harder,Better,faster, Daft Punk Cascada Now You're Basshunter Bad Cascada I LOVE TECHNO!!!