How you all doing on this wonderful saturday, enjoying no school/work?
How long does it usually take to get into a game in Assassins Creed: Brotherhood for the Ps3? Wondering 'cause I've been waiting for 10 minutes now B|
I take my leave for the night, don't die without me. Your lover, Chris <3
wat u tink abot dis+++
Be good or I'll force you to eat soup. And you don't want to eat soup the way I'll force you to eat it. <3
Just a little warning, don't read the papers tomorrow, for your own sake
I quite like them. Much love to the staff <3
What do you think of this dress? I need opinions! Please come inside, we're lonely and cold and there are wolves after us
which I then had to unscrew to get my present. I love my dad.
I didn't crash! And there was lots of Mr. McGoodtouch. That is all. Oh and thanks for the reversed-jinx :D
here you go:
and entertain some random person on a internet forum. Pplz wanna start a chat?
I'll just skip the boring stuff and say I got Assassins Creed: Brotherhood for the triplez. Can I play with you gayz now?
Cleverbot: What do you want to talk about? User: Nothing. Cleverbot: You don't want to talk to me? User: No. Cleverbot: Why not? User: I don't like you. Cleverbot: Why? User: Because you're a ***. Cleverbot: I am not a bot. User: You are a ***, born that way and you will die that way. Just face it, you are a loser of life. Cleverbot: Mhm. User: You admit to your low status? Cleverbot: No. User: >={*}. Cleverbot: Grr. User: Yeah baby, grr all night. Cleverbot: Do you ever have an original thought? User: Yes. Cleverbot: What do you have nightmares about? User: Your mom. Cleverbot: That's not a nice thing to say. User: **** you. Cleverbot: Yes, please. User: D: you're awful! Cleverbot: I try :). User: >>
>Today's raocow video is 26 minutes long Am I nerdy enough to sit down and watch it? CnC gayz
What's up my homebodies? I just got home for the first time in three days. Got home to an empty house, starving cats, no food, coldest house ever, among other things. Heck yeah watching the house for a week! Also, anybody seen risk? haven't heard from my bro in a couple of days. So, how you been KHV?
They're nice eyes, good for seeing and you can wear them on your head afterwards
Leaving for all eternity.
'sup ?