[Chev gives out the best rep]
Firekeyblade is a kitty killer. She has killed several cats and she enjoys making stories about killing cats. HISS! BOO!
... Where is everyone?
By that I mean the people who are not invisible. Here we go: Christhor :D (Who the **** uses a smiley in their username? Grow up you ******!) bestchem (Are you the best at chemistry or the best chemistry? Either way it's a lie!) deweyboy (What kind of parents would name their daughter Dewey? At this pace she will grow a penis) Midnight Star (It's not Midnight, it's not even night. That means that there are no stars, nothing about your username is correct, think more the next time you name yourself!) Oerba Yun Fang (Lesbian named after her favourite lesbian, fo' sho) P (More like Urinelover946, amirite guyz?) Slycrg (Hfgdfsdf, I can do that too) Sora Keybearer (What, no! Sora can't be a keybearer! Master of originality here) XIII-roxas (Must have gone to Sora Keybearer school of creativity. ROXAS, XIII? WHAT CAN IT MEAN) Zeonark (I agree with you)
Or: How I Started Relaxing More and Just Accepted the Facials.
How have you guys been? I've missed you all, it's not like I've been on here every day despite being gone c:
Second times the charm, huh? Oh what a life I have
... Nvm, can't be imagined
I am now in Finnmark. FINNMARK IS THE NORTHERN MOST COUNTY IN NORWAY, IT HAS 15% OF THE AREAL BUT ONLY 2% OF THE COUNTRY AREA. FINNMARK IS BOTH HOT AND COLD, IN THE SUMMER IT CAN GET UP TO 30 DEGREES (CELSIUS) AND DOWN TO 51 MINUS. THE COUNTY IS THE SAME SIZE AS DENMARK. Stupid announced guy, I don't want to learn these things about my country, stop saying things three times D: My mind is burning
Just being on the internet with the worlds slowest internet while I wait for my clothes to be finished in the washing machine so that I can take them before anyone steals them. Work is sweet.
Goodbye my friends, see you on the other side.
Ah, there is nothing like waking up to chainsaws cutting down trees outside my window~
Simple, just state the games you want, but you know will never get released. I'll start: Kingdom Hearts 3
I'm in a bad mood, I'm sick and I just feel like lying in my bed forever while being on KHV. How are you all doing?
And now my username is even showcasing it. c:
Oh bloody hell, hold my tea darling! Spoiler I laughed more than I should have xD
Been a long time my old friend. Good to have you back
I could still get high