the second one was my fave too but if sly 4 comes out maybe it would be the best
discuss about sly cooper share your thoughts of what you think of him or the gang.
idk i just do to talk to ppl. and i didnt spell it wrong u did lol look it up
hey sora...
hey hey what r u doing today?
hey wats up?
not much u?
i have a question for u... why dont u like axel anymore??
why dont u like axel anymore??
larxene got it memorized?
hmmm ok but remember i can teleport bye bye
hey whats up? so... your new?
um im just on the comp
hmm u have forgoten im am the element of fire so... u cant harm me with fire HA
so wats up?
hmm i wanna see you do it
why is that?
thanks i really do like axel ^.^
thanks and no problem :)
yo the names progamer got it memorized?