Hee... Cool! I also got those when I pre-orded the game from Best Buy.;) -Latisha
Really? Here's a cutscene with her with Marluxia, Sora and the gang: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=jQUh6SB18M4&feature=related -Latisha
Me! I like Zexion's English. I'd grown used to it anyway.;)
Wow, it would be cool to be an Organization member, but to lose my heart in order to be a memeber.....I may have to pass on that.;) Now if I lost a fight with a heartless and lose my heart that way....I wouldn't have much of a choice to join the Organization of not. -Latisha
There's plenty of Vexen links here: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=RLJK1c8n9MU&feature=channel_page and here: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=kNirLqf35JU&feature=channel_page for more links go here: http://uk.youtube.com/profile?user=DChiuch&view=videos
Well said.;)
It was there, because I'd seen it in English before, but it was taken down. Axel didn't say the 'H' word. However, after he let Namine go and said his "show" line without the 'H' word, he then says, "Hey, I'm actually enjoying this? You guys really are something!" -Latisha
Heee...I love Vexen's English voice and it's a bit funny that Axel pulled a Mustang.:) -Latisha
No problem.;)
I know. Someone took them down. These links work for now: -Voice Comparisons between the English and Japanese VA's of Larxen, Vexen, Zexion, Marluxia, and Lexaeus in KH Re:COM http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=BA1eWGbK7e0 -Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories English - Part 9 - Boss Axel 1 (Proud Mode) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xqVZdHxIdSo&feature=related -Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories (US)- Larxene's & Axel's Voice, English http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=i3-4gMkLar0 -Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories actual english scene 1 with Marly http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=ZLX44DLmFyM
Yes they did.;)
They were on Youtube, but for some reason they were taking down by the person who upload them... Oh, I found this vid, it has the English cutescenes of Lexy and Zexion too, but not much... http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=BA1eWGbK7e0
I agreed that what most people say about the voice and lip sync situations....I like all the voices too. It must be an interesting job to be a VA!:) It's not like the US is the only country that dubs suff. Almost ever country in the world has dubbed our movies and T.V. shows. I live in Germany and watching our T.V. shows in German is pretty interesting. -Latisha
Thank you.:) Thank you for saying that! I thought I was the only one that notice that.;)
It's out right now. Here are some info and videos: -Kingdom Hearts Re:Chain of Memories English cutscene of Sora, Donald, Goofy, Jimmy Cricket and Marluxia http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=rNzQ9ZIka3c -KH Re:CoM English - Larxene Fight/Cutscene and Vexen Cutscene http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=z6JwpQl1lZU -KH Re:CoM English - Namine, Riku Replica Fight, Larxene, Marluxia http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=UwvSUsGYymc -KH Re:CoM English - Marluxia, Larxene, Axel, Vexen, Namine http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=nI-u0S38s6o -KH Re:CoM English - Vexen's Death http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Xe5Qf9aurYk -KH Re:CoM English - Zexion, Lexaeus, Vexen http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=nOZHz8kJIZc Here's the voice cast for the Organization members in this game: -Vexen: voiced by Derek Stephen Prince -Lexaeus: voiced by Dave Boat -Zexion: voiced Vincent Corazza -Axel: voiced by Quinton Flynn -Marluxia: voiced by Keith Ferguson -Larxene: voiced by Shanelle Gray
Axel: I still love his voice. His attitude seems lesser than in KH 2. Seems like how Axel acted towards everyone before he met Roxas.;) Larxene: Hee...I like her voice and I usually don't care for female characters that much, but I like her. Vexen: Awesome! He has that 'must do experiments in the name of science' in his voice! That makes me like him a lot more! Marluxia: The voice is less deeper than I thought, but good nevertheless. Lexaeus: Awesome! I really suits him! Zexion: Hmmm....not bad...;)
Wow! Thanks so much for the casting list!:)
Neat! I found 5 different videos of the cutescenes in English on Youtube.;)
Seems to me this may be how Axel acts before he met Roxas or when Roxas not around....just a thought.
Hmmmm.....I thought Marly's voice was supposed to be deep.....as for Sora and Riku voices, I knida got used to hearing their older voices from playing Kingdom Hearts II often....so it doesn't bother me.;) Too bad I have to wait awhile to play the game though. -Latisha