1. Xemnas 2. Axel 3. Vexen
Hello! Lets see....my friend told me about it and showed me the magazine ad for the game. It looks pretty interesting. On the day it first came out, my friends and I decided to buy it. It was my first PS2 game...ever....! I didn't own a PS2 yet so I borrow my friends PS2. Then Kingdom Hearts 2 come out...that's when I bought myself a PS2. Kingdom Hearts was the reason I bought a PS2 in the first place.:) -Latisha
Hi! Looks like I have to wait for my magazine by mail.;)
Cool! Wow! I like the trailer. I want to see it in English. I don't have a problem with the voices since I feel there are more things in life to worry about. -Latisha
Hmmmm....I'm choosing between Xemnas or Vexen!:)
It's both! The region will be different and so will the language.;)
How is that cheating? I already own the english version of the game. I may live in Germany, but I'm an american and I only buy USA games and systems. Anyway, I'm stuck at Vexen's first battle. He keeps freezing me...a lot!
It didn't take me that long. I didn't even expect it. I just went to that website and there it was.;)
Time has flew... Wow! I forgot about that. I remembered playing that game for the first three hours and all I thought was "I miss Sora.." -Latisha
Wow! I like that cover anyway.;)
I got the info about this from this site: http://www.gamespot.com/pages/unions/home.php?union_id=KHW Square Enix have confirmed that Kingdom Hearts RE: Chain of Memroies has been planned to be released in the UK/Europe by April 17th 2009. -Latisha
Wow! Looking at these videos makes me want the game even more!:) -Latisha
Cool! Wow! That bundle sure looks pretty nice!:) Thanks for the updates again!:) -Latisha That's for the camara lens!:)
Cool events! This game getting more interesting by the minute.;) -Latisha
In my opinion I would have saved Xemnas, Zexion and Vexen. Their pasts might to give clues about their lives before they became Nobodies. -Latisha
Wow! This makes me more tempted to buy the game a bit sooner.;) -Latisha
Wow! Thanks for the updates Mike! I wonder why Saix doesn't like Xion anyway.... -Latisha
Um....,where did you get the idea of child molester from? Why people keep talking about them anyway.....?
Oh okay, that poor replica....I wonder if that was the only replica that Vexen ever made. Maybe replicas of himself maybe, like from the manga.
Oh okay, thanks. I never went that far....yet.