Lol, Orion xD If you need anything in game, PM me and I can help. I'm online almost all of every day....Actually thats why I'm rarely here anymore.
Ragnarok Online And he cant run >.> <.< I run faster
xD Still Then...go to porings or something.... But I still pwned you in PvP xD
See? The gypsy person with the brown blond hair is my character And Orion is the dead gunslinger with the silver hair (No really, this just actually happened) And I have KILLED HIM!!! Yeah cause I'm so awesome like that. xD
Tei tried to pull her hand free. "But annoying people is soo fun...."
Tei reached up to poke again.
"Following her..." Kasai said looking up for a moment. That was all he would say.... Tei still continued to poke. Mizu went to find Tei thinking "I hope she doesnt get herself into trouble..."
Tei started poking faster. Mizu looked behind her at Kasai and she noticed he was STILL following her. "Okay stop!!" she yelled and ran off. Kasai shrugged and sat down in front of the TV.
Tei shook her head and continued poking Kence. She wanted nothing but to annoy. Mizu turned around to pass Hakku. She nodded as she passed
ooc-oh i totally ignored that xD bic- Tei walked to where Kence was. She ignored Ailbyxe and started tapping him repeatedly on the shoulder. Mizu was still walking around, and Kasai was still following her.
ooc-xD Wheres Kence? (Tei: *holds up poking finger and waits*)Tei wants to poke him to death >.> Mizu walked around downstairs, Kasai following her. She looked over her shoulder and he looked away.
ooc-so whats happening and where is everyone?
ooc-SHES BACK *dies* Now where is everybody O.O
Oh okay >.> <.<
O.O Wait banned people can lurk? >.> <.< *so did not know that*
>.> <.< I totally saw this thread in one of Orion's posts on the RO forum But yeah it's free So come join us and we will not eat you xD
>.> <.< I still dun get how all this crap fits into an E +10 site And if its bad to post those please let me know dont ban me ><
xDDDDDD *rofl* Code Lyoko...******ed but I used to obsess over it O.O