ラクシーヌ Alice AnimeGirl104 Arc CerberusX Da Freak Deathsight4444 Dual Wielder FireNanaki Gharanth Hunted Hunter JapAnimeFanatic KairiXRiku kairi_of_kh kitty_mckechnie La Sofa Larxene~Miss Antenne2~ Mish myoblivion naminestwinsister Nexit@h XIV Nymph of Destiny Orion oX Angel Xo Rikus#1fangirl. Rosey Roxas- roxas1111 Rufus Sara Sce13 somethingstupid101 Sora_Riku_masters VideoGameNerd246 ~Koneko~ ~Muffin~ ... *sob*
ooc-I got all the links: Hotaru- http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x...otaru55zi6.jpg Yaten- http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y24...nshi/yaten.jpg Maya-http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l1...tsume/KA35.jpg Hao-http://i159.photobucket.com/albums/t132/jank852/OHK.jpg Haseo-http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/?...o&pageOffset=1 Emarix-http://i194.photobucket.com/albums/z...Alexandria.jpg Yelnxats-http://s198.photobucket.com/albums/a...nt=Dorell1.jpg Emi-http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/ff6/BladedxBlood/Anime Girl/71.jpg Yumiko-http://i242.photobucket.com/albums/f...l/153e1c59.jpg Amxi-http://i100.photobucket.com/albums/m.../AnimeGirl.jpg Kite-http://photobucket.com/mediadetail/?...&pageOffset=16 Krystal-http://toybox.gn.to/cg-etc/rikku(s).jpg Enkai-http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/a...nimegirl58.jpg
Is full of banned members D: Arc, kairi_of_kh... And its not that long D:
Rae Rae knew school would be done soon. She was happy but also somewhat upset. She hadnt had much fun... She also hadnt found a boyfriend. "Ah well..." she said quietly.
Enkai stopped and whirled around. "Oh my gosh are you okay?" she asked, crouching down beside Hotaru.
Enkai looked around. "Maybe it was HIM." she said, worried now. She backed up a few steps then started running.
Enkai nodded. But she was too freaked to move. "WHAT IF HE IS WATCHING US RIGHT NOW?!?" she asked, frightened.
Enkai's eyes got wider. "Yeah good idea...But when he brings his whip, if he wants to rape, we RUN."
"EEK! Did you see that? The light just went out and now its totally dark which means that Xemnas could come in here and then with his whi--" she said, not taking a breath, but she stopped talking not wanting to scare Hotaru.
Enkai walked down the hall. It was eerie to be alone in the hallway. A light flickered off above her head. Her eyes went wide. "Hello...?" she called. She didnt want to be alone in this hallway.
Enkai tossed the empty duffel aside and walked out into the hallway to find someone to talk to.
Enkai opened her eyes slowly and then realized that she had fallen asleep. She jumped up and quickly began unpacking, trying to get caught up.
Enkai went into the dorm and picked a bed. She dropped the duffel onto it and it thudded. She leaned backwards onto the bed. She had gotten up so early that she began to fall asleep. ooc-school time =/
Enkai bent down and pulled out her water bottle, throwing the water onto Hotaru. "Dont faint! I have a cellphone to call the police if he DOES." ooc-I'ma randomly pop off soon....bed time soon. ><
"He has this raping whip thing that he uses on girls." Enkai explained, her eyes wide. Her aunt had told her everything.
..... o.O Should I be scared? *five minutes later* rofl
Enkai pulled away and felt like puking. "Xemnas, right?" she asked, looking up. Her aunt had told her about him.
"Thank you so very very much!" Enkai said. She held open the door. "Anyway I'm Enkai. What's your name?" she asked, leaning against the door now.
Enkai followed, leaning to one side because the duffel seemed heavier.