Grr, Vegas had to be a butt and ruin some of my text...*sigh* no time to re-render this. Sorry guys, I'm going...
It's at 61% now....hopefully there will be no more surprises x3 it's almost the entire song, so this could take a while
Rendering your present...this is the scary part xD
I'll try...people are starting to avoid me for coughing all the time xD Meh, school lunch isn't exactly good for you anyways x) I just eat random...
...I don't know, I think I'll suffer a little longer xD (Yes, I have that dreaded fear of doctors....*shivers* I'm trying to get my work done...
I don't stay sick this long very often...he's sick too, and he got his like a week before me...that guy is like a callous, he doesn't get sick xD...
Thanks, I'll try...It's been over a week and I'm still sick. xD I didn't get to finish DarkRoxas's present so I just gave him what I had plus a...
I now hate online school. Even if I cheat I can't get a good grade on the tests. xD And WHY is building a webpage relevant in psychology!?
Still, you deserve something soon...I wish I just had more time. I think DarkRoxas's birthday present is going to be late too! (Well he didn't...
Well my mom always tells me I need to get more sun anyways x) What's really funny is you can tell I'm sick by looking at my hair xD I don't know...
I thought it was hilarious xD Happy birthday to me. Well it's still going on...the skin around my nose is so raw it's peeling xD I do not look...
Yeah but I feel bad because I'm late for yours and I was so close to the end and you deserve something really special and...I just fail. xD
Must be the optimism...or the lack of highschool stress xD
Aww, he didn't mean it x3 He's just had a long day. Just got out of a fight with Sephiroth xD jk
Look at us optimists go xD Me too! Well really, I look at it like one of those games that is just too good to compare to anything xD Seriously,...
After a whole week of being hugged, breathed on, yelled at, and everything in between,I managed to get sick by accepting a birthday present.
Me: at least I can work on Sonic's present... oh wait, then I have to touch the computer...and potentially get my whole house sick.... Sigh, why...
Thanks...well I got a short, surprise visit from my best friend...and she got me sick xD gotta postpone everyone's presents a little...
You better not! ..well, you tend to seem healthier than me and Starlight xD maybe it's a homeschooling thing