I hope that's what you meant xD Marriage can be a beautiful thing. It's like a sleepover that never ends x3 Imagine all the videogames you could...
So tired of school. http://princesskairixxx.deviantart.com/art/Roxas-407080662?ga_submit_new=10%253A1381701676 ...well, back to homework.
Well he is scary! xD I think i'm over it though...well I'll see when I try to fall asleep tonight x) Sonic, that is the saddest thing I've ever...
Yeah...I'm scared of the hero of your favorite videogame. xD I need help. And what is that supposed to mean, young man?! xD Well it looked good in...
If you think about it when you're trying to sleep, don't try to laugh it off...you will hear the laugh in the music xD I still can't walk into my...
Well, it will be more of a thrill xD but I don't know if you want to do it...if you have to get up early tomorrow, then don't x) Yeah, it's taken...
Watch at your own risk, my dear knight. xD (it is much more effective if you are stupid like me and you watch in the dark...many times) I know! I...
Almost as evil as Sonic easter eggs xD OH MY GOSH SONIC. This has been keeping me awake at night for some time now. You need to know about this....
It is...I hate public school so much. xD Do you think if I posted a video on this site, you might be able to recognize it, or have you not heard...
Good luck :D That's awesome xD I bet it was lots of fun. I haven't played KH in almost two years now...
Sorry for the late reply, I've had a lot of schoolwork to catch up on...and yesterday I had to get up at 6 in the morning to take the SAT xP 6 and...
...and me xD Even though I've never played the game
Really? It's from a Sonic game x3 A part of the game that probably scarred a bunch of children
I'm assuming you got the reference x3 I could not sleep last night. That was creeping me the heck out. xD
"Fun is infinite."
I'm too young for back pain and grey hairs...
Thanks...I'm gonna need it. xD
None...I think I'm going to have to spend 2 years in a local college so I can get decent grades and transfer to the private school I wanted to...
I feel ten times more dead every time I look for a college. -_-'
Alright, I lied, one last thing before I go x3 Until like, Thanksgiving. Ugh. I don't wanna go. Well anyways,...