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  1. Axel's#1fangirl
    Ok, now that was just awesome! pwnful work!

    I like how you interperted the conversation between them on the moon beach place.

    Awesomeness all around!
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: Archives
  2. Axel's#1fangirl
    yeah, i love them! they rock! You're quite an artist! :D

    Thank you! :D

    thank you!

    Thanks for reading!

    I am not saying anything.
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: Archives
  3. Axel's#1fangirl
    You kidding me? I have a MILLION pics of her! (hey, i draw a lot :))

    i actually have ones worse than that (hard to believe, i know)

    in fact, i may put up a few of them later, just to show how Xed came along by means of how she looked. She looked WAY different before!
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: Archives
  4. Axel's#1fangirl
    yep, but i'm not calling it 'dive to the heart'. All it was...well, you'll find out later.

    I'm not saying anything.

    Kuxir is pronounced: Koo-zir. :)

    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: Archives
  5. Axel's#1fangirl
    oh i see! :D

    aww, you're too kind

    YEEEE!! Thank ya! :D

    Yeah, I wanted Riku to have a big part in my story, and trust me, he has a MAJOR part!

    I thought it'd be interesting to have him go through what sora did, and see how e'd react.


    Sora- runs away from the monster
    Riku- stays and fights

    you sorta see how they are, which is REALLY impportant later! :D trust me on that :D

    Thank you! :D

    lol, i had no idea what the thing Roxas fought was called, so i had to look it up.

    I found out it was called Twilight Thorn.



    That REALLY doesn't make sense...but w/e lol :)

    I'm still not saying anything. You could be RIGHT, you could be WRONG.

    You'll just haveta wait n seeeeee..... *she says in a singsong voice*

    And thank you! :D


    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: Archives
  6. Axel's#1fangirl

    Yeah, i let my mind wander a lot, and i thought a lot about it.

    It all began with a sketch diary for christmas.... XD
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: Archives
  7. Axel's#1fangirl
    Thank you! I drew it one day when i was sitting outside :)
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: Archives
  8. Axel's#1fangirl
    lol me too, it's fun! :D
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: Archives
  9. Axel's#1fangirl
    thank you! That's the idea :D

    They're lines from the LSSP trailer? Which ones are you talking about?

    yeah, i didn't mean for it to be so long, but if I were to split it, it wouldn't work so well :)

    Oh, and enjoy no being confused for now, because things are gonna get crazier by the chapter! I promise you that :D

    Hmmmm...i honestly didn't think of the name of it...

    you'll find out what it is later (aka when i pick a name for it XD)

    And thank you! :D

    Thank you! Next chapter should be out tues or weds :)

    thank you! :D lol, it was sorta funny, cuz i was thinking about the boss battle in the future chapters one night. Then, i went to sleep. and when i woke up, i told myself i was going to play the boss today. But then i remembered that it wasn't real XDDD

    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: Archives
  10. Axel's#1fangirl
    Chapter 2!!!


    Demyx: *eats popcorn*
    Sora: Where'd you get the money for it?
    Demyx: *shifty eyes* I found it...
    Xigbar: *checks pockets* HEY!!! WHERE'S THE FIVE BUCKS I HAD IN MY POCKET???
    Demyx: *sinks into seat*

    (Violet and Rose come into the theater)

    All Nobodies: VIOLET AND ROSE?!?!?
    Axel: What are you guys doing here?!!?!?!?
    Violet: We're here to see the movie; we're in it.
    Riku: You're in the movie?
    Rose: Yes.
    Kairi: No you're not!
    Violet: Yes, we are!
    Marluxia: Hey fg, are these two in the movie?
    Me: *checks script* Nope, they aren't in it.
    Kairi: HA! Told ya!
    Violet: *shows fangs*
    Kairi: SORA!!! *clings to Sora*
    Me: The movie's about to start!!!

    (everyone takes a seat)

    Me: Here we go!

    ~Chapter 2~

    “Riku! Riku! Wake up, Riku!â€

    Riku’s eyes opened rapidly and he sat up straight, nearly falling out of his chair. He was breathing hard and fast, sweat dousing his face. Taking a shaky breath, he leaned forward in his chair, burying his face -no, Ansem’s face- in his gloved hands. Namine, who had awaken Riku, looked down at her friend in concern.
    “Riku…I mean, Ansem, are you alright?†she asked. Riku muffled some sort of reply, before standing up. He had seemed to calm down, but his eyes were still wide and wild with fear and pain.
    “I’m going for a walk.†He said simply, striding towards the door on the quickstep, leaving the young blonde standing there, confused.



    The cool, moist air of the dawn was refreshing, the still-dark sky was soothing, helping Riku to relax. He took in a breath of frustration. This had been the fourth time this week that he’d had the same nightmare. And yet, he had no idea who the girl was. He knew parts of his dream were real: him being in Darkness with the King, him escaping, Castle Oblivion, leaving with DiZ to wake up Sora. But everything else was only part of the dream…

    Wasn’t it…?

    It had to be! He couldn’t recall a single person he’d ever known named Raemond. He never made a promise to walk the Twilight path…

    Or did he…?

    Riku grunted. All of this thinking was starting to give him a headache. Along with the sun. It was so bright, that he had to place his hand up to shield the sun.

    Wait a minute…it was dawn…

    The sun shouldn’t be up…and this bright…

    Riku looked out at the scenery.

    Now, he KNEW there was something wrong…

    Instead of stepping out of the Twilight Town Mansion and into the small, gated courtyard in from of it—

    —He had stepped out…into an ocean???

    Riku quickly looked down to see that he was standing on top –yes, ON TOP- of the surface of what he presumed to be an ocean. The sun was up high in the all-blue, cloudless sky: the middle of the day. He looked out to see there was someone else on top of the water too, only two or three yards away from him. They were facing away from him, with their back to him.

    A girl.

    With short honey-brown hair.

    With a white, knee-length dress.

    Riku’s eyes widened.

    It was her! The girl from the nightmares! He just knew it was her!

    “Hey!†Riku called out to the girl, trying to get her attention. He had so many questions to ask her, so many answers he wished to receive. For months now he’d been having nightmares about her, and with each one, he missed her more and more, although he could’ve sworn that they’d never met before…scratch that, he WAS sure they’d never met before.

    “Do you remember?â€

    Riku looked back up at the girl. Had she spoken?

    “You don’t remember.â€

    “Y-yes, I do.†Riku said, taken back by how icy the words were, in comparison to how she spoke in his nightmares.

    “You don’t remember her. You remember me.â€

    “Huh?†he was confused now.

    “Forget her. Only I matter. Remember me, Riku. Not her…

    Just then, the girl started to turn around to face Riku. As she turned around, the sun began to sink into the sky. And as she turned, she began to change as well. Her white dress turned black. The sun was now nearing the horizon; a star or two could be seen. Her honey-brown hair turned into a dirty-blonde color. The sun was now gone, the sky pitch black, glittering with stars. She was now facing Riku, her expressionless and emotionless gray eyes fixed with his –no, Ansem’s- golden ones in an icy stare. Riku pulled away from her stare to look at the water he was standing on. Around the girl, the water was hardening, changing from water, to ice, to…glass? It spread, until Riku was standing on glass himself.

    “Forget her Riku, remember me…â€

    The glass beneath him shattered, and Riku started to fall…


    So much to do…

    Riku opened his eyes. He was lying on something cold and hard. He pushed himself to his feet and looked around. He was in some dark place, standing on top of some clear glass platform.

    So little time…

    The voice came back. It wasn’t the voice of that girl, but a different one. Some how, it reminded him of his own voice…

    Take your time…

    “Take my time?†Riku said, aloud. “Doing what?â€

    Don’t be afraid…

    Riku crossed his arms.
    “I’m not afraid…â€

    But what do you do…

    He felt a tingling sensation take over his body, and he began to glow and off-white color.


    The glowing stopped. Riku looked out, to find that everything looked darker. Did something happen to his vision? He brought his hand up to his eyes, and felt there was some type of cloth over his eyes. He pulled it off—

    To see that it was his blindfold!
    That hadn’t been a part of him since he had changed…
    Riku looked down at the glass beneath him, and gasped softly.

    He…looked like himself again!

    He had his silver locks back, and his sea-green eyes!

    When time is up?

    The glass beneath him shattered once again, sending his falling into the dark abyss below. He landed with thud on another glass platform. This time it was a bright yellow color.

    The roads that lie ahead are rough…
    But you can face them…
    After all, you’ve done it before…

    Riku stood up and brushed himself off. He looked up to see a bright yellow light shine down from the darkness overhead.

    Step forward…Can you do it?

    He shrugged, and walked easily into the Light.

    Very Good.

    The glass underneath shattered yet again, and Riku fell into the black abyss yet again. This time, he landed on the next platform on his feet, with a softer and less painful thud. The glass platform this time was a dark purple color.

    Sometimes, there is not always light…
    We must sometimes rely on Darkness…

    A little ways away, a dark purple light shone from the darkness above.

    Step forward…Can you do it?

    Riku took a step back. That light…it was the same exact light he had walked into when entering the Darkness the first time…he wasn’t going to walk back into it again…

    Hesitant? You had no problem stepping into the Light before…

    “That’s because the light didn’t betray me…†Riku muttered.

    Why not the Darkness?

    “It’ll pull me in!†Riku shouted to the Darkness. “It’ll control me again!â€

    Put trust in the Darkness.
    Put trust in yourself.

    “Trust? In myself?â€

    Riku gulped. He wasn’t sure about this. But, he felt like he needed to prove to someone…himself…that he could do this. That he could control it. That he could control himself.

    He stepped forward into the Darkness.


    Riku sighed, relieved.

    Just then, the platform shattered, catching Riku off guard. He landed hard on the next platform. Standing up and looking around, he observed that this time, the platform was a milky white color.

    Sometimes, Light and Darkness combine, to form Twilight…


    A white light shone down from the Darkness sky.

    Now, Light and Darkness act as one.
    Can you embrace both?

    Seeing that he walked into the Light and Darkness before, both at the same time shouldn’t be too hard.

    Riku walked forward into the Twilight.

    He couldn’t help but think about that girl from his nightmares…what was her name again?

    But, what happens…
    When Light and Darkness rip away…
    To reveal a void?

    The glass shattered rapidly, once again surprising Riku. This time, he slammed down hard onto the next platform, with such strength that he wouldn’t have been shocked if it shattered again due to the force. Riku moaned aloud with pain and he slowly pulled himself to his feet. He looked around.

    There was nothing. Only black…

    Midnight arises.

    Midnight…why did that sound so familiar?

    In Midnight, our truths cannot be hidden.

    Just then, at the other side of the platform, a mirror arose from the darkness. Then, more mirrors rose up from the ground, cutting off from the rest of the platform, creating a path for Riku to walk.

    Go on, step forward towards the mirror.
    Trust yourself.

    With a soft breath, Riku began to walk forward, down the mirror path. As he walked towards the farthest mirror, he glanced at the other mirrors as he passed. It seemed that, as he walked further down the path, his reflections in the mirror became darker and darker; they became harder to see, until he could no longer see himself, for the Darkness clouded the mirrors.

    As we step into Midnight…
    We lose sight of who we are…

    Riku reached the mirror at the end. With one last, nervous breath, he walked forward and looked into the mirror. He gasped, utterly shocked.

    He could see a reflection…

    …but it wasn’t his!

    The person in the mirror looked just like him, with a few changes. His clothes were all black. His hair was not an illustrious sliver, but a raven black. His eyes weren’t a deep sea-green, but a menacing golden yellow. Riku jumped back.

    T-t-that couldn’t be him!

    We step into the bliss of nothingness…
    And become nothingness ourselves…

    The person in the mirror stepped out towards Riku. Riku jumped back again. He was starting to become freaked out. Suddenly, the person grew taller and wider, at least 20 times Riku’s size! He transformed into something that was a cross between a Heartless and a Nobody. His new form was now white and black, but those menacing eyes remained.

    Riku’s eyes were wide with fear.

    He started to back up slowly…

    But don’t be afraid…


    Riku stopped backing up.

    If this thing was…him…he had to face it. Now. Riku took a step forward towards the monstrous beast.

    That’s it! Be strong.

    Riku grit his teeth in fierce determination.

    He summoned his Keyblade, the Way to Dawn.

    He gripped the cool weapon’s handle, felt the weapon’s energy and magic flow through him.

    Stay strong.

    Boss Battle:

    The monster rose into the sky, and erupted into fiery white and black flames. The flames encircled Riku, trapping him. The platform shook, and then shattered.

    Everything was spinning…

    But don’t be afraid…

    The Light, the Darkness, Twilight, Midnight…

    You hold one of the mightiest weapons of all…

    All mixing into one…

    So do not forget…

    Everything grew darker, if possible…

    You are one of Four…

    There were bright flashes of white in front of Riku. He was still falling…

    Who will open the door…






    Luxord: My gosh, that was a long one!
    Xaldin: Tell me about it!
    Demyx: Luxord, can I--
    Luxord: No!
    Demyx: *pouts*
    Sora: Hey! Riku went through like what I did with the platforms and the annoying voice!
    Me: That's the idea :)
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: Archives
  11. Axel's#1fangirl
    BOSS #1:

    Boss Name: Midnight Fright

    Health Points: 1 ½ Bars

    Difficulty: 2-3 (due to the need for good reflexes)

    Level Recommended: N/A (first battle)

    Character to Fight with: Riku

    Allies: None

    Necessary to complete: Yes

    Prize: N/A


    The Boss Battle for Midnight Fright is extremely like fighting Darkside (from KH1) and Twilight Thorn (from KH2) at the same time, with a few extra things added.

    When the battle starts, Midnight Fright dives off the edge of the platform, and disappears for a short while. You’ll just be standing there for a few seconds, but keep your finger on the triangle button.

    Suddenly, a short scene will occur where the platform starts shaking, and then it bursts into many shards. Press the triangle button when it flashes on the screen, and Riku will immediately grab onto one of the shards.

    Hold down the triangle button, because then all the shards start to spin around, and if you let go of the button even for one second, you fall of, and you’re dead (XD). After a moment or two, the shards stop spinning, and they’ll just float in mid-air, and start to create a stairway. At the end of the stairway, Midnight Fright will appear.

    Using good timing, jump from shard to shard to get up to Midnight Fright. But, he’s not just going to wait for you to just come up and hit him! He’ll create Shadow Heartless and dark orbs (Darkside’s attacks) and he’ll create those waves of black and white bolts (Twilight Thorn’s attack) to stop you. Don’t bother fighting the Heartless, just dodge them and keep jumping towards Midnight Fright.

    Tip: If you are taking too much damage from his attacks, stop for a moment to kill some of the Shadow Heartless. They release health orbs.

    After a minute or two, you’ll reach the final shard that leads to Midnight Fright. Just jump off towards him, and start pressing the ‘X’ button, landing as many combos and hits on him as you can. He’ll roar, but just keep hitting him. Don’t worry about falling, because, as long as you press the ‘X’ button, you’ll stay afloat in the air.

    After a moment or two of this, there’ll be a white flash, and the two of you will fall down on the platform (much like Roxas and Twilight Thorn do). Riku will automatically get up, so as soon as he does, run over to Midnight Fright, whom is still knocked-out, and give him a taste of your Keyblade! You can probably land two or three combos on him before he wakes up. When he revives, he’ll blast you backwards (Note: You WILL take some damage from this, but it’s not too much) towards the edge of the platform, so look for the green triangle to flash on the screen. When it does, quickly press the triangle button, and Riku will stab the edge of the platform with his Keyblade (like Roxas does), stopping him from falling over the edge (and dying).

    By now, Midnight Fright should have about ¾ of his health gone, leaving only ¾ of his health left (how convenient ;))

    The platform will shatter again, and the entire battle will start over again from the beginning.

    Tip: Remember to press the triangle button to stop yourself from falling! Or else it’s GAME OVER!

    The whole process will repeat once more, exactly how it went the first time.

    Just dodge, attack, have good timing, and attack some more, and victory will be yours!

    This IS NOT a difficult battle!!!

    The hardest part is probably getting your timing right. As long as you have good reflexes and can press the triangle button quickly, then you will be fine. If you don’t have good reflexes…you may want to work on that…


    Good luck and happy fighting! J
    Thread by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 17, 2007, 36 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. Axel's#1fangirl


    It could very well be him...

    And it can very well NOT be him...

    But you know me... *evil smile*
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: Archives
  13. Axel's#1fangirl
    Thank you!

    I'm NOT saying it's Xed's somebody name.

    But thanks for the compliment. :D

    :D Ch 2 will be out today (i gotta draw a few more things to go with the story first, but it'll be out soon cuz we're taking my dad out to dinner for Fathers day :D)

    And I'd actually like to start BMTL today, once the drawings are done, and the LSSP chapter is up



    Axel: ...I'd rather sit with her than you!

    Me: *cries*

    Demyx: Awww thats so mean Axel! *huggles fg* You can sit with me.

    Me: Squeee!!! *huggles Demyx*

    I'm not sure; just wait and see!

    Well, its supposed to be totally random!

    Whats the deal with Organization XIII being alive and watching this?

    It's just like they made a movie, and now they're watching it. Think of it like that. :D

    Oh, and trust me, this is ONLY the beginning of the randomness!

    Today, maybe around...2 or 3 pm? (over here where i live). Thats in about... 1 to 2 hours. I have to finish drawing some pictures, and then upload them. After that, i can put up chapter 2! (i wrote all of it yesterday :3)
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: Archives
  14. Axel's#1fangirl
    lol :) I sure will

    lol :D yup, December! I got this sketch diary, and i started LSSP sketches in yea, i started the LSSP then :)
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: Archives
  15. Axel's#1fangirl

    *** When did I start thinking about the LSSP? You’ll never believe me if I tell you, but here goes:


    Yep, I’ve been thinking about it since then, drawing pictures, and making ideas for this story. And let me tell you, it drove me nuts waiting until the summer to finally get to write it!

    *** Have you people read my other stories? Well, here’s a bit of a secret for you:

    Some stories have parts in them that link to the LSSP!!!

    As you read, try and pick them out, and if you see something that occurs, yell it out on the thread! :D

    *** How’d I get the title for the LSSP? Quite honestly, I don’t know… I think I was just thinking about the title, thought about what I wanted to include in it, and came up with the rhyme of ‘Kingdom Hearts 2 3, Shards of Broken Destiny’. And, it just stuck! So, the SOBD title was born!

    NEW!!!!!! 7/5

    ***When and how did I come up with Kuxir's name? I came up with it in a car one night, when I was just thinking, and I was bored. Originally, I was going to have either Sora or Riku diguise themself as a Nobody and sneak into the Organization to find out what was going on. After some thought, I decided to make Riku join. When he came in, he said he had no Heart, but Xed could tell he was lying. Riku asked for her help, so she convinced everyone else he was a Nobody, and she gave him the name Kuxir, since he was in the Organization now. Later, I just decided to make Kuxir as a complete other person.

    ***In my original plans for the LSSP, I was going to make Sora lose his Heart. LOL! But, after much consideration, I decided not to. Or have I? *evil smile*

    ~~~ More to Come!!! ~~~

    Yea, I know the list is rather wimpy right now, but hey, there's only one chapter out!

    And I gotta be careful about what I say...I might give something away.... *shifty eyes*
    Thread by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 16, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: Archives
  16. Axel's#1fangirl
    lol thank you! :D

    hehe I feel so bad for Riku XD

    lol XDDDD Riku!!!
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 16, 2007 in forum: Archives
  17. Axel's#1fangirl
    :D No problem :)
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 16, 2007 in forum: Archives
  18. Axel's#1fangirl
    lol, i'm surprised too. I was expecting at least one person would have something negative to say (doesnt that happen to every story? :))

    OH NO VEXEN!!!!! *runs*

    lol thank you!

    I wanted to add the conversations for a bit off added humor in them, and to make it seem that your 'watching' the LSSP at a movie theater with everyone else :)

    Trust me, these will get funnier and funnier!


    Luxord: NO GOSH-DURNIT!!!!
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 16, 2007 in forum: Archives
  19. Axel's#1fangirl
    Yeah, sure!

    *adds you to list*

    Its not gonna come out for a while now, cuz if it does, parts can ruin the story :) But i'll let you know when it does come out, kay? :D
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 16, 2007 in forum: Archives
  20. Axel's#1fangirl
    lol thanks!


    I'm not saying anything about anyone.

    XD Riku... XDDD

    yeeee!!! Thank ya! :D

    Thank you!

    Theories? Cant wait to hear em' :)

    yay! thanks! :D:D:D
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 15, 2007 in forum: Archives