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  1. Axel's#1fangirl
    Thank you, but you don't have to be a member to read it. anyone can :)

    And yeah, i admit, this one was REALLY boring, but it was a filler :)

    The next chapters are gonna be a lot more exciting!

    thank you :)

    DONT HUG ME!!! *eyes twitches*

    and thank you :D
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Archives
  2. Axel's#1fangirl
    Thank you! :D

    lol thanks :) but the next ch wont come out till tomorrow night, or saturday :) right now ima go work on a vid i've wanted to get done for a while now :D
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Archives
  3. Axel's#1fangirl
    Ch 4 wootness! :D:D:D


    (Donald, Goofy, and Namine walk into the theater)

    Sora: Hey! What took you all so long!
    Donald: Long popcorn line.
    Namine: Yep.
    Xigbar: Fg when does the movie start? I'm bored!!!
    Me: Aww, stop whining! It'll be up in a minute!
    Xigbar: *pouts*
    Violet: Hey, when is there going to be more violence?
    Me: Uhhh...Next chapter...
    Demyx: But didn't you say there'd be a fight this chapter?
    Me: Well, I lied.
    Kairi: Lying isn't a good thing.
    Me: Yeah well, I'm the writer so I'm allowed to lie.
    Saix: So you promise next chapter?
    Me: Yes, I promise; this chapter woulda been too long if there was a fight.

    (Axel runs in)

    Me: Why?
    Axel: Because they're coming after me!!
    Me: Who?
    Axel: NixonandHexen JUST START IT!!!!
    Me: Okay okay! sheesh...

    ~Chapter 4~

    “I had another dream about him last night.”

    “Really? Another nightmare?”

    “No, this time it was just a dream.”

    “I see.”

    “I still couldn’t hear his voice, but I got to see some of his friends, I think.”

    “That’s good.”

    “I also got to see what colors he was.”


    “Yeah, he had blue eyes, and blonde hair and…are you ok?”

    “Huh? Uh…yeah, I have to go now.”

    “What for?”

    “Nothing important, I’ll be back.”



    “Gee Sora, Ahyuck! We sure missed a lot in the past year!”

    Sora nodded and smiled at Goofy.
    “But, what bugs me is how we got to sleeping in the first place.” He crossed his arms. “I mean we found Kairi, stopped Ansem, helped Riku and the King close the door…and that’s it, I think.” Donald rolled his eyes.
    “It doesn’t matter!” he said. “Master Yen Sid told us everything we need to know, so let’s get going!” Goofy nodded.
    “Yeah!” Sora smiled.
    “We’re going to Hollow Bastion first, right?”

    (A/N – By now, Sora has his new outfit, all right? Ok! Just so ya know :))


    “Woah!” Sora breathed, as he ran out of the Gummi ship and up to a nearby balcony. Donald and Goofy followed, equally as breathless. The three stared up at the castle that towered above them.
    “The must have been doin’ some work while we we’re gone.” Goofy said. Donald turned to the two of them.
    “I wonder how Leon and the gang have been doing.” Sora shrugged.
    “Let’s go find out!” Donald then pointed up to a rooftop.
    “Look!” he shouted. The other two turned around.

    The party saw about four Soldier Heartless jumping around on the roof. Then, they disappeared.

    “Heartless.” Sora hissed.
    “We can take them!” Donald said, running off towards a set of stairs, with Goofy following. Sora took one last look around, and then ran off to meet up with the others.


    “Our little hero has arrived.”

    “Is that so?”

    “Perhaps we should greet him?”

    “Of course! It’d only be polite to do so…”

    “Where’s Number XIII?”

    “Down at Hollow Bastion, why do you ask?”

    “Do not let them meet. Understand? Number XIII and the Keyblade Bearer are NOT to meet.”



    “Hey guys!”

    Sora, Donald, and Goofy looked up to see a certain ninja with short black hair standing up on a wall, smiling and waving at them.
    “Yuffie!” The three called, smiling. She laughed, and then jumped down from the wall and landed on the ground before them.
    “Long time no see! Doing well, I can tell.” She said, smiling. Sora raised his arms up and placed them behind his head.
    “Well, what did you expect?” he said. “You look like you’re doing ok too!” She chuckled.
    “Well, what did YOU expect?” he said.
    “Hey Yuffie,” Goofy said, looking over at her, “Have you seen the King and Riku?” She shook her head.
    “Nope. Maybe Leon knows where they are.”
    “Where is he?” Donald asked.
    “He’s down at Merlin’s house with the rest of the gang. Why don’t you guys come along? We could use your help!”
    “Sure!” Sora said excitedly. With that, the four friends ran off towards Merlin’s house.


    “So let me get this straight, guys: there’s a new group of enemies called Nobodies along with the Heartless. The Heartless are under the control of some guy named Pete, and the Nobodies are under the control of a group of Nobodies called Organization XIII?”

    Sora, Donald, and Goofy nodded at Leon.
    “Yeah, but we really don’t have to worry about Pete.” Goofy chimed in.
    “Yeah, this Pete guy doesn’t look smart enough to tie his own shoes.” Sora said, fighting back a soft laugh. “The one we need to worry about is the Organization XIII.”

    “Oh, you’re too kind.”

    The four looked around to see where the voice had come from.

    “This calls for a celebration…”

    Suddenly, a number of Dusk Nobodies sprung up from the ground, and started closing in on Sora, Donald, goofy, and Leon. They all summoned their weapons.

    “Let’s see what the Keyblade can do when it’s put to work.”


    After slaying the last Nobody, Sora sprinted out of the gate and towards the large wall.

    “The Keyblade…a truly marvelous weapon…”

    Donald, Goofy, and Leon ran out to meet Sora.

    “…Were it only in more…capable hands…”

    The four heard a chorus of laughter. Sora grit his teeth.

    “Show yourself!” he shouted.


    Just then, on top of the wall, 12 figures appeared through black portals. They all wore a long, black trench coat with the hoods up, concealing their faces.

    “Is this the Organization XIII?” Leon asked Sora. Sora nodded. The figure in the center of the other figures laughed.
    “So, our hero has arrived.” He said. Goofy raised an eyebrow.
    “Hero? What do you mean?” he asked.
    “The hero who will save us from the cruel fate we’re doomed to. The Keyblade Master.” Sora narrowed his eyebrows.
    “Like we’re saving you from anything!” he scoffed. The lead figure shook his head.
    “What a shame. And here I thought we could be friends.”
    “Friends?! Yeah right!” Donald shouted angrily. The lead figure smirked under the shadows set upon his face. Without another word, the 12 figured vanished in their black portals.
    “Hey! Wait!” Sora called after them, running down the stairs, hoping to catch up with where they were going. Just then, another portal opened in front of them, and one of the cloaked figures from before stepped out. Donald and Goofy ran up to where Sora was.
    “Move it!” Donald yelled.
    “Oopsi-Dasiy!” the figure said, his accent much like a surfer’s. “I think you got the wrong impression.” Sora grit his teeth and summoned his Keyblade.
    “Move or we’ll make you move!” he shouted. The figure laughed.
    “See, that would work if I were just any old dude.” He said, crossing his arms. “‘Cept I’m not. I’m with the Organization! Nothin’ ‘any old’ about me!” Sora rolled his eyes.
    “Tough talk for someone who stood on the sidelines while his Nobodies flunkies did all the fighting!” he said angrily, glaring at him. The figure laughed.
    “That’s right!” he exclaimed, still laughing. “He used to give me that same exact look!” Sora raised an eyebrow. The figure smirked under his hood. “You just better not let her see that look. She might catch on.” Sora narrowed his eyes.
    “Are you done rambling?” he demanded. The figure rolled his eyes.
    “Rambling? As if!” The four of them stood there in silence for a moment, before the figure waved.
    “Be a good boy now!” he said, disappearing in a dark portal. Once he was gone, the three relaxed. Sora turned towards Donald and Goofy.
    “Who did I remind him of?” he asked, utterly confused.
    “Aww…I think he was just tryin’ to confuse ya!” Goofy said. Sora nodded, smiling.
    “Yeah!” he agreed, placing his hands be hind his head. “So let’s get going!”
    “To where?” Donald asked. Goofy shrugged.
    “We should keep checking out this place for more Heartless and Nobodies.” He suggested.
    “Yeah, and we should look for Riku here!” Sora said.
    “And the King!” Donald piped in. The party nodded in agreement, and ran off to check Hollow Bastion out.

    “Destiny calls,
    For a Hero,
    For a Savior,
    For a Sacrifice,
    Destiny calls,
    Can’t you hear it?
    So loud, so clear.
    Destiny calls,



    Goofy: That was a good one!
    Me: Thank you! :D
    Riku: Hey, is Bring Me To Life up yet?
    Me: Yup! Just put it up today!


    Me: Enjoy peoples! :D
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Archives
  4. Axel's#1fangirl
    i second that with my drawings. Your monsters are PWNFUL!!!!

    I mostly cartoon :)

    ha! I take that bet! ur head will TOTALLY explode!!!

    and the next chapter...most likely tomorrow, but if i start now, i might get it done late tonight (i have to make a battle for this chapter, but its a short one)

    okay then..if ur sure, lol :) i haven't cried for...about a month. maybe two. it just gave me a headache when i thought about it lol XD

    lol thank you! :D Yeah, i wanted Sora to say thanks to Namine :D which was annoying in the regular game, cuz he never did!

    YEEE!! Thank ya!

    i cry seriously at the weirdest times.

    i NEVER cry at sad movies, like Titanic or whatever. i laugh (???)

    I dont cry at stuff in the news (????)

    i dont cry at sad stuff (??????????)

    last time i cried, it was at night to try something.


    yeah, i'm weird. shoot me.
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Archives
  5. Axel's#1fangirl
    oh trust me, i've got too many baddies for my own good :) But I'd love to see them!
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Archives
  6. Axel's#1fangirl
    lol thanks! :D told ya they'd torture Axel! And this is ONLY the beginning! *evil smile*

    MUAHAHAHA *cough*

    *starts to work on ch 4*

    I think there may be a boss battle in this chapter :)


    Oh, i wouldn't go collecting just yet! Your head will explode (mine nearly did, but i kept it intact by reading the Peanuts comics :3)
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Archives
  7. Axel's#1fangirl

    nope. not saying a thing *evil smile*

    lol, neither can I!

    Last night, to help myself organize one of the more comlicated aspects of this story, i made a list. and boy, is it complicated or what!

    At the end, ima put up the list and an explaination about what went on and how everything connected.


    And ten cookies is ALOT of cookies! :3
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Archives
  8. Axel's#1fangirl
    Thank you! :D

    lol Axel is in for one movie experience XD

    Thanks! I'm not saying anything about the video.

    Thank ya! And trust me.

    Complicated later? Oh, you don't EVEN know the half of it!!!

    And thank you! :D

    lol yeah!

    Me: Oh shut up!
    Axel: WAHHHHH!!!!!! *cries*

    I'm not saying anything about the video.

    lol XD

    And thank you! :D
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Archives
  9. Axel's#1fangirl
    not every chapter, perhaps every few chapters :)

    I think...maybe next chapter might have one (ch 4)

    but trust me, towards the end there maybe one fight per every chapter (some chapters may have 2 fights in them)
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Archives
  10. Axel's#1fangirl
    Ch3 at last! :D


    (Nixon and Hexon walk into the theater)

    Sora: Who are you guys?
    Nixon: Nixon.
    Hexon: Hexon.
    Kairi: Hey Nixon, you're cute!
    Nixon: ...?
    Xaldin: Stop being such a flirt, Kairi.
    Kairi: Where's Namine?
    Riku: I don't know, why do you ask?
    Kairi: She said she'd be here.
    Xemnas: Oh well.
    Hexon: When does the movie start?
    Axel: Beats me.
    Hexon: You're ugly.
    Axel: WHAT?
    Nixon: He said you're ugly. I agree.
    Axel: Do you want me to fry you up?
    Me: Shut up everyone! The movie is starting!!!

    (everyone shuts up)

    ~Chapter 3~





    Riku opened his eyes looked around. He found himself lying on the dirt ground of the courtyard in front of the Twilight Town Mansion. He quickly stood up. The dream –or whatever it was- had been so real! He honestly didn’t know what to think of the whole situation. Everything seemed logical –at least what the voice said was logical- but Riku still was confused. Who was the girl? The voice? And what about the reflection…


    He turned around to see Namine running towards him, an excited smile spread upon her face.
    “Riku Sora is…†she started but then trailed off. She looked up at Riku with awe and amazement in her eyes. Riku raised an eyebrow.
    “What? What are you staring at?†he asked.
    “Riku, you’re—“
    “It’s Ansem.â€
    “No,†She breathed, “It’s Riku! You’re Riku again! Come, look!†Namine grabbed Riku’s hand and pulled him along to the side of the mansion, to one of the windows. Riku looked at the reflections and gasped.

    He WAS himself again!

    His hair was silver again, and his eyes were sea green again!

    “I-I-I can’t believe it!†he said, tugging at his hair to assure himself that what he was seeing was real. Namine looked up at him.
    “How’d you change back?†she asked. Riku shook his head.
    “I don’t know...†he said, his thoughts drifting back to the ‘dream’ or whatever that had just happened. He had changed back to himself in the ‘dream’ as well. Maybe, there was a connection?
    “Riku, I came out here to tell you that Sora will be awakening any moment now.†Namine said, excitedly. Riku smiled, happy that his friend would awaken, even though he didn’t have his Nobody with him…
    “Well, what are we waiting for?†Riku said, rather cheerfully. And with that, the two ran off inside the Mansion.


    “What’s taking so long?â€

    “His memories are just finishing coming back to him. Any second now, he should wake up.â€

    “I’ll stay here with him.â€

    “Okay. I’ll check on Donald and Goofy.â€



    “C’mon Sora, you lazy bum. Wake up!â€


    “C’mon Sora! Wake up!â€



    The Sleeping Pod started to move. Riku looked up to see the layers of it shifting, moving away to reveal Sora, who was floating, his eyes still closed. Riku couldn’t help but chuckle at how ridiculously small Sora’s clothes were on him now. Sora’s eyes opened slowly, letting them adjust to the bright light in the room he was in. He raised his arms and stretched, yawning loudly.


    Sora looked out, to see a certain silver-haired boy standing a little ways away from whatever he was in.


    Sora smiled widely.

    “Riku!†He shouted, jumping down from the Pod he was in. He would’ve fallen over from lack of balance if Riku hadn’t run up to him and steadied him. Once regaining his balance, Sora threw his arms around Riku’s neck in a hug.
    “Riku! I’m so glad your ok!†He exclaimed happily. He truly was happy to see him alive and well. The last time he’d seen him was when they were closing the door to Kingdom Hearts, with Riku being trapped on the inside.
    “I’m glad to see you too, Sora.†Riku replied, gently pulling away from their slightly awkward hug. He smiled at hi friend. “You haven’t changed at all.†Sora crossed his arms.
    “And what’s that supposed to mean?†he said in mock anger, smiling. Riku chuckled. Sora was still the same Sora that he had known. Sora smiled wider. Riku was still the same Riku that he had known.


    Sora and Riku looked over to where two excited voices had called for Sora. A duck clad in blue and a tall dog clad in green and yellow came running over to them.

    “Donald! Goofy!†Sora shouted running over to his two friends. Immediately, they all grasped each others hands in excitement, and started to jump around in a circle, laughing and grinning like idiots. But they didn’t mind. They were just so happy to see each other!

    “I see you two haven’t changed either.†Riku said, smiling over at Donald and Goofy. They all stopped jumping around as Donald and Goofy stared at Riku, who’d they’d just noticed was there.
    “Riku! You’re not trapped in the realm of Darkness anymore!†Donald quacked. Goofy smiled.
    “Ahyuck! You haven’t changed either!†he said. Riku smiled sadly.

    If you only knew…

    “I’m glad to see everyone’s doing well.â€

    Everyone turned to see a blonde haired blue-eyed girl in white walk into the room, smiling softly.
    “Who are you?†Donald asked. Namine giggled softly.
    “I’m Namine.†She replied. Goofy nodded his head and smiled.
    “Donald, Goofy, and Sora.†She finished for him. The three stared at her.
    “H-how did you know our names?†Donald asked. Namine only smiled. Sora struck a thoughtful pose.
    “Namine…have…have we met before?†he asked. Namine looked over at him.
    “Why do you ask?â€
    “I dunno…†Sora said, looking at her. “It just feels like…we’ve met before.†Namine shook her head, chuckling softly.
    “Nope. Never met before. And I know your names because Riku told me.â€
    “Ohhh…†the three chorused, nodding. Riku folded his arms.
    “I’ve got to go meet with the king, so you—“
    “THE KING?!?!†Donald and Goofy exclaimed in unison. Riku jumped back a bit by their sudden outburst.
    “You know where King Mickey is?†Goofy asked. Riku nodded.
    “Yeah he’s down in Hollow Bastion.†Donald smiled.
    “Let’s go seem him!†Sora and Goofy nodded excitedly. Riku put up his hands.
    “Woah, first of all, only I need to go see him right now. Secondly, you need to go see Yen Sid first.â€
    “Yen Sid?†Sora said, confused. “Who’s he?†Donald and Goofy looked at him in disbelief.
    “Who’s Yen Sid?†Donald repeated. “Master Yen Sid taught the King everything about everything!â€
    “Yeah, Ahyuck!†Goofy said. “He’s really powerful and really smart!†Riku nodded.
    “You’ve been asleep for a long time, so you need to catch up on what’s been going on. As the King has put it: ‘More trouble has been brewin’ up in the worlds, and we need to help out.’†The three nodded.
    “Master Yen Sid will help you know what you need to know.†Namine chimed in. She then turned to Riku. “I have to leave now. There’s something I need to take care of.†Riku nodded once. Sora turned towards her.
    “Nice meeting you, Namine!†he said, smiling. She smiled softly.
    “Nice meeting you too, Sora.†She then turned and started to walk away.


    She turned back around to see that Sora had called for her.
    “Thank you.†He said, somewhat shyly. She cocked her head.
    “For what?†she asked. He couldn’t possibly remember…could he? Sora crossed his arms.
    “Hmm…I don’t know what it was for. It just seems that I should say it.†Namine smiled.
    “In that case, you’re welcome.†And with that, she turned and left. Donald turned to Sora and Goofy.
    “Well, let’s get going guys!â€
    “Yeah, we’re gonna need to know a lot so we can help out in the worlds.†Goofy said. Sora nodded.
    “Okay then, let’s go!†Riku walked up to the three of them.
    “Here.†He said, handing them a small pouch. “There’s enough Munny in it for you three to take the train out of here. And, if you see anything, like Heartless or whatever, ignore and avoid them.†Goofy cocked his head.
    “What for?†he questioned. Riku shook his head.
    “Just do it.†Sora nodded.
    “Riku,†he said, “where’s Kairi?†Riku smiled.
    “She’s on the islands, waiting for us.†Sora chuckled, raising a hand and scratching the back of his head.
    “Boy, she’s gonna be real mad at us for making her wait like that.†Riku laughed.
    “Yeah, she always was impatient.†He remarked. They both laughed, before Sora turned away, and started walking away with the others. Once at the door, he turned back around to see Riku.
    “Well, be seeing ya.†He said, giving a small wave as he did. Riku nodded.
    “See ya.†With that, Donald, Goofy, and Sora left off to the train station.


    “What do you think has been going on in the worlds while we were sleeping?â€

    Sora shook his head at Donald.
    “Beats me.†He said simply, before turning back to the window. He watched as the train pulled away from the station and started moving. Sora sighed. Goofy raised an eyebrow.
    “What’s wrong, Sora?†he asked. Sora smiled and shook his head slightly.
    “Nothing. It’s just that…I feel like we’re never going back place.†Donald crossed his arms.
    “Why do you say that?†he asked. Sora shrugged.
    “I don’t know…†he turned back to the window. “I’m just going to miss this place.â€
    “Awww, it’s not like we’re leaving forever. We’ll come back!†Goofy said with a smile.
    “Yeah!†Donald agreed. Sora smiled softly.

    Why does this place seem so…familiar?



    “Another dream about him…â€


    Demyx: Nice one!
    Me: Thanks!
    Roxas: Hey, guys? *looks around* Where's Axel?
    Me: *looks around* Hey, Nixon and Hexon are gone too!
    Riku: This can't be good....

    (somewhere in the girl's bathroom)

    Nixon and Hexon: *laughs hysterically*
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 20, 2007 in forum: Archives
  11. Axel's#1fangirl
    lol sounds like something from Xioalin Showdown? *gets shot for terrible spelling*

    thank you! :D I don't know why i decided to write battles like this. i guess its cuz i love reading how to beat a boss (cuz i usually stink at them XDDDD)

    Thank you! :D
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Archives
  12. Axel's#1fangirl
    yeah! Instead of writing out the batlle, i'm telling how you'd beat the battle
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Archives
  13. Axel's#1fangirl
    I'm still not saying anything. *evil smile*



    *types faster*

    I'm sorry that it's taking so long. it woulda been done by now, but there was a thunder storm over where i live, and i'm not supposed to have my computer on during a thunder storm

    Thank you! :D
    And thank you! *takes a bow*

    I just wanted Riku to have a bigger part; its a shame he doesn't have a bigger part in the real kh2 game :)

    And Sora's cool :D He comes in later

    BMTL will have a weird update schedule, partly because i have to be careful about what i put out. BMTL is GREATLY connected to the SOBD, and if i put up too many chapters, it'll ruin the story (suspense wise). so, the first ch will most likely come out tonight, and i'll end up updating it when a few more ch of SOBD come out :)

    Just as a heads-up about it:

    Bring Me To Life is about Xed. That's all I'll say about who's involved. It'll be like a series of connected one-shots (does that EVEN make sense???), and will stop at the point where SOBD isorta starts :)
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Archives
  14. Axel's#1fangirl
    ROTFLUSE is something i made up :)

    it means: Rolling on the floor laughing until sides explode :)
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Archives
  15. Axel's#1fangirl
    Thank you! :D
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Archives
  16. Axel's#1fangirl
    Thank you! :D I like to remain consistant, because i hate it when stories i read dont update regularly :)

    You could PM me your theories, or keep them to yourself :)

    Trust me, ALL questions WILL be answered! :D


    Awww man! I didn't see the movie yet :(

    Oh well, i figured that would happen...

    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 19, 2007 in forum: Archives
  17. Axel's#1fangirl
    hopefully tomorrow (tues), or weds

    i have the chapter to type, and i think thats it.

    i'll be starting Bring Me to Life tomorrow :D

    oh, you'll see....MUAHAHAHA *cough*

    lol you'll'll see.....
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: Archives
  18. Axel's#1fangirl
    Thank you!

    Naw, he's not hard at all!

    The dude's slow :3

    Now some of the OTHER bosses coming up....oh, now THEY are hard!!!

    But i imagine there wont be another boss for a few chapters

    Thank you! :D
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: Archives
  19. Axel's#1fangirl
    SWEET!!! Thank ya!!! :D:D:D

    They're gonna have a great time with everyone else....*evil smile*
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: Archives
  20. Axel's#1fangirl
    Hmmm...I don't need any new characters right now (trust me, i have like a million OC in my story XD)

    But can I use them in the begining conversations? (you know, where people come into the movie theater and talk about really random stuff before and after the chapters?)

    It'd be fun to add them! :D

    That is, if its okay with you :)
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 18, 2007 in forum: Archives