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  1. Axel's#1fangirl
    Thank ya :D
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: Archives
  2. Axel's#1fangirl
    Oh, you'll see...*evil smile*

    and thank you! I take pride in being about to make other's brains fry :D

    *nod* Sure am! I drew out Xed and Raemond, and took pics of them. Unfortunately, Saix (my durn camera) is acting stupid again, and isn't working at the moment...but, i have an idea for the rest of the characters... *gets to work*

    And thank you! :D
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: Archives
  3. Axel's#1fangirl
    Those look cool, the Sora one especially! But $57? Nah, not worth that much...

    I could find an identical one for less than that...
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jul 2, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. Axel's#1fangirl
    Hehe, hey peoples! Chapter 8 will tell what happened to Roxas!

    And as for the whole 'timeline thing', then thats REALLY complicated too. It'll be explained when i release more Random Facts, which sould be tonight.

    But thanks everone for reading! :D

    (I'm REALLY sorry i didn't get to mail everyone updates. It's just that i cleaned up around my computer, and ended up throwing away my list of people who'd like to be updated *cries* Don't worry though! I'll make a new one as son as i can :D)
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jul 1, 2007 in forum: Archives
  5. Axel's#1fangirl
    I agree with her! LARXENE???? She'd kill him!!!!!

    lol :) But srly, I like it so far! Good job! :D
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 30, 2007 in forum: Archives
  6. Axel's#1fangirl
    Yay! Glad I'm confusing people :) Thanks for reading guys!

    And trust me, EVERYTHING will make sense at one part or another :)
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 30, 2007 in forum: Archives
  7. Axel's#1fangirl
    I'm back! :D:D:D


    Riku: Sheesh! It's about time you came back!
    Me: Shut it >:P
    Demyx: Yay! Is Chapter 7 really here?
    Me: Yep!
    Everyone: YAY!!!!!
    Me: But I have to warn you, this is just the start of all the confusion...
    Xemnas: We can handle it!
    Nixon: Yeah, BRING IT ON!!!!
    Luxord: *throws popcorn at the screen* IT'S SNOWING!!!
    Everyone: o_0
    Luxord: Hehe, Sorry...
    Lexaeus: Any Boss fights?
    Me: Nope, but there is a fight in this chapter.
    Lexaeus: YAY!
    Me: Okay everyone, shut up so I can start the movie!!!

    (Everyone sits down and shuts up)

    ~Chapter 7~

    “HEARTLESS?!?!?!†Riku, The King, Sora, Donald, and Goofy shouted simultaneously, their expressions that of pure confusion, shock, and horror. Xed and Kuxir stood there, slightly amused by their reactions.
    “Yes, I’m a Heartless.†Kuxir said, looking over at Riku. “Your Heartless.†Riku shook his head.
    “I…I don’t understand…†He said. “How did this happen?!?†The Heartless crossed his arms and closed his arms.
    “The moment you stepped into the Darkness, your Heart started to pull away from you. The more you used the Darkness, and the more you trusted and walked through the Darkness, the more your Heart would lean towards it. When that witch Maleficent granted you access into the Darkness, your Heart truly belonged to the Darkness.†He explained, opening his eyes and glaring at Riku. “But that’s not when I was made.â€
    “Wait a minute!†Donald interrupted. “If Riku has a Heartless, does that mean he has a Nobody?â€
    “If you’d let me finish, I’d get to that.†Kuxir replied in an even, yet irritated tone. Donald crossed his arms and frowned. Kuxir looked up.

    “As I was saying, I was created when Riku gave himself up to, as you know him, Ansem. As soon as Ansem stole your body, your Heart was sent spiraling into Darkness, you along with it.

    “Since your Heart was torn from you, you technically ‘lost your Heart’. When a Heart is lost, a Heartless and a Nobody are created. Nobodies take longer to be created than Heartless. I was made immediately, and your Nobody was to come next.

    “But, you found your Heart that was expelled into Darkness, and united with it again. This halted the creation of your Nobody, and a full Heartless. Your Heart was released, but it was recovered quickly. Therefore, an incomplete Heartless was the only thing that was created. That would be me.â€

    “Incomplete?†Sora repeated, putting his hands on his hips. “What does that mean?†Kuxir rolled his eyes and smirked, looking over at the Keyblade Master.
    “Like you care.†He replied coldly. Riku’s eyes widened.

    Wait… he thought. If I have a Heartless…that means…

    “Y-you’re the Darkness in me!†Riku shouted, pointing an accusing finger at Kuxir. His Heartless chuckled and smiled, his smile somewhat dead.
    “Exactly.†Riku grit his teeth.
    “If I destroy you, then the Darkness will leave me alone forever…â€
    “You know, Riku, I’ve been wanting to meet you.â€
    “This ends NOW!†Riku shouted, throwing his arm out to his side and summoning his Keyblade. Kuxir scoffed, throwing his arm out to the side as well.

    “Then end it.â€

    In a flash of white, an intricate black Keyblade, seething with power, appeared in Kuxir’s hand.
    “Another Keyblade!?†Goofy exclaimed, in utter shock. Everyone else, except for Xed, was too shocked to speak. Kuxir scoffed.
    “What, you thought that Riku’s own Heartless wouldn’t have a Keyblade?†he said, assuming a fighting stance. Riku took a fighting stance as well. Xed, at this time, stepped forward.
    “Look you two, just stop this now! There’s a lot to be explained, and fighting will not help at all!†she said, becoming annoyed.
    “Stay out of this, Xed!†Riku shouted, never peeling his glare off of his opponent. “This doesn’t involve you!†Kuxir smirked ever so slightly.
    “Speak for yourself!†He shouted, rushing towards Riku, his weapon raised. Riku raised his own to block the attack. With the oncoming attack blocked, Riku swung his Keyblade around to hit Kuxir in his side. With a swift swing, Kuxir parried the attack with one of his own.
    “Stop it! Stop fighting!!!†Xed shouted, desperately trying to get the fighting to cease. But it was no use; they fought on as if no one else was there. They continued to exchange attacks, sometimes throwing each other into the walls, or the other equipment in the warehouse.
    “STOP FIGHTING YOU TWO ARE GOING TO BREAK SOMETHING!!!†She shouted again, becoming angry. She turned towards Sora and his friends.
    “Sora! Tell Riku to stop!!†She pleaded, but her plea went unnoticed; Sora, Donald, and Goofy had now started cheering Riku on, telling him to keep fighting and to not give up. King Mickey narrowed his eyes, running into the fight.
    “Alright, fellas! Break it up!†he shouted, placing himself in between the two Keybladers, trying to push them apart.
    “Get out of the way, your Majesty!†Kuxir shouted, pushing the Mouse King back, before attacking Riku again.

    “THAT’S IT!!!!â€

    Xed ran in between the two Keyblade Masters, her back faced to Riku, her face facing Kuxir. She put her hands up and out, creating a wall between them.
    “Kuxir…†Xed said, trying to keep an even tone. “If you want to attack him, you’ll have to attack me as well.†Kuxir was surprised at her words.
    “But…after what he did…â€
    “Forget what he did!†she shouted. “That was a year ago! I’ve let it pass, and you have to too!†She then lowered her arms and turned so she could see both of them. Xed crossed her arms and glared at the two.
    “First of all, you two ARE NOT going to fight in my workshop! There’s a lot of dangerous equipment in here that I don’t want broken!†Sora, Donald, and Goofy looked around to see that this warehouse was, in fact, a workshop. There were a lot machines around, and many weapon-like things were scattered neatly around.
    “And secondly,†she continued, her voice seeming a little more calm, “I don’t want neither of you hurt. You guys are two of my closest friends, and I want neither of you dead. Got it?â€
    “Got it…†Was the reply muttered from Kuxir and Riku. Xed nodded once and smiled.
    “Good.†She turned around to face the other four. “Sorry for all of that.†She apologized, raising a hand up and scratching the back of her head. “I just really wanted these two to meet. I didn’t think they’d take it so bad…†King Mickey smiled.
    “It’s alright.†His cheery expression then changed to confusion. “But, if you wouldn’t mind, would you explain what is going on?â€
    “Yeah, I think we’re missing something here…†Sora said, putting both of his hands behind his head. Xed chuckled lightly.
    “Sure; I don’t mind.†She said. “Well, for starters, I—“

    “Hey Xeddie!â€

    Just then, a white portal opened up a little way away from the group, and another white-cloaked figure walked out, with their hood up. By how their voice sounded, everyone could tell the figure was male. Kuxir dismissed his Keyblade, and crossed his arms.
    “Oh great. The insane one has joined us.†He said, a light laugh following after. The figure placed his hands on his hips.
    “Now Kuxir, is that a nice thing to say?†He scolded jokingly. He then walked over to Xed and wrapped his arms around Xed’s waist, placing his chin on her shoulder.
    “Girl, your feet must be tired, ‘cause you’ve been running through my mind all day!†he said, smiling under his hood. A light blush appeared on Xed’s face as Sora, Donald, and Goofy chuckled. Even Kuxir, Riku, and The King laughed softly. Xed pulled away the figure and crossed her arms.
    “Will you stop hitting on me already!†She hissed, annoyed. Kuxir laughed, turning towards Sora.
    “I feel so bad for you, Sora.†He said between laughs. Sora gave him a confused look.
    “What for?†The figure then looked up at the confused Keyblader.
    “So, you’re the famous Sora?†He said, walking towards Sora. “The famous protector of Light that all you Wholes count on?â€
    “Uhh…sure, I guess…†Sora replied, more confused than ever. “Who are you?â€
    “You don’t remember me?†he asked, his tone full of mock hurt. Xed rolled her eyes.
    “More like he doesn’t know you.†She said. “He’s never met you before.†The figure nodded.
    “That’s right!†the figure exclaimed. “We haven’t met!†Kuxir grunted.
    “Stop acting like such an idiot, Xor.†He said. “Sorry to have to do this to you, Sora.â€
    “Do what?†Donald quacked in curiosity.
    “Do you always have to interrupt me?†Kuxir snapped at the duck. He then looked back up at Sora.

    “Sora, this is Xoras…†He introduced, beckoning over to the cloaked figure standing next to him.

    “…Your Heartless.â€

    “WHAT?!†Sora shouted, nearly falling over. The figure laughed as he reached up to pull his hood down.

    The figure was indeed male, and looked exactly like Sora, with a few alterations. His hair was spiked out in all directions, just like Sora’s, but it was light golden-yellow color. And his eyes weren’t an ocean blue color, but a menacing gold color, much like Kuxir’s.

    “What’s going on here!?†Goofy shouted, totally confused. “Master Yen Sid said nothin’ about Heartless!â€
    “Aww, what does that old bag know about anything?†Xoras replied snidely, waving his hand. Donald stepped forward and grit his teeth.
    “Don’t you dare talk about Master Yen Sid like that!†he shouted. Xoras placed his hands on his hips and smirked.
    “Cool it, bird-brain.†He said, ignoring Donald’s demand. “But seriously, the dude doesn’t know anything.â€
    “Xoras, that’s not nice.†Xed said, crossing her arms. “But, it IS slightly true. He knows a lot, but there are some things that he doesn’t know.†Goofy shook his head.
    “That’s impossible! He knows everything! He taught the King everything about everything.â€
    “Everything that he knows.†Kuxir added. “There are some things that even he doesn’t know.†Riku crossed his arms.
    “And I suppose you do?†he questioned.
    “Yeah, I’m officially confused.†Sora said, scratching his head. Xoras chuckled.
    “That doesn’t surprise me. You never were the sharpest tool in the shed.†Sora whipped around to face him, his fists clenched.
    “What’d you say?†he demanded angrily. Xoras just leaned in and smiled cruelly.
    “Oh, so your hearing stinks too?â€
    “That’s enough!†Xed shouted, stopping the two from saying any more. “I want no more fights in my workshop.â€
    “Okay, we’ll take this outside!†Sora said, narrowing his eyes. Xoras looked over at him.
    “Fine.†He said, beckoning towards the door. “Ladies first!â€
    “No!†Xed said angrily. “No more fights! Not in here, not outside.â€
    “Can you tell us what’s going on now, please?†King Mickey said, trying to change the subject. Xed nodded.
    “Great idea. Everyone shut up and listen.†She said. Xoras snickered. She glared at him. “That also includes you, idiot.†Xoras stopped snickering, and settled for smirking. Xed took a breath. “I’m going to give you the condensed version of what’s going on. No questions until the end.†Xoras then raised his hand.
    “Hey teacher, what happens if we ask a question?†he said, fighting back a chuckle. Xed smirked.
    “Hilarious. Try it again to find out.†Immediately, Xoras lowered his hand and shut up. Kuxir snickered softly. Xed smiled.
    “Thought so. So here is what’s going on: I trust you all know there is a group of Nobodies called Organization XIII, am I right?†Everyone nodded. “And I’m sure that everyone knows then when one loses their Heart, and Nobody and a Heartless are created, am I right?†Everyone nodded again. “The members of the Organization are no different. They too were once people with strong Hearts. When they lost their Heart, a Nobody was created. They had such strong Hearts that they kept their form. But even Master Yen Sid had forgotten one thing.
    “What’s that?†Goofy asked. Kuxir smirked.

    “That Heartless were made too.â€

    “These Heartless joined together, and formed an organization of their own.†Xed said.
    “It’s called Disorganization XIII, but it’s more commonly called The White Disorder, or The Disorder.†Xoras added in. Xed smiled.
    “So…we have another Organization to worry about.†Riku said, crossing his arms. “Great.â€
    “Actually, Kuxir is Number VI in The Disorder. He was taken in for his expertise in Darkness, and the power of the mind. His element is Dream, and he can control the dreams of people, nightmares too.†She said. Xoras’ mouth opened in shock.
    “Hey! What about me!! I’m in it too!!†he said, crossing his arms and pouting. Kuxir rolled his eyes.
    “Xoras was Number II in The Disorder.†He said. “He was brought in for his expertise in the art of assassins…†Xoras smiled proudly. Xed chuckled.
    “…And he was kicked out of The Disorder for attempted murder of The Disorder’s members.†She finished for him. Sora chuckled.
    “So…my Heartless is an assassin?†he asked. Xoras nodded.
    “The best there is!†he said. “Those Heartless were fools for kicking me out.†Xed looked over at her friend.
    “Xoras, you tried to kill them!†she said, exasperated, but it was clear that she was amused.
    “So? What’s your point?†he asked. Xed shook her head.
    “Xedramon, there’s still one thing I don’t get.†King Mickey said, crossing his arms. “How did Sora come to have a Heartless?†Xed opened her mouth to speak, but Xoras put his hand on her shoulder, silencing her.
    “I got this one.†He said, looking over at Sora. “Basically, when Sora used that Keyblade to unlock his Heart to give back Kairi’s Heart, his Heart was consumed by the Darkness. Unlike the whole Riku and Kuxir thing, Sora was in Darkness for a longer time. Therefore, a Nobody AND a Heartless were created, both complete. But, he somehow came back into the Light with his own body, and he was reunited with his Heart again.†Xoras tapped his chin. “Kinda cheesy if you think about it.†Sora raised an eyebrow.
    “I have a Nobody, too?†he asked, feeling confused again.
    “This is getting really confusing!†Goofy said. Donald nodded. Kuxir was about to say something when another portal, this time black, opened up and a figure cloaked in black stepped out. But this time, the figure’s hood was down.

    It was a tall well-built man with pale moon-blue hair that went past his shoulders. He had golden eyes, which glowed softly, and an X-shaped scar was marked across his forehead. He had a cool, calm demeanor, which made everyone else slightly uneasy.

    “Xedramon, Xemnas wishes to…†he started in a monotone voice, but then trailed off, noticing the seven other bodies in the workshop. Xed smiled up at him.
    “Oh hey, Saix!†She said cheerfully. “There are some people I’d like you to meet. Everyone, this is Saix. Saix, this is Sora, Donald, Goof—“
    “Come with me.†Saix said in such a way that it was more like a command. “Now.†He grabbed her arm and pulled her through tpen portal behind him.
    “Xed!†Riku said, stepping towards the portal. But the portal closed, leaving the seven in the workshop.
    “Oooooo…†Xoras said. “Someone’s in trou-ble!†Kuxir glared at him.
    “She’s not in trouble, idiot.†He said.
    “But…but the Organization just took her!†Sora said.
    “She’s a member of the Organization.†Kuxir said, leaning against a nearby workbench. Riku raised an eyebrow.
    “Really?†Kuxir nodded.
    “What number member is she?†Goofy asked. Xoras smiled.

    “Lucky Number XIII.â€


    Everyone: ...???????????
    Me: HA! Told ya you'd all be confused!
    Sora: I...have a Heartless too?
    Riku: HA!!
    Sora: *cries*
    Kairi: Baby...
    Roxas: I can't believe my Somebody is such a baby...
    Sora: *runs out of theater*
    Hexon: *sigh* I'll go get him... *leaves*
    Larxene: Ummm...Fg? Will any of this ever be explained?
    Me: Yeah, this chapter was really confusing, but everything will be explained at the end :) I promise!
    Xed: I hope so...
    Me: Oh, and I hope to have some pictures to put up next chapter! *starts drawing*
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 30, 2007 in forum: Archives
  8. Axel's#1fangirl
    *dies laughing*

    lol, nope :) He's a heartless :D

    lol Nope. He's a Heartless! I fooled all of yall! XD

    kk, c ya! :D
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 25, 2007 in forum: Archives
  9. Axel's#1fangirl
    lol thanks! :D

    I'm not saying anything.

    Just read the next chapter..whenever that is XD

    I thank you for valuing ur life

    Thanks! :D

    lol XDDD

    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 24, 2007 in forum: Archives
  10. Axel's#1fangirl
    Chapter 6 Goodness :)


    Me: Hey everybody, shut up and listen to what I have to say!
    Xed: Well, aren't you being bos--
    Me: I SAID SHUT UP!!!!

    (everyone shuts up)

    Me: Thank you. I have a VERY important announcement to make, so here goes:

    Tomorrow, I'm going to my friend's house, and I'm not coming back until Friday. So, THERE WILL BE NO UPDATES FOR SOBD, BOSS BATTLES, RANDOM FACTS, OR BMTL UNTIL FRIDAY! (possibly Saturday :3)

    Everyone: Awwwww!!!
    Me: Don't worry! This chapter has a HUGE twist at the end, so you'll enjoy it! :)
    Everyone: Ok!!!

    ~Chapter 6~

    “So Donald, where are we headed?†Sora asked, turning around in his seat to look over at his companion. Donald pressed some buttons on the keypad before him.
    “We’re going to Beast’s Castle.†He announced, pulling a lever that put the Gummi ship into drive.

    (A/N – Just assume that our heroes here know the names of all the worlds, ok? Thanks!)
    Goofy scratched his head.
    “Why’re we goin’ there?†he asked. Donald shrugged.
    “I don’t know, but I just have a feeling that we should go there first.†Sora nodded.
    “Now that I think of it, I sorta have the same feeling too.†He said. Goofy raised an eyebrow.
    “Well, I have a feeling that we shouldn’t go…†Donald rolled his eyes.
    “Awww, what do you know, you big palooka?†he then pushed another button, and the Gummi ship lifted into the sky, and started to fly away from Hollow Bastion and towards their destination.


    “They are on their way to Beast’s Castle.â€

    “Duh, I knew that!â€

    “Respect your Superiors.â€

    “Whatever you say.â€

    “Because I’m not exactly pleased with your latest work, I’m assigning you a mission.â€

    “Oh Goody!â€

    “Drop the tone. You are to go to Beast’s Castle and take the place of Xaldin. He hasn’t arrived yet, so the timing in perfect.â€

    “Whatever you say.â€

    “And, Number XI, do not disappoint me.â€

    “Whatever. You know, I did have something to tell you, but I forgot what it was. Too bad, eh?â€

    “Save your foolishness for some who cares, Number XI. Now go.â€

    “Whatever you say.â€


    The Gummi ship had just started to fly away when all of the sudden, the engine started to sputter, and the ship started to shake.
    “What’s going on?!†Sora shouted over the roar of the flailing engine.
    “I don’t know!!!†Donald shouted back, pressing random buttons on the keypad. “Something’s wrong with the engine!!!†Sora shot him an annoyed look.
    “You think?!â€
    “I told you fellers we shouldn’t have gone!!†Goofy shouted. Suddenly, the ship stopped shaking.
    “Phew…†The trio breathed in relief that the pandemonium was over.

    Just then, the engine started clicking.

    “What’s that?†Sora asked. Goofy shrugged.
    “Well, that either means the engine is dying, or—“ But he was stopped short when the Gummi ship stopped moving altogether, and started to fall—

    —Right out of the sky!

    As the ship went hurtling back down towards Hollow Bastion, the three did the one thing that they could do at the time:



    Riku and King Mickey were walking around in the Great Maw, observing the number of Nobodies and Heartless that still roamed the area.
    “There do seem to be less.†Riku commented, noticing that they hadn’t run into a Nobody or Heartless for the past five minutes. The King nodded.
    “Yes, the new system is doing quite…†he trailed off, noticing something. He then looked up at Riku. “Did you hear that?†Riku listened. Somewhere off in the distance he could hear the faint sound of someone screaming.
    “I hear it.†He said, raising an eyebrow. “What is it?†King Mickey shook his head.
    “I’m not—look!†h shouted suddenly, pointing up to the sky. Riku looked up and gasped at what he saw.

    Something that looked suspiciously like a Gummi ship was falling rapidly out of the sky and towards the ground somewhere off in the distance. They watched with shocked expressions as the ship disappeared into the horizon with a loud crash.

    “Isn’t that Sora’s, Donald’s, and Goofy’s Gummi ship?†Riku asked, slightly afraid of the answer. The King’s eyes widened in horror.
    “It is!†he exclaimed. “C’mon!†The two then began running as fast as they could towards the fallen ship.






    Once the ship had neared the ground, the trio had jumped out of the ship, not wanting to be in it when it made contact with the ground. The three had, instead of crashing into the ground, crashed through the roof of what appeared to be an old warehouse, and then crashed into the ground. They lay on the ground in a heap, semi-conscious, moaning softly from the shocks of dull pain coursing through their bodies from the impact.

    “You know, I’ve had a lot of people drop in before, but you three were the first to introduce that to a whole new level.â€

    Sora opened his eyes and looked up to see someone leaning over him.

    “AHHH!!!†he yelled out in surprise, sitting up so quickly that his head started to spin. The figure –which turned out to be female- started laughing at Sora’s reaction. Goofy and Donald sat up as well to see what was so funny. The person then turned on a light switch, lighting up the previously dark room. The party took a moment to look at the person.

    She had long, straight, waist-length hair that was a reddish-brown color with black steaks in it. Her hair was styled in a way that covered the right side of her face. They wore a pale-rose colored top that was frayed at the top, sleeveless, with golden-yellow colored straps. The top was cut at the bottom in a triangle shape, that shoed part of her stomach. She wore baggy green pants with golden-yellow sections in the middle. She had on black and red shoes, two black and red belts around her waist, and black and red band around her right arm, and a black and red choker necklace with a black ‘T’ charm on it. She looked about Sora’s age, and was about Sora’s height.

    She smiled warmly at the party.

    “So, who are you guys?†she asked.
    “Well, I’m Sora,†Sora started, “this is Donald, and this is Goofy.†He finished, pointing to each in turn. She nodded.
    “Nice to meet ya. The name’s—“

    “Sora! Donald! Goofy!â€

    The four turned around to see Riku and King Mickey run through the door, looking worried.
    “You’re all okay!†The King exclaimed, seeing the three alive and well. Riku sighed, relived.
    “We saw your ship crash and thought—“


    Everyone turned towards the girl, who had spoken. She looked at Riku with a questioning look in her eyes. Riku narrowed his eyes. The girl…she seemed so…familiar…


    Now everyone looked over at Riku, surprised. He knew her?

    The girl smiled, both shocked and excited. Riku smiled back in the same fashion.

    “NO WAY!!†They shouted simultaneously, running into each other’s arms, embracing each other in a tight hug.

    Everyone else just stood there, dumbfounded, that the two knew each other. Then, the King smiled, shocked.
    “Wait a minute, you’re Raemond?†he said. Riku and the girl pulled away, looking over at the mouse King. She shook her head, a smile still on her face.
    “No, I used to be Raemond. I’m now Xedramon. Or Xed, for short.†She said. She then looked at Riku with a hard grimace. She suddenly punched Riku on his arm, very hard.
    “Hey! What was that for?!†He shouted angrily, rubbing his now sore arm. She put her hands on her hips.
    “THAT was for ditching me at the Twilight path.†She said. Xed then punched Riku again on his arm, in the same spot. “And THAT was for worrying me half to death!†Riku raised an eyebrow at her.
    “I…worried you?†he questioned. She nodded.
    “I was scared for you…I thought something bad had happened to you…like you got hurt…and that was why you didn’t come to meet me at the Twilight path.†Riku looked down at the ground. He didn’t think he had scared her or anything.
    “I’m sorry…†he apologized. He really meant it. Xed looked down at the ground, crossing her arms.
    “So, tell me Riku…†She looked up at him.

    “Why did you ditch me?â€

    Riku opened his mouth to talk, but nothing came out. How was he supposed to tell her that he’d broken their promise to side with the Darkness once again?

    Just then, there was a soft knock on the door. Xed walked over and opened the door. At the door was a white-cloaked figure with the hood up, concealing their face.
    “Hey, come on in.†she said, with a smile. The figure walked in to see the five who were staring at him with a quizzical look. The figure chuckled.
    “It looks like everyone’s here.†Sora raised an eyebrow.
    “What’s that mean?†The figure crossed his arms and smirked under his hood.
    “It mean’s you’re all here. About time; I didn’t think you’d get here soon enough.†Xed smiled.
    “Well, let me introduce you to everyone.†She said, placing a hand on the figure’s shoulder. “This is—“
    “Sora, Donald, Goofy, King Mickey, and…Riku…†he said, saying Riku’s name with so much venom you’d be surprised that no one dropped dead at the sound of it. Everyone was shocked.
    “How do you know our names?!†Donald said, utterly shocked. The figure shook his head.
    “Doesn’t matter.†He said, walking up to Riku, and circling him, as if to examine him.
    “What are you doing?†Riku asked, raising an eyebrow.
    “Wow, you haven’t changed at all…how surprising.†The figure scoffed, ignoring his question. Xed walked over to the cloaked figure and pushed him gently.
    “Be nice.†She warned. She then turned to Riku. “There’s someone I’d like you all to meet, and for Riku to especially meet.†She said, her tone seeming to hold slight fright.

    The figure pulled down his hood.

    Everyone gasped in surprise, save for the figure and Xed.

    The figure, which was male, had spiked down hair, raven black, with pieces of it covering his eyes, his style looking exactly like Riku’s. Underneath the wisps of hair covering his face shone a pair of golden eyes, tainted with darkness and glowing mengly. His expression was fixed into an emotionless frown, adding to his cool stature.


    Just like Riku…

    “Riku…†Xed said slowly, her gaze diverting away from Riku’s.

    “This is Kuxir…â€

    She took a breath, fearing the worst of Riku’s reaction.


    There was a still silence that seemed so loud; it could shatter every sound barrier imaginable.

    “…Your Heartless.â€


    Riku: WTSBBQ?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?
    Xed: Yup.
    Riku: WTS?!?!?! WHY DO I HAVE A HEARTLESS!!??!
    Saix: Now THIS is what I call DRAMA!!!
    Hexen: Wow! That's a twist!!!
    Riku: *grabs Fg's collar* TELL ME WHY I HAVE A HEARTLESS NOW!!!
    Me: Nope! You haveta wait 'till Chapter 7!
    Riku: *dies of anticipation*
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 24, 2007 in forum: Archives
  11. Axel's#1fangirl
    This is AWESOMENESS ON A STICK! (sry, i like saying that alot :))

    But srly, you write a GREAT torture fic! :D

    I'm reading your one on Fanfiction too :)

    Great chapter! I look forward to reading more :D
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 23, 2007 in forum: Archives
  12. Axel's#1fangirl
    Thank you! So would I! I'd just fight the person just to see how far I can get :D

    :D Thank you!
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 23, 2007 in forum: Archives
  13. Axel's#1fangirl



    I'm n-n-not s-saying a-any t-thing....

    *is terrified*

    Thank you! :D And thank you!

    Easily fooled? pfft, you don't know the half of it!


    *puts duct tape over mouth*

    I'm not saying anything. :)

    But thank you! :D

    :D Thank you!
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 23, 2007 in forum: Archives
  14. Axel's#1fangirl
    Thank you!

    He's off with the king somewhere :) I think he comes back in the next chapter

    I'm not saying anything.

    lol thank you! :D I hope to release a few chapters of BMTL tomorrow :)

    The next ch of the LSSP will come out either Sun or Mon
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Archives
  15. Axel's#1fangirl
    Naw, we don't find out what she whispers. its like the Marluxia boss battle.

    he whispers something in Sora's ear, but its a mystery what it is.

    Maybe she whispers: 'Can I have your number?"

    Or maybe: 'Your fly is down'

    or something like that XDDDDD
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Archives
  16. Axel's#1fangirl
    lol XD yea, she is :)

    I'm not saying anything.
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Archives
  17. Axel's#1fangirl
    Chapter 5

    Hooray for chapter 5! :D

    (Xed walks into the theater)

    Xed: Hi!

    (Riku and Roxas jump up from their seats)

    Riku: Sit next to me!
    Roxas: No, sit next to me!
    Riku: No! Me!
    Roxas: No! Me!
    Xed: Uhh...guys...?
    Riku: She should sit next to me! We spent time in the realm of Darkness together!
    Roxas: Oh yeah? Well, we were in two stories together!
    Riku: Oh really?
    Roxas: Yeah! We were in 'The 14th Key' and 'Bad moon Arising' together!
    Xed: Guys...?
    Riku: Oh yeah well...we spent time in the realm of Darkness together!!!

    (Riku and Roxas shut up)

    Xed: I'm not sitting next to either one of you, because I'm saving two seats.
    Riku and Roxas: Why?
    Xed: For my friends coming later.
    Riku and Roxas: Oh....

    (everyone sits down)

    ~Chapter 5~

    After about an hour, and with no luck in finding the Organization, Sora, Donald, and Goofy came back to the Hollow Bastion marketplace feeling defeated. Donald sighed.
    “Awww, phooey.â€
    “I can’t believe it!†Sora said, exasperated. “We spent all that time for nothing!†Goofy was about to say something, when he noticed something that caught his eye.
    “Hey fellers, look!†he exclaimed, pointing up to a nearby rooftop. Sora and Donald looked up to see what he was looking at.

    Sitting on top of the rooftop was a figure, in an Organization XIII coat. They were leaned over, as if they were reading or writing.

    “What do you think they’re doing?†Sora asked, raising an eyebrow. Donald shook his head.
    “Who knows, but let’s get em’!†he shouted. Sora and Goofy nodded, running off closer to the rooftop.


    Once reaching the rooftop, they took a look around, only to find that—

    “They’re GONE?!?!†The party shouted in unison, feeling more defeated than ever. Donald narrowed his eyes.
    “Phooey!!!†he said angrily. Goofy frowned.
    “I wonder where they went?†he asked aloud. Donald looked up at the two.
    “They couldn’t have gotten too far!†he said. Sora nodded.
    “Yeah!†he said, turning around and starting to run. “Maybe we can still catc—“


    Sora, not paying attention to where he was going, whacked into someone, causing the person’s papers to fly everywhere. Clumsily, he started gathering up the papers.
    “Sorry about that…†he apologized.

    “It’s okay.â€

    Sora looked up to see that the other person kneeling before him and picking up papers…

    …Was the cloaked figure from before!

    “You!†Sora shouted, jumping to his feet, papers still in hand. Donald and Goofy ran up to where Sora was. The figure got up off the ground, and brushed themselves off. The party then got a better look at the figure.

    While they still had their cloak on, and the hood up, they had the hood on in such a way that it only covered their eyes and hair. Their mouth and nose was still visible, along with their neck. Around their neck, they wore a black and red choker necklace with a black ‘T’ on it. Around their waist, two red and black belts hung loosely, and they were wearing black and red shoes, unlike the other members, who only wore black shoes and nothing on the outside of their coat. On the figure’s hands were gloves with the fingers cut out of them, exposing their pale-peach colored skin. They were about the same height as Sora, and looked about the same age as him as well.

    The figure held one stack of papers in one arm, and extended their other hand out towards Sora.
    “Can I have my papers back, please?†they asked, rather politely. By how their voice sounded, the party could tell that the figure was female.
    “What are you doing here, Nobody?†Sora asked, more like demanded. The figure took her outstretched hand and placed in on her hip.
    “I could ask you the same thing, Whole.†She remarked. Donald grit his teeth.
    “Answer the question!†he shouted.
    “I’m here to enjoy the day, Duck. Why are you here?â€
    “Get lost!†Sora shouted.
    “Gladly; just give me my papers back.†Sora then looked down at the papers he still had in his hand.
    “What are these?†he asked, his eyes scanning the papers that had sentences scribbled on them in a neat script.
    “Hey!†the figure shouted, snatching the papers out of Sora’s hand before he could read any more. “Those are private!†With his hands free, Sora quickly summoned his Keyblade.
    “Who are you?†he demanded. The figure rolled her eyes.
    “I don’t give out my information to strangers.†She replied snidely.
    “Just tell us!†Donald said, taking out his weapon. Goofy followed suit. The figure chuckled.
    “Fine then, I’ll tell you, but you’ll have to fight me for it.†Then, the figure raised her hand, and a flash of white engulfed it. Once the light cleared, Sora, Goofy, ad Donald gasped in surprise.

    She was holding a Keyblade!

    “What, getting nervous?†she asked teasingly, seeing Sora’s shocked expression. Sora then narrowed his eyes.
    “Yeah right!†He gripped his Keyblade tighter. The figure then raised her hands up, and a wall of translucent white light appeared between Sora and herself, and Donald and Goofy.
    “Sorry, but this is a private fight.†She said, twirling her Keyblade around her fingers.
    “Sora!†Donald and Goofy shouted from outside the field. Sora turned to them.
    “I’ll be fine!†he reassured them, before turning back to face his opponent. The figure looked up at him.
    “Tell me something…Sora, is it?†she said, smirking at him. “Are you afraid of heights?†Sora raised an eyebrow.
    “No…†he said, wondering why she was asking him. She chuckled softly.


    Just then, the area they were standing on rose up, lifting the two Keybladers high into the sky. Once they stopped rising, Sora looked over the edge and gasped.

    He couldn’t even see Donald or Goofy anymore!

    “Now then…†the figure said, getting into a fighting stance.

    “Where were we?â€


    Boss Battle:


    Sora fell to his knees, totally exhausted. He looked up at the figure. They seemed a little tired too, but not as tired as he was. The figure then took out a paper and a pen from her pocket, and scribbled something on the paper.
    “If you were to keep this, I might as well make it worth your while.†She flicked the paper as Sora, who caught it. She extended her hand out to him. “Need some help?†Normally, Sora would’ve pushed her hand away, but something about her made him trust her. He took her hand, and she pulled him up to his feet.

    “Fear is but an illusion of the Heart.†She whispered, smiling. “But it still exists.â€

    Everything started to spin around Sora.

    “As is this meeting of ours…â€


    “Sora! Sora, are you even listening to me?â€

    Sora blinked twice and looked around. He was still standing on the rooftop, along with Donald and Goofy. Goofy put his hand on his shoulder.
    “Sora, are you ok?†he asked with concern.
    “Wha…what just happened?†he asked. Goofy raised an eyebrow.
    “Well, I just suggested that we go to some other worlds to check for the Organization—“
    “No, I meant what just happened now!†Sora said, cutting his friend off. “The person! And, the fight! And, the papers and—“
    “What person?†Donald asked. “Oh, you mean the Organization member?†Sora nodded dumbly. “They got away, remember? We came up here and they were gone.â€
    “Gone…?†Goofy nodded.
    “Yup! That’s why we’re gonna go check out some of the other worlds to see if the Organization is there.†He said.
    “Oh. So…none of that happened?â€
    “Nope.†Donald quacked. “You must’ve imagined it.†Sora nodded.
    “C’mon, let’s go!†Goofy said excitedly. Donald nodded and began to walk away with Goofy. Sora stayed where he was.
    “Sora, are you coming?†Goofy asked.
    “Huh? Uh, yeah. I’ll be there in a sec.†He nodded, and continued to walk away. Sora sighed.

    So…none of that…happened?

    Sora the realized that he was holding something in his hand. He looked down to find that it was a folded-up piece of paper.

    The only she had given him!

    He unfolded it to find a poem written on it:

    Destiny calls,
    For a Hero,
    For a Sacrifice,
    For a Savior,
    Destiny calls,
    Can you hear it?
    So loud, so clear,
    Destiny calls,

    For you.

    There was also a signature on it that looked like a heart.

    “Sora!†Donald called impatiently. “Come on!!!†Sora nodded, stuffing the paper into his pocket.
    “Coming!†He shouted back, running off to meet up with his companions.


    “Can I ask you something?â€


    “Who else has a Keyblade that I don’t know about?

    “…I don’tow…â€

    “Are you sure?â€

    “…Yes…I don’t know of anyone but you and your friends…â€


    Axel: That was a good chapter!
    Xed: Yeah!

    (random person comes into the theater)

    Me: Who are you?
    ??????: Cilxae.
    Me: And you are here because...?
    Cilxae: I'm Xedarle's#1fangirl. *stares at Xed*
    Xemnas: You're Xed-what's what?
    Cilxae: OMG YOU ROCK SO MUCH XED!!!! *hugs Xed and runs away*
    Sora: o_0
    Xed: o_0 I have...a fangirl...
    Nixon: That's creepy...
    Xed: Yeah....


    A bit of randomness at the end, but...hey, what did you expect? ;)
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Archives
  18. Axel's#1fangirl
    Boss Battle 2

    BOSS #2:

    Boss Name: Unknown Keyblader

    Health Points: 1 bar (seriously)

    Difficulty: 8-9, could even be a 10

    Level Recommended: N/A (it really doesn’t matter)

    Character to Fight with: Sora

    Allies: N/A

    Necessary to complete: No (it’s highly unlikely that you’ll win)

    Prize: If you win, an Orchalacium+ (I hope I spelled that right)


    This fight is much like when Sora fights Leon in the first game for the first time. It’s highly unlikely for you to win, but it’s not impossible to win.

    The fight starts out with the Unknown Keyblader dodging every attack you throw at them. It is EXTREMLY difficult to hit them, but not impossible. The figure will jump around in unpredictable patterns, but in groups of four.

    So basically:

    You try to hit the figure with a regular attack. They dodge. (1)
    You try hitting them again. They dodge again. (2)
    You try to use a fire spell on them. They jump and dodge. (3)
    You try to hit them one last time. They turn and dodge out of the way. (4)

    After dodging four times, THE FIGURE STOPS MOVING FOR A FEW SECONDS.

    Take this time to run up to the figure and start hitting it.


    Even if you can hit them, you’ll only get in about one or two hits, not even a full combo of attacks.

    Then, the battle takes a turn for the worse. The figure will then grab Sora’s arm and whisper something into his ear. Whatever they whisper temporarily paralyzes Sora, and then they start whacking away at him. There’s no way to avoid this, but there is a way to reduce your damage. When the green triangle flashes on the screen, the action ‘No Fear’ becomes available. Rapidly press triangle over and over again, and the rate at which Sora’s health drops will slow down. You’ll still be taking damage by the Unknown Keyblader, but it won’t be as much.

    After a while of this, the figure will jump back, and will start to stagger, as if they’d been hit, and are about to fall over.

    Take this opportunity and run up to attack them. You can probably get in one or two combos before they recover.

    By now, the Unknown Keyblader should have about 1/2 of their health left.

    Now, you may be thinking: ‘Hey, all I have to do is make it through another round of this, and victory is mine.’


    The Unknown Keyblader will now let out a yell of anger.

    You’re pretty much dead now.

    The figure will then summon 14 –yes, I said 14- Keyblades.

    All 14 Keyblades will rise into the air.

    And, all at once, they will attack you.

    They will surround you, and attack you, following every move you make like missiles.

    And with each one that hits you, Sora will lose about 1/4 of his health.



    Yet, if you miraculously find time to heal yourself and dodge, and you survive the horrid attack, the figure will dismiss their Keyblades except for one, and the entire battle will start over again, from the beginning.


    If you win, you get a nice bonus prize of an Orchalacium+, but it is not necessary to win against the Unknown Keyblader.


    Good luck, you will DEFINAITLY need it. XDDD
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Archives
  19. Axel's#1fangirl

    You just totally made my Friday-day! (your stories seem to do that alot, lol :D)

    But this was great! :D

    I really can't wait to hear Axel's, Demyx's, and Zexion's parts. (those are my favorite characters :D:D:D)
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Archives
  20. Axel's#1fangirl
    I like ur demon, but i can't make it a boss battle. I REALLY hope that I don't offend you when i say that he doesn't really fit into the story plot. But i think he's totally awesome!

    I'm really sorry, and I hope i didn't hurt your feelings or put you donw or anything.

    Thank you! :D

    hehe...the organization....dealing with them? XDDDDDD

    (you'll find out why i'm laughing a few chapters from now)

    and thank you :)

    oh, and here's the link to Bring Me To Life:

    This one works! ;D

    Thank ya! :D:D:D
    Post by: Axel's#1fangirl, Jun 22, 2007 in forum: Archives