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  1. WilliamTheWise
    The keyblade war happened well before BBS as explained by Master Xehanort to TVA. The Apprentices were turned to heartless when they went throught the door to the heart of Hollow Bastion.
    But you maybe right about the time shift. They may be trying to rearrange the plot they already laid down hoping we wouldn't notice. Only time will tell though. Some crayz aging process could happen to some of the characters (Xehanort,Braig and Izeno) for all we know.
    Post by: WilliamTheWise, Nov 27, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. WilliamTheWise
    Ask and you shall receive.
    Post by: WilliamTheWise, Nov 27, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. WilliamTheWise

    I'm out

    See ya, dude.
    I hope this is a short hiatus
    Post by: WilliamTheWise, Nov 27, 2009 in forum: Departure Hall
  4. WilliamTheWise
    *High five*
    Nice working with ya.
    Post by: WilliamTheWise, Nov 27, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  5. WilliamTheWise
    It always been assumed that was the reason. It was a side effect of another person's heart in his body. Their memories (since memories are stored in the heart) start interfering with the hosts. They begin remembering things of the other person.
    Post by: WilliamTheWise, Nov 27, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  6. WilliamTheWise
  7. WilliamTheWise
  8. WilliamTheWise
    It's clear from that quote from the "Another Reports" that Soul Eater transformed into Way To Dawn. Somehow Riku was able to redeem himself and regained a keyblade once the darkness of Xehanort's heartless was cleared. Now it's possible that Xion helped reawaken or help regain his ability to wield, but Way to Dawn and Roxas' Oblivion are not the same thing.
    Post by: WilliamTheWise, Nov 27, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. WilliamTheWise
  10. WilliamTheWise
    Either it chose him, or someone else selected him to have it.
    In my opinion the later would make more sense.
    Basically when he called the weapon away from Sora at the start of Hollow Bastion. If Riku could pull the weapon then he must have a strong heart that the keyblade would accept.

    The KH1 journal say this line....
    Note: The term master is used here to show ownership. It's not saying Riku is a keyblade master in the same sense of Master Xehanort.
    Post by: WilliamTheWise, Nov 26, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  11. WilliamTheWise
    Not really....
    They don't look that much alike.
    Post by: WilliamTheWise, Nov 26, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. WilliamTheWise
    I personally think it's Ven that gave him the scars.
    Of all the characters Xigbar would see from Xion, you'd think the person who gave him the scars would be his greatest memories. Considering the pain and suffering.
    Post by: WilliamTheWise, Nov 25, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  13. WilliamTheWise
    Right, the fight never happened. But the moves and words that they speak are. Terra's keyblade transformation is just like the LS and the names uttered by the LS (Aqua, Xehanort & Ven) are.
    Actually considering it was in a flashback while Sora recovered his memories that fight is canon. This fight is also right before Xemnas and Roxas meet at the dark beach. The timeline is this. Roxas is born and joins the Organization. Xemnas then goes and confronts Sora. He plays with Sora and returns. He then meets Roxas on the beach and utters the words "He looks alot like you". Referring to Sora, not Ven. In fact Xemnas says similar things to Sora when they meet.
    Post by: WilliamTheWise, Nov 25, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. WilliamTheWise
    They walked into the door to the heart of Hollow Bastion. I don't think that would cause an expolsion. Thought there is alot of power behind it....
    Ienzo could be added to this list
    The scars seem to be caused by a tearing or cutting of the face. The are not straight and don't seem like burn scars. Though you idea of the nobodies birth and being altered idea is pretty good. I've thought of something similar a while back.
    Post by: WilliamTheWise, Nov 25, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. WilliamTheWise
    Special nobodies may not apply to this rule, like Namine. She grew from CoM to KH2.
    Hollow Bastion?
    Yes it is.
    There are new scans that show what the kingdom looked like during this time.
    He might be more like an assistant. Studying so that one day he could be a full apprentice. Or the kid is just that smart.

    Darn you MainStream!
    Post by: WilliamTheWise, Nov 25, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  16. WilliamTheWise
    There is also another unknown character to the right of Cinderella.
    Post by: WilliamTheWise, Nov 19, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  17. WilliamTheWise
    We don't know the names of any of the keyblades, but TVA have been seen to have different keyblades. Look at several of the screenshots. All the keyblades also have a keychain like TAV's Master.
    Post by: WilliamTheWise, Nov 17, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. WilliamTheWise
    It doesn't sound like it. It looks like Ansem just found somewhere to work and set up a lab.
    Or that they were stolen from the Organization who used them in the past.
    It's really hard to say what role if any Twilight Town in Birth by Sleep since we don't have any lore or tales of it's past. The manison maybe seen in the past, but right now it's hard to say.
    Post by: WilliamTheWise, Nov 15, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. WilliamTheWise
    Made what, Castle Oblivion?
    Post by: WilliamTheWise, Nov 15, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. WilliamTheWise
    The main problem with this idea, is time. Your ideas don't fit the storyline. You have events occurring fast and early.
    Heartless didn't exist at this time. And this skips the whole Xehanort going to Ansem the Wise and becoming the heartless we fought in KH1. Otherwise messing with the storyline.
    But the guardian looks nothing like Riku. And again there are no heartless at this time.
    Again, Xemnas wasn't born until 9 years before KH1. Plus Master Xehanort's body is too old to be Xemnas. Xemnas is around 30 years old. Master Xehanort isn't that young.
    I'm not sure if nobodies can be born in sunset horizon, but Xemnas wasn't born alone. There were 5 others. The other students of Ansem the Wise. And again too early.
    Crystal ball? What happens to TVA?

    The only thing you might have right, is this.
    Castle oblivion was formed by someone ther than the Organization. They just found it. The castle bears a similar mark of that of Master Xehanort's keyblade. Master Xehanort might have created it.
    Post by: WilliamTheWise, Nov 15, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX