Not yet. All it shows is the two together and Axels says But since he has been revealed his name may follow, next month.
Which Riku fight has you stuck? And whose story, Sora's or Riku's?
Yes, All Organization member have their original name and an "X" added to it. Why they do is unknown.
Blizzard and a Cloud summon card They are talking about Re: Chain of memories In the game you can have the enemy cards of The Organization members in KH2.
Now her creation and process were a success, but wasn't her goal and purpose to replace Roxas by stealing his keyblade wielding ability and eventally getting rid of him?
I realize that, but how can he say for sure that's what where Terra was. I mean the trailer hasn't been release yet and all the translations I've seen say it's been in Castle Oblivion. While I realize that the two rooms are similar how could he tell the difference?
Being partially made memories when she faded away she was forgotten by everyone. Thought records of her existence likely were present the opportunity to mention never really happened. I doubt Xemnas forgot her existence, completely considering all the reports mentioning her.But she was a failed experiment and thus didn't matter as building Kingdom hearts and preserving the Organization took top priority.
You were likely been looking at the wrong description. All the events described below should be present Spoiler
So you saw the trailer?
What makes you say that?
Happy Holidays to you too. I hope it's fun filled and enjoyable. Have a happy New Years.
Some have been theorizing Atlantica considering we see King Triton's knowledge of the keyblade in KH1. And if you consider the fact we have a new trailer about a month until release lacking any new worlds the chances of anymore Disney Worlds is pretty slim right now.
Jump Festa just started yesterday. And the news about the trailer didn't come out until today. We'll likely see a trailer online within the next two days. You're welcome
I don't see the racist angle in the case. He didn't single you out or say anything offensive because of your race. I wouldn't even attempt to bark up that tree because it's a clear stretch and likely won't work. If anything he should get in trouble for the words but not lose his job. My only question, does the teacher normal joke with their students in that form? I mean I've had teachers that would poke fun at students all in good fun. For the most part it was students who were tough enough to give comebacks or were on that good terms as a sign of friendship.
Parts of it look to be true from the wiki. Others I'm not sure like Aqua and Castle oblivion. The Video should surface soon. Another more detailed one has surfaced as well
Family has no importance in the KH series. I mean Sora's mom had two lines in KH1 and hasn't been seen or heard from again. It's clearly been proven that Ven can't be his father due to the whole age issue. I would even go as far to say that Ven, Terra nor Aqua aren from Destiny Islands to begin with. The fact that Aqua couldn't name the world means she knows of the world, but has never been their herself. Ven would have likely said something about it, or told her the name of the world if he had been from there.
Right now, it does have that feeling of repetitiveness. Now if the story continues into KH2 worlds this feeling might end, but it would still seem like a reminder of the story so far, instead of something new like BBS.
lol, yeah. It took me awhile, but I finally realized why I had this feeling you reminded me of someone. What's up Smile?
No, Roxas is a product, if you will, created solely from Sora. He is Sora's body and soul. Namine on the other hand was created from a combination of Sora and Kairi. She is made of the scraps of the leftovers of from Roxas' birth and nothingness. But she also was born with the image of Kairi as her heart was the base of her creation. As sora969 said their contact is from Namine and her meddling.
That's a special case, a picture of KH1 Sora would have worked just as well for the record. When Xehanort became a heartless he was somehow able to keep his mind and his memories. Something most heartless in general are incapable of doing. I was excluding outliers like Xehanort's heartless or the Organization on my decision. I was basing my idea solely on the "lower" types of the two. The Dusk likely would be able to beat a shadow with relative ease. But until we see a Twilight Thorn and a Dark Side go at it, it's pretty hard to say who would win. Well I don't remember a time where a heartless was able to collect data as they were locating a target. Let alone communicate with someone. Heartless always need a master or someone to order them around. Weather it be a human "heartless", a human nobody or a normal person. That's why they follow whoever the the strongest. They can't plan so they need someone to hold the leash. Who? I assume it's someone from FF, but I'm not to familiar with that series. Which enemy is based on them?