lol, where you guys been? Riku and Love are taking over laifel one post at a time.
the picture is missing, but it's all good.
OOC: A slave market stronghold huh? That's all good, but if we were to have one of those then it would reside outside Tyoam. Then again, Maybe I have a better place for it. Time to edit the map
just so this post doesn't get lost in the everything that Love and Riku are posting, here's the last thing I posted in laifel....
OOC: Love and Riku, I have no idea where you guys are in Demoir. If you guys are in Nentrion, then you're being completely oblivious to everything that's going on there.
no, it's a different thread
maybe. I have an idea already in mind. you can join if you like. it wouldn't be trouble at all. I just don't think the first page of the thread is...
I'm fine. actually we recently started it up again. We were just unable to keep it going during the school year.
OOC: sigh, do I gotta do everything myself? Time to set things in motion. Hey, am I the only one whose having trouble with accessing the first page of the thread? BIC: Soldiers that weren't with Whisk flooded the streets of Nentrion. Their orders were to station positions around every main junction in the city. City gates were closed off and guarded. Alleys were searched. For the most part, their search lead to nothing. However the group of soldiers that came across the main slave market had better results. something had happened here. the blown away doors made that clear. Quietly, the lead soldier signaled a rookie soldier to notify Whisk of what they found. The rookie hesitated. none of them felt comfortable around Whisk. Much of this had to do with his habit of killing without remorse. Again the leader signaled the rookie. this time the rookie nodded and took off in Whisk's direction. The lead soldier sighed. Rookies he thought as he slowly turned his attention to the slave market. he had sent a scout in not long ago. It didn't take long for the scout to return. "All the guards are dead. there are several people still in there." "Did you see them?" Asked the leader. "No," replied the scout. "I heard them. There's apparently a second floor. the entrances are hidden though." The leader nodded. He was informed about this place. this was where the non human slaves were kept. if someone had broken in here and released them.... The leader raised his palms. He felt a surge of adrenaline as mana suddenly flowed through his body and out his hands to produce blue flames. In the blink of an eye, the building was ablaze. Blue flames crackled in the early morning sky. "Prepare arms!" He shouted to his troops. "Don't let anyone out of there alive!" ---------------------------------- The soldiers continued their march in groups of half a dozen. some groups intruded the inns and stationed themselves there. others continued their search for the elusive prince. It wasn't long before they came across the third Slave market. A lone scout was sent into the building. ----------------------------- Tristan turned his attention away from the snake. He preferred to not argue with Rubira at the moment. The children were scared. He didn't blame them. how could he encourage them to fight in their current state? Behind you! Shouted the voice in his head. the warning startled Tristan. That was all the voice needed to take control. No! shouted Tristan, in his head. This was not good. Who would it make him hurt now? Without warning, Tristan felt himself shape a wall behind him. The shaping was shortly followed up with a soft thud. As fast as it had formed, the wall of Lineve dissipated. Tristan felt himself turn around in time to see an arrow fall to the ground. A lone soldier stood at the only escape to this room. The armor belonged to that of his father's army. You truly are a hopeless fool. giggled the voice. Now, kill him. with that, the voice returned control to Tristan It didn't have to tell him twice. Tristan rushed toward the scout, who was nervously trying to fit another bolt into his crossbow. Tristan was now four feet from the scout. By then, the guard had managed to fit the bolt into the crossbow and prepared to shoot. Too late. Tristan swung his right hand to the left diagonally, forming a blade of lineve at the last second. The blade swiftly sliced through the scout's body, dissipating as soon as the cut was finished. using the momentum of his swing, Tristan twirled to the left in time to dodge the dieing soldier's bolt. The scout collapsed to the ground dead. This was not good. It seems this battle of Nentrion started before he could finish preparations. ---------------------- Nas felt the warmth of the rising sun enter her body as she gazed upon the western slave market. "This is it." said Nas in a calm voice. It was guarded heavily by soldiers. Her master had been right about his father sending an army after him. "Now what are we supposed to do?" Nas wondered absently. Nas was not good at making decisions on her own. After all, she was a summon.
OOC: ha! number 80
btw, when Nas said 'let's go', she simply meant 'let's continue what we set out to do' which is to find the princess.
holy $hit, you're engaged? Congratz girl! that's awesome!
so, you still going to be making that Angelen? Nobody seems to care about them.
OOC: Lil' sounds very confident for a boy full of empty threats. What's wrong lil? I'm still waiting for that "butt whooping" you promised. Aw, does the lil' baby not have the guts to take on the Double Z's? No, it's okay; that's completely understandable. No one can beat the untouchable Pezz. It's okay to cry, lil', it only makes you even less of a man than you already are. BIC: Tristan calmly looked Rubira in the eyes. "I don't make a habit out of trusting snakes like you." He said coldly. Oh, how I despise this summon. Not nearly as interesting a that Nas of yours. chimed the voice. Veina raised an eyebrow as she examined the lady before her. Something was off about her. She wasn't human, yet she appeared to be human. Just what was she? Veina couldn't help but grin. She could already tell that things were going to be interesting around this Tristan character.
OCC: And I'm back in good ol' Maryland. God I wish I was still on vacation. Oh well, at least I have a real keyboard sitting in front of me, not to mention it's wireless. I'm typing all this from the back of my bed. Aaaaahhhhhh, it's good to be lazy. BIC: Despite the urge to warn her master of the in coming danger, she had her orders to obey. That was the problem with being a summon. There was no such thing as free will when an order was given. many of her former masters had died because they left little leeway in their commands. If that were to happen again... Nas shook her head. Why was she so concerned with her master's well being when he constantly acted as though she were nothing but a tool. So what if he died from his own foolish mistakes. Never before had she had a master who was so ignorant of other people's feelings. All that mattered to him was to get the job done. "We must hurry Ben. I mustn't keep Master Tristan waiting. We'll let him deal with the problem himself." ------------------- Transforming back into his human form as he hit the ground, Zack landed lightly in the quiet town of Edelsteen. It had been a long time since he had been here. About a hundred years or so. interestingly enough, not much had really changed since then. Zack rubbed his ear. What a reckless demon he thought, If it keeps that act up, the existence of Demons will become common knowledge once again. Though I suppose that is not a bad thing. Zack frowned as he stared at the rising sun. It seems the prince is going to have a big fight ahead of him. The question is whether he'll need my help before the end. Zack gave it a moments thought before leaping into the air and transforming again. The Order preferred Angelens to get involved in with mortal's affairs as little as possible. For now, all he had to do was watch. OOC: ah man. I can't really advance the story until lil, Garx, and princess do their thing with getting Sammy kidnapped.
I tell ya, your like a wild animal when you roar (thats r-o-a-r, not r-a-w-r) at me like that. you know what I do to wild animals? check it:...
occ: Well it seems my vacation is coming to an end. 2 more days left of absolute freedom before I end up back with my family in boring old maryland. I have to say it was nice to escape from the parents and whiny younger brother who goes out of his way to piss me off. oh well, at least i'll have a real computer again to help me get this rp going. next year, I'll either be hitting Japan to party with some cute asian chicks, or I'll be doing a cross country trip. running out of space. stupid psp.
damn straight it is!
i fixed it,yay! zach's true form: