If you post in the format in my sig shop, id be happy to take your request.
Great! Should be done by 1:00 pm est Code: http://i21.tinypic.com/s9wm.jpg
I actually liked Vexen... thought he was cool. The shield weapon is an interesting concept. His voice is wierd. It goes from loud and fast to quiet and slow.
Sorry if this is off-topic, but I searched for the trailer and found nothing, where is the link to the trailer you are talking about?
I think theres a flower in there. Try to use more contrast. Its way to bland because its so bright. Also, I see some of the text, ive been looking for that font. What is it called?
Not to mention one of the tribe's pitchers just got bagged using HGH... Redsox are going to win - without having to juice their pitchers.
Who is Rice and how can we free him?
Thats not when he dies. He teleports to the basement where axel and repliku kill him, right?
Or Demyx :)
Now, time for brunch!!! Have a good day everyone.
Wow, big fan of the coloring. Great and funny drawing, and once again, props on the coloring.
Updated: Added my portfolio - http://s184.photobucket.com/albums/x280/Wabba22/
Olympus coliseum because i live next to an NFL stadium
What types of effects are you looking for? Effects is more of a label for a whole mess of subcatergories
It's more of a portfolio/proof of legitimacy. Would a photobucket link be fine?
For muffin man Code: http://i21.tinypic.com/2ega6is.jpg I hope you like it TabbyRoxas: Code: http://i23.tinypic.com/zl6fz7.jpg
Done, go to my shop to pick up. Link to shop: http://www.kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=30909
The plot was really deep. His "V" speech in the alley with Evey is the best. That, and the montage when the dominoes are falling. There are just sooo many great quotes from that movie. One of my favs for sure.
Bump.... Ready and waiting
I promised someone else id make theirs first, but if you want to post in my sig shop, id be happy to.