In lieu of my new favorite videogame:
Hey all, long time no see... thanks school :/ After a while off photoshop, i got a wicked tut and put it to use C&C Please
Overly sharpened and burned. Notice the reds by the left side of his head. I dont have a suggestion to fix it, maybe a low opacity bg color brush, but it looks too sharpened. Aside from that, I really like it. The text works and so does the brushing.
Looks alot better than the one before. The only thing that I can suggest is that you take a soft eraser on a low opacity and brush around the render. His left shoulder/neck sticks out alot from the bg. Other than that, it looks great.
I feel like you sig dimentions are too big for the render. Though the render is huge, there is still alot of negative space on a somewhat flat background. Maybe make the sig size smaller and resize the render to make it more of a rectangle than a square, then you can fill up the empty space with text. Also, if you use a color balance or fill layer to color the background, put the render layer under it. Grey and sea green clash too much. Text is more of something id expect to see in a robot sig, assassins creed takes place during the middle ages, try a font that represents that. Hope all this helps.
Thats part of my sig... not the sig i want c&c on :x And since so many people dislike the font, ill probably end up changing it. Ill edit tomorrow, thanks everyone for your input.
The blue looks alot better, also, sweet avvy. Shinchan ftw.
Thanks, the only thing i dont want to change is the text. Though the font is blocky, i think it has that "Joker" feel. But yeah, i like it alot more now as well.
Took some of the suggestions, think this looks alot better
This new skin... not so much, sorry
Inspired by the new batman movie Let me know what you think
Well about the economy, The bush admin has made a deal with E-Z Debt services in order to pay off the nation's $6.1 trillion debt over the next 70 years. Among the valuable properties being put up as collateral are Yellowstone National Park, NASA, and the state of Alaska.
Confused those two words, seppoku and hari kari (sp.) However, it comes from high social cohesion. Some people are so dedicated to a group, that when they fail, they commit suicide to safe face and scrounge up whatever honor they have left.
Suicide is a result of social cohesion, and saying that you go to hell because you commit suicide is a totally ethnocentric viewpoint. Emile Durkheim, back when sociology was still new, did a study on suicide. He noticed that in Europe, suicide came from being an anomie, an outsider. From low social cohesion came depression, and often times suicide. In Protestant Europe, because in Roman Catholic countries there was a level of high social cohesion, there was a high rate of suicide and it was believed that you go to hell. However, for Durkheim to prove his point, he went to Asia to study. His theory was 100% wrong. In asian countries, killing yourself was a very high honor. The Japanese samurai commited huri kuri as a final act of selflessness. Giving your life for the betterment of the greater good was seen as correct, and in no way would send you to [the japanese equivalent of] hell. This was seen in many Asian countries with high social cohesion. So in summation, though I am religious, I do not believe that he will go to hell for suicide. I dont think anyone on this planet can know. Two totally different cultures say two different things. If you were living in in a different culture, the answer may be different.
This is like Red-baiting. Claiming someone a terrorist when they are not as people claimed others a communist from the days of the cold war. Worst case scenario, this passes and is later revoked by the next president as slandering people as communists and socialists were.
Once again, I have not had time to complete all these yet. Ive been making a website for my school nonprofit project. Now that thats over with, I will be making as many as I can today starting at around 3:30pm est. Ill work from oldest to newest, thank you all for your patience.
Those are really good. The shading on all of them is perfect. In the first one, is the girl hugging a turkey? lol
Well, I think society puts alot of pressure onto people on how they should look in America. We are one of the few countries with an abundance of food, yet we have a huge anorexia problem. Not to mention, we are the only countries where everyone wants to be on a diet whereas other countries barely get food. Also, middle class girls ages 12-15 have an increasing suicide rate and has been linked to image perceptions.
No, regardless, he is not allowed in. He cheated. He's ineligible. Juicing should never be rewarded.
Barry Bonds, hold the record for most home runs in a season. Was accused of steroid use and denied it. Was now found to be lying and he was infact juicing. Not only has he blown his chance of being in the Hall of Fame, but he faces jail time.