like others have already said...Fullmetal Alchemist HANDS DOWN! it's rare i like the english better than the japanese but this was brilliant! chrono crusade isn't TOO bad either. but, yeah, naruto is horrible in english :nono: "BELIEVE IT!"....UGH! ^this video totally proves my pointif you want to look
definitely DIGIMON! ^^ i got into pokemon earlier...but stopped watching it because of either too much repitition or it just wasn't that interesting to me. digimon has a variety of plots intertwining at the same time and you can also get into the characters' emotions and overall it's just better (woah that's vague LOL)
thank you!!!
EDIT- I accidentally posted this thread in the main threads of "creativity corner" i apologize. this is the right place! link---> -OR- made this a few months back but thought you guys would like to see it ^^ song by KJ-52
EDIT- sorry i didn't see that there was a specific part in this section of the threads for AMV's! sorry if this thread is in the wrong spot! link---> -OR- made this a few months back but thought you guys would like to see it ^^ song by KJ-52
it would make sense to have him voice because ven and roxas look alike...but, it'd still be kind of weird for me
khfreak87 definitely deserves all these awards! their videos are definitely amazing!!! congrats to the rest as well, these were all wonderful videos from the year ^_^
can't believe i made it in the top 5! 0_0 much thanks! and also thank you so much for the tips DA i'll keep them in mind ^^