ebay or amazon are both great places to look for a cheaper price. i got mine for $40. but i have also seen more expensive ones for hundreds of dollars...i guess it depends what version you want. mine is 6.0...not the newest one
you are very welcome ^.^
awww #3 was kawaii! :3 great choices
that is so cute! and not bad at all for a first! nice job =D
I had a feeling Haz's video would be #1 =D i also really like the beginning of #4 ^^
aww i really like #1 and #3 alot! the others were great too ^_^
did you accidentally label the song wrong for the #1 video? it sounds like britney spears. anyways, great pics, i really enjoyed them!
didn't know final fantasy videos could get in the top five >.> thanks much! i adore #1 i was hoping it'd get in the top 5 i love it! great choices as always
woah that was neat! i especially liked the effects at the beginning =D the riku and sora part cracked me up XD
^ LOL! true true. maybe i should consider that hehe
OMG #1 was so neat!!! and the song in #2 i love much ^^ great choices for the 5 they were all great to watch. congrats everyone =D
i love matching the voices it's so much fun and thanks much! haha i showed my parents as well they thought it was hilarious. especially Sora saying..."Pine Sol???" lolz
thank you for another spot in your top 5, DA! and yeah, i don't do linkin park often and the song was requested. but, i get what you are saying =D thanks much!
thanks you guys!
good choices =D they were all neat in their own way
thanks much! lol the first part of the song (speaking parts) is very quiet
gotta love RIKU! lol thanks much!
thanks very much! ^.^
hi it's me! ^^ i tried clicking on these but it says they were removed. SAD ;_;
when it comes to digimon my fav season is TAMERS! probably because it's the first one i ever watched.not sure why not many like it the storyline was awesome in my opinion. but, i agree with some of you about the first 2 seasons being great as well ^^ i just must be the ODD ONE OUT because i like the 3rd and 4th seasons best. i'm just a little disappointed in the newest season (5) it's not BAD, just not as good as previous seasons. i still watch it though, especially since the main character's voice is the same as AXEL's :) YAYS!