you deserve it =D great job!
i had a feeling most of these were going in the top 5 when i was browsing videos. great choices! congrats to everyone!
i love how in the #1 video they used a supporting character as the lead role in the trailer. very neat idea! congrats to everyone!
which edition are you getting? i got sony vegas 6 for only $60.00
i really like the rewind video i was hoping it would be in the top 5! and great job, Haz as always! ^__^
yay! i'm so happy for #1!!! great choices =D
WOW O_O...again #1 is great! good choices ^__^
wow O_O i thought every one this week was amazing! top notch you guys! congrats =D
hey! our collab got in the top 5! thanks for the tip about the watermarks ;)
LOL XD thanks! i tried to make "sort of" a storyline, so i'm glad you noticed ^.^ thank you much! :)
me either XD
yaya! let's do it! LOLZ so true. i look back at some of my first videos and i see how far i've come since then. i think to myself, "how much better am i going to be a year from now?" you can never stop getting better. i think many AMV makers need to be encouraged because everyone has room for growth, but they can't get better if they don't try.
i was looking at more of the top 5 amvs and i want to tell you all great job! (again XD) you all deserve it! i'm not discouraged because i didn't make it, it just makes me want to try harder and become better. i'm going to go all out with my next AMV! lol watch out! :rockdover:
You really think so?? Thank you so much ^^ LOL that's funny you still like it. Glad you enjoyed it!
sad soraxkairi video didn't make it. i thought it was one of my best (man...not even a special mention either)...oh well. still a good top 5! #2 is my fav!!
Please check out my newest Kingdom Hearts video featuring Sora & Kairi (my favorite KH couple!) go here: or here:
i'd first of all like to say to all the yaoi and yuri lovers out there, before you read what's below i am NOT DISSING what you's just MY OPINION, k? so don't get mad... .... .... ... my opinion...I think any pairing that's yaoi or yuri is wrong and it confuses me why so many like it. To me, the main reason I don't like it is because it's completely going against the video game creator's original intent of the plot, characters, and etc. I especially think SoraxRoxas and SoraxRiku are...eeeeew! not going to say anymore on that... ...just don't hate me, yaoi/yuri fans...
When it comes to pairings...I highly dislike yaoi and yuri. I'm not dissing any of the fans of those things, just for ME it seems weird and...very creepy O_O My favs would have to be: SoraxKairi (squeee!) RoxasxNamine' AxelxLarxene I think Riku needs a girl, though...poor guy :nono: NO wonder he has so many fangirls...he's single! LOLZ Although in CoM (before Roxas came along in KH2 and the whole "Nobody Plot" that got me confused started) I liked the idea of Riku and Namine' getting together
I don't understand all of the complaining about the FF vids...or maybe that's just me. I happen to agree with Darkandroid because the FF vids happen to be in the top 5 because they are really good. I like the variety of KH and FF videos in the portal. Please no one get mad at my opinion, I'm just stating what I think.
OMG one of my best AMV friends got #1! i'm so proud of her! alot of great amv's! in every week it keeps getting better ^_^