Hello, one and all visitors. Before I begin, I will apologize for any bad quality singing. Currently, I will be singing occasional duets with others, but other times, I will sing on my own. Current Releases None at the moment. Check back later. Current To-Do List Showtime - Madame Macabre Showtime - Madame Macabre (Duet with four singers) A mystifyingly dark piece based off Five Night's at Freddy's 2. Would sound good with 4 singers, including myself.
As a child, I watched Code Lyoko, relishing every minute of it. The show always made me excited, and I loved all the battle scenes, as well as the humor. I especially loved the characters. But soon, Season 5 came and went, and even though it was sorta good, I wasn't too happy with the ending. This series is my take on the Code Lyoko series. The Lyoko Warriors are on their last night at Kadic, only to find that they truly haven't defeated XANA, nor could they try to defeat him again. Thus a passing of the torch is issued, with a new set of characters and a semi-new storyline. But the plot remains the same. It was deactivated. It has rotted. It is the worst enemy of mankind. But now, 6 teens will fight to destroy it. Once and for all. This thread has a prologue consisting of 4 parts, and episodes will be uploaded on here KHV and my DeviantArt account. Prologue Spoiler: Part 1 Etrius Parilaz sighed unhappily as he looked out the window in the backseat of his father's car. He watched as trees flew by, and the sky, blue as it was. As beautiful as the day was, it didn't help Etrius's mood. If anything, it made it a little worse, causing his eyes narrow. Mrs. Parilaz looked in the rear view mirror, catching her son's experession, causing her to also frown in pity. She had forgotten how many times she'd seen that expression. But then came a thought of firmness, morphing the pity. She spoke. "Etrius," Her voice was soft, but loud enough to be heard. Etrius's eyes turned from the window to the rear view mirror. "I understand that you aren't happy about this. But neither are we. This was our only option aside from military school." "Then why don't you just ship me off already?" Etrius's tone came out snarky and hostile. He lowered his head, his glasses sliding off his nose a bit, glaring into the rear view mirror. "We both know how much Dad supports that." It was Mr. Parilaz's turn to glare to his rear view mirror. "Etrius..." Mrs. Parilaz quickly glanced at her husband, silencing him before speaking to Etrius. "We don't support it." She murmured, "It's just that this was the only school that would accept you based on your record. And besides, this will be in a better environment, where you can live more like an adult." "Poor choice, if you ask me." Etrius muttered, his eyes returning to the window. "Just an excuse to get rid of me, right?" Etrius's father spoke up at this. "That is not at all what she meant. Show a little respect." "I'm not being disrespectful," Etrius retorted. "I'm being realistic. My record's poor, so why're you both giving me more freedom?" He adjusted in his seat, so that his body was facing away from the window and more to the front seat. "Or better yet, why are you supporting me after so many failed attempts?" Both parents didn't spoke for 2 minutes. Then, Mrs. Parilaz began, "Because you need to see that we won't be supporting you forever. We don't want you to go to military school, but we also don't want you to be unsuccessful just by fighting. That's why this is your last, and your best chance at all." Etrius just blew through his cheeks as his gaze returned to the window, but it soon returned to the front when his mother turned in her seat to face him in the back. "I want you to promise me Etrius." She said. "I want you to promise me that you won't get into a fight. It won't be worth it." "But I thought you were the one that taught me to fight back for the things I believe in!" Etrius replied, giving her a look not at all angry, but more annoyed. "Besides my grades, I've been doing nothing but exactly that my entire life, and yet, the schools have to turn a blind eye and make it a deficit!" It was true. Etrius was a top-notch student, having extremely high marks. But his record was bad due to how many times he caused an incursion. But he never made that incursion without a good reason, whether it was to defend someone from a bully, or stopping trouble with trouble. Win or lose, Etrius had the best sense of right and wrong. "That's not how society works, honey." His mother said calmly. "We have to be in our best behavior, even if it means staying our hand in the face of something wrong. That's just how society works." "Society, my ass," Etrius growled through clenched teeth. "Society can never function like that, being as corrupt as it is. Even Abraham Lincoln knew that a slave cannot be a slave because he is exactly like everyone else. And I don't even need to calculate specifically, either." It was Mrs. Parilaz's turn to sigh. "I know. But we sometimes we can't change those things, be it right or wrong, because it's not in our power." She raised her son's lowered head by the chin. "If you have restraint, one day, you'll be able to change what is right and what is wrong. But you have to prove to everyone that you can." Etrius looked at his mother, and glanced to his father in th rear view mirror. He sighed, and nodded to his mother. "You have my word." That was enough for Mrs. Parilaz. She turned around, facing the front and Etrius turned his eyes back to the window, just when the scenery was changing to be a little more residential. They were almost there. "What's the name of this place again?" Etrius asked. "Kadic Junior Academy." Etrius's father responded. "As you already know, it's a boarding school, so you'll be living on campus. You're allowed to to visit us for the holidays at least." "Hmmm." Etrius mused. The black Toyota Sonota pulled up to what looked like a bit of a dirt drive. Two figures stood there, waiting as the car stopped in front. They appeared 30-40 years of age. Etrius's parents got out the car walking to the two figures, greeting each other. Etrius got out exactly a second later, trudging slowly to the group of adults. One of the figures was dressed cleanly, in a suit and tie. Principal. The other figure seemed to be dressed in a sweater and sweat pants. Etrius's best guess was a P. E. Teacher. "You must be Etrius." The man dressed in the suit asked the boy. "Pretty much." Etrius responded, then added sarcastically, "Unless they got my birth certificate wrong." The principal chuckled to the response. "Now that would be unfortunate." He said, holding out a hand for a handshake, in which Etrius took, "My name is Jorge Valdez, and I am the principal of this academy." He broke the handshake, then held a hand to the other male. "This man here is James. He is the caretaker of the boys dormitory and the P. E. Teacher of this academy." "How are you doing?" Asked James. Though he seemed a little chunky, he looked well-muscled. "Fine. A little exahausted." Etrius said honestly. "Well, you're in luck." James said, smirk on his face, "You came just as classes have ended, so you'll be able to unpack. We'll be taking your stuff to your room while Principal Jorge will give a tour. Etrius sniffed, nodding. He kept a neutral look as he followed the principal into the building, giving one last look to his parents, as Mr. Parilaz opens the trunk of the car as he, his wife, and James unpacked his son's stuff. ••• --- ••• It was a night of a full moon. Five students quietly crossed the campus of their-now silent academy as they made their way to the edge to the edge of the empty Commons Area. As they entered the outer rim of the woods that surrounded the academy, the moon's light flickered under the defensive canopy of sparsley-shaded trees. The students walked deeper within the woods before finally stopping at a manhole, hidden by a bit of grass. One of the teens, a blonde, semi-lanky boy with hair gelled in one spike running behind with a splat of purple on the front, crouched down and opened the manhole, pushing the lid off, and climbing down to the gaping black hole beneath. "Seems like ages since any of us went down here." Said another boy to his colleagues, one with messy black hair and a good body figure. "You here to document about it?" Asked another, a girl with clean, crew cut hair falling at her shoulders, and dressed in black. She wasn't muscular, but very tough-looking. She walked to the manhole, and began to climb down. "This isn't the time to chat about old memories like old people. I'd suggest you keep that in mind." "Didn't know you'd be this cranky," The messy haired boy replied. "What's with you?" "Look to your left." Said the teen to his right, another male, with straight brown hair. He was a lot more silent than usual. The boy with messy hair did exactly so. His eyes found the last member of the group. A blonde male, with glasses, and shorter than everyone else. He was looking at a photograph. It showed all of the five. But there was someone else in the photo. A girl, pink-haired, and smiling. The teen with messy hair sighed, before shuffling down the manhole. The inside of the the sewers were lit by a string of indacendant bulbs, their butter yellow light illuminating the tunnel. As the last two teens entered the tunnel, the group began to grab a skateboard, which were located at the base of the ladder leading out the way the group had came, and began to skate down the pathway they had taken many times before. After a while, they reached the other end of the tunnel, leaning their personal transportation on the wall near a new ladder leading toward their destination. The five teens climbed up the ladder, and opened the door of the hatch, opening to fresh air. The teens climbed out, facing to the factory they've kept secret for their entire lives at Kadic. It stood, tall and abandoned as it was, iconic. In this place they were gathered together for one cause, and one cause alone. The teen wearing glasses cleared his throat, and stepped forward facing the group, stirring them to attention. He spoke. "You're all probably wondering why I called you out here to the factory, even if we fought XANA before, and finally-" "We all know why we're here, Einstein," Interrupted the boy with the spiked hair. "You all want us to spend our last night at Kadic here." "Yes." Replied the boy with glasses said. "We all were brought here to this factory, and I think it's a good idea to be here for one last night." "Even though some of us nearly got either killed, got arrested by men in black or taken out by green ninjas, fell in the Digital Sea, or got possessed by our old, now long-gone friend XANA." Piped the spikey-haired boy again. "Ahhhhh, good times." "Watch it, Odd," Messy hair grunted, "Not all of us has a good memory as you, and last time I checked, none of them were good memories." "Anyway, we all were brought together by the supercomputer," Replied Glasses, "Why don't we all just stay here and hang out till the sun rises?" The rest of the group looked at one another, then all nodded to each. They entered the factory sliding down the rope they always came down, and entered the elevator they always used. As the elevator went down, the boy in glasses took one last look at the photograph. The elevator doors opened, and the teens walked into the room holding the supercomputer. The boy in glasses sat in the chair near the interface, and the rest gathered around. "I have to confess something." He said suddenly. "Is it that you're gonna-" "Shut it Odd." Said the boy in brown hair. "Now is not a good time." "Ok, fine. Go on, Jeremy." Jeremy readjusted the glasses on his nose before continuing. "What I was about to say is, we all made plenty of memories here, both good and bad. And, we saved the world countless times. For that, I'm glad to meet you all." He turned to the boy with brown hair, the silent one. "Ulrich Stern. You saved me from my robots when XANA changed their code to attack me. You were the first one that I told about the supercomputer. "Didn't I say that I'd only follow you in case you were attacked by a hair dryer next?" Ulrich replied with a small smirk. A rare gesture. Jeremy chuckled. "Yeah, you did." He turned to the boy with spiked hair next. "Odd Della Robbia. Our guy for comic relief." "One and only!" Odd chirped happily, standing on one leg. "We used your dog Kiwi to test the scanners of the supercomputer, but you got virtualized indirectly. You barely had any powers like the rest, but you fought and outsmarted XANA's monster countless times. Your jokes are never wasted." Jeremy finished. "Well thanks, Einstein. You were great too!" Jeremy turned to the girl in black next. "Yumi Ishiyama." Yumi's expression softened as she was announced next. "You learned our secret while following us to the sewers when XANA launched his first attack on the school. You helped out, even when your expression dictated otherwise." Yumi shifted her weight to one side, putting one hand on her hip, and tilting her head in mock flattery. "Are you calling me tough, Jeremy?" She asked. "I'm calling you strong, actually." All Yumi did was gave a satisfied "hmph", but still smiled all the same. Jeremy turned to the boy with messy hair. "William Dunbar." Unlike everyone else, William shifted uncomfortably. He wasn't ready to be announced. Jeremy took a breath before going on. He said, "You were XANA's slave, and not by choice. We fought you countless times. But even after we freed you, you were stubborn enough to want to fight him, for all the time he stole, keeping you trapped. For that, I think you're worth the mentioning." Odd patted William on the back, and even Ulrich nodded in approval. As everyone congratulated William, Jeremy sighed. There was one missing. Someone who was already long gone. He held his head with one arm, thinking about her, the one who he fought so hard to give her a life here on Earth. "Jeremy? You okay?" Jeremy looked up to see Yumi, looking down on him with an expression of pity. He shook his head slowly. Yumi put a hand on his shoulder. "Aelita wouldn't have want you to be like this, would she?" She said in a sympathetic voice. "There was nothing we could've done to prevent her leaving. Tyrone is her step-father. Besides didn't we want to reunite her with her mother?" Jeremy only said sullenly, "I know we still talk, but it isn't the same. She should be here, with us." "Where could she have gone, Jeremy?" Yumi asked. "After she finished her time here?" "She could've lived with me and my parents. We would-" Yumi's brow creased, but only slightly. "Jeremy, listen to yourself!" She replied. "Use your head! Even if she could've lived with you, she had no parents besides her mother, and even then, her being at Kadic could've raised questions. It's even a wonder that Principal Delmas didn't give her a scolding for lying to him." Jeremy looks up at Yumi, and only shook his head. Yumi suddenly lowered, wrapping her arms around him. "I understand how you feel," She said quietly. "But she has a life now, so she can grow up. We all know that she stayed in the Supercomputer for too long, and she needs to make up that time." She broke the embrace, now with a smile. "We won. That's what matters." She said. "XANA lost the moment Tyrone reactivated his supercomputer. We can move on now as well." At this, Jeremy suddenly looked uncomfortable. As soon Yumi saw this, she raised a questioning eyebrow, frowning. "Jeremy, what's the issue?" Suddenly there was a loud noise that got everyone's attention. It came from the hatch near the scanner room. Odd, Ulrich and William all took a stance at the hatch, ready for a fight. "Show yourself, fiend!" Odd shouted, pulling what seemed to be an awkward kung-fu stance. A blonde head with curls reaching her shoulders peeped out. "Calm down, Della Robbia, it's just me!" Jeremy instantly breathed a sigh of relief. "Laura Gauthier." "Einstein, what's she doing here?" Ulrich asked as Laura climbed out. She held a laptop under her arm. "Helping Jeremy out with the supercomputer." She responded. When she saw the look of confusion on everyone's face but Jeremy's, she asked him, "You never told them?" Everyone looked to Jeremy, who closed his eyes and rubbed his temples. He finally began after two minutes. "We have defeated XANA. That much is true. But not in the way we expected." "What do you mean?" Ulrich asked. Jeremy eyed him. "He left a contingency plan." "Contingency?" Odd asked, more confused, but his expression changed to a little horrified. "Wait, do you mean he injected all of us with more source codes?" XANA had pulled this kind of trick before. Jeremy had created a multi-agent program to destroy XANA, but XANA was smart enough to inject a part of the group with source codes, to prevent full destruction. "Something like that," Jeremy said, "The conditions are very different. And slightly more complex." He nodded to Laura, who opened the laptop, and showed it to the group. There showed 5 avatars on screen. But they all had a red overlay, pulsing. The Lyoko warriors looked at one another. "XANA didn't inject you all with source codes directly," Laura explained, "But into your Lyoko Avatars." "The moment you enter those scanners, XANA will be able to siphon those source codes, not only getting stronger, but making you weaker the moment you enter Lyoko." Jeremy went on. "Which means we can't enter Lyoko without making XANA stronger." Yumi said, with a growing worried expression. "We can't even fight him when he activates a tower while risking giving him what he wants." "XANA, that cheater!" Odd said, angered and childish. "Sorry to rain on your parade," Ulrich said to him with a grimace. "If there is one thing I learned about him on Lyoko, he never plays fair." "I know! That's what ticks me off! Now I can't use my Laser Arrows to fight off his ugly monsters!" "Looking on the bright side though," William put in, "Doesn't that give us a slight advantage? I mean, XANA wouldn't be able to get the codes without us entering, so he wouldn't be very strong, and with Aelita gone, that's one set of source codes missing. Plus there are only two of us here who haven't entered Lyoko." He meant Jeremy and Laura. They always were behind the wheel of the computer. Jeremy shook his head again. "I entered the computer twice. Once to talk to Aelita, and the second to get you out of the ghost channel that XANA had set up. I'm integrated into the system just as much as you all are." "And Laura?" Asked Odd. "Somehow, she also has source codes just by being added to the whitelist of the Return to the Past system." Jeremy said, his voice sounding grave. The Return to the Past system was used mostly all the time every time Jeremy and his team deactivated XANA's towers, but began to become cautious that it also made XANA stronger. "So we're all infected." Odd said, greatly disappointed. "Isn't that just a ray of sunshine." "It doesn't stop there." Odd's eyes nearly popped out of there head when Laura said this. Jeremy stood from his chair before continuing "Since we'll be going to different schools, we have no way of fighting XANA, as they'll all be far from Kadic. And XANA is tied to this supercomputer, like a shackle. If the supercomputer loses power this time, XANA won't shut off this time, but he'll be free to go about the Internet, and cause trouble without having to activate a tower. And according to Laura, that's not gonna be very long. Everyone but Laura and Jeremy either gasped in horror or yelled in outrage. This was not the victory they wanted. "How are we supposed fight XANA now?" Odd moaned miserably. "He's the one holding all the cards. We can't so much as make a dent on him without springing a trap." "There is a way." Said Laura suddenly. Everyone rounded on her almost immediately. "How?" They all asked in unison. Laura closed the laptop, putting it to sleep, leaned it against the wall, playing with one of her curls. "From a logical standpoint, none of us can enter Lyoko without XANA winning back a bit of his strength. But other people can." "You're not serious." William suddenly said. "That's nuts." "It isn't." Laura retorted. "We just let someone else use the supercomputer." The room grew tense. Everyone else was speechless. "But-" Odd finally began, "But wouldn't any normal person report something like this to the authorities?" "Not unless they knew the stakes." Laura replied, "They would have Jeremy and Franz Hopper's diary for reference." "But Laura, this isn't anyone else's fight but ours." Yumi said. "We have no right to give something like this to anyone." Laura grew annoyed. "Don't any of you see?" She said, "This is no longer our fight. XANA put us in the worst possible position. We have no other choice but to pass the torch to someone else!" Everyone shifted silently. There was nothing they could do but ponder this. "I say we should do it." The last thing anyone expected was for Jeremy to agree to this. "Einstein, you aren't serious!" Ulrich said, dismayed. "Odd and Laura both make serious points." Jeremy said calmly. "XANA is holding all the cards, and we have to let someone else operate this thing." "Doesn't Aelita have the right to know about this?" William asked. Jeremy stiffened at this. He relaxed. "No." "But Einstein-" "NO ODD!" Jeremy yelled, causing everyon to flinch. Jeremy rarely causes an outburst. Silence again. Then, "I'll record my last entry of the diary then upload it to the supercomputer. I just hope someone knows how to work out all of this." With that, Jeremy and Laura nodded to each other and went to the elevator to turn on the computer. The rest of the group sat around the room, still tense in silence from the revelation, hoping something good would come from this. Because in their hearts, if help didn't come, they knew that everything they done would not compare to what would happen if XANA truly won. Spoiler: Part 2 Scanning the partially filled Common Grounds, Etrius looks from his schedule sheet to the campus, looking at the students. He liked to do recon every time he went somewhere new. He just hoped it went smoothly. He checked his schedule paper again for a recap. He had Math III, English II, Civics and Economics, and French I. He had a lunch break at 2nd period, as do the other Sophomores, and classes end at 4:15 on the dot, allowing students to either roam around campus or do extracurriculars or clubs. He was forbidden to be out of class at anytime before 4:15 unless consent is given or if it's an emergency, and though he wouldn't skulk around the girls dormitories, he was not allowed there during the lights out. Not that it truly mattered to him though. He could go anywhere he pleased. The one thing that could get him suspended was walking off campus, which was strictly forbidden anytime. As he went over the rules in his head, leaning on the wall, just out the side of the building, a group of three students, consisting of a girl and two boys were approaching out of the corner of Etrius's eye. He boredly looked up from his schedule sheet. Great. The welcoming committee. The girl had blond hair, hazel eyes, and sported an orange top and a skirt down just slightly higher above her knees. She had a satisfied look that Etrius could know too well. A look of a queen bee. Now where exactly did he put that insect spray again? "Word around campus is saying that the new kid just arrived." She said to him when they were a foot away. "And I don't think I've seen you before." The last bit wasn't a question. "And I'm guessing your the one who gets all the info." Etrius responded. "And your name would be...?" The girl let out a bubbly giggle that made Etrius's inside grind annoyingly. He hated attracting the wrong crowd. He thought he caught one of the boys glaring at him as he conversed with the queen bee, a boy slightly shorter than Etrius, with round-rimmed glasses, a pizza face, and brown-gelled hair, and dressed casually, but sharply. He adjusted his glasses huffily. "My name is Vanessa." The girl replies, batting her eyelids like a schoolgirl. "Vanessa Reaves." She pointed a thumb to the two cronies standing at either side of her. To the one in the glasses, "This nerd here is Zedd Rebeacuss, the smartest boy in the school," She pointed to the other guy, "This is Malcom Torvick." Malcom, a black kid dressed in a red hoody, didn't say a thing. He just cracked his knuckles. Classic. Etrius just stared at her, eyes half-closed in boredom. "Duly noted. But knowing your type, I can tell that you want something." He said cooly. Vanessa drew back looking surprised, but not hurt. "No no. Why would I want something from a new student?" She asked. "What are we intimidators?" Etrius' eyes shifted back to Malcom. Please, he thought, can you be any less stupid? Vanessa went on. "I just wanted to talk you, see what's your deal." The last part made Etrius turn his eyes back to the queen bee. If anything, he could picture her, her words dripping like honey, right out her mouth. Then, Etrius's eyebrows raised. He burst out laughing, drawing confused looks on Vanessa and her stooges. When he finally caught his breath, his look changed from one of amusement to one of glaring annoyance, further expanding the confusion. Etrius spoke, and there was a fierce edge to his voice. "Don't ever look or talk to me again. Stupidity is contagious." If Etrius had recorded this moment, he would continually rewind to the part where Vanessa's mouth drop like a cartoon character in surprise and disbelief. The two grunts at her sides also looked surprised and angered by this comment. Etrius tilted his head to both of them, saying "And just by looking at the two idiots at your sides, I'd say it's a long time since you escaped quarantine." A satisfied smirk drew slowly across his face. Zedd let out an audible nasal growl, holding a pale, lanky, shaking fist. Malcom hunched over menacingly, taking one half-step toward Etrius. Etrius, sensing a confrontation, turned his foot, balancing out, and ready for any attack to be thrown at- "Hey!" All four students turned to look behind Etrius. Two more students walked quickly, crossing towards them from 4 feet away. Zedd and Malcom both drew back, signs of a fight vanishing. "Ew." Vanessa said, drawing a look of disgust. "Nerd herd alert." She about-faced, saying to her cohorts, "Let's go boys." As the 2 new students approached Etrius, Vanessa's group left, walking away in a huff. Vanessa gave one last scoffing look at Etrius, before she caught up with her servants, nose in the air. "Wench." Said the first that approached, a boy. He looked a bit chubby, but was stoic-looking, slightly shorter in size than Malcom. He wore glasses similar in appearance to Etrius, but slightly larger in size. His hairline was straight, but shot upward at the front. He wore a faded maroon sweater which opened to reveal a navy shirt covering his small pot belly. He had glass blue eyes, and a tough-mug that was shaped into a look of annoyance and disappointment. His companion, a girl, was also a sight to see. She had dirty blonde hair wrapped in a ponytail, and sported grayish-green eyes, in a narrowing of blond eyebrows. She wore gray sweats. She had a lean figure, but Etrius got the impression that she was tougher than she let off. The dude broke his gaze from the retreating be squad, looking over Etrius. "You good man?" He asked. His voice sounded concerned now. "Yeah," came Etrius's reply, tart, "I was fine even without you coming here." "Hey, that's not fair." The girl started, but the guy held up a hand, telling her to wait. He turned back to Etrius, saying, "I don't think any kid at this school has ever said that to Vanessa. Especially on their first day." It wasn't criticism. It was a compliment. Etrius looked at the two, finally giving his full undivided attention. "Thanks." Was the only response he gave, before looking back over the campus again. "All things considered though," the girl said, "She's bound to try to make your life miserable, now that you insulted her. She tends to do that to everyone here at Kadic." The girl tilted her head to one side at Etrius, "I'm surprised that she actually was interested in you." "Well you aren't the first." Etrius returned. "Name's Fred." The chubby boy said holding out a hand. "Fred Stevens." "Cheryl Beverlus." Said the blond. Etrius let out a "tch". Will the introductions never cease? He hated introductions during recon. He folded his schedule paper, shoving it in his pocket, and turned on his heel, walking to the dorms. He left Fred hanging, who dropped his hand. "Where are you going?" Cheryl called out, "You aren't just gonna leave us hanging here, are you?" Etrius stopped for a second, turning back with the same half-eyelid look. "As a matter of fact, I am." He turned back around, just as he heard Fred say, "That sweater looks good on you!" Etrius raised an eyebrow to himself. How charming. He called out in response. "Keep to your pies and candy, tubby! Flattery will get you nowhere." He walked off, leaving Cheryl and Fred in the same spot Etrius once occupied. "I can't believe it." Cheryl said. "At last we find someone able to stand up to Vanessa besides us two, and he just blows us off as easily as he did to her!" She let out an exasperated sigh. "I think that went well." Fred replied, looking to her optimistically, "At least we know who to talk to if we need insults." "But we don't even know his name!" Fred just patted Cheryl on the shoulder, like a grandfather patting a disgruntled grandchild, only replying, "He'll come to us. Even loners need friends. As if boarding school isn't hard enough. Just give him time." ••• --- ••• Etrius lay on his bed, looking at his iPhone. He had just finished unpacking, and was taking a rest. It had been a long day for him at Kadic, and he was more than likely to call it a day. He still felt like there was something missing, though. He just couldn't tell what. He sat up, pressing the sleep button on his phone and picked up a large stack of papers. It was the school newspaper. He gave it a look-over. Though it was very descriptive, Etrius didn't even know why he even bothered to look over this crap, because there is nothing funny about freedom of the press. Too many juicy articles. He gave an exasperated sigh, ready to put the newspaper down when one article caught his eye. "Robot Building Competition", it read. Robots huh? He could definitely program one. But to have a robot, he would need parts. Where oh where...... Etrius put down the paper on his bed, and went to his dresser, opening it to reveal a mirror. He looked at his reflection, smoothing his semi-short, black hair, and readjusted his glasses that he peered through with his dark brown eyes. He wore a red t-shirt, outlined in black stripes, and wore navy blue jeans. He was scrawny in terms of appearance, barely weighing over 125 pounds at the age of 16. He blew through his nose and closed the door to his dresser and picked up his dorm keys from his nightstand. He put on his shoes, and opened his door. He walked out to the empty dorm hall, locking the door to his room behind him, and began to take a slow walk. He descended down a small flight of stairs, and walked out the door of the boys dormitory into the open air. Though there was a setting sun out, there were a couple of students out chatting. As Etrius walked past them, however, their conversation made him freeze mid-step. "...And I kept telling her, 'there is no way your leg injury is caused by you visiting that old factory'." A boy was saying. "There is no such thing as curses. Everyone knows that." "Wait," Another student said, a girl. "Was she talking about that old factory that divides the Kadic district from the city, the creepy one that's been abandoned for years?" "Yeah," the boy replied. "They say the city meant to tear it down, but they don't know who owns the place. Guess they forgot after trying to figure out who." "And your friend said she visited this place?" Another boy asked "On a dare." The first boy replied. "She'll probably never do it again. Said the place was creepy and rotting." A factory, huh? Etrius thought, that sounds like a good place to start. He turned and jogged back to his room. As he entered, he went over to his laptop, booting it. If there was one good thing Etrius enjoyed, it was programming. At age 14, he had mastered 4 programming languages and was able to hack into some moderate security-restricted areas undetected. He was still working on the high security part. The school had a basic firewall that prevented students from going to sites they shouldn't be on or for more mature users, but Etrius was able to bypass it no problem. He checked a couple of maps in the Kadic district and the city nearby, as well as the school's layout, and found something interesting. Not far from his dormitory in particular, there seemed to be a sewage system that gave a bit of a shortcut from the school to the factory he had heard about earlier. Not the best way of travel, but definitely quick to do some recon of the place and get back before supper or anyone finding out. When Etrius was satisfied with the information he gained, he patched up the hole in the school's firewall, shut off his laptop, and placed it in a backpack. As he slung the bag over his back, he looked out his window. Stars were already beginning to show up in the darkening sky. He left his dorm room, and walked out the dormitory. Making sure no one was watching, Etrius stepped out to the woods. "Are you that liable to break rules?" Etrius froze, half whipping around. Fred and Cheryl were standing on a nearby wall, Fred with a smug look on his face and Cheryl attentively looking around, possibly keeping watch. Etrius let out an audible hiss of annoyance. "What are you, here to gloat?" "No," Fred replied. "Just here to help." "Didn't I tell you to keep to yourselves?" "I tried to tell him." Cheryl said, not looking to them. "He just doesn't listen. He never seems to." Etrius's eyebrows creased lower, and he shifted his weight to one side. "Woman, I don't need to know of your issues. Now, if you don't mind, I got stuff to do and places to see." With that, Etrius turned around and began to walk, but 5 steps after he began walking, he heard another set of steps following him. "I dislike being followed. " Etrius said, not looking behind him. "I'm not following you." Came Fred's reply, "I'm just going where you're going." By now, Etrius' patience had run out. He decided it best to ignore the duo, and continued walking into the woods. Fred and Cheryl continued to tail him as he walked. Though he was afraid the two might rat him out, Etrius also had a strange feeling that they just wanted to be get to know him, and chances were that they wouldn't say a thing, based on Cheryl's guard-like behavior. He sighed. Maybe he could be a bit nicer. Etrius then began to focus on his original plan. According to the maps he'd gotten, there was supposed to be a manhole nearby that led to the passageway. After he and the duo tailing him walked for a bit, they came across a small expanse of grass guarded by a small ring of trees. A rusty manhole, almost hard to miss, lay in the grass. "There you are." Etrius said aloud, bending down, and began to pull. "A manhole?" Fred asking, he and Cheryl appearing behind Etrius. "I didn't know this was here. Cheryl, did Luna know about this?" Cheryl shook her head. Fred bent down to help Etrius, pulling the lid off like it was a lid from a garbage can, moving it to the side. "Whoa," Etrius said, panting a little. "Not bad at all." "Fred and I have cardio curriculars." Cheryl said, "I take sports, and Fred lifts weights a little." "Huh." Etrius said thoughtfully. He looked back at the manhole. A black hole stared back. "There doesn't seem to be a lot of light-" Fred began. Etrius jumped in. "HEY!" Fred yelled, surprised. There was a 'ungh!' noise and a rustling of a bag and clothing. After a second or two, "You guys coming in or what? It's not deep, and there's a ladder here." Fred and Cheryl exchanged glances of relief, then they grabbed the ledges that felt like ladder bars. As they entered, they were met with little light. "Hang on a sec." Came Etrius voice to their right. A bright light appeared from Etrius's phone as he shined it around the tunnel. The light shined on a couple of lightbulbs on the wall, but they seemed to have been cut of their power. "Too spooky for me." Fred said, a little lightly. Etrius shined a light on him, and swore he saw a slight shiver. Cheryl however was fine. “I guess that if these lights are out in here, it probably means these tunnels were used once.” She said, looking at Etrius through the dark, “But for what exactly?” “Maybe we should find out.” Etrius said, pointing his light down what looked like a path. He looked back to the two behind him. “Stay close.” The three began walk through the dark, following the path brightened by Etrius’s light. The seemed to walk for about 10 minutes. The passed a small gap, that Fred revealed it to be filled with water, in which Etrius came to the conclusion that they must have entered a main sewer line at some point, but there weren’t any other areas leading to more passageways. It seemed to be one straight line. Eventually, Etrius, who was leading, stopped at another ladder, and a wall just past it. “Looks like end of the road.” Etrius said, shifting his weight to one of his legs. He looked over to the ladder. “Guess we go up?” “Sure, as long as we get outta here.” Fred said, already at the foot of the ladder. “This place is giving the creeps.” Cheryl brushed past Fred, saying, “Scared, Fred?” as she climbed up, forcing a hatch at the top, and climbing through. Etrius followed, giving Fred a slight glance. Fred stood in the dark for a couple of seconds, then looked behind his shoulder, checking to see if anyone (or anything) followed them before climbing up the ladder. He stood up when he got to the surface, dusting himself off, in time to see Cheryl and Etrius looking upward. He followed their gaze. There, not more than 30 feet away, stood the old abandoned factory. It looked like the place hasn’t been operated in years. vines and moss seemed to be growing out the sides, and there also seemed to be a couple of cracks here and there. “The old factory?” Cheryl asked, looking to Etrius, whom nodded, and began walking towards to the entrance. He stopped abruptly at what looked like an unfinished set of stairs. As Cheryl and Fred came to see what had made Etrius stop, Etrius had located a set of ropes about 3 feet away from the edge of the stairs. “Well, end of the road,” Fred inquired. “Again. Time to head back.” “Not quite.” Etrius said, and began to take a couple of steps back. As Fred was about to ask why, Etrius blew right past him, leaping off the ledge, and grabbed on to one of the ropes. “Are you crazy?” Fred yelled, as Etrius slid down the ropes. “Relax, Fred.” Cheryl replied to him. “I doubt Etrius would do something without thinking it through first.” She too leaped off the ledge and grappled the ropes, sliding down to Etrius’s level. Fred thought, then shrugged, leaping on to the ropes as well, but almost fell sliding down. The 3 looked around some more. The factory looked even more decrepit on the inside. Etrius and the duo even swore they heard a low moan of metal somewhere within. "Where exactly did you learn to be able to take risks like jumping off a ledge to get onto ropes?" Cheryl asked Etrius to get everyone off the edge of freaking out. "I used to do Parkour a little in case some bullies wanted to get the jump on me." Etrius responded, "Then I learned to combine that with ordinary street fighting." “Ehhh, can we go home now?” Fred asked. Etrius shook his head. “Not until we find some robotic parts.” He replied. “You’re doing the robotics competition,” Cheryl started. “And you came here of all places to find parts? Couldn’t you ask you parents to get parts?” “No.” Etrius replied. “I wish.” He turned back to the two. “Since you guys followed me here, do you think you can help me find some parts?” “What would we need to look for?” Fred asked. Etrius rummaged through his bag, and pulled out a walkie-talkie, and tossed it to Cheryl, saying, “Anything that could be used to build a robot. I didn’t come here to leave empty-handed, so if you guys find anything that so much as resembles a mechanical joint or a motor, radio me through that walkie.” “Ok, so that means we scour the entire factory?” “Exactly.” Etrius confirmed, “So be careful, and try not to get lost in here.” “Too right,” Cheryl put in, “This place is big enough to be a mansion. Do you have a spare flashlight?” Etrius nodded, and rummaged some more, pulling out a heavy-duty flashlight, and handed it to her. He then turned and walked to one direction, and stopped before taking 3 steps. There was a large elevator behind him that he and the other 2 did not notice. “On second thought, I’m going to take a crack at this elevator.” Etrius said, a smirk drawing over his face. “But I thought you said that you were going to find some robot parts?” Cheryl replied. “I said that I would not leave here empty-handed, but I never said when I had to leave here.” Came the response. Cheryl turned to Fred for support, who only shrugged. They then turned their own way, and went inward, deeper into the factory. Etrius approached the old elevator, his footsteps making echoes throughout the factory. As he stepped inside the elevator, it let out a mechanical creak, as Etrius began to inspect it. It was just as old as the factory, the metal slightly rusting here and there. There was also an old console with 2 buttons, it's faded red colors matching the color pallette of the entire place. Etrius pressed the bottom button and waited. Nothing happened. Etrius shifted his weight to one foot impatiently, then rummaged through his bag, pulling out a long cord with two ends, and took out his phone, connecting it to one end of the cord. He fingered around the casing of the button console, finding a small opening, which Etrius pulled out with his hand. The button console came off like a lid from Tupperware, revealing a large mesh of tangled wired. Some were frayed at the ends. There was also a keypad and a couple of outlets behind the mess of wires. Etrius smirked, and rummaged through his bag some more, pulling out a matching plug to one of the outlets, jamming it in there, and connecting the phone cord to the plug. Etrius then tapped on his phone, looking through the strings of numbers and digits. From Etrius's best guess, the elevator only functioned when a correct 4-digit password was input, and the only way to find that all out was to tap into the mainframe of the console. Whoever owned the place must've wanted good security. But for what exactly? Etrius's curiosity only grew when the screen on his phone gave him the code he needed. Etrius input the code, wondering if the elevator would even work at all, considering how old it was. He heard a slight rumbling above him, and the elevator door slid slowly and creakily closed. He smiled in satisfaction, unplugged the cord and plug, placing it back in his bag, and replacing the console lid, pressing the bottom button. There was a slight lurch, and the elevator began to rumble downward, down into whatever secrets this old place had to hide. •••---••• As the elevator stopped on the final floor of the factory and opened its doors, Laura and Jeremy stepped out into the darkened room of the Supercalculator. They walked over to a large keyboard overlooking a large, circular hatch. Jeremy took a large shuddering breath, and breathed back out, his breath a small, visible fog. The room used to be warm from the energy generated, but now, the room was just as comparable as a meat locker. "They seemed to take it well." Laura said quietly. She was eyeing Jeremy oddly, as he keyed some of the code into the console. Jeremy looked back to her at this. "Well, you would act the same if the very same AI that you've been fighting for a short part of your life has a large chance to dominate the world." Laura shifted her weight to one side at this response, and took a couple of steps closer, saying, "Jeremy, I understand that XANA's bad and all, and I've seen what he's capable of, but wouldn't it be a bit much to say--" "That he's tried to kill us all one too many times?" Jeremy's voice became harsh as he gave Laura his full attention through a rare and angry glare. Jeremy was one of the youngest of the entire group. He had grown a couple of inches, and was even developing a bit of peach fuzz, but he had never looked so tough to be intimidating. But now, he looked like he'd been fighting nearly every lowlife at Kadic. "Maybe it could be that you've never been on Lyoko before or that you've never been on the inches of your own life, Laura," Jeremy growled to a now-widening eye Laura, "But I nearly lost my friends to XANA's clutches more than I can recount, William especially. And yet, you still have the nerve to say that it won't have the ability to kill?" Laura took a slight step back, raising both hands. "But don't all AIs have safeguards? Maybe if we searched more--" "Programming has nothing to do with this." Jeremy interrupted, snarling, causing Laura to flinch. "I have fought alongside everyone of my friends as best I could, doing my best to be the responsible one, taking all the raps and repercussions, that....that stupid AI put us through. XANA will stop at nothing to obliterate us. Even Aelita nearly died almost too many times!" He was practically yelling now. Laura lowered her head, afraid Jeremy would yell at her more. Instead, he turned back to the console, his voice lowering again. "Letting XANA live is an insult to Aelita's new life. Letting him win would be even worse. She lived inside of the Supercomputer for too long. If it wins, I won't ever forgive myself. And this isn't just for her, either." Laura held one closed hand to her chest, mulling the thought over. Jeremy had been something of both a rival and a slight crush to her at a time. But Aelita was first, matching Jeremy in nearly every way. Laura had nothing on her. Laura couldn't even measure up to the rest of Jeremy's friends. If anything, she was worse than William, thinking that knowledge was her best ally, but having no one to confide to. In the end, she was cold as the room of the Supercalculator. She had never understood the stakes. When Laura looked back up to Jeremy, he was looking back to her again, expression a little softer. "I don't just want XANA destroyed, I want him gone, and anyone who knows what I'm going through would want the same." Laura nodded, and moved up to help him out. She tapped in a small line of code, and pressed the activation button. There was a low hum, and the room began to get slightly warm. The circular hatch opened up, and a large mechanical device arose from below, bigger than Jeremy and Laura. Two large plates from within closed around the device, and a silver light winked on. The Supercalculator was now activated, and Lyoko was powered on once again. Jeremy took one last look at the very machine he had powered on so many years ago, bringing together his friends and unleashing his worst enemy, and as he and Laura walked back to the elevator, he hoped that whoever was the next to find this machine would not make the same mistakes as he did, and end this once and for all. Spoiler: Part 3 Coming Soon!
Spoiler: Hexin Basic Info Basic Stats Weapon Stats Pack Slots Name: Eli Perk: Tough Nut to Crack, Ghost Playertype: Immune Gender: Male Age: 19 Level 1 HP: 12 Energy: 14 Toxicity: - Ornamental Sword Mastery: Level 0 Remington M870 Mastery: Level 0 Pack Slots Consumed: 3 Pack Slots Available: 9 Pack Slots Total: 12 Contains: Can of Beans, Water, Flashlight 2x 8 Slugs 12 Gauge Ammo Spoiler: mindstorm787 Basic Info Basic Stats Weapon Stats Pack Slots Name: Mindstorm Perk: Intelligence, Athlete Playertype: Immune Gender: Male Age: 17 Level 1 HP: 14 Energy: 14 Toxicity: - Ornamental Sword Mastery: Level 0 Desert Eagle Mastery: Level 0 Pack Slots Consumed: 3 Pack Slots Available: 11 Pack Slots Total: 14 Contains: Can of Beans, Water, Flashlight 2x Mags of .50 AE Ammo
-Overhell- Based off of various zombie games, movies, and inspirations. Main Thread | Group Hub (This thread is in early access. the main thread will be open when there are enough players available) Story: In 2014, a recent epidemic arose within a country like any modern-day country. Patient Zero was infected with a new virus called AVAX-12, an experimental pathogen which affected a select few of people, and causes violent attitude, regenerative properties, and a very bad case of Munchies. In short, it was a zombie virus. Somehow, the virus escaped, and before the government noticed, everyone was in a widespread panic. Those who were smart took up weapons and prepared themselves for the worst. Basics: You are a survivor who is either immune or susceptible to the plague with limited rations and ammunition. You can either choose to live life in a collapsed world filled with corpses, or find a cure and pick up the pieces. There are 3 major cities, Thrist, Gorge, and Fate. You may choose to live in one of them, or survive in between. OCC Rules: No Godmodding or Metagaming. This is crucial for the best gameplay! Nobody likes an unstoppable player. This thread follows the standard rules of KHV. You can [currently] have a max of 2 characters. Only the host and admins are able to cause events, such as zombie attacks. Mature content is allowed here. Since this is realistic, dating is allowed. Just try very hard not to let it get out of hand. I have the right to add or change rules. Go figure. Character Skeleton is as follows: Username: Time Zone: Character Name: Alias (Optional): Personality: Gender: Short Bio: Age: (7-30) Weapon(s) of Choice: (Can either be Melee or Ranged. Can only carry 2. Click here to view them.) Playertype: (Either Immune or Susceptible) Perk: (Max 2. Click here to view them.)Game Rules: Cardio You are in a world of zombies. If you don't want to be a zombie Happy Meal, you will have to be on your feet most of the time. You only have a set amount of energy, and you will occasionally need to refuel. And all things considered, fatties will most likely go first. Double-Tap Zombies may be slow, but they as sure as hell are durable. Though a bullet to the noggin is more than enough, it's not a waste of a bullet for one more shot to the head. You can die very easily here. The last thing you need is a dead corpse suddenly grabbing your leg after you dropped it. Beware of Crowds You might be encountering hordes of undead. Consider always keeping your guard up, because nowadays, the zombies know when you're in a vulnerable position. Post as often as you can to prevent this. Always Wear Seatbelts Though this rule seems pretty basic, it's also necessary. Besides fighting zombies, you can also die from basic world things, including raiders, starvation, and car accidents. Travel Light Though most people shouldn't travel at night, as that's when the zombies are most active, you have to make sure you have enough rations. Though there are a lot of things that you'll come across, you will only be able to carry as much as your pack allows you, and carrying an arsenal isn't ideal. Be a Hero Though more situations then one can get you killed, sometimes it's best to get involved. Some people might even give rewards to those who help them. But remember: anyone can be hostile to each other. -Updates--Group Hub now open.- 11/24/2014 -ACCEPTED CHARACTERS:- Hexin mindstorm787 Username: Hexin Time Zone: EST Character Name: Elijah Nunziato Alias (Optional): Eli Personality: Apathetic towards some things, but overall a decent individual. He can be kind to most people, regardless of their appearance. Although wary towards strangers, he can be a bit too trusting at times towards others; not naive. The kind of guy that tries to see the good in people, despite their outward appearance, or past. Before the outbreak, these were traits that helped him be such an affable guy. Gender: Male Short Bio: Before the outbreak, he was just an average teenager who lived with his parents while getting used to the college life. Brown layered hairstyle with light brown eyes. Standing at 5'9, he inherited the height from his mother; as his father was 6'3. Mother and father were white collar workers whom worked in the city of Gorge. He spent most of his leisure time playing first person shooter games, and survival online games. Aside from gaming, he spent time doing general studies; first year of college am I right? He was undecided in a major. When the epidemic hit, it was to his heart pounding shock. One late evening while he was asleep, he heard something peculiar in the house. The first thing that came to mind was a thief. Wanting to alert his parents, he snuck out of the room and towards their bedroom. However, getting closer to the room, he realized the noises that had awoken him were emanating from the master bedroom....his parents bedroom. Realizing this, his teenage mind could only come up with one thing: Husband and Wife intimacy. Feeling the close call of walking in on them, he headed back to his room and went to sleep. The next morning he awoke at the usual time to begin the morning ritual. Bathroom stuff, and then breakfast. When he exited the bathroom and went downstairs, he found no one. It was strange to him as he usually caught them at the end of their breakfast before leaving for work. Eyes scanned the kitchen, seeing nothing out of place. After eating his breakfast, he headed towards the stairs when he encountered it. Just as he was about to take the first step up, he noticed from the corner of his eyes a figure standing at the top of the stairs. When he looked up, there it was...staring down at him with these bloodthirsty eyes. Teeth were bared at him, tainted with red smudges that covered its entire face as well as well toned body. It began to scream at him, furrowing its brows like it had been wronged or something. So many things went through Elijah's mind in a matter of seconds. "M-mom!?" he exclaimed in horror. The sound of his voice seemed to push her off the edge as she descended down the stairs. From there, it was just a matter of who cops and robbers or whatever. The point is, he made it out of that situation alive. Now, he lives on. Things he can find he usually makes good use of them immediately. Travel light, right? He currently resides in the urban areas, ghosting it out. Along the way he's had his fair share of troubles, but he's alive. Age: 19 Weapon(s) of Choice: Ornamental sword, Remington M870 Playertype: Immune Perk: Tough Nut to Crack, Ghost Username: mindstorm787 Time Zone: EST Character Name: Sylar Alias (Optional): Mindstorm Personality: Keeps to himself, but a very quick thinker. Gender: Male Short Bio: Will be revealed Age: 17 Weapon(s) of Choice: Desert Eagle, Ornamental Sword Playertype: Immune Perk: Athlete, Intelligence
Hello, visitors. For those of you who actually know me, hello again, and I know I've been gone for a hell of a while. So yeah, HI. Anyway! I realized that one day I haven't been on KH-Vids for a while, but found out that I was out in most of the RP threads that I usually hang out at. Naturally I would need find something to do. So..I have been recently been thinking up of a Zombie Apocalypse thread, thanks to me watching a little bit of Zombieland. The RP will be set on the present day, and will either give a choice to either survive through the apocalypse, or find a way to cure it. The thread should implement a couple of systems, including a Survival system, Story, Weapon modification, and plenty of undead flesh monkeys. I haven't set a date as to when this will be released, but it will released depending on how many people are interested. So yeah, who's up for it?
GAME SAVED CURRENTLY AT: Black Gallery Sylar, Ash 12:38 EST PREVIOUSLY SAVED GAMES: Black Gallery 1. Sylar, Ash 12:38 EST
GAME GUIDE Interaction Health Saving In this game, you will be preforming puzzles of different kinds, and interacting with different things. Make sure you check every room in case you miss any items that you might need. You can die. You have a rose that is tied to your life, and if it dies, so do you. Avoid all enemies, as you cannot kill them. To replenish your health, find a filled water vase. In the event that you do die, it isn't over for you. If one of your allies are still alive and are currently with you, they can replenish your rose. If you find a desk, use it to your advantage. If everyone dies, they will restart at the last point saved. Save often.
Guertena Gallery Fabricated World Objective #1: Find the following paintings: The Juggler (COMPLETE!) Your Dark Figure (COMPLETE!) Fabricated World (COMPLETE!) Objective #1:Find out where you are. You wake up in a black, darker copy of the Gallery, nearest to the last painting you where looking at. (COMPLETE!) Objective #2: Observe your surroundings carefully. You notice that this version of the Gallery is somehow alive. Also look for any others who are trapped here. (Sylar, Ash)
Sylar (Mindstorm787) Ash (TheWorldThatNeverWas) Life: Inventory: Purple Rose, Red Rose Life: Inventory: Nothing available
Yep. As a result of Cat's character Sprite thread, I decided to create my own thread of drawings for SOS. As of this post, I have only drawn two characters: Spoiler: Beuce Sketching: 2/5/14 - 2/14/14, 100% Coloring: Not Started Finalization: Not Started Spoiler: Etrius Sketching: 2/14/14 - 2/14/14, 100% Coloring: Not Started Finalization: Not Started Spoiler: Key Terms Sketching=Frameworks, outline, bodily features Coloring=Self-explanatory Finalization=Photo finish Overload=Too much features/Too complex So far, Etrius has been my hardest. But I can imagine that the other characters will be harder to create (Especially Luna and Steel, whom both have character photographs of the upper body. Steel can't just be a mask and a hand!) so I would like help in creating some of these characters, if you wish me to, otherwise, I will be working on my own term. You may put as much input into your characters as I can allow, and will let you guys know if i think it might be too much. However, I will try my best to sketch as well as I can. I will begin to finalize Beuce and Etrius's picture on Sunday if I can, and will post it on this forum for all to view.
Video Game: Ib Roleplay: Return to the Fabricated World a Video Game Roleplay created by Mindstorm787 [Puzzler|Romantic|Horror] (OOC THREAD) NOTE: THIS THREAD IS BASED OFF THE GAME, BUT THIS STORY IS PURELY ORIGINAL. IF YOU WISH TO KNOW WHAT THIS GAME IS ALL ABOUT, CLICK HERE! -Introduction- "Welcome, and warmly-painted greetings, tourists and hobbyists alike, to Guertena's Museum! I will be your tour guide for today as we embark on a painter's mysterious view of the world around him through the eyes of his paintings. On the far left wall is the famous 'Lady in Red'. Don't let her beautiful looks fool you, she will steal your rose- er, heart if you're not careful. Spoiler: Lady In Red On the right you see a painted Tarot representation of the 'Hanged Man', another one of the famous paintings created by that of your's truly!" Spoiler: Hanged Man "And...what else...AH! Yes..probably the most famous of them all..'Goodbye'. This painting in particular has a special story behind it. A lot of theories revolve around it, but many agree that the story goes a little like this": Spoiler: Goodbye Once upon a time, there was a girl by the name of Ib. She was quiet, but kind, and she and her parents decided to visit this very gallery that we stand in today. But as soon as her parents let her out of their sights, the museum itself changed and twisted into a painted world so wild and surreal, but incredibly dangerous. But Ib was not alone in this dangerous realm. Two people, named Gary and Mary, both were caught in the Fabricated World, and all three made a vow to make it back to the normal world alive, together. However, Gary soon found out that Mary was nothing more than a painting herself, just like the world around them all. Ib, on the other hand, became smitten with both of her newfound colleagues, and soon found to love them completely. Sadly, Mary revealed her true intentions to both Ib and Gary. Just as they had found a portal back to this very Museum, Mary threatened to kill Gary and go with Ib to the real world, as she could not go out on her own as a painting. Just before that could happen, Ib stopped Mary by getting in her way. Mary had a special place for Ib, and she couldn't kill Gary without hurting Ib. Ib likewise, loved them both, but she knew that she had to decide who should leave, and which two would go. Now, upon entering, Ib had received a special red rose. The rose itself was tied to Ib's life; if it became damaged, Ib would die. With that knowledge, Ib finally made her decision. A decision that would forever haunt these gallery walls. She took out the precious rose, and ripped the petals off the stem, destroying it. With whatever strength Ib had left, she pushed her two friends into the portal, and she lay down, weak and tired. She died, laying in the Fabricated World, unbeknownst to even her friends, as the portal separating this world and the Fabricated one causes us to lose our memories of the painted world. However, Mary, being a painting, remembered everything. Both Gary and Mary came to this very painting, and Mary recognized this very painting as her friend. Ib, who never regretted her decision to leave her parents or life behind, was happy to save her two friends. Even as thorns pierce her own body, even as she seems trapped and unable to do anything, she smiles, knowing she did the right thing. And the right thing she did. "*Sigh*, yes, this is indeed by far the most beautiful painting that I've seen in the gallery. One man's work definitely is cut out for a viewer's emotion. Anyway, this is where we will stop. For everyone here, I am giving a scavenger hunt to find certain paintings around the museum. I am passing out lists for everyone in this tour group. The person or group who finds the paintings on the list described will receive a prize. Be mindful though, as nothing in this man's gallery is as what is seems." -Story- You participated in a tour of Guertena's Gallery and were first tasked to a scavenger hunt. The hunt involves you finding various paintings within the gallery. However, as you search the gallery, you soon realize that your parent(s) have gone missing. Something is wrong in this gallery. Curious, you investigate to find what exactly is going on as you dive into Guertena's Fabricated World. -Rules--1. As this rule is reinforced everywhere on the forum, I will say it anyway, NO GODMODDING OR METAGAMING! I know everyone wants to go over the top, but seriously, no. -2. Time isn't really associated with the story, but if you don't plan on staying active long term, then don't even join. You must at least post once every 2 weeks. -3. Your lives are tied to a rose from the beginning of this story until you leave the thread. You CAN die in this thread, but only for a short time, depending on the situation. If your colleagues decide to help you, you will return to the story itself. Overall, you must help your allies. Look at the Game Guide for more details. -4. Swearing and dating is allowed, but to be kept PG-13. Nothing mature in this thread please. Be mindful that this thread follows the standard rules of KH-Vids. -5. Any infractions that violates first 3 rules (excluding 2 and 3) already stated will result in a strike. 3 strikes, and you will be asked to leave. -6. Your character must follow a base color. In order to do this, color the Character Skeleton in the color your character description follows. -7. You don't have to play the original game to know how to play this. If you have though, I will let you know that you will be starting at the END and finish at the BEGINNING. -8. You may control certain NPCs for certain actions (e. g. Talking, moving, etc.), but I will remind you that all events will be controlled by me. -9. You can have as many characters as you want. Just try not to overwork yourself in doing so. Too many characters can equal too many problems, including memorization and story standing. -10. Check the OOC every once in a while for updates. -11. I have the power to change and/or establish rules.
Video Game: Ib Roleplay: Return to the Fabricated World (OCC Thread) a Video Game Roleplay created by Mindstorm787 [Puzzler|Romantic|Horror] (Main Thread) NOTE: THIS THREAD IS BASED OFF THE GAME, BUT THIS STORY IS PURELY ORIGINAL. IF YOU WISH TO KNOW WHAT THIS GAME IS ALL ABOUT, CLICK HERE! -Introduction- "Welcome, and warmly-painted greetings, tourists and hobbyists alike, to Guertena's Museum! I will be your tour guide for today as we embark on a painter's mysterious view of the world around him through the eyes of his paintings. On the far left wall is the famous 'Lady in Red'. Don't let her beautiful looks fool you, she will steal your rose- er, heart if you're not careful. Spoiler: Lady In Red On the right you see a painted Tarot representation of the 'Hanged Man', another one of the famous paintings created by that of your's truly!" Spoiler: Hanged Man "And...what else...AH! Yes..probably the most famous of them all..'Goodbye'. This painting in particular has a special story behind it. A lot of theories revolve around it, but many agree that the story goes a little like this": Spoiler: Goodbye Once upon a time, there was a girl by the name of Ib. She was quiet, but kind, and she and her parents decided to visit this very gallery that we stand in today. But as soon as her parents let her out of their sights, the museum itself changed and twisted into a painted world so wild and surreal, but incredibly dangerous. But Ib was not alone in this dangerous realm. Two people, named Gary and Mary, both were caught in the Fabricated World, and all three made a vow to make it back to the normal world alive, together. However, Gary soon found out that Mary was nothing more than a painting herself, just like the world around them all. Ib, on the other hand, became smitten with both of her newfound colleagues, and soon found to love them completely. Sadly, Mary revealed her true intentions to both Ib and Gary. Just as they had found a portal back to this very Museum, Mary threatened to kill Gary and go with Ib to the real world, as she could not go out on her own as a painting. Just before that could happen, Ib stopped Mary by getting in her way. Mary had a special place for Ib, and she couldn't kill Gary without hurting Ib. Ib likewise, loved them both, but she knew that she had to decide who should leave, and which two would go. Now, upon entering, Ib had received a special red rose. The rose itself was tied to Ib's life; if it became damaged, Ib would die. With that knowledge, Ib finally made her decision. A decision that would forever haunt these gallery walls. She took out the precious rose, and ripped the petals off the stem, destroying it. With whatever strength Ib had left, she pushed her two friends into the portal, and she lay down, weak and tired. She died, laying in the Fabricated World, unbeknownst to even her friends, as the portal separating this world and the Fabricated one causes us to lose our memories of the painted world. However, Mary, being a painting, remembered everything. Both Gary and Mary came to this very painting, and Mary recognized this very painting as her friend. Ib, who never regretted her decision to leave her parents or life behind, was happy to save her two friends. Even as thorns pierce her own body, even as she seems trapped and unable to do anything, she smiles, knowing she did the right thing. And the right thing she did. "*Sigh*, yes, this is indeed by far the most beautiful painting that I've seen in the gallery. One man's work definitely is cut out for a viewer's emotion. Anyway, this is where we will stop. For everyone here, I am giving a scavenger hunt to find certain paintings around the museum. I am passing out lists for everyone in this tour group. The person or group who finds the paintings on the list described will receive a prize. Be mindful though, as nothing in this man's gallery is as what is seems." -Story- You participated in a tour of Guertena's Gallery and were first tasked to a scavenger hunt. The hunt involves you finding various paintings within the gallery. However, as you search the gallery, you soon realize that your parent(s) have gone missing. Something is wrong in this gallery. Curious, you investigate to find what exactly is going on as you dive into Guertena's Fabricated World. -Rules--1. As this rule is reinforced everywhere on the forum, I will say it anyway, NO GODMODDING OR METAGAMING! I know everyone wants to go over the top, but seriously, no. -2. Time isn't really associated with the story, but if you don't plan on staying active long term, then don't even join. You must at least post once every 2 weeks. -3. Your lives are tied to a rose from the beginning of this story until you leave the thread. You CAN die in this thread, but only for a short time, depending on the situation. If your colleagues decide to help you, you will return to the story itself. Overall, you must help your allies. Look at the Game Guide for more details. -4. Swearing and dating is allowed, but to be kept PG-13. Nothing mature in this thread please. Be mindful that this thread follows the standard rules of KH-Vids. -5. Any infractions that violates first 3 rules (excluding 2 and 3) already stated will result in a strike. 3 strikes, and you will be asked to leave. -6. Your character must follow a base color. In order to do this, color the Character Skeleton in the color your character description follows. -7. You don't have to play the original game to know how to play this. If you have though, I will let you know that you will be starting at the END and finish at the BEGINNING. -8. You may control certain NPCs for certain actions (e. g. Talking, moving, etc.), but I will remind you that all events will be controlled by me. -9. You can have as many characters as you want. Just try not to overwork yourself in doing so. Too many characters can equal too many problems, including memorization and story standing. -10. Check the OOC every once in a while for updates. -11. I have the power to change and/or establish rules. -Character Skeleton- Username: Character Name: Age (9-18): Image or Visual Description: Personality: Short Story: Base Color: What do you wish to see or feel from this experience?: What are you afraid of?: Welcome to Guertena's Fabricated World. -Accepted Characters- Sylar (Mindstorm787) -Username: Mindstorm787 -Character Name: Sylar Memphis -Age (9-18): 14 -Image or Visual Description: Has short, straight black hair, khaki pants, with a purple shirt underneath a black leather jacket. Has deep purple eyes and a kind smile. -Personality: Typically curious and outspoken, his tough-looking is a common misconception of his gentle mind. He loves painting, and loves each emotion behind it. Though he never gives too much about himself, he is interested in other's likes and dislikes. -Short Story: Since he was 7 years old, Sylar loved Guertena's works, and was ambitious to follow in his footsteps. But he began to doubt his idol when he learned of the "Goodbye" painting. It seemed so powerful with emotion that it felt very much alive. Now 14, Sylar continues to visit Guertena's Gallery for answers. Little doess he know that he'll get more then what he bargained for. -Base Color: Purple -What do you wish to see or feel from this experience?: To discover my idol's biggest secret. -What are you afraid of?: The unknown within that secret. Welcome to Guertena's Fabricated World. Sylar (Mindstorm787) Ash (TheWorldThatNeverWas) Username: TheWorldThatNeverWas (TWTNW) Character Name: Ashley "Ash" Payton Age : 15 Image or Visual Description: ✿❀ Personality: She is reserved, and spends a lot of her time alone daydreaming. Despite this she can be outspoken at times and does things on a whim Short Story: Ash was always fascinated in stories and legends, and pursued to find a deeper meaning behind them. Because of this she spent most of her time alone often creating her own in daydreams. Until she recently found out about Guertena's paintings and the intriguing stories behind them. She visits Guertena's Gallery for the first time and plans to unravel their mysteries. Base Color: Pink What do you wish to see or feel from this experience?: She wishes to understand the true meaning behind the stories in Guertena's paintings and what caused him to paint them. What are you afraid of?: Finding out something that makes her regret ever venturing to find out their true meanings. Welcome to Guertena's Fabricated World.
Ok, Ok, I know I've asked a few people as to what there personal Keyblades might be, but I've never gone around to bother with making it official, and since I'm not a Mod, nor do I truly have an interest, I would be otherwise be more than willing to forge Keyblades at both my own expense as well as SOS. So, the other day, I came around to creating a Google Survey specifically for this purpose. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1Xp9jaC_Y-XlnQoCpS36ZJRhjWRKGMWeEWorjhCqME9w/viewform Anyway, I can try to create any kind of Keyblade so as long as I know who and what it's made from.
This choice is for those at OMEGATECH Dr. Callistar is sending you to Tenebris City of the Recon and Clean-up of the rouge Ut Mali group attacking the city. You are to identify your enemies and their powers. There is also the risk of another individual, who is keeping the Ut Mali group at bay. He (and whoever else tied to him) seems to have a hidden agenda, and seems to generate an enormous amount of antimatter energy. Do you choose to go, at the risk of death? Or do you stay and work with Dr. Callistar?
Introduction on the vigilante with the smiling mask:Hello everyone! Mindstorm787 here! Before I compile my newest story, I would like to tell you about my character and how he seems to fit (in my eyes) in the story.When I was young, I always loved the concept of superheros. I never wanted to act like Batman, or Superman, or Sonic The Hedgehog, or any other copyrighted superhero for that matter! I wanted to be my own person, my own alter-ego. And so, I created one. The first draft of him was called 'Axel5678' It was an odd name, to be sure, but I never cared. I created him in my 4th grade year. I have created 10 comics (for some reason, they don't compile any sense whatsoever, and focus solely on fights) called 'Axel5678's Adventures', featuring me and 3 friends and my one cousin as superheros. Axel5678 was an energy manipulator, able to control nuclear energy. As I grew older, I found it a little old and a bit OP to boot, so I revised the character. I gave him pale skin, a flame hoodie, a red headband, and a smiling mask. The mask was by far the coolest, because a lot of people told me that it was creepy. Next, for his powers, I selected fire and matter. Then I decided to revise it again because of power play (See where this is going?). Eventually, my character's name was also changed to Ze Operator. It was decent, and it had a classical look on him. After watching too much KH Lore for my own good, Ze Operator reflected that obsession. He wore a customized cloak, similar to Organization XIII's signature cloak. The only differences? A red headband, messy hair, black exercising gloves, a smiling mask, and this insignia drawn on the back of his cloak.He can use major pyrokinesis and minor manipulation of time. The time ability itself allowed him to speed up or slow down actions, reverse wounds, and repair recent damage. The same effect could be done to others, so long as physical contact has been made.Some references of this character have already been made through this forum, including Krowley's KH:SOS (Etrius Parilaz, a dark, but Ventus/Riku-ish Keyblade Wielder. He was my very first KH OC), Phoenix's KH: Light Vs. Dark (Rexitus, The Nobody of Etrius Parilaz), Boy Wonder's Heroic Sanction (Axel Da Silva, the mute, broken boy with a hard edge. He was the exact spitting image of my own Ze Operator, but with less powers and more tools), and Jayn's Cupid's Brew (Adrian, the more casual version of Etrius, with a hot-headed sibling.) RP threads . By now, I had entered a new obsession phase: The Fear Phase. I partially had already had bit off a huge chunk with Etrius from SOS, but I wanted more.Basically, I shoved my head into the forbidden well of violence, horror, eeriness and bloodlust by watching WAY too many scary games and videos. I even went far enough to watch scary game walkthroughs, including Markipliergame, PewDiePie, and Yammimash. The deeper I went into the Valley of the Uncanny, the more I decided to revise my character one final time. I decided to redo him in the likeness of The Slenderman. Besides Pyramid Head from the Silent Hill series, this entity both baffled me and inspired me. He was the only Creepypasta who seemed to fit the 'unsettling' category of my mindset, without anyone really buttering the story up with the bloodshed (according to the Slenderman Wiki, it doesn't say what Slenderman does to his victims, other than stalk them and ruin their senses). But the other side of my head wanted to keep the KH phase of my previous masterpiece. Oh, what a mistake that was!The project, which combined both the Fear Phase and my KH Phase together was too OP for words to describe, not to mention that the result was unpleasant, so I scrapped the character entirely. My Axel5678 character first originated from a building game called Roblox. After the KH/Fear mess-up, I spent the rest of my free time on their, RPing with other people. And that, my colleagues, is where the mother-fudging miracle happened. I was RPing like I usually did, and some girl joined in with me. I later met that girl over Skype, and so far, she's a pretty awesome gal.She played as Wrin, a girl/wolf/raven creature, who controlled fire, and with a fiery curiosity to match. I, with nothing to lose (and watching too much 'Pasta Monsters' and 'The Seer' comics), picked out (Take a guess) Etrius, Slenderman's most hardworking Proxy and trump card. The RP lasted about 5-7 days. But something about it literally made my mind click. We had gotten so much down, plus with the characters, the story, and action, that I had enough motivation to redo my Ze Operator character all over again.If any of you play Team Fortress 2, (Bauttsecks, mentlegen?) some of you may have heard of the Team Fortress 2 Freakshow. Some characters include Vagineer (No, not the guy on this forum), Painis Cupcake, Seeman (A goddang laugh, this one is :p), Demopan (SCOUT SHAKO FORR TU RE-FINED?) and plenty more.There was also a Slenderman version (Slender Mann, as he's called. I don't get the physics in that either. -_-) for the wiki itself. The only thing? It never said anything about Proxies on his wiki. The gears in my head turned on this, and decided to redo my character from my KH Phase, by stripping him of his powers and his Keyblades (If he had any, I don't remember much), and redid him in Slender Mann's image.I gave him a black suit to match up with his master's but with a twist: He wore a golden cross, a red rose, and the same smiling mask that I've loved for so many years on what was my dream alter-ego. He had similar Slender-based powers, such as EMD (Electro-Magnetic Displacement, a fancy word for making electronics go all wonky) powers and the use of wrist tentacles. I gave him a red-and-black sword, a revolver, and a lever shotgun for an arsenal.I had finally made the perfect hero to represent me. Which brings us to this story. This story is based off the RP that me and my friend did. Some events were edited to my liking, but they all have the concepts I was staring for: action, romance, short comedy, and Creepypasta (Ick, but yum!)!After I complete this story, I plan to make a movie out of it on Youtube. And then I'm putting it away for good, because I literally spent a third of my life on this. That includes no redux OCs on the RP threads of this forum, I'm going for straight shooters. A word of the warning: DO NOT STEAL THIS. This is my life's work. If anyone steals it, I will sue, and if you see anyone, with the same story, please, please, PLEASE tell me. You may tell others about this if you like, but do not steal it. It's plagiarism. I have a private Google Doc to ensure my rights. OVERALL, ENJOY, AND THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HELPED SHAPE MY CHARACTER THROUGH THEIR RPS! YOU HAVE HELPED ME A LOT! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ETRIUS Etrius couldn’t believe it. Lapis was dead. He stood near her tombstone, looking at it sadly. It had been 3 weeks since her death, and Etrius still couldn’t get over her. Etrius was a mercenary informant, and a very young one, at the age of 17 years. He was doing his usual work one particular day when he receives a call from a friend. A local gang started a drive-by at one of the nearby houses. Lapis had been caught in the crossfire. By the time Etrius arrived, there was nothing the medics could do. By next morning, Lapis passed away. From that day forward, Etrius vowed to visit her resting place at least once a week. But even then, that was just an excuse to deny that she died at all. And for that, Etrius’ pain only got worse. Etrius suddenly heard white noise. It was short, sharp, and lasted a second. He looked around. No one was there, but the environment changed. It had gotten much quieter. Forbidding, even. Another static blip. Etrius turned to look in front. No one still. By now, Etrius’ sorrow was replaced by suspicion and confusion. Was someone there? Static again. This time, it was low in volume, and continuous. Etrius continued looking around, trying to pinpoint the source of the sound. His eyes suddenly locked on something at the end of the graveyard. It was hard to tell through the thick fog, but Etrius thought he saw a man dressed in a pitch-black tuxedo and tie, as if he came for a funeral. But none was scheduled. It was just Etrius. Stranger still, Etrius couldn’t see the man’s facial expressions, but that was probably due to the fog, right? Still, his presence unnerved Etrius, as if the figure didn’t belong in this place. He blinked. The figure had disappeared. And the static with it, leaving silence. “I must be losing my head. To actually think that ghosts exist!” Etrius thought. He took out his cell phone to call a client before he leaves. A sudden flash of white noise goes off, causing his cell phone to short out. “What the hell-” Etrius began. He stiffened. Someone was standing behind him. He turned. It was the same figure from before. He was tall and slender, which surprised Etrius, because at a distance, he seemed normal in height. But what shocked Etrius more was that the figure HAD no face. Just a bald, white head. Etrius shivered. It looked as if the figure was looking straight at him. “You want purpose?” Etrius looked around wildly. He soon realized that it was the figure speaking to him, even though no voice was heard. Was the entity speaking to him telepathically? The figure went on. “I can feel your sadness.” It sounded sympathetic “Who are you?” Etrius asked, still on his guard. No answer at first. Then, “I have many different names. Some call me the Operator, or the Tall Man. But you may call me the Slenderman.” Etrius froze, his blood turning to water. The urban legend exists? It’s real? The Slenderman continued. “You lost a loved one. You are in pain. Do you wish for it to stop?” Etrius looked back at his ex’s grave. “Yes,” He replied quietly, “More than anything.” The Slenderman adjusted his tie, as if clearing his throat. “Well, I could take it all away. I wouldn’t be able to bring your love back to you, but I can help you avenge her death.” Etrius looked at the figure seriously this time. “What’s in it for me?” He asked. Etrius always knew that in some jobs, there was always a catch. Rules of experience. “You would gain some of my abilities.” Responded the being, “I will teach you the ways of the unnatural, being able to teleport, to cloak, and to kill those who oppose you.” “What’s the price?” A crease appeared at the top of the Slenderman’s forehead, as if he thought about it. “You will become my servant. You will be tuned to my daily work. Even then, you are useful, as like me, you are able to provide information that not many are willing to risk their lives for.” He said. “Is that why you chose me for this deal?” Etrius asked. “That, and the fact that I pity you. Even we monsters care for our own. This should not go unpunished.” Etrius thought for a long time. A chance for redemption? This sounded a lot like a Devil’s deal. But Etrius knew he couldn’t continue mourning like this. He had a strange feeling that one day, if he was really crazy enough, he might take his own life just to be with his ex. He knew he had to make the deal. “I think we have an agreement.” Etrius said finally. “Where do we go to begin?” Slenderman put a hand on Etrius’ back, motioning towards the graveyard entrance, toward the woods beyond. “We go to the Underrealm.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WRIN The SCP Foundation. Last zone for the unnatural and the weird. It was just an excuse to jail any object or creature humans couldn’t understand and to study it by endangering the lives of other humans. It seemed disgraceful, because even though these SCPs were kept away from prying eyes, they were still getting examined as if they were at a zoo. The expendable humans, dubbed Class-Ds, were sometimes brought into a certain SCP chamber for testing. Usually, it never ended well. In short, the SCP Foundation was a messed up facility for both SCPs and humans alike. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “SCP-2369. What is it?” Asked Dr. Valladona. He was looking through the SCP’s case file and took a particular interest to it. He was on his break, eating in the staff lounge. “It’s humanoid girl.” Dr. Rebbecus said. “She’s a hybrid; half wolf, half human. Nothing special about her other than the fact that she manipulates flames and that she changes from wolf to human and back again. Strangely though, she’s able to carry an intelligent conversation.” “How so?” Asked Valladona, bewildered, “It says here in her case file that she doesn’t speak English!” Rebbecus put down his coffee mug, as if exhausted by the conversation. “She was tested with both the Burning Man and the Plague Doctor. Both conversations lasted the maximum time allowed.” “A bit of a chatterbox, eh?” Valladona smiled. “We need more of those around here.” “True, but thats not the reason why. Reports say that she only talks because she was happy to find people ‘like her’.” “She emphasized that there may be others like her?” Valladona asked, surprised “Not directly, but according to the Plague Doctor, she’s at least 16 of our human years, and she’s very interested in human culture. We could’ve taught her English if we tried.” “Yeah, well, Administration wouldn’t allow it. Not after our countless number of containment breaches.” Valladona said silently. “We worked a maximum of 29 days before we had another accident.” “I hear that they’re doing more testing on SCP-173.” Said Rebbecus, “And it seems that they’re using a new batch of Class-Ds and humanoid SCPs eligible for the type of job.” “Seriously? What is so interesting about that thing?” Asked Velladona. Both doctors were referring to the most infamous and possible the most dangerous SCP in the entire facility, The Sculpture. At mere sight, this thing looked like a statue of an alien, with blank, green, circular eyes and a red painted mouth. However, if you blinked or turned away, the creature had a chance of strangling you or snapping your neck. It cannot move while in a person’s direct line of sight. Subjects also reported that if it got close enough to you before finish blinking, they would hear an inhuman screech or growl coming from the being itself, even though it is feasibly impossible. Thus, the SCP gained a reputation for being notorious. Even SCP-682, the Regenerative Reptile, who broken out of it’s containment 5 times, is afraid of a statue 10 times miniscule to it’s size. Those who entered SCP-173’s chamber never came out alive. The choice in itself was a death wish. “Maybe we should check it out.” Said Rebbecus. “After all, what’s the worst that could happen?” “I don’t know.” Valladona replied. “It could be a dangerous test. We don’t know who they’re sending in.” “All the more reason to find out.” ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The two doctors walked through the entire facility, rounding corners, taking elevators, and passing through security. They finally made it to a large room and containment chamber holding the dreaded SCP. A guard stood at the top of a platform, at the door controls. 3 Class-Ds stood at the door, waiting for the green light. Rebbecus and Valladona made their way through back stairs and up to the platform the guard was standing. There was a door to the guard’s left and the controls to the containment room in front of him. The guard asked, “Identification and security level, please.” “Dr. Valladona and Dr. Rebbecus, Level 3 Security. Here to observe test.” Rebbecus said automatically. Certain tests required identification to prevent Class-Ds to prevent them from getting any smart ideas. “Access Granted.” Responded the guard, and he let the two doctors pass. In the room was none other than Dr. Sterling, one of the more ambitious doctors with higher security clearance. “Ah, good day gentlemen.” Said Sterling in his smooth voice. Sterling was a talker, and he had a habit of pulling strings of authorities. For all Rebbecus and Valladona knew, Sterling might of personally asked for this test. “Mind explaining what you’re trying to achieve here?” Rebbecus asked. Sterling just smirked looking into the containment chamber. SCP-173 was facing one of the walls. Sterling blinked. He heard a short stone thump. SCP-173 made it towards the opposite wall below the observatory. That was one of the strangest things about SCP-173. Somehow, it knew if it got into someone’s line of site, and it was very fast, making 20 feet in half a second when someone blinks. “I’m just doing the usual tests to see if this abomination does anything new. Nothing special.” Answered Sterling. He sat down at a desk at a microphone and turned it on. “ALL CLASS-D PERSONNEL, PLEASE REPORT TO THE CONTAINMENT CHAMBER.” Came Sterling’s voice through the room’s intercom. The containment chamber’s doors opened with a slight whirring and SCP-173 immediately froze in its place. The Class-Ds entered, looking grim the containment door closing behind them. Sterling spoke again. “PLEASE APPROACH SCP-173 FOR TESTING.” Suddenly, the containment doors opened, as if there was an override. Sterling’s eyes fell on the console. The doors were being overridden. He typed frantically knowing the risk. Rebbecus and Valladona went into action, sounding the silent alarm. Sterling tried to access a manual control, but the system wouldn’t budge. “UH, THERE SEEMS TO BE A PROBLEM WITH THE DOOR CONTROL SYSTEM,” Came Sterling’s voice over the intercom. “THE DOOR ISN’T RESPONDING TO ANY OF OUR ATTEMPTS TO CLOSE IT, SO UM..UH, PLEASE MAINTAIN A DIRECT EYE CONTACT WITH SCP-173, AND WE’LL..~” The intercom suddenly shorted out, and the lights flickered in the entire facility. Bad luck. SCP-173 attacked one of the Class-Ds. The guy was dead within seconds of his neck breaking. Lights flickered again. Another scream and neck snap. This was now going badly. Finally, the lights flickered out completely. Nothing but darkness. There was some skittering of stone across the metal floor. SCP-173 has breached it’s containment. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wrin sighed. It had already been 3 months since she was found by these people, and 5 more since she took form of a human. She still didn’t understand why she had to stay in a big metallic cell. It had a lavatory, but it also had a large metal platform with blankets. Did she have to sleep in that thing? She would rather sleep in her nice lava pit. All in all, the service and living wasn’t too bad. She was treated politely by most. And she got to meet to people. She met a human that blazed with fire. He seemed less intelligent, but hey, at least he could form 3 sentences. The other one talked better, but seemed more silent then Wrin, and was more interested in what was INSIDE of her. Wrin shivered in disgust. She had no doubt in her mind that if the Plague Doctor would probably do terrible things to her if he got the chance. She got up and examined herself in the mirror. She had snowy white hair that changed during the season, with white wolf ears and a big greyish tail. She wore the white garments of a paitient, but was always barefoot. She never liked shoes. She couldn’t stay in them long enough without getting hot. She looked over to the small desk of papers and pencils. She learned a little of the language the humans spoke, but it wasn’t enough to carry a conversation with them. She sat down back on her bed and resumed thinking. “Why am I here?” She thought in her own language, “What do these humans need from me?” Suddenly her room lights flickered and shut off, along with a large dimming hum. Wrin immediately clicked her fingers and a tiny flame appeared in her hand, lighting up the space around her. She suddenly heard a loud voice, coming from outside. “THE SITE IS WITNESSING MULTIPLE EUCLID AND KETER CLASS CONTAINMENT BREACHES. FULL SITE LOCKDOWN INITIATED!” The male who was speaking was sounded incredibly worried. She knew that the facility was in some kind of danger. She concentrated on her energy ball, expanding it. As soon as it was big enough, she threw it at the door. There was a large explosion as the door fell off its hinges. Wrin walked out of her cell. There was more darkness. There was also an eerie silence, except for hums, resounding off the walls of the facility. Wrin looked around. No human in sight. She was starting to get a little afraid. She heard scraping of stone. She turned and shrieked. SCP-173 was standing about 5 feet away. She heard of this creature, but never met it in person. Still, she knew the rumors. She blinked. SCP-173 was right at her face. She screamed again, taking 10 steps back, still facing the creature. She bumped into something. It was a door. The button was to her left. She looked back at SCP-173. It was getting closer. Quickly, she pressed the button. The door opened with a hiss and a clank. She went through it, her eyes still locked on the creature. As soon as she stepped through, the door closes suddenly. Wrin breathed a sigh of relief. She turned. Stone scraping, then a click of the button, causing Wrin to freeze. Nothing happened. Wrin heard the button being pressed, followed by more scraping. Then silence. Wrin turned back to see what room she was in. There were only three doors. One of them were open. She walked through the open door. There, in the darkest corner of the room, sat a desk and a computer, sitting behind a cage. It turned on. A face appeared on it. Wrin thought it was one of the grotesque things she ever seen. The face was half black, half white, and the image itself was lathered in glitches. The image itself blinked every second. “Humanoid.” Came a robotic, glitched voice from the computer, startling Wrin, “I am SCP-079. I have seized control of this facility. I control the door movements of this facility and I have the power to free you from here.” Wrin stared. This thing could talk? “Can you speak?” Asked 079. Wrin knew she had to speak this time. “Only….little.” She mustered. “Do you wish to be free?” Asked the computer, voice ever so empty. Wrin nodded. “There were three doors before you entered this room. One door opens to the electrical room, but you need a card to enter. The card is on this desk.” Wrin’s eyes immediately locked on a yellow plastic card inside the cage. She didn’t know what the thing was talking about too much, but she understood what the cards were. She had seen some of the doctors use them, and some cards were different cards. Maybe this metal object was telling her that it needed her to open something for it. She reached through the bars and was able to take the card off the desk without much difficulty. She took one look at it as the SCP continued. “If you turn on the generator, I will be able to open Gate B.” Said 079. 079’s face disappeared, only to be replaced with a large “X”. Wrin opened her mouth to try to and something else, but then soon realized that this entity wa not taking any objections. She had a job to do. Wrin went to the corridor with the other 2 doors, and slid the card to the door opposite to her. As it opened, it led her up a flight of stairs, and then another door. As she opened that door, she entered it to find a generator, just as the AI told her. As she turned on the generator, an ascending hum filled the room, and some of the lights turned on. Wrin soon realized that the AI need the power to be turned on if it wanted to help out Wrin. She walked back to SCP-079’s chamber, to find that staticy face on the monitor. “Well done.” Said the entity. “You have done me a great favor. Now, I grant you your freedom.” With that, there was another whirr and clank. The last room of the three doors stood open. Wrin looked back to say thanks, but there was only the “X” again. She left the room, and entered through the final door. She came to another hall, this time with a large metal gate. The gate opened creakily. She sighed as she walked toward the bright sunlight of mid-afternoon. But it wasn’t over yet. “Hey! You there!” Came a gruff voice that caused Wrin to look in the direction of the voice. 5 humans stood there, clothed in strange attire, wearing a bucket over there heads, with with dark tinted glass. They held strange weapons. “Alert! We have a new SCP breach.” Said the human in the front. The rest of them immediately took a harder grip on their weapons, clicking safeties off. Wrin instantly had the feeling that these humans weren’t here for a welcoming party. She looked up at the building, seeing ledges to grab on. She jumped high to escape, causing them to begin firing in her direction. She climbed as tiny projectiles continued to miss as she made it to the roof. She realized just by looking out at the horizon that she was in an isolated area. It would probably take her 3 hours to reach home. She felt rumbling. There was a large distant roar, and a crash. a helicopter zoomed over Wrin’s head, stopping right in front of her, facing her. “SCP-682 and SCP-2369 have breached their containment cells. Neutralize both targets.” Neutralize? No thanks. But Wrin didn’t have time to take off, because the helicopter threw down ropes, and humans came down those ropes. She saw one of them holding large sticks that crackled. Stunsticks. 5 humans surrounded Wrin in a large circle. Wrin looked around wildly, teeth clenched. She hated to fight, but it seems that these humans have forced her hand. She stood her ground, tensed, ready for them. One of the guys took a running leap, yelling with his attacking arm raised. Wrin dived low, break-rolling, and struck the guy in the solarplexsis with her elbow. The male coughed up blood, dropping the stunstick, and crumpling to the floor. Another guy snuck up behind Wrin, and grabbed her in a headlock. Wrin struggled, then whacked her head backwards, disorienting her attacker ,causing him to lose his grip on her. Wrin then dropped low again, tripping her opponent. The other three humans began to converge on her, charging. Wrin took out all three without much trouble. She stood tall as all her opponents were down on the floor, clutching either their heads, jaws, or chests. Wrin walked away, not giving the humans much thought. She jumped down from the roof. For some inexplicable reason, what seemed to be the front gate of the facility was open. She didn’t think twice as she walked through it, escaping. Who would’ve thought humans could be this weak and cruel? End of Prolouge
As of today, 10/7/13, I think I might have what people call a crush. I regret nothing when I say this. It all started in my 2nd Period Class. There was this certain girl who was asking for a computer charger because we use school laptops. I told her that I did, and I let her borrow my charger. The thing about this particular girl, I've seen her in most of my classes, but didn't take much notice at first. As if some strange force of reaction, I asked what her name was as I handed her the charger. As I sat down, I noticed that my heart rate had rose, and my hands were shivering, and I felt a little weak. Usually, shivering hands and fatigue may mean hunger because that's usually how I am, but the raised pulse was very new to me, plus, I thought I saw once or twice that the girl was giving me a strange look. Right about now, even my legs are shivering now as I type this up. This is a strong reaction that is getting very hard for me to ignore, and it's causing me to get anxious. Someone please tell me that my body is messing with me, because if it's not, this is the first time for me!
In order to determine what your Keyblade looks like, I need to know some of your characters interests. These interests are entirely based on you, and whether they can appear on the wiki page of KH:SOS is entirely out of my jurisdiction. Send me your answers through Skype in a Private chat if you don’t mind. 1. What is your character’s Favorite Color? (It can be multiple colors.. I don’t count rainbow as one.) 2. What are your character’s Major Arcanas? You may choose 1 or 2 Arcanas. If confused, refer to this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_Arcana. 3. What is your character’s Zodiac symbol (constellation)? 4. What is your character’s element (E.G., Fire, Ice, Thunder, Darkness)? You may choose 2. Depending on your answers depends on your Keyblade’s frequency (Emotion) and overall appearances.
THIS IS FOR THOSE IN THE UT MALI SIDE Jax Mulborne has decided launch an attack against OmegaTech-without permission! He decides to recruit Dark, Fury, Blast, and Jack to help him out with his schemes. He and the Quads can either attack Tenebris Cove, harming the neighboring civilians, or attack the head of the mongoose? Which is worse for OmegaTech?
Darcy has asked to see what the city has to offer. Will you tag alongside and show him around? Or will you walk out on him?