Fine ill try my best. Incidnetly, thats what she said the week i met her.... Anyway, thnx for the help guys. Now go help someone else.
XD Xaales a girl. And the whole outgoing thing failed. srry.
Im sorry for respecting HER privacy. its at this point whered i would wish for the assistance if someone else. srry Xaale, ur asking to many questions.
Holy crap Kitty is actualy a cat!
And how likely is that to happen? oh well.
And pretty damn freaky.
no im not gonna post it on the internet, seeing as she wouldnt apreciate it Xaale.
Actualy she started the conversation. I actualy didnt relize that it was what it was.
Animals Rule has been rivived.
NO this thread has been REVIVED FROM HELL
HAHAHA i can guess whats in it. but for the sake of younger users i wont say it.
1. yeah my friends lost it. She has some freaky new boyfriend and i somehow ended up in the middle of their conversation 2. yeah i tried Replikus advice once, but that somehow made the problem worse.
Remind me not to go there.
although hitting me with a bat and biting me was a littleharsh (metal bat) but whatever. As for xaales advice, i will take matter how much i hate doing so. (its a twin thing)
umm i was 11, he was 5. Xaale, im talking to Lauren's cousin right now so im technicaly givinhg her space. And they said that i shouldnt tell on little kids or something
I did, and I got in trouble.
yeah. Theres a kinderartener that attacked me with a bat and bit me once, although and raher not talk about it.
geat. commercial wars.
middle school.