Ok *dances*
lol U know we have a lot in common song wise
Ur welcome
I like that song to even though i just heard it
Come on cr this party is good *grabs 3 sprites and give to Nerdyninjagirl and cr
Same here the beat is nice it should be in all the clubs
It is a very good song im listening to it right now
No ill look it up on youtube *turns on song escape me*
I guess techno music
*dances with NerdyNinjagirl* ^ ^
do u want to dance with me
^ ^ thx u once again
sure thx u really cheer me up ^_^
yeah but no one party -_-
I dont know its up to you
Yeah so what now
Its ok really dont worry about it
Hey i was waiting 4 u
Kevin-*pulses NoN back onto earth and closes portal* Kryo-Now its just me and you Kevin time to die
nice ..... hears my character