Hey tifa srry about that king of nights thing i just wanted to see how far i can go on getting on peoples nerves
Hey whats ups
If its monday cant go i have football practice
Your welcome so whens the wedding
Ok ill put you as vip now
Ok do u want to be vip in my group
I know you may not like me but can i be in the wedding
congrats on the wedding
Kryo-You cant beat me *final kicks NoN
OK next week i have foootball practice
OK sure Dont rush yourself ok u can take ur time
Kevin- *comes out of hell Bruised * I need help *passess out* Kryo- im not done kevin
ok i really do like you alot i was wondering if you want to go out with me sometime
*dances then Hits head* Ow
UM before i leave i need to ask you something
Kryo-*gasps for air* you put up fight Kevin-*uses special * die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK my bro wants to go on now hes nasirich
Yeah it is ill always remeber this night are u going to be on tommorow
Lol ahhh i really enjoy talking to you its like the most embarising things i say we turn it into laughter
same here i was just outside dancing with my dad