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  1. L337 kybldmstr
    lol, almost sounds like you need to take anger management courses. :eek:

    I think it's worth noting that Donald at times says things like "Thank you!" but it all sounds like other things. Like "Thank you!" for example; it almost sounds like "**** you!"

    As for the low AP problem, just buy a bunch of AP Plus items and use them on Goofy.

    My fav? RIKU! Riku is way more powerful than Donald and Goofy put together, plus Way to the Dawn just looks cool.
    Post by: L337 kybldmstr, Oct 3, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. L337 kybldmstr
    Jack, 'cause he looked way cooler than the other alts.
    Post by: L337 kybldmstr, Oct 3, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. L337 kybldmstr
    Actually, come of think of it, for me, all the worlds apart from EotW and Hollow Bastion sucked. Destiny Islands was way too small, Deep Jungle was all trees, Halloween Town had the smallest range of colours in history (it was all black and brown, for God's sake!) . . . you get the drift.

    EotW was pretty cool (albeit lacking in colours, but not Halloween Town-style), especially with Ansem
    a.k.a Xehanort's Heartless
    being 3 of the final 6 bosses, and Hollow Bastion had that evil[ish] look about it.
    Post by: L337 kybldmstr, Oct 3, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  4. L337 kybldmstr
    Ultima Weapon pwns all in stats (in KH1; KH2's badboy is Fenrir), Oathkeeper is pure ownage in the looks department though.
    Post by: L337 kybldmstr, Oct 3, 2006 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  5. L337 kybldmstr
    rofl j/k about the title :D .

    Hi, I'm L337 kybldmstr, and I totally [want to, but probably don't) pwn! :eek:

    I'm not exactly new here, since I was with the last version of

    So, are we ready to get the party started, or what?

    And mods, seriously, I don't think anyone here is pathetic! You all rule (except for the real troublemakers!).
    Thread by: L337 kybldmstr, Oct 3, 2006, 7 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures