Kung Fu Panda 2, hilarious.
Hello, I'm VenVen, nice to meet you all! ^^ :laughing-smiley-004 I'm not really that good at english, so please bear with me. :) My fave KH games so far are: KH2 & KH:BBS :) Hopefully, I get to meet many KH fans here! ^^ *too shy to introduce, hehe*
Xigbar! Took me 5 times (or more) to beat him! >:( And Demyx. damn he's such a pain in the ass! Xaldin, Luxord and Saix wasn't a big deal to me, just beat them in my first try :P
Battle w/ Vexen part2. (Re:CoM) Sora's speed when running (Not really a big deal when I already had glide.) (KH2) Battle w/ Luxord. (KH2) Battle w/ Xigbar. (KH2) Battle w/ Demyx. (KH2) When you need to use cure but your MP bar's still recharging SLOWLY. -____-' (KH2) There's TONS of them. Though I can't remember any of them anymore...
I'm kind of the offensive type. I always bash the X button towards the enemy then I use glide/quick run to move away from him. (Sometimes I use Thundaga after.) I don't really use Drive Forms unless the enemy is really a pain in the ass to beat; or if I wanted to lvl-up the form. Sometimes, I only use Reaction Commands when it comes to bosses, because it's a huge advantage for lessening their health. I don't really use Summon either 'cause I often use my Drive Gauge to Drive Forms.
On my first try, I thought he was a piece of cake since Sora judged him as a 'coward.' Well..I was wrong. XD He was really hard to beat for me, after 5+ tries (I know, I suck back then :P) Sometimes I ran out of time using Wild Dance to his Water Forms, so I had to start the match again. Then came that time that I was lucky to beat him while using Master Form. XD But when I created a new game, he wasn't really that hard to beat. :P
Me too! XD ..KH2: When Roxas says his summer vacation's over. I was nearly crying back then. :P