whose Deathspank? :p
no papers, mari? and a coed class? that is not how my sex ed was at all. there were separated classes (boys and girls- for the most part. when learning about somethings they grouped us together, but we werent learning about the "awkward" things then). we also always had to get papers signed. i had a few friends whose parents did not want them to take the class. instead, the parents could allow them to take abstinence class or no class. most took abstinence class where they only learned that sex was bad and that it should only be done after marriage. if you ask me, thats no way to educate a child. sex is a real thing that they will come face to face with eventually, and they should at least know about prevention incase their constitution is not strong enough to say no to sex. anyways, i guess i can understand parents complaining in your situation. still, i personally think that sex ed is an important class that should definitely be offered in all schools.
Vexen acknowledged what Marluxia said, her scientific mind already starting to work things through to find a solution to this strange problem. While she had been listening to the flower, she had felt this tiny pull in the back of her mind, as if someone were accompanying the couple. She froze. Could it be Marluxia's heartless? There was someone behind her, and the woman was in such a bad state of mind that she did not think twice before summoning her powers to shoot shards of ice beind her! Her heart was racing. She stopped finally, and the hall was cloudy with snowy residue. Now the scientist took the time to think, and she remembered hearing this being behind the pair say, "Holy Hell! Vexen! You have boobs! And, God help me, they're not bad!" And the voice that said this had been awfully familiar. Oh no, don't tell me I just attacked...
Vexen thought for a while, and then realized she had no idea what to do. She really had no idea what the problem was, much less how to fix it. Glad that the pair had changed the subject, she said, "I really don't know what to do. What exactly is the problem, Marluxia?" She wanted full details. Maybe once she knew what the matter was, she could find some scientific way to rid her flower of it.
Married? Vexen was a bit alarmed by Marluxia. He seemed to be assuming all these things about their relationship that seemed far in their future. She loved Marluxia, but they had just begun their relationship. Marluxia seemed to be moving things too quickly. Again chuckling nervously, the woman continued walking with her flower. "Well, I think a child would only complicate things." She avoided looking into the man's eyes and did not reply to the marriage statement at all. "Anyways, we don't need to be distracted, we should be concentrating on the problem. So thay we can figure out how to solve it." Vexen was still blushing.
i understand both sides of the argument. i am a senior in high school and am planning to major in graphic design and minor in creative writing. this means that math will have very little to offer me in my future career. but schools teach students this to make them well-rounded. not all high school seniors know what they want to do, so schools provide them with enough info so that they can choose from many different subjects, even if they dont go to college. still, my government economics teacher shared an article with the class the other day. its was written by a college professor who said that the educations system is purposefully keeping their people ignorant because this makes then easier to manipulate by the government. think about it, if you have a group of intelligent scholars and you present them with bogus government plans, theyll knock it all to he**. but if you have a group of ignorant people and the gov does the same, they wont know what to think about it and go right along with the gov. this does not mean that teachers are to blame, but the school stystems may be. also, schools set a very poor example of expectations and responsibility. even at high school you are constantly monitored if you skip, or do not do your hw, or fall asleep in class. most colleges will not give you in school suspension or detention if you do this. theyll just let you fail the class. its the same with work places. theyll fire you. students are too monitored and should be encouraged to find their own motivation and responsibility. i think one of the most faulty courses in school is history. every year you learn the same things with a little more added info. ive only studied the vietnam war once, and ive yet to study almost anything beyond that point. government economics is a helpful class, but its taught in a very basic way. unless you are lucky to have an honest and good teacher, you only learn the rules and laws of gov, and not the corruption and disputes of gov. also, my parents went to school in argentina and there they say they learned history about the entire world, not just their country and the main european countries (and the other "main" countries like russia). they learned geography of other countries and this really helps students to grasp more that they live in a world of many different peoples and cultues, something my US education has never done. i also agree that the education system does not prepare students for careers. its teaches them the information needed, but not the methods. on top of that, many school encourage students to persue "quality" careers like medicine and law, and do very little to support art, theater, or less "quality" careers. students are given the wrong impression. they think that you have to be a straight a student and attend the best colleges so that you can go out into the world and get a job behind a cubicle to start earning those big bucks. students are not taught that even those who drop out of school, with the right motivation, can make it big. anyways, as much as i rant about the issues, school has helped me. ive watched myself grow as an artist and writer. science has helped spark my mind and understand more about the world i live in and even about my own body. even though i am not a big fan of math, i find myself understanding reasoning and logic better. so while the system undoubtedly has many faults that could easily be altered, it has still helped me become the educated person i am today. sorry for the long response.... :o
sex ed is perfectly normal. i had it in middle school and i already knew about sex and sexual exterior organs by then. anyways, i dont see why people complain about it. schools have papers that parents sign to give their permission for their child to be in the class. you learn about sexual organs, inside and out, about pregnncy, about prevention, about STDs, and about abstinence. and i dont think that sex ed encourages kids to have sex. all it does is prepapre them for the day so that they know how to keep themselves safe during sex (i.e. using a condom or other preventative measure). also, at my school they really stressed being abstinent. another thing they teach that is great is how to react when pressured to have sex, what to do if you are raped, and also about the cycles boys and girls go through during puberty. its all very educational ;) . sex ed was just another class for me.
Vexen nearly fell face flat on the floor when she heard Marluxia's words. A child?! The man really was crazy. "What are you talking about?!" The woman realized that this came out a little stronger than she had intended. She softened her statement with, "I mean, a child is really out of the question right now. You're struggling with.... this problem... and..." The woman began to blush bright red thinking about what having a child meant they had to do. She chuckled awkwardly.
Vexen was not sure what was happening, but she wanted to help Marluxia. She knew something was wrong with him, that was not the problem. The problem was how to save the man from whatever it was that was causeing him to act so oddly. "Come on, Marluxia." The woman whispered this as she led the man with her to her room. She thought the man could use a cool shower. She knew she definitely could. "It's alright." Anyone could have interupted her at that moment and she would have brushed them off without hesitation. She was completely concentrated on Marluxia. ------------------------------ OoC: Haha! Thank you, Jack and Foxxie! I had a day off today thanx to snow so I was able to post. Yay! Thanx again guys! It's great to be back!
OoC: Treah's Big Formal Apology I'm Sorry! I have never been so busy in my life! I have tests and quizzes everday from my Eng. teacher, and an art project due every Friday in AP Art! On top of that, I have two other classes, one play that I am directing, college apps and scholarship apps, a theater competition, and a play to design! I know this does not get me off the hook for not posting, and I am so sorry. I can't post right now, but I am going to try to get back into the flow of things. And, as much as I hate to do this... I am behind like 10 pages... if anyone could PM me a summary of what has been going on I would be sooooo thankful! Again, I'm sorry and I will try to post more often!
Vexen began to struggle against Marluxia, her thoughts set on escaping. But then the flower's words processed in the scientist's mind and she stood still, breathing hard from her strong effort. The woman turned to look at her lover and somehow she knew by looking into his eyes that he was her flower, not the man that had attacked her before. Vexen felt her entire body melt in relief and she hugged Marluxia, tears pouring from her eyes. She kissed Marluxia repeatedly. "I'm so glad its you."
Vexen was silently walking through a hall, tiny sweat drops coarsing down her neck, forehead, and back. She tried to control her breathing, but it was rushed and agitated. As some time went by, she began to calm down. Her blood began to slow its pulsing and her breathing was almost normal. Just as she began to lose her fear she heard Marluxia's voice scream her name. Turing rapidly she saw the man running towards her at an alarming speed. Without thought the woman yelped and began to open a portal...
Vexen had been very careful in her search. She had already checked the gym, kitchen, and attic. Now she was walking through one of the various halls, not daring to speak or make any noise. She looked all around her to make sure that Marluxia... or whoever he was... did not sneak up on her. The woman had not walked into any of the other members, and either way she doubted many of them could do anything. I need to find Xemnas or get out of here. But her last option was out of the question. She could not leave the other members alone with the dangerous Graceful Assasin. She was running out of time and out of hope.
yeah, ive seen this movie. i loved it, though its not one of my fave movies of all time. its still pretty awesome. i <3 angel.
This is a Spanish movie that had come out in the US in select theaters recently. I have not seen it yet but the trailers for it have been all over the TV. It has awesome reviews and looks amazing. My sis got to see it early because she takes acting classes at an art school and her teacher has special privaleges... and she said it was amazing. I'm excited about this movie. You can see the trailers by going to the Pan's Labyrinth official website. Just search pan's labyrinth in google and you should find it.
mmmmmmmmm, ice cream! <3 i love Hagan Dazz (sp?) Light Vanilla Icecream. for some reason the light kind tastes better..... O_o their dulce de leche kind is also really really good. but my favorite would have to be the dulce de leche and vanilla kind made in my hometown of rosario, argentina. both are pure bliss <3
Enya- Carribean Blue
Wincing from both physical and emotional pain, the blonde stared in wide disbelief when Marluxia summoned his skythe. At that moment, Vexen knew that whoever was in front of her was not the man she loved. She was breathing hard, and as the two stood in silence the temperature in the room began to drop quickly. Vexen could fight back, too. Before allowing any more time to go by, the girl knew that she had to get away. So, in the flash of an eye the scientist darted away from the flower man, knocking him over. Then, she opened a portal and left the room. The woman landed on Roxas's bed hard. She had been in such a hurry that her portaling was a bit off. Still, she stood and searched for the boy, hoping that he would be able to help her. She was scared out of her wits and desperate to save herself and Marluxia. "Roxas?! Roxas, are you in here?!" Searching the bathroom, she realized she was alone in this room. She had no where else to go.... except... No, she did not want to resort to that. But she had no choice. Her power was no where near Marluxia's. As much as she resented the leader, she needed Xemnas's help. "****," she whispered to herself. Portalling to his room and searching it ever so caustiously, she found he was gone, too. "Where is everyone?!" She had to find Xemnas before the Graceful Assasin could find her, and she had no idea where to begin her search.
i think that the mods/admin/fh work a lot to keep this site running smoothly. they deal with problems that would otherwise make this site a crappy place to be. they take care of excessive spam, flaming, and other things that can be troublesome. sure, they sometimes make mistakes or do things that others do not agree with, but they do it with the best interest of the site in mind. i respect them for their hard work and the fact that most of them still prance around the site like normal members. as for the forum helpers, i dont think they are useless. even though they technically do not have any power, they work hard for the staff. they can reprimand certain members and have the right to do so. if a normal member tries to reprimand someone, it could get ugly. also, im sure they help by working to find threads and forums where rules are bring broken and then report this to the admins/mods. this probably relieves a lot of the admin/mods work. i repsect all of the staff on kh-vids and thank them for making this an awesome site to be on.
dogs all the way. cats ignore people and dont even come close to matching the all mightyness of dogs. dogs are loving and loyal and playful! i <3 my dog! :D