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  1. ~tReAh867~
    Vexen had been searching for Marluxia, but when she finally realized where she was she found herself at her laboratory. She was far from her flower's room. Alright, I'll just have to try portalling there. Closing her eyes, she concentrated very hard. She felt a build up of darkness but in the end she lacked the energy to portal.

    Vexen sighed. She looked behind her, thinking of the long way she would have to walk to reach Marluxia. And all she wanted to do was sleep. "Screw it!" She did not need to see the pink-haired man at that moment. She opened the door to her lab...

    ...only to find two small organization members and Xemnas. ****! She did not need to see him now, of all people! Freezing in place, she hoped no one would notice that she had entered. Maybe I can slip out undetected?
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Feb 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. ~tReAh867~
    OH, yay! Valentine's day! I plan to do lots and lots of homework, while stressing out over that art project I have due on Friday. I may also find myself flipping out about the play I'm directing, and on whether or not I'll be hearing anything good back from my colleges. To prepare for all of this, I'll be worrying about my grandparents who are in the middle of a really big move. Who knows, maybe I'll even fit in helping my little sister with her homework.

    *sigh* Cupid's day is so wonderful, isn't it? :p


    yeah, valentines isnt really special for me. maybe i'll go do that stereotypical girl thing and buy a pint of icecream to gorge myself on? sounds like a plan!

    anyways, since mish seems so energetic about this:

    (even though its a little early where im at)
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Feb 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. ~tReAh867~
    Vexne continued walking through the halls, glad that she had not had anymore visions in a while. But it seems she thought too soon. Just as she said to herself that she was grateful that these episodes were over, she fell to the floor, entering a state of sleep.

    She shivered. Looking around herself she realized that she was shrouded in darkness. "Where am I?" Her voice reverberated in the open space.

    She turned to her left, then to her right, then even looked up. She soon realized that there was no direction in this realm. She was beginning to loose her wits when something bright caught her attention. Looking below her flaoting feet, she saw a small light. It was growing, and before she could even think the thing swallowed her whole.

    When before she was in darkness, now she was in pure light. Warm swam through her. A small voice spoke, not in any language, but nonetheless it spoke.

    "Vexen..." It sounded like an echo, an explosion, a whistle, and silence all at once. "Vexen, hello."


    "Vexen, dear, you are having troubles, are you not?" It seemed to chuckle, a noise so beautiful to the confused scientist. The woman was not afraid of this voice. She felt that it was all good. "Listen to me. Be careful. Your past is chasing after you after all these years, just as your memories are once again finding a place within you. Dear, keep close to those you love. And trust yourself."

    "Who... who are you?"

    "I am you."

    Vexen did not understand. "What do you mean?"

    "You see, the being is made of three essential ingrediants. First, the flesh. You are the flesh. Then, there is the heart."

    "Are you my heartless, like Xemnas's and Marluxia's heartlesses?"

    "No, though you are very close. I am not your heartless, rather I am your heart."

    "My heart?"

    "Yes. It seems that we were separated many years ago, but we are still connected."

    Vexen's pulse sped. Her heart was speaking to her. The thing which she most desired was in contact with her. "Whereareyou? HowcanIgetyouback? Whashou..."

    "Vexen, dear, quite now. I do not know the answer to your questions, for if I did I would no longer be separated from you."

    Disappointment stabbed Vexen, but the feeling of bliss that this place elicited in her helped her to overcome this. "You said that there are three ingrediants to a being. What is the third?"

    "The soul."

    "And where is our soul?"

    "I do not know. But now, dear Vexen, you must wake. Danger lurks close to you. Please, you will soon see sense in all of this, but now, wake."

    And she did. Vexen found herself on the floor and she rose. She had trouble believing what she had just experienced, but it was true. She had spoken with her heart.

    It had spoken of danger. "It must have been talking about all these visions I've been having." The image of this white-haired figure returned to her, sending a chill down her spine. "Who is that?" And although she asked, she did not want to find out.

    Her mind consumed in thought, she continued walking down the hall, searching for Marluxia.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Feb 13, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. ~tReAh867~
    i dont think there is a right answer to your question because it really all depends on the individual. for me, whatever your age may be im going to judge your level of awareness by your level of awareness. age can be a factors sometimes: adults can lose sight of things and get caught up in the demands of modern society; adults can grow to learn to be critical thinkers; children can be raised to be pretty ignorant; or children can rely on their natural insiticts and unbiased nature to be truly aware of the world.

    i just dont think that age is a very important factor in deciding this. i think it all lies with the individual.

    EDIT: after reading the rest of the posts i have this to add: i think you guys have to think about being aware in a different sense. there are many types and levels of awareness, not just being aware of current events and all. some children really do have this natural sixth sense that gives them an internal awareness that some adults dont have.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Feb 11, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  5. ~tReAh867~
    well, lets look at another aspect of this:

    that thing doesnt look like a bomb at all, but i think the point here is how out of hand the situation got. its sad to think that people can be so scared in our world today that they would see a bomb in a small cartoon character. its kinda like this double-image picture i once saw. if you show it to a child they see dolphins, but if you show it to adults they see a man and a woman having sex. the point is, out of all the things that people could have mistaken that cartoon guy for, they thought it was a bomb because they have been so exposed to propaganda about the dangers of terrorism in our modern society.

    i know someone here mentioned that they did not blame the police because it really could have been some bomb attack. well, sure, but isnt this fact terrible? that we would even think that some crazy guy or terrorist would place bomb threats all over a town. that says a lot about our society and how we've been made to think.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Feb 11, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  6. ~tReAh867~
    i more or less stick to this theory. also, some say that we currently live on earth 2, because the 1st one was moonless until a meteor hit it, causing a chunk of it to break off (now the moon), and this changed the process of life on earth. im not too well studied here either so im not too sure. but i do stick to the scientific theories, though they are more or less theories, meaning any one could be wrong, right, or somewhere in between.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Feb 11, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  7. ~tReAh867~
    Vexen had found a small village whose hospitalbe people had allowed her to eat and sleep for free. They had marveled at her strange clothing, but for the most part they had let her be. The woman finally felt energized, though she had suffered a few more visions.

    Vexen awoke from her short nap and looked around. She was in a small room. Well, there's no use in staying here. She opened a portal and found herself in one of the various halls of the castle. Damn, my portalling is still off. I wanted to go to Marluxia's room. The hall she had landed in looked just like almost all of the other halls, so she was not sure where she had landed. "I guess I'll just walk around and look for Marluxia."

    In the back of her mind she feared coming face to face with Xemnas again, and a small, deep voice whispered every now and then, "So, you thought you would get away with this?" Ignoring these negative thoughts as best she could, Vexen made her way down the hall.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Feb 11, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. ~tReAh867~

    so ima do it now:

    que los cumplas feliz
    que los cumplas feliz
    que los cumplas marisol
    que los cumplas feliz!!!!!!!!!!!

    que tengas un cumpleanos muy bueno!!!!!

    <3 Love for our Mari! <3
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Feb 11, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. ~tReAh867~
    im going to have friends with me, but if you mean if im going to have a special someone with me then no. but i dont really care.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Feb 11, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  10. ~tReAh867~
    this may be off topic, though i think it is related. also, i do not want to spark any drama or quarrelling over this.

    i think this quote is so sad.... i mean its basically saying that the person is living in fear. i dont think fear is a good motive to have for believing in anything.

    i have no religion and if there is a god.... well, i guess thats just too bad for me. but im not going to believe in someone just because he might leave me behind and out of eternity if i dont. id be more inclined to believe in someone who didnt say that you had to believe in him to go to heaven and eternal glory. anyways, i think believing in all of this god and jesus stuff is pretty silly, though this is my own personal opinion so please dont flame me for it.

    EDIT: carp. i should have read the rest before posting, but basically you can get a better idea of what im saying by reading Deathspank's post (post #26). he said what i said, only better.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Feb 11, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  11. ~tReAh867~
    After some time and when Vexen became aware enough to worry about her own well-being, she had regained just enough strength to portal, but because she was so weak, she had little control of this skill. She ended up three feet in the air over warm sand. Atleast its warm here.

    Laying for a few hours to build strength, she finally found it in herself to sit up. Surveying her environment, her eyes swallowed in the perfect vision of a clear blue ocean, accented by a setting sun and various faunas, green with colored flowers. But where before she would have enjoyed such a scene, she only found herself consumed by an unexplainable fear. She did not know what had brought on her attack of Axel, for she now knew that she had attacked him. She also did not understand her various visions. Were they or were they not real? And who were they of?

    Her head began to pound. Standing, she realized she was thirsty and hungry. "I wonder if there's a town nearby. I don't think I have enough power to portal back to the castle." She hardly even knew if she wanted to return to the castle, not when she thought about Xemnas. But thinking of a certain pink-haired flower encouraged her to find a way back home.

    For now, she would search for a town, nourish herself, and maybe find someplace to rest. She would also try to figure out what in the hell was going on with her.

    "This is all too much..."

    OoC: I believe I owe someone a happy belated birthday wish! Happy B-Day, Mari!!!!!!!!!!!
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Feb 11, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. ~tReAh867~
    Vexen found herself in an icy environment, covered in snow and trembling. She trembled, her mind still psychologically affected by her vision. She kept coming in and out of the same hallucination, grabbing bits and pieces as a story unfolded before her, one that seemed all too familiar.

    "The heart..... I... I can.... with the he..... he-heart. I.... found.. STOP!" Her body, despite its natural attraction to the cold, was frozen to unconfortable and dangerous levels, but she was too weak to do anything about it. She was also in a terrible state of mind, so much so that she did not even take the time to survey the area or question herself as to why she portalled here.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Feb 10, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. ~tReAh867~
    not to be steoreotypical or discriminative, but i live in the south of usa and you would be surprised how many people are not aware of all the different ways to protect against pregnancy and such. then again, i also live in the bible belt and they teach you here that you have to be abstinent until after marriage.... so i dont think they really discuss all this sex stuff, which could be why so many people get pregnant.

    also, some people are just careless and really would get pregnant regardless of having sex-ed or not, and even others are just too horny and use abortion as a contraceptive, which is a whole different discussion.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Feb 9, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  14. ~tReAh867~
    Vexen followed her superior's instructions and was heading towards her laboratory, though she had a strange feeling clinging to her very nonbeing. Her eyes were almost hazed over and her body trembled. The fear that Xemnas instilled in her was beyond explanation.

    She stalked through the halls in a daze, losing thought of where she was going and what she was doing. Then, a voice called her name out. It was Axel who Vexen bumped into just as she turned a corner. A light flashed before her eyes and she blackout for a moment.

    A man with long white hair stood before her, laughing in a manianical way. Fear gripped her, but the man was in shadows and she could not make out his face. His cold voice rumbled, "Hmph. And you thought you would get away with this, now did you?" A hand reached for her....

    "NNOOOOOO!" The woman snapped, calling forth such power as she had never been able to conjure. Stuck in her hallucination, she did not realize that Axel was before her, and she attacked him, sending many sharp ice shards at him, along with blizzard snow. It was a full scale attack and drained her of much of her power.

    Finding herself on her knees and very weak, she used her last bit of remaining energy to open a portal. "You won't hurt me again. I've found the way and you can't stop me." And then she vanished.

    OoC: Wow, I had a lot to catch up on... I'm so glad you're back, PoH, and I expect you to post as soon as you get back from the trip... well, that is after we hang out at S&S!

    .... and, yes, it's my turn for a plot twist now. :p
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Feb 9, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. ~tReAh867~
    Vexen had not said of word since she had frozen the organization's leader. She was too afraid to, and she hated herself for this. Marluxia was conversing more or less normally with the man, but Vexen could barely keep herself from fainting of fright. For some reason, Xemans had this affect on her.

    Finally, the woman worked up the courage to speak. "I am terribly sorry Sir for your troubles. Both Marluxia and I will immediately begin our search for the two young members and have them back to normal in no time." She did not want to be so obediant, but her fear had caused her mouth to spill out these words.

    "And please excuse Marluxia for having these candies with him now. I can assure you that they will not be misued again."
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Feb 5, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. ~tReAh867~
    my school didnt force us and although i personally think that everyone should be made to learn about this (then maybe we wouldnt have so many pregnant teens), i dont believe in forcing my beliefs on others. so, offered? yes. forced? no.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Feb 5, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  17. ~tReAh867~
    i <3 music!!
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Feb 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. ~tReAh867~
    im captain hook all the way
    ......... :D
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Feb 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. ~tReAh867~
    i sometimes emit an aromatic gas from my gluteus area...

    oh, and i <3 my dog, lady!!!!!

    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Feb 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. ~tReAh867~
    wow. mr. Deathspank, you have inspired me to write my own biography, though it will take years of development to even come close to the quality of advanced writing and research you have dedicated to yours. i'll see ya in 10 years with my own bio, and i only hope that it will come even close to the caliber clearly present in yours.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Feb 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone