i saw this movie and loved it! i have not seen the 2nd die hard, and i hear its not too good. but the first is a classic, and this last one really lives up to it! it was classic die hard with a modern twist! even though maclaine should have died like a million times in it (just like in the 1st one), it was AWESOME!
Vexen entered the kitchen and walked straight to the refrigerator. She was surprised to find it well stocked and pulled out a few things. "Bread." She said the ingrediants aloud as she began to make her sandwich. "Mayo and mustard." Yellow spurt out of the FRENCH'S mustard bottle as the woman squeezed it. "Tomato." Slicing like a mad woman, she threw on the tomatoes. "And lettuce." She topped the lettuce with a slice of bread, grabbed herself a plate, sat down, and took a giant bite out of her finished product. She felt satisfied. ************************* A cold wind blew through the tiny town, following the steps of a white haired stranger. People averted their gazes, feeling within this person a deep and dark evil. The enigma's orange eyes seemed to look through the townsfolk. They were searching. The stranger's voice seemed to howl with a gritty icyness as it said, "I'm getting much, much closer." ************************* OoC: Ehhh.... about PrincessofHeart, she is currently in a very important pageant so I don't think she will be able to post until it is finished (I think it ends July 8th).
Vexen felt thoroughly awkward and signaled to Roxas that she was leaving. She flashed one last cheeky smile at Axel, rubbed her head, and then walked away. She walked out into the hall and let out a sigh. "Wow, for some reason that guy really makes me nervous!" She was disappointed that she could not finish her discussion with Roxas, but her heart hadn't really been in it anyways. Finding herself without anything to do, she made her way to the kitchen. After everything, she turned out to really be hungry. "Time for a sandwich." ***************************** OoC: PrincessofHeart is back from her amazing vacation, so I relinquish my control over Roxas. I will write to her soon and command her to come back and take back her character! Oh, and hello Mari! Welcome back!!
I'm so glad you made this thread because Studio Ghibli is the best! I love all its movies I've seen thus far, and I'm dying to see "Nausicaa" (sp?). my favs?.... all the ones ive seen, which are: 1. Howl's Moving Castle 2. Grave of the Fireflies 3. Kiki's Delivery Service 4. Hime Mononoke 5. Spirited Away 6. Castle in the Sky
i love his films!! i was surprised when i realized he directed one of the batman movies (the one with penguin), but then i saw it and i was like "that is so tim burton!". anyways, huge fan of his!
my favorites would have to be (in no particular order): 1. Paradise Kiss 2. Nana 3. Tsubasa Resevoir Chronicles 4. W Juliet 5. Othello 6. Mars
That book was difficult to read, but if you took it slowly and word by word it wasnt too bad. And I actually found Pride and Prejudice to be amazing (but that could be because i saw the movie first and fell in love with it). As for the hardest book I have ever read... well, it wasnt the hardest, but Metamorphosis was difficuly. I was not in the mood to read it and so i just stopped early on, asked myself what the h*ll I had just read, and have not looked at the book since. I keep meaning to go back and try again....
Vexen did not want to say that her hair had just turned white. She knew that such an explanation would only call for more questions. "I dyed it... because I wanted it to match, you know,... my icy side." She chuckled a bit, maybe a little too much than was called for. The woman figeted (sp?) a before saying, "I'm a bit hungry." She rubbed her stomach to add effect. "I could really go for a hot sandwich right now." Her eyes wandered to the door as she spoke; this was her time to make an escape. ************************** OoC: It's short and bad but my mind is blah!
Vexen was a bit startled by the fire man's poke. She felt his heat swim through her ice cold body. Axel bothered her, but she decided that she should be polite. She was actually kinda glad that the man had interuppted Roxas's conversation with her because she felt too mentally drained to deal with anything that required her to think. "Hey, Axel. How are you? It's been quite a while since I last saw you." Vexen kinda wanted to go to some far off place and be alone. Her hair felt icy. She looked at the fire man and tried to smile at him warmly. She did not know if she was succesful at this. **************************** Roxas walked behind Axel and stood next to him as the fire nobody talked to Vexen. He did not mind that his conversation with the woman was over since he felt she could do nothing to help. He watched as the two spoke and his mind began to wander a bit. He was utterly surprised that Axel and Demyx were engaged, but he tried not to let that bother him. *************************** An eerie darkness filled the small alley as a stray cat crept by, his icy meow echoing in the night. The pale figure stepped down the alley, its senses completely aware and searching, searching for someone. "Vexen..." The name was spoken in barely a whisper, but it seemed to resonate with the power of a shriek. He was getting closer...
Vexen was relieved when Roxas answered her question so casually. She relaxed a little and let go of her bleached hair, rejoicing in the moment. Then, her friend began to speak. His confession proved a bit disturbing, and only reminded her too much of her own encounter with a strange figure. The woman hoped that this was only a coincidence. She made her way into the library, not knowing what to say to the nobody. He seemed so in need of advice. "Roxas..." She led the way to a small table cornered by a high window. The pitch black of the night only accented the various diamond stars. "Are you saying that these things are in your dreams?.... or nightmares?" Vexen sat. "Well, I suppose they could be just that, nightmares." She looked into the boys eyes and knew that her explanation would not suffice. She very much doubted it herself. Here in castle oblivion, nothing was ever that simple. "But, they could also be premonitions." That answer seemed much more likely. "Everything has been crazy recently, I wouldn't doubt that these 'nightmares' could really be trying to tell you something. Tell me more about them." Vexen was so engaged in the conversation that she was forgetting all of her worries. ***************************** OoC: This thread is coming back to life! Yay! :D
Vexen was glad that the young nobody wanted to talk because she knew it would keep her mind off of her recent troubles. "Of course, Roxas, I'll listen." She figured that the pair would not want to speak in thie middle of the hall, so she led the way to the library. She would have portalled them there had she been able to. "Let's go to the library so we can talk there." She smiled and a hint of what was once the motherly, caring young woman seemed to dig its way back into focus. For some reason, Roxas always made her feel better. Sensing that the walk to the library would be very awkward if no one spoke, the woman decided to start some small chatter. "So... things have been more out of the ordinary than usualy, huh?" GREAT! Did she have to bring up unusual circumstances? That was what she was trying to avoid the most! She ran her fingers through her now white hair, nervously expecting Roxas's answer. **************************** As the pale figured walked, darkness sprouted behind him, infecting everything close by. White strings of hair rythmically swayed up and down as he took each step. It was cold. "...Vexen..." His footsteps lagged behind him and then suddenly stopped. He portalled away. He was getting closer. **************************** OoC: Ok... that was pathetic. Oh well, its good to be back! I'm out of practice. I hope Mari, Mish, and Hissora come back soon! Then this thread will be back to its old crazy self. :D
Vexen had been aimlessly roaming the castle halls when she was almost knocked down by an equally distracted Roxas. He said hello to her, and before she could say anything else the boy asked if she had done anything with her hair. The woman was shocked and for the first time noticed her once blonde locks were a perfect white, almost silver. She was taken by surprise. "Um..." Without knowing what to say, Vexen knew that she could and should not say anything suspicious or anything that would worry anyone. "I... thought I needed a change..." She felt her excuse was lame, but it was the best her mind could come up with at the time. Putting on an innocent smile, the woman actually found herself happy that the young nobody was pulling her thoughts away from her mysterious recent past. "How... how are you, Roxas?." She attempted to act casual, having absolutely no idea how successful she was being. "It's been so long since we last spoke. ********************* The air was empty, and the atmosphere was dark. The pale figure found itself immersed in darkness. His silver hair silently blew in the cold air... ********************* OoC: I'm adding a plot twist early.... ooooooo! I'm glad to be back PoH!
OoC: tee hee. im back! i will think up something really quick, but its been a while and im not sure what the heck i was doing before... here goes... **************** Vexen found herself in her room, halfway on her bed, halfway sprawled on the floor. Her head hurt. She had trouble remembering how she had ended up here, much less what had been going on for the past few weeks. The last she remembered, she was trying to fight something that was invading her mind. She stood up, rubbing her soar muscles and the first thing that popped into her head was Roxas. She didn't know why, especially since she would have expected to have immediately thought of Marluxia, who, if her memory served her, had not been very well last they had been together. Vexen made her way out to the halls, unable still to teleport. She wondered what had been happening in the castle since her mysterious black out. Walking with her thoughts consumed, she failed to realize the odd change that had occurred. Her beautiful blonde hair was no longer blonde; it was pure white. *********** OoC: So what exactly happened to Leah?
i would want to die knowing that ive reached a level of true satisfaction and happiness in my life. the way i die isnt too big a deal, its the frame of mind i die with.
I am proud to say that I (Vexen) won that battle... though in all honestly.... i love marly. :(
Vexen found herself in her room. She was aware of herself now and could not believe what she had just done. She barely knew what she had just done. All she knew was that she was tired. She walked into her bathroom, bathed herself in ice cold water, dried off, and plopped onto her bed. This day had been a living hell for her. She drifted off into a deep sleep, still weak from the exertion her power use had put on her body. She was so deep into her sleep that she could not hear the small chuckle behind her, nor see the shadow that swam over her. "So, Vexen, it seems you're more persistant than I had originally thought. Well, I'll just have to try harder this time." A sly smile crept over the figure's face as it stood but inches away from the sleeping scientist. --------------------- OoC: Sorry that it took so long for me to post. I've been super busy. My posts may be less frequent these next couple of months, but I'm still here. I haven't gone anywhere or quit the RP, k? I don't plan to do that for a long, long, long, long, long, long, long-x-infinity time.
Vexen had lost control. She no longer cared about finding and helping Marluxia. In fact, at that point she did not even know who Marluxia was. All she knew was that something was attacking her. Screaming in a bloody rage, Vexen iced the entire room, stopping the approaching vine. Not able to control herself, she concentrated so much that she portalled away. ------------------------------- OoC: Sorry, but I had to cut this short. I'm giving a warning that I may not be able to post for about two weeks. Its a personal matter. So if I don't, I've portalled Vexen off somwhere and you guys can just go along without her for the time being. Thanx!
ahhh, the great nature vs. nurture question. are we born to be who we are, or does society make us who we are? if you ask me, girls and guys are very much naturally different. men, like many male animals, use to be hunters and needed to aggresive to fight enemies and to claim their place amongst the rest of the men. women raised children, and thus needed to be patient and calm. as far as sex drives go, well both genders needed this to keep the race going. i think maybe males had more of it cause they needed to have sex with various females in order to procreate faster, while women had to spend nine months pregnant and then even more time caring for the child. so thats nature. as far as nuture goes, i think society just reinforces this and can push males and females to extremes. like guys having to be macho and girls having to be soft spoken, shoppers. you can enhance a male or female's natural tendencies. and yes, girls can be just as sexually driven as guys.
Bohemian Rhapsody- Queen <3
Vexen cringed when the man hugged her. She felt a rage overtake her slowly. Her body temperature rose and she could feel violence begging to be released. She wanted to rip him to shreds. But then the leader said something before he left that caused Vexen's feeling's to completely change from anger to worry. Marluxia, possessed again?! The scientist did not even acknowledge the toddler in the room with her. She attempted to portal, but finding she still could not she ran out to find her pink-haired man. Something was urging her forward, a force that was not her own. Making her way down the halls, she did not even consider the fact that Marluxia might hurt her. All she wanted to do was help him. Allowing a strange surge of power take over her, she found herseld outside the man's room. Not waiting another second the woman conjured hundreds of ice shards to blast away the door. Her eyes were ice-blue and her blood was cold. The changed woman saw a jungle of vines covering every inch of Marluxia's room. She had not even spotted the object of her desire when her new found power took control and began to freeze everything in the room.