well they both have their pros and cons. i personally, more than not, like the manga art better. still, anime is cheaper and you dont have to read it. still, i think i prefer manga.
Vexen assumed that by Saix's crazy behavior and odd hat that Xemnas meant for her to remove his hat. Well this should be easy, she thought. Running with all her might into the crazed nobody, Vexen rammed into him, her shield sandwiched between the two, and Saix up against a wall. She knew that she had probably just caused some heavy damage to the man, but she was given orders, ones that for once she followed without question. This was probably because they were in her best interest, considering that Saix had nearly killed her. As the nobody struggled beneath Vexen's surpisongly able might, the woman reached over and around her shield and swiftly removed the hat from Saix's head, which he had neglected to protect since his arms were flailing at his sides. Vexen shook her head. He must have been in berserk mode to leave his weak spot open. Just as she removed the article of clothing, a rather odd article, the stuggle behind her shield ceased (sp?). Vexen slowly back away from the wall, holding her shield protectively before her... ---------------------------------- OoC: Thank you, Jack!
i would bring my family, my closeset friends, my computer (assuming that internet is included), my dog Lady, and a lifetime supply of Exedrine for my migraines (damn you sun!!!) ps. does family and friends count as two individual items? hope so...
Vexen's body was covered in darkness; she was traveling through a portal after a long talk with Merlin and Xehanort. She felt a bit numb from the shock of their words; but at the same they had managed to shed light on the mysterious villian, whom she now knew was named Ansem, Xemnas's heartless. As to why he was chasing her, the two were hesitant to say. Any time she would ask about it, Merlin would smirk and Xehanort would blush, but she would not recieve an answer. After hours together discussing the intruder, they had given her permission to return to the Castle, letting her know that she should be extremely careful and that they would be watching. She had also been given instructions to communicate most of the information to Xemnas. She trusted Xehanort and Merlin. Opening her eyes and breathing in fresh air, Vexen had returned to the castle. Before her eyes were Xemnas, Xigbar, Luxord, Saix, a young blonde girl, and a passed out little man who was dressed most curiously. The white haired woman was about to announce her presence when she spotted Saix running towards her at full speed, his face expressionless. "Sai.....!" She had no time to speak, but rather jumped to the side, slamming down hard on her side. She had been caught completely by surprise, but now she summoned her shield. "What the hell is going on?!" -----------------------------------OoC: I've been back for a few days now but needed some time to recover so I could write something decent. I'm really happy at all the activity that has been taking place and at all the twists! And yay! Demyxu and PoH are back! I'm glad to be back; now I can continue with my little plot.........
dude, i vote for sephiroth even though he is absent from your list :nono: ... he really does beat out all the other guys.
there are many, but i will limit this to only J.M. Barrie (Peter Pan) and Ray Bradbury (Fahrenheit 451 + many short stories). oh, also George Orwell (1984 and Animal Farm).
loved it! not too happy with the epilouge, though, but the rest of the book was perfect!
only one favorite? thats impossible! i have to say that i love the movies that laurence_fox and mish listed, not to mention miyazaki movies, amelie, pan's labyrinth, a very long engagement, motorcycle diaires, pride and prejudice (the new one), the land before time, the dreamers, being john malcovich, and many more. and even though it hasnt come to theaters yet, i know i am going to love "across the universe". movies are my passion!!!
this movie was amazing! one of my favorites. just to point out though, she wasnt protecting herself against the nazi's. she was protecting herself against the spanish fascists... they were suppose to represent Franco, the dictator of that time. the nazis were in germany and lead by hitler. these guys were different. still just as terrible, though. anyways, LOVE the movie!!!!
ummm, how could you not love this anime? its crantastic! if you like this though you should definitely check out Excel Saga. That is that craziest thing ever! so funny!
Vexen sat up, rubbing her arm where Ansem had struck her. She took in her surroundings... She was in a small stone house filled rather raggedly of books and strange devices. In the middle of the room was a table, which was elevated, and on the chair next to the table sat Xehanort. Next to him sat and odd looking old man whose beard ran on for miles. His hat was long, too, and blue. Looking out of small spectakles that made him almost comical, this strange figure said, "Ahhh, so this is Vexen... or is it Even? This whole nobody, somebody thing really does become a bit confusing, Xehanort." The man smiled at himself. "Yes, Merlin, I suppose it does." Xehanort turned to Vexen. "Come on now, stand up." He motioned with his hands; Vexen followed orders. "It seems you've changed much more than I would have imagined. You're a woman now!" He chuckled almost coldly. "Well, I don't suppose you live with any lack of adventure at Castle Oblivion, what with all those colorful characters there with you. Speaking of which, how am i? Or rather, Xemans?" Vexen had not dared speak before now. She had managed to lift herself off the floor and stand looking at both oddities before her with an expression curiously mirroring that of a deer whose about to be hit by a car. Not knowing why, she made to speak but was only able to let out a small whimper that made her feel even more humiliated and inferior. "Yes, well, no matter, isn't that right, Xehanort?" Merlin's voice was bouyant; Xehanort nodded. "Alright now, Vexen, we shall have to make sure you go back properly equipped. We can't have you blumbering about with that Ansem in your condition! No, that would be unacceptable!" Vexen was confused. Clearing his throat, Xehanort interruppted. "It seems you are getting ahead of yourself, old man." He smiled at Merlin's reaction to this pet name. "Vexen, I am sure, has no idea what she is doing here. The fact that she remembered who I am is amazing enough." He looked at the white haired nobody with a softness in his eyes. "Of course, I could not imagine of ever forgetting him... er, her." Silence pervaded while Vexen and Xehanort looked at one another. "It seems you are right, Xehanort. Why not explain?" Merlin's voice pulled Xehanort out of his trance (sp?) and he quickly took his eyes off the still very confused Vexen. "Yes, well......." ---------------------------------------- Ansem stood frozen. He was sure he would have killed her right then and ridden himself of that nuisance... but she had disappeared. He knew that that could only mean more trouble for him. "Even, I will not let you continue to live. You have caused me enough trouble as it it." With a clenched fist, Ansem opened a portal into the darkness. He had to go search for thay nobody and destroy her. Xemnas would come later... he, too, posed a problem. As for the other two nobodies he had captured, Xigbar and Luxrod, he would free them for now. They were of no concern to him at all. They had just been in his way. At the blink of an eye, the intruder left Castle Oblivion, leaving behind him Xigbar and Luxord, and the rest of the inhabitants of this mesterious castle. ---------------------------------------- OoC: Sorry it was sooooo long! I have some rather bad news. I am going on vacation to San Francisco tomorrow for two weeks which means that the chances of me posting in that time are virtually nonexistant. This is why I have taken both my characters out of the immediate story for now. Sorry if you guys were planning to do something with them. I tried to leave the story in a way that you guys could continue without me for a while. I will be back, though, with some interesting story plots, so be ready!! And don't let this thing die!
"It seems you have made my task much easier by coming to me... Vexen." Ansem had easily deflected the ice shards that the nobody had attacked him with. The intruder shot out darkness to Vexen, but she had her ice shield and was able to protect herself, although the shield was parted in two as a result. "I was looking for you, you know. How do you like the new hair color I gave you?" Ansem smirked. Vexen was confused. "What the h*ll have you done to me?" She through her useless shield to the ground, hoping that Ansem would not try to attack her again. She was, afterall, powerless against him. If only she had her own nobodies at her command. "You were one of the originals, were you not, Even? You, with your studious research..." Ansem's eyes gleamed while Vexen stared dumbfounded. "Well, it seems that I had underestimated the scholar within you." Vexen foolishly sent more ice shards at Ansem, who again deflected them as if they had been nothing more than air. This time when Ansem counterattacked, Vexen was shieldless... the darkness hit her shoulder, causing her to fly back against a wall. She fell to the floor. Ansem stepped closer, a dark ball growing in his hand. "But you will not stand in my way anymore Even." He threw the dark ball at her.... Vexen had her eyed tightly shut, as if not looking would save her from Ansem's attack. She was motionless... but nothing happened. With growing courage, she opened her eyes. Ansem was nowhere to be seen... and neither was the castle. She looked around until her gaze fell upon a figure standing before her... "Xehanort?" --------------------------------------------- OoC: Does anyone know how to contact Mari? I've been trying to... but can't. I kind of wanted her to come back and RP with us, or if anything update the character list so we know what spots are opened for more people to come and RP...?
"HahahahahaHAHA!" Ansem's inhuman laugh filled the castle. He struck at the tiny figure running away from him, enclosing him in darkness. "You understand so little. Go," he smirked, flinging Saix's creatures away as if they were flimsy pieces of paper, "and join that little friend of yours in the darkness." Xigbar was nowhere to be seen. Ansem turned to the other berserkers and with a flash of his eyes he destroyed them all. "I will hold those nobodies in the darkness until I find the rest of them..." His body was engulfed in darkness. "Then, I will kill them all... slowly." He doubted that Xigbar and Luxord would break free of the realm he now held them prisoner in... how could they? They were weak. Suddenly, Ansem turned to face a young white haired woman... -------------------------------------------------- Vexen had been running down the halls of Castle Oblivion, following her senses to find the intruder who was powerful enough to scare even Xemnas. She was surrounded by ice, her breath visible in the coldness around her. She was scared, but beyond that she was angry. Whoever this intruder was, she knew he had been the one who had hurt her before... when Marluxia had turned evil. And she was not going to let him get away with the pain he had caused her. No doubt her new hair color was probably a result of her previous encounter with this mysterious man. Turning a corner she heard Xigbar's tiny voice... followed by a scream and shrill laighter. Without even thinking, Vexen zoomed towards the noise to witness the intruder do away with Saix's destroyers without any difficulty. Fear gripped her. "Vexen..." The figure spoke to her in a voice that seemed to stab her continuously. She did not want to hear him speak. She summoned ice shards and sent them flying at the man...
Vexen was glad that her superior had awakened, though she was not sure what help he would ultimately provide. He seemed out of sorts; following his gaze, Vexen saw him look out the window towards a blonde spot on a wall. What is that?... or who? But she had no time to think over this mystery. Following Xemnas's orders, the now white-haired woman ran out of the room, struggling past the creatures Xemnas had summoned. She was going to find the intruder and fight him. She would ignore, of course, the ever persistent feeling of fear and horror that gripped her entire being. -------------------------------------------- OoC: Short post, sorry.... I'm a little busy.
OoC: I get subscriptions to this thread and just received one with your post... I'll post it here for reference.... Posted by Foxxie: (( Bout freakin' time, ya dumb KHV! D< *throttles it for trashing all of her stuff as soon as she tries to freakin' post* )) Saix shrugged, uncomfortably. "Well, I'm telling you, it's not much.... But if you MUST know--" He was cut off suddenly by Xemnas' collapse to the floor. He gasped, immediantly concerned. "Xemnas, WHAT'S WRONG?!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Xigbar wandered around the castle, rubbing his eyes. "Still kinda hungry..." he muttered to the darkness. "Can't sleep on an empty stomach... Just wish that we had more chicken..." --------------- Posted by Jack: Xemnas clutched his chest in pain and spasmed for a moment or two, and then he lay still, breathing shallow. He reached up and grabbed Saix by his collar, and pulled him down to his face. "It...is...here..." he gasped. "Saix...protect....the others...send your Berserkers...to the gates..." He looked madly into Saix's eyes. "My...Heartless....stop him...." he said before passing out. --------------------------------------------- Ansem walked the halls in silence, effortlessly turning corners, approaching his victims. He heard a commotion at the fork in the hall before him. Turning to his right he saw several monsters heading towards him, but towards his left he saw a small child. Xigbar had been walking the halls, and now Ansem would take him into the darkness too, along with Luxord. As for the monsters that were undoubtedly sent to stop him... well, they would prove more difficult to deal with. Sending several bolts of darkness towards these monsters, Ansem moved swiftly to his left and made to smash Xigbar with another concentrated bolt of darkness; he moved so quickly, he almost seemed to disappear before reappearing right in front of the tiny nobody. --------------------------------------------- Vexen found her way into the tower where Saix and Xemnas where. She had faintly sensed their presence here. Looking about the room, she spotted Saix bending over something... or rather, someone. XEMNAS! She ran towards her leader and kneeled over him, instinctively checking his pulse. He's alive! Relief swept through her. Turning to the other nobody, she asked, "What happened?"
i never cared about it in the first place.... so, uh.... no.
i regret regretting things... which i guess in itself is kinda contradictory. but seriously, when i start to regret decisions i make, i realize that it wont do me any good, so i dont regret it. i try to think positive, like ill have another chance or make another opporunity... or ill learn from the experience and make a better decision next time. i think lifes too short to have regrets. and anyways, im pretty happy with who i am, and i think part of who you are is based on the decisions you make... so i shouldnt regret the decisions that got me to where i am today. wow... that might have been a little too philosophical or whatever.... oh well.
actually, my dad has this thing called sleep apnia that can be fatal. when you sleep, your body stops breathing and you can actually suffocate. its pretty serious. i dont think thats what you have because i think you usually have to be older, but i definitely think its something to check out. it could be asthma, or when you said you lost control of your body it could even involve some sort of siezures. whatever it is, if it persists, you should talk to someone about it, be it your mom, a nurse at school, or some other person of that sort. its not something to post on here because i doubt anyone on kh-vids can do anything about it. any medical problem should be dealt with in real life, so check it out with an adult. good luck!
OoC: ShadowofRiku, I think you need to PM Mari with a request for the character before RPing. She's been a little difficult to reach lately, but the decision is hers so you have to ok it with her before starting. For everyone else, sorry but this is going to be a long post! Jack, where is your character right now? I seem to have missed this info... ---------------------------------------------- The shrill laugh echoed through the tangible darkness. He was having fun. With a flick of his wrist, he englufed the nobody before him, squeezing his ribs; he wanted the young boy to feel pain. He wanted every being in the castle to feel pain, so much pain that their existence would seem unbearable! "You are getting in my way," his voice was icy," so I shall keep you in the darkness for a while." The shadow chuckled. "I will seek that girl now... but if I am confronted by any of your friends I will not hesitate to take them into the darkness,too." Luxord was now in the shadow's alternate dimension, a world of darkness. "He is too weak to break free of my grasp. They are all too weak!" He shot darkness at Luxord, making the boy suffer. He continued to walk the halls. He highly doubted that a weakling such as Luxord could break free from his world. Although he would not admit this to himself, he did feel perplexed about one of the members of the castle... Xemnas. That one did pose quite a problem. And so did Vexen. Ansem brushed away these doubts. "No worries. They will be easy to overtake." He could feel Xemnas close by. It would not surprise him of the nobody had noticed the presence of his being's heatless. He smiled, hoping dearly to have fun torturing Xemnas. But now, his attentions were caught by another's presence... Vexen's. She was close. ------------------------------------------------ Vexen was running down the halls now. She needed to find Xemnas! She could feel that icy presence and she was scared. For some reason, she knew Xemnas could help, even if she was still a little apprehensive about her leader. She would settle for finding Roxas or Marluxia even, just as long as she was not alone.
The dark man felt the presence of a castle inhabitant and smiled. There would be a little road bump in his way before he reached his intended victim. "No matter... this will be dreadfully easy." His eyes gleamed; this would be his first time in too long that he would be able to hurt someone. He looked forward to this. "Hey, anyone there? Xiggy, is that you?" The man heard this squeaky voice resonate through the halls. He could feel the weakness of the nobody who spoke. Without warning, he let out darkness all over the hall, engulfing the nobody before him.