Search Results

  1. ~tReAh867~
    OoC: Hey, go check me (by me, I mean Vexen ;)) out at the art forum! I posted some female Vexen art so now you can finally visualize her in the RP. Yay!
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Sep 26, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. ~tReAh867~

    go to and you can watch it for free! ;)
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Sep 26, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  3. ~tReAh867~
    :D oh, foxxie! you never cease to amuse me!!!
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Sep 26, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. ~tReAh867~
    For some time now I have been looking for female Vexen art since I RP Vexen as a woman... but I have not found any, atleast not any that I like. So I decided to draw some myself. These are my first Kingdom Hearts fan art, so enjoy! Critiques and comments welcome! Oh, and on the second picture... don't ask why Vexen is in normal clothes... the Org. coat was too much for me. I'm not very happy with the second one, but whatever.


    Thread by: ~tReAh867~, Sep 26, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. ~tReAh867~

    considering that nathan flew him up way into the upper atmosphere, if peter had moved even a slight bit he could have ended up in ireland upon falling back to earth. though that may not be what happens. *spoiler alert* if you recall, the irish men find peter handcuffed/tied inside this thing, so how did he end up like that? maybe he used his last ounce of strength to do that to himself, hoping not to hurt anyone. and so maybe he flew to ireland himself, weak from the accident and just trying to get as far from new york as possible. or, who knows, maybe in the four months since we've seen peter he got into some crazy adventure and was shipped over to ireland and knocked out cold or drugged and now he cant remember anything?

    by the way, OMGitssRIKU!, your avatar really scares me... :(
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Sep 25, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  6. ~tReAh867~
    awww, youre not the only one. i would save vexen, too!
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Sep 25, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. ~tReAh867~
    me!! haha! yeah, i know, crazy right? i love Vexen, mostly though because ive never played CoM and only know Vexen through my RP. and i play him as a woman there so i think that suits him better.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Sep 25, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. ~tReAh867~
    So is Vexen really the least favorite Organization member? I mean, he's one of my favorites (considering that I RP him), but he always seems to be the last character chosen in RPs and everyone seems to just really not like him. Any fans out there?
    Thread by: ~tReAh867~, Sep 25, 2007, 37 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  9. ~tReAh867~
    i like the nice axel since he probably wouldnt hurt vexen. anyways, hes just better that way.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Sep 25, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. ~tReAh867~
    i went with auron because he kicks a**. riku and the beast i think would put up a pretty tough fight, though.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Sep 25, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. ~tReAh867~
    oh, sylar will be back, you can be sure of that. he was an awesome character in my opinion, one of the few truly bad guys that i like. though the fact that there is another villian this time around is a good thing because i think we all kind of need a change. you know, we've been through the sylar thing and i wouldnt mind if he was still a threat and out loose killing people, but throwing something new at us definitely keeps our minds boggled and entertained!!

    i cannot wait till next monday to see the next episode!

    by the way, even though i mentioned that you can see season 1 on nbc, i just checked and you can see season 2 too as the episodes air. so for anyone who has missed or does miss an epidose, you can go to and find full free episodes of seasons 1 and 2 of heroes!
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Sep 25, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  12. ~tReAh867~
    OoC: I guess the decision is up to all of us. I personally would like them to prove themselves because the rest of us are pretty literate and I don't want to see some post like, "Demyx woke up and was like, OMFG, like lol blah i dont make sense!!!" So... yeah. And take your time with the thread, by all means! Oh, and Jack, I will be back with a reply shortly... my mind is just not ready to give a worthy answer... not to mention its kind of going crazy after the season premiere of Heroes!!
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Sep 24, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. ~tReAh867~
    wow, so yesterday on my directv i skipped to the 9:00 monday night showing of heroes and realized that i didnt get the channel. i totally called directv today and ordered it in time to watch the premiere of the second season. and im so glad i did, it was amazing! it did have a lot of unanswered questions, but thats to be expected of heroes. im sure everything will be answered in time, especially since i read that the 4th episode is actually a recap of the 4 months before. anyways, im so excited that heroes is back!

    also, for anyone not caught up on season 1, i watched the whole thing on the NBC website. they have, or atleast they had, all the episodes on there for free. i hope theyre still there.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Sep 24, 2007 in forum: Movies & Media
  14. ~tReAh867~

    No Wai!

    why else do you think we're at war?
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Sep 23, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. ~tReAh867~
    Vexen froze, her thoughts echoing with science, her chest still in knots, and her anger still boiling. Turning ever so carefully so as to conceal her emotional state, Vexen forced a rather awkward smile.

    "Oh, hello, Xemnas. I was just walking... to clear my head." Why in the hell do I feel so strange? The woman's eyes caught her leader's and for a moment she envisioned Xehanort, only he was dressed in a lab coat and seemed somewhat younger than the one she had met.

    She shook the image away. "Um, actually, Xemnas, could I have a word with you? It's about Ansem, your heartless." She figured that she might as well tell him now, even though she could still feel an unsteadiness in her body.

    She breathed softly and tried to calm herself. "Could we talk somewhere private?"


    He was in a cave but she was nowhere to be found. But he felt she had been here; he could feel her aura and it made him want to kill something. "She is becoming more and more of a nuisance!" His hand flew to cover his chest, right over the area where his heart would have been were he not a heartless. "Damn you, Even." Ansem's voice was harsh and cold.

    Taking a step more, he felt another presence, one that was much too familiar. "Xehanort? Here?" Ansem put two and two together. "He must have told her." He needed to find that nobody soon. He could not carry his plans out if she were still alive, if she still held that power of him...

    OoC: Ok, I assign the task to Foxxie!! You are full of spunk and you spend quality time on KH-VIDS, so would you mind terribly if you were the one to post the new thread? You can post it right here on the RP Forum. And if you have any questions, just let me or Jack know, but I trust you to do the job wonderfully!! :D
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Sep 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. ~tReAh867~
    On her search for her leader Vexen thought, rather logically, to begin in Xemnas's room. As she turned the corner of the hall, she heard muffled voices from behind Xemnas's door. The deeper, rougher voice defenitely belonged to the Head Nobody, but the softer voice proved more elusive for Vexen.

    Knowing perfectly well that eavesdropping on Xemnas was probably one of the most dangerous things she could do, Vexen tip-toed to the door, lightly laid her ear against it, and listened as Xemnas tried to comfort this other person. Now that she was closer to the voice, Vexen realized that it belonged to that young girl who had somehow barged in on the nobodies as a guest of honor. Namine had been her name.

    Vexen listened on as Xemnas's words became more and more affectionate, and for some reason the white haired woman felt a knot in her chest, tugging and pulling. She did not want to hear anymore. Pulling herself away from the door, she decided that her information could wait, especially if Xemnas was preoccupied with that girl. Not understaning why, Vexen felt anger boil up within her as she stomped away down the hall. She needed her lab; she needed her experiments; she needed science; she needed to stop the fluttering of her chest somehow...

    OoC: So one last question: where are we going to post this thread? Would it be alright to post it in the Role Playing Forum?
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Sep 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. ~tReAh867~
    i completely understand what youre saying and i agree with you. it can be a bit of a schock at first because it does change your image of the person, but like you said, with a nights rest or so it should sink in and you dont change your relationship with that person over their sexual orientation.

    when i was younger i found out that both my uncles were gay (i didnt know before because i was too young to even know what gay was) and it wasnt like i just smiled and said "well, ok!" and skipped joyfully along. it was a bit of a shock because i had a preconceived image of them in my mind, and now that image had to change. i thought about it for a few days, not because i freaked me out or i thought it was wrong, but because it was something completely new and unexpected about my uncles. but then i just accepted it. it was no big deal.

    so dont worry, i understand what you are saying and i dont judge you badly. what you said is actually the most truthful way anyone would deal with the situation if they were ok with homosexuality.

    i did have a friend once who, when asked what she would do if her child came out to her, she replied that she would disown the child. i found that to be just totally ridiculous. that kind of reaction, i find, is wrong. i would like to see if anyone on kh-vids feels they would react the same way because there are people who do this.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Sep 20, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  18. ~tReAh867~
    if there is a god who sends people like gandhi to hell for not believing and hitler to heaven for believing, then i would prefer to go to hell. i dont see the "purity" or "goodness" in a person who believes and does not sin because doing so will keep him or her out of hell and in heaven. now, the person who regardless of beliefs does good, cares for people, and lives a mostly moral life (though i guess that could lead to questions of "what is moral and immoral?"), that is the person who deserves heaven.

    now this is all supposing that god, heaven, and hell exist... and personally i dont believe in any of them.

    to repeat what was previously said in this thread, enjoy living. if you NEED an answer, then be content with "there was an origin and there will be an end" and then just live your life the best you can.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Sep 20, 2007 in forum: Debate Corner
  19. ~tReAh867~
    im sorry, darkwatch. it really is something that you will never really need unless you plan to be a chemist or some other related scientist. but since its required, i guess you should just make your way through it. if you can still drop it, though, and take another science class, i recommend bio 2 or whatever advanced bio course your school may offer. chem was a breeze for me, but bio 2 was even easier so im sure youll find it doesnt suck as much either.

    but, if youre stuck there, my only words of widsom are STUDY YOUR A** OFF! and good luck, youll forget all that stuff the moment you walk out of class your last day.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Sep 20, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. ~tReAh867~
    well, i dont treat homosexuals differently whether they are best friends or stangers, so if someone came out to me i would be totally fine with it. i would be proud and supportive, and i would also be glad that that person trusted me enough with the truth.

    i think its a shame when someone changes his or her opinion of a close friend or loved one just based on sexual preference. but i suppose that for someone who finds homosexuality wrong due to religion or whatever other reasons, that this situation could prove difficult. i've read a lot of feedback on here from people who dont seem to have a big problem with homosexuality in general, but i would like to hear what someone who thinks homosexuality is wrong has to say.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Sep 20, 2007 in forum: Discussion