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  1. ~tReAh867~
    OoC: Thank you so much Mari for taking over Vexen while I was gone! You were wonderful! I'm back now, though today I may only post once since I have not done any of my homework yet. Thanks again, Mari! And welcome back PoH!

    Vexen examined the blue haired member before her and chuckled. "Yeah, you should probably shower and wash your clothes. That was quite clumsy of you." Turning her attention straight to the tiny Marluxia, Vexen's eyebrows furrowed and she said, "Are you alright?" She wiped a little bit more of the blood from his mouth, worried.

    Marluxia's words had caught the scientist off gaurd, and his action had completely startled her. She wanted to tell the youngster that she loved him, too, and reply to his question. She also wanted to ask why he stuffed those roses in his mouth. But she could not with Zexion there. This was personal, and very odd.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. ~tReAh867~
    swear words do not offend me because they are just words, and sometimes they are even said in a friendly, joking way.

    sometimes i can get offended when someone swears at me in a violent and crude way, but the words are not what offends me, rather the attitude and behavior of the person saying them.

    so no. theyre words.... like the ones im typing down right now.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. ~tReAh867~
    you're right......

    oh, wait, six words! must elaborate!
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. ~tReAh867~
    Vexen sighed. She wanted to talk to Marluxia one on one about their current situation, but her better judgement kept her from doing so. "Thank you, darling." She looked at her cured finger and smiled.

    She looked to the toddler, who was showing her a thorn. "Hmmm? What have you got there?"

    OoC: Alright, I'm off. Mari, you're killing me with suspense! :eek:
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. ~tReAh867~
    "Wow!" The woman knelt next to the roses, smelling and inspecting them. "Thank you, flower!" She kissed Marluxia on the forehead. Then she walked over and got a watering bucket and began watering the flowers.

    While tending to the roses, she pricked her finger. "Ow!" She looked as a drop of blood grew on the tips of her index finger. She then sucked on it, continuing her work.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. ~tReAh867~
    i luvs it! i finally get to see who i am role playing! thank you, mari! <3
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 4, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. ~tReAh867~
    Vexen realized that Marluxia's speech was inconsistent, and she did not want to make a big deal over the fact that he had just spoken. She doubted it made him feel any better.

    She wanted to change the subject. "This crown you made me is beautiful." She smiled, attempting to cheer up the toddler and take his mind away from his worries. "Do you want to help me make one for you?"
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. ~tReAh867~

    I've never come across a more spiritual and deep explanation of life. This has left a lasting impression in my life. Thank you, Deathspank.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 4, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. ~tReAh867~

    Vexen placed the beautiful crown on her head and smiled before turning to Marluxia in awe. He had spoken! "Marluxia, you can speak!" Vexen hugged the toddler and laughed. She thought that he must be doing better if he could speak coherently again.

    "What happened? How come you couldn't speak before?" The woman played with her crown, fixing it correctly on her head. She sat with the pink-haired child and waited for him to answer her with his newly returned talking ability.

    OoC: I will be out of town this weekend so that means that I will probably not post. Also, today was our first day of the semester... and I'm bogged down with work. I will try my best to post as often as possible, though I can say with almost complete certainty that my posts will be less than they have been as of late. Mari, if you want to play Vexen this weekend while I'm off, you have my permission. Sorry guys.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. ~tReAh867~
    Vexen walked with the tiny Marluxia down the many halls. She was doing most of the talking, but despite the young one's impediment, the two seemed to understand one another quite well.

    Finally, the pair reached the garden. All of its flowers were in full bloom and the aroma that filled the room was sweet. Vexen placed the toddler on the ground to let him do as he wished. She herseld walked to the orchids, her favorite flowers, and played around with them, watering them and smelling their generous perfume.

    "I love it here." She sighed, keeping an eye on Marluxia.
    Post by: ~tReAh867~, Jan 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home