where can i get another dark splicer or aura cuz i only hav 1 uv both and i cant buy it
be carful if wen u use dark aura just a few minutes ago i used it and my spirits pushed me through a wall and i fell throo the floor
o i forgot to mention im on proud
so wutz a good lvl to fight the final bosses im just about to get to the world that never was and im probably guna die horribly
actualy the first spellican fight was easy im on proud mode and i didnt die once and i wuz lvl 17 so this game iznt 2 hard
ok i got keeba tiger shood i get 1 dark splicer and 1 dark aura or 2 dark auras or 2 dark splicers?
wich dream eaters? i found out for riku i need either ghostabocky or keeba tiger duz anybudy kno how 2 get 1 uv them
what are the strongest commands and how do i get them?
how do i beat him and what do i get frum it???
i need to know wich are the easiest to
o well i hav them all for ven
finaly i beat him
iznt dark gnaw 4 final mix though
ok so now i hav void gear, no name, ultima weapon, victory line, and sweet stack, is that all the unlockable keyblades?
im playing as ven
well wut kinda uv commands shood i use?
i got to where he has 1 and a half layers uv health today then i lost but this time i tried using fire surge instead uv thunder surge and it did more damage maby that wuz the problem i think he has and higher thunder resistance than fire
im only lvl 25 in the mirage arena though so thats guna take awile for me
just regular birth by sleep i hav void gear and sweetstack keyblades
so is that it?