Ch 2 is out! Yay! its alot faster typing these chapters! :D ~Chapter 2~ “Roxas! Roxas!” Sora opened his eyes slowly. His head hurt really badly. He looked around. His room was white. White? And he was in his room? What??? Just then, a man with red, spiky hair came into his room. He was wearing a long, black coat. Sora cocked his head while lying down. Who was he? “Roxas! Wake up!!” The man said, shaking Sora. Sora looked up at him. Who was he? And why was he calling him Roxas? “Who are you?” Sora asked. The man gave Sora a you-know-who-I-am-Stupid look. “Uh…you know me. I’m Axel.” Axel said, shaking his head, confused. He walked towards the door, and then turned around. “Hurry up! Xemnas hates it when we sleep late.” He called before walking out of his door. Sora sat up. What was going on? And where was he? He ran his fingers through his hair. It was short. He didn’t remember getting it cut. He walked slowly over to a nearby mirror and looked. He almost screamed. His reflection wasn’t his! In the mirror, he was looking at Roxas!!! “What is going on?!?!?” Sora yelled. +++ “Sora! Sora!” Roxas opened his eyes slowly. His head hurt really badly. He was lying on something hard. And cold. He sat up. He was on the ground. It was raining. He looked around: He was in front of the Memory Skyscraper. What was he doing here? Just then, a duck ran up to him. Wait! A duck? And following him was a dog? What’s going on? “Sora? Are you ok?” the duck said. “Yeah, are you ok?” the dog said. Roxas stared at them for a minute. “I’m going crazy…” Roxas said. The dog cocked his head in puzzlement. “What’s wrong, Sora?” he asked. “Why are you calling me Sora? And who are you?” Roxas asked. The duck and the dog exchanged worried, and confused, looks. “Sora is your name.” The duck said. “And I’m Donald. This is Goofy.” “You must’ve hit the ground hard, Sora.” Goofy said. Roxas glared at him. He tried to stand, but his leg hurt. He got on his knees. “I’m not Sora! I’m…” Roxas trailed off. In a nearby puddle he saw his reflection. He almost screamed. In the puddle, he was looking at Sora!!! “What is going on?!?!?” Roxas yelled. +++ By now, Sora was leaning against a nearby end table, trying to stop himself from collapsing from surprise. He took a breath, closed his eyes, and went over to the mirror. He opened his eyes and looked again. He still looked like Roxas. His long spiky locks of brown hair were now short spiky locks of golden hair. His eyes were the same. His skin color was the same. He felt the same. But…he wasn’t the same? Well, he could tell that. He looked around. “This must be Roxas’ room.” He said. His voice sounded different too. He looked at a nearby closet, which had a few long black coats. He put one on. It…felt right to do so. And right now, he had to go with any feeling that felt right. He walked out of the door and walked down the stairs slowly. Apparently, Axel didn’t know he was Sora, not Roxas, so he was guessing no one else would know. “I have to keep this a secret.” He said quietly to himself. “No one can know. Because if someone finds out…” he gulped. “I’m in trouble…” +++ Roxas was freaking out. Instead of his yellow spiky hair, he now had brown spiky hair, which was longer. He looked at his clothes. Instead of his black Organization coat, he had mainly black and red attire on. He looked at Donald and Goofy with wild eyes. “What’s going on??” He asked, his eyes wide with fear. Goofy walked over to him and helped Roxas up. “Are you ok, Sora?” he asked, concerned. Roxas pulled away from him. “I’m not Sora!!! My name is Roxas!!!” he shouted. Donald and Goofy gave a wow-you-are-crazy look. “Maybe he’s sick…” Donald whispered to Goofy. Roxas heard what he said. “I’m not sick! WHAT IS GOING ON???” He shouted. “Calm down, Sora!” Donald shouted. “We’re in the World That Never Was! You and the guy you were fighting fell off of the skyscraper! There was some light, you both fell to the ground, and some guy from the Organization took the guy you were fighting and disappeared!!!” Roxas backed away from him. Wow. Roxas thought. He’s crazy. “Are you sure you’re ok, Sora?” Goofy asked. Roxas snarled at him. “I’m ROXAS!!!!” He shouted. Goofy and Donald looked at him, then at each other. Donald leaned over to Goofy. “He’s crazy….”
Okay, the winning story was Look through my Eyes, so heres the first chapter! it may not be very long, but i gave you fair warning that this was a short story :) ~Chapter 1~ Keyblades clash, swinging wildly. Roxas and Sora were fighting at Memory Skyscraper. Roxas had been sent there by the Organization to seek out a very old, yet very powerful, magic orb: The Twist Orb. The Twist Orb was capable of twisting time, space, anything. With it, the Organization XIII could do terrible things. Sora was also after it. King Mickey had told him that the Organization wanted it, and they had to get it before they did. Sora wouldn’t let him down. So there they were, battling it out. Roxas swung his Oathkeeper at Sora, who dodged it and parried the attack. “The orb belongs to the Organization!†Roxas shouted. Sora tried to strike Roxas with his Ultima weapon, but Roxas jumped in time. “Well you can’t have it!†Sora yelled back. They exchanged a few hits of the Keyblades, before Roxas jumped back. “Where is it?†he shouted. Sora gave him an angry look. “How should I know?†he replied, charging at Roxas. Roxas then jumped up to the top of the Skyscraper. “Get down here!†Sora yelled. Roxas laughed. “Make me!†he teased. Sora ran towards the building, and, he had picked up so much speed that he was able to run up the side easily. He jumped on top, where Roxas was waiting for him. “About time you arrived.†He said, mocking a yawn to taunt Sora. Sora gritted his teeth and charged at Roxas. The two resumed fighting, swinging their Keyblades and exchanging words. The sound of metal carried far in the World That Never Was, considering that it was mainly unpopulated and very silent. The two had been fighting so intensely that they didn’t even notice the brilliant white light coming from behind them. Roxas stopped fighting and stared. Sora gave him a confused look. “What are you looking at?†Sora asked, angrily. Sora then turned around to see what Roxas was looking at. It was The Twist Orb! Roxas then ran towards it. Sora ran next to him, and threw his Keyblade at his feet. Roxas tripped. Sora kept running. Roxas got to his feet, and, seeing how far away he was from Sora, flung his Oblivion at Sora. By now Sora had the orb in his hands, but Roxas’ Keyblade whacked his hands, and made him drop the orb—right off the side of the building! Roxas then jumped off the side towards it. I have to catch it! Roxas thought. Sora watched him jump, and then jumped himself. I can’t let him have it! Sora thought. Both of them at this point were free falling through the air, after the orb. Roxas had caught up to it and grabbed it. Just then, Sora threw his Keyblade at Roxas, and knocked the orb out of his hands. Sora had caught up with him. They were now facing each other, the orb between them. “It belongs to the Organization!†Roxas shouted, summoning his Oblivion. “It belongs to the realm of Light!†Sora shouted, summoning his Ultima. Both Keyblade masters raised their weapons, and struck at each other. Unfortunately, they had forgotten that the orb was between them. They struck The Twist Orb at the same time, and smashed it. An intense white-blue light emitted from the shattered orb, and engulfed Roxas and Sora, who were still falling. “What’s going on?†Sora yelled, but he doubt Roxas could hear him. Suddenly, he felt beside himself, like he was watching himself fall. Roxas had the same feeling too. All of the sudden, they hit something. Hard. There was cold. Then black. Only black…
I have a couple story ideas, but I don't know which to do first. Below, I wrote the name of the story, (predicted) length, type (genre), and a quick synopsis for each. There is a poll as well, so PLEASE vote. I REALLY need some help picking (because I can't decide). I hope to get them all done eventually...:) Thanks a lot, you guys PWN ALL! :D ```````````````````````````````` Story 1: The 14th Key Long Funny/thriller/adventure/action When there is a small mishap with weapons in the Castle That Never Was, Xemnas calls someone to repair and rebuild them. Simple, right? But, when Xemnas discovers that this weapon specialist is more powerful and more amazing than they look, he decides he wants a 14th edition to Organization XIII. Why does he want this person in? What is their secret? And would Xemnas be willing to sacrifice the ULTIMATE price of this person to harm them? Or would it be to protect them? Or maybe, the only person who can help is a true Keyblade master... ~~~~~~~~~~~ Story 2: Forgotten Eyes: Got it Memorized? Medium-Long Tragety (more or less)/funny/rememberance Axel had worked hard to forget his past, his childhood. But when an unexected call from a forgotten friend comes, the memories come flooding back. His friend tries to help him remember, but Axel only ends up pushing them away. Why does Axel want to forget? Who is his friend? What do they mean to him? And can Axel ever remember again? A tale of forgotten promises, and forgotten secrets, this story reveals Axel's past, and will leave you shocked... ~~~~~~~~~~~ Story 3: Memory Break Medium Tragety/rememberance An innocent night of fun turns into a terrible night of fear when an accident occurs, and Zexion is the victum of it. He wakes up from a two-day coma, unable to remember anything. Not his name, not the Organization. He can't even remember how to speak or write! All he can remember is the beginning of a story about a young boy...Can Zexion follow the story to gain his memories back? Or will they forever remain fragmented? Can a broken being survive being even more broken? Or will what's left of him collapse? ~~~~~~~~~~~ Story 4: (WINNER) Look through my Eyes Short-Meduim Funny Sora and Roxas meet to fight, and their fight turns their lives upside-down when an accident occurs and.... THEY SWITCH PLACES!?!?!?! Now, Sora is in Roxas' body as the Key of Destiny, and Roxas is in Sora's body as the protector of the worlds. Can they live out each other's lives? Will any one believe that they switched? And can they reverse it? Or, will they be switched forever? Only time will tell.... ~~~~~~~~~~~ WELL THER YA' GO! Which story do you think I should write?
THE LAST CHAPTER!!! Enjoy! And thanks to all who read. YOU PPLS ROCK!!! ~Chapter 10~ ~~~Sunday Morning~~~ Last night, all of the eight of the Nobodies cleaned the entire Castle. All bedrooms were cleaned, all bathrooms were spotless, and all areas were taken care of. Roxas (with the help of Axel) cleaned the attic without any surprises. (Luckily) +++ The next morning, all of them were tired. They had to stay up the entire night to clean, and only got a few hours of sleep. But they couldn’t sleep late, or there would be suspicion. They all sat in the clean living room, with Axel and Zexion telling the entire story of what happened. Luxord laughed. “So I got to bite Vexen, eh?” He said with a smile. Vexen shoved him off of the sofa. Luxord looked up at him. “What was that for?” Vexen smirked. “THAT was for calling me a wimp!” he said as Luxord sat back on the sofa, confused. Everyone laughed. “Which one of us bit Demyx?” Larxene asked. “Me or Roxas?” “We weren’t there. We just heard Demyx scream, and when we looked, you two were just standing over him.” Marluxia said. Demyx thought for a moment. “I may not remember who bit me, but I DO remember which people pushed me out of the room into the hall to get bitten!!!” Demyx said angrily. Vexen, Axel, Marluxia, Luxord, and Zexion looked the other way. Roxas laughed. “Looks like he’ll be getting back at you all.” He said. Demyx suddenly laughed and pointed at Luxord. “That reminds me!” he said. “Luxord snores—REALLY loud!!!” Everyone burst out in laughter. Luxord was just plain confused. “Huh?” he said. Just then, five Corridors of Darkness appeared, and out walked Xemnas, Saix, Lexaeus, Xaldin, and Xigbar. The Nobodies exchanged hellos to the Nobodies in the living room, who returned them with hellos of their own. “So, how’d you like staying here for a week?” Xaldin asked. “It was nice.” Roxas said. “VERY quiet…” Zexion added. “And boring.” Larxene said. Xemnas nodded. “I’m glad to hear it.” He said. The five Nobodies walked off to their rooms. The eight in the living room sighed in relief. “Needless to say we won’t mention this to anyone, right?” Vexen said. “No, let’s go shout it to the world!!!” Larxene said sarcastically. Axel chuckled. “They’ll never know…” +++ Xemnas took a quick walk in the Castle, to check that everything was cleaned. All the rooms looked orderly (even Demyx’s), all the halls were swept, and the attic looked fantastic. Xemnas, satisfied, decided to walk out side for some fresh air. +++ He walked outside, and took a deep breath, and then let it out. He expected to smell clean, crisp air, but the air had a different scent. Roses? He thought. He sniffed the air. Yes, definitely roses. He looked around, and his mouth dropped. All along the ground were hundreds, no, THOUSANDS of rose petals! “What the…?” Xemnas said… +++ All eight of the Nobodies were still in the living room talking. Roxas had an uneasy feeling, and with it an uneasy look on his face. Axel noticed it. “Hey Roxas, what’s up?” he asked. Roxas shrugged. “I don’t know…I feel like we forgot something…” “Relax!” Axel said. “Xemnas isn’t—“ “AXELROXASLARXENEVEXENLUXORDMARLUXIAZEXIONDEMYXWHATTHESMOOFAREALLTHESEROSEPETALSDOINGOUTSIDEYOUALLAREINSOMUCHTROUBLE!!!!!!!!!” Xemnas roared. All of the eight members sighed deeply and exchanged nervous looks. All together, they chorused: “Uh…..oh….” THE END!!!!!!!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Note: Xemnas’ rant at the end translates to: “Axel Roxas Larxene Vexen Luxord Marluxia Zexion Demyx what the smoof are all of these rose petals doing outside you all are in so much trouble!!!!!!!!!”) (Just so you know :))
Ch 9!!! So what's gonna happen now?? Only time will telll... ~Chapter 9~ ~~~Saturday Night~~~ Axel ran to the main meeting room—he had to help Zexion and Roxas. He never thought twice about it being a trap. He ran into the room—but it was too late. In the middle of the room was Rose biting Zexion’s neck. “Zexion!†Axel shouted. Rose pulled away from Zexion’s neck and looked at Axel, smiling evilly, her fangs showing. When she pulled away, Zexion’s head fell back, his eyes closed, his body still. They only thing holding him up was Rose’s tight grip on his collar. “Hello, Axel.†She said. She released her grip on Zexion, and he fell backwards, falling on to the floor hard. His body lied there, lifeless. She began to walk towards Axel. As she did, Axel switched his glance from her to Zexion. From where he was standing, it was hard to tell if he was breathing. She stopped where she was. Axel looked up at her. “Zexion isn’t with us anymore…†she said. Axel was outraged at her words. He summoned his Chakrams, lit them on fire, and hurled them at her. As the first one came, she jumped over it, and as the second one came, she ducked. Axel recalled them and charged at her, weapons in hands. He went to strike her with one, but before he could hit her, she disappeared in a cloud of rose petals. Axel looked around. She was gone, and no one was here. He then ran towards Zexion and kneeled by his side. He grabbed both of his shoulders, lifted him up slightly, and shook him gently. “Zexion?†He said quietly. There was no response. Axel shook him harder. “Zexion!!†Zexion slowly opened his eyes. Instead of his irises being the normal blue color that they usually were, they were now a vivid fuchsia color. His eyes looked up to meet Axel’s, and Axel looked back at him. Zexion’s eyes were far away and distant. “Zexion…†Axel said softly. Zexion closed his eyes, and they did not reopen. Axel looked at him. “What did she do to you?†he said to himself. “Poison.†A voice said. Axel looked up to see Rose standing only a little ways away from him. Rose was smiling evilly. Axel lowered Zexion back on the ground by his shoulders and stood up. “Undo it!†Axel shouted. She laughed her normal creepy laugh. She walked towards him, her hands on her hips. “Sorry, no can do.†She said. “You see, the poison’s probably kicked in by now. Zexion over there should be dead real soon.†Axel gritted his teeth in anger. She laughed at his reaction. “As long as I’m around, he’s done for.†“Well,†Axel said, summoning his Chakrams. “I guess I’ll have to take YOU out!†He lunged at her, but she dodged. He threw one at her, but she summoned a petal shield to reflect it. “Thorn strike!†she shouted, as a stream of thorns shot out at Axel. He flamed at the thorns, and they all fell to the ground in the form of ash. Then, he threw a Chakram at her, and, catching her off guard, tripped her. She fell over, and when she looked up, he was standing over her, with a raised Chakram. He lit in on fire. “It’s over…†he said. He was about to strike her when a gale of thorns knocked the disk out of his hand, and extinguished the fire on it. The weapon hit the wall behind Axel and clattered to the ground. Axel was shocked. He turned around to see Marluxia. He summoned his Scythe. “What are you doing?†Axel asked, completely confused. Marluxia pointed his weapon at Axel and advanced towards him, making Axel back away from where he was standing. “What does it look like I’m doing?†Marluxia said, with quiet anger in his words. “I’m protecting my sister.†Rose stood up and smiled evilly at her brother. “I knew you’d never let me down, Miluara.†She said. “Marluxia, do you even know what she’s done?†Axel said. “She’s hurt our friends. She’s turned them into Vampire Nobodies! She’s killing Zexion, trying to kill me, and will likely kill you!†Marluxia glanced over at Zexion, who was motionless. He looked back at Axel. “You were trying to kill my sister!†“Because that is the only way!†Axel said. “In order to get rid of a Vampire Nobody, you have to either kill it, or the summoner has to call it off! You obviously don’t want to kill her, so call her off! Stop wanting to see her! You can miss her, but stop wishing she was here with us!†“Shut up!†Marluxia yelled. “I’ll NEVER do that!!!†He was about to attack but Rose stopped him. “There’s no need for that.†She snapped her fingers. When she did, Roxas, Larxene, Vexen, Luxord, and Demyx appeared. They were all Vampire Nobodies at the time. “Finish him.†Rose said, pointing to Axel. All five of the Vampires started to close in on Axel. Axel recalled his disks. He knew this was going to be some fight. Rose looked up at her brother. “Let us watch.†She said, pulling his arm back. He stepped back with her. Demyx was the first to attack. He summoned his Sitar and with it created a huge pillar of water, and directed it at Axel. He dodged it, and threw a Chakram at him. It knocked his Sitar out of his hands. Luxord threw some exploding dice at Axel. Axel created a wall of fire to reflect it, and then shot some fire at Luxord. He used a card to shield himself, and ran towards Axel. He punched him, and Axel swerved to the right to dodge it. Vexen then summoned an ice spell that encased Axel up to his waist in ice. Axel easily melted it. Demyx then shot a blast of water at Axel, and Larxene called forth a blast of lighting at Axel. The two attacks combined, and struck Axel, both knocking him against the wall and shocking him. Roxas then charged at Axel with his Keyblades. He took Oblivion and tried to bring it down on Axel’s head, but Axel held up a chakram and blocked it. A blast of ice from Vexen knocked Axel off-balance, and Roxas used to opening to strike Axel with his Oblivion to the floor. +++ Rose and Marluxia were watching from the sides. “Quite an interesting fight, is it not, Miluara?†she asked. “I hope Axel will be all right…†Marluxia said, concerned. Rose laughed. Marluxia didn’t recognize her laugh. “We’ll see.†Marluxia turned to watch Axel again. Please, He thought, be careful…Marluxia started to feel guilty for how he talked to Axel… +++ But now Axel had grown somewhat tired, and the fight came to be Axel versus Roxas. Roxas slashed at Axel with his Oathkeeper. Axel tried to talk to him during the fight. “Roxas! Snap out of it!†he shouted. Roxas laughed evilly as he tried to strike Axel with his Keyblades. “Roxas, we’re friends!†“The only friend I have is Kingdom Hearts…†Roxas replied, while dodging a fire attack from Axel. “I don’t want to hurt you!†Axel said, meaning it. If he seriously hurt Roxas, he’d never forgive himself… Roxas slashed at him with Oblivion. Axel lost his balance, and with one swift move, he took both Keyblades and struck Axel, knocking him against the wall. Axel stood with his back against the wall. He closed his eyes. I have to get Roxas to listen to me, he thought, I have to— An extreme pain in his right shoulder cut off Axel’s thoughts. While Axel had his eyes closed, Roxas had run up to him and plunged the Oathkeeper in his shoulder, pinning him to the all. Axel cringed in pain as he opened his eyes and looked into Roxas’ Vampire Nobody eyes. Roxas’ hand was on the handle of the Oathkeeper Keyblade, pushing on it, forcing it deeper and deeper into Axel’s shoulder. Axel was shaking with pain. He looked up at Roxas. “Roxas…†he said in great pain. He let out a breath. “Roxas…†Roxas looked at him. Something told Axel that Roxas—the TRUE Roxas—was listening. “We’re…best friends…right?†Axel asked, cringing as he talked, for the pain in his shoulder grew intense. Right then, Roxas’ eyes widened. Memories of him and Axel flooded into his mind. He realized where he was, what he was doing—hurting his best friend. “Axel…†he said, closing his eyes. He opened them again. His eyes were no longer white with pale rose-colored cat eye pupils. They were blue again. He looked at Axel with a fearful expression. “Axel!†He shouted, calling off the Oathkeeper Keyblade that was still lodged in Axel’s shoulder. Axel slid down the wall to the floor, grasping his injured shoulder. He looked up at Roxas, who was now kneeling beside him. “Roxas…you’re you.†He said, wincing as he spoke. Roxas smiled weakly, no longer having fangs. “Of course I’m me.†He replied. Axel smiled half-heartedly. +++ Rose was outraged that Roxas had changed back to normal. “What are you doing Roxas?†she asked. Roxas rose to his feet and summoned Oblivion. “About to destroy you and end this!†He lunged at her, but Marluxia grabbed his Keyblade. “No, Roxas…†he said. “If someone is to destroy her, it’ll be me.†He stood up and faced his sister. Rose was shocked. “What are you doing, Miluara?†she asked. He glared at her. “I know why you came here.†He said. “I guess I summoned you. But it wasn’t because I wanted you here. It was because I felt guilty for letting you die, and I felt guilty for never letting you know that I loved you.†He looked at the ground, and then looked at up at her. “But now, I’m a Nobody.†He said, his voice strong. “I can’t love, so I no longer can to say it to you. And I can’t feel guilt, so I can no longer feel guilty for what I did.†Rose smirked. “I’m happy for you brother.†She said, snapping her fingers. Larxene, Demyx, Luxord, and Vexen advanced towards him. “Too bad I can’t feel it!†They all prepared their weapons. Marluxia smirked angrily. “I no longer want to see you, Rose. I’ve forgiven myself—and I no longer want you here with me.†He said. As soon as he said this, the room began to spin. Rose started to fade. She was no longer wanted here, and she was returning back to Kingdom Hearts. She looked up at Marluxia. She held out her hand to him. “Brother…Miluara…†she said. “Come home with me.†The space around Marluxia seemed soundless. “We’ll go together.†She whispered. Marluxia shook his head. “No, you’ll go alone.†She smirked evilly, and then disappeared. As soon as she left, Larxene, Demyx, Luxord, and Vexen snapped back to normal. Their eyes were no longer tainted, and they were no longer Vampire Nobodies. They looked dazed. “What is going on?†Vexen asked. “I don’t know…†Demyx said. He looked over at Zexion, who was still lying on the floor. “What’s wrong with him?†Axel stood up suddenly, still clutching his shoulder. “Zexion!†he shouted, and ran towards him. He shook him gently. “Zexion?†Everyone stood in silence as they waited for Zexion to move. After a moment, Zexion opened his eyes slowly. They were blue again. Everyone was relieved. He sat up slowly, his head spinning. “What’s going on?†He asked, putting his hand to his head to steady himself. Axel helped him up. “Quick! You have to reverse the spell Rose cast!†Zexion nodded, and summoned his book. He opened page, and pointed out of a nearby window. “All of all spells, Reverse. Rid of the blight, rid of the Curse!†he recited. As he finished, the room began to spin, and the moon lowered into the sky, no longer frozen. Zexion turned towards everyone. “I could reverse the moon spell, but not the fast forward spell.†He said. “That means today is Saturday, and can’t be changed back to Wednesday.†Axel said. His eyes widened. Roxas noticed this. “Axel, what’s wrong?†he asked. Axel turned towards all of the Nobodies. “Today is SATURDAY!!! And tomorrow, Xemnas comes back!!!†he yelled. Everyone was angry now, and fearful. After the fight, and all of the chaos, the Castle was a HUGE mess…
The next chapter is out...And now ALOT is out in the open! I hope everyone will be ok.... ~Chapter 8~ ~~~Saturday Night~~~ Axel ran through the halls of the Castle. He was searching for Roxas. “Roxas!†He called. “ROXAS!!!†Axel ran faster. He knew that, with all of the yelling he was doing, he was sure to attract one of the Vampire Nobodies. But he didn’t care. Roxas, his BEST friend, the one who made him feel like he had a heart, was in danger—he had to help him before he had to hurt him. He didn’t want that… Axel then passed Marluxia’s room. He looked in to see Marluxia sitting by his window. He was alone. Zexion must still be looking for him…Axel thought. He walked in. “Marluxia?†he said quietly. Marluxia glanced at him a second before turning back to stare out of the window. Axel walked up behind him. “Why are you here?†Marluxia asked, before Axel had a chance to say anything. “I want to talk to you.†Axel said. “Talk.†Marluxia demanded. Axel took a breath. “Look, I know she’s your sister, but you can’t let that stop you from protecting others.†He said. Marluxia glared at him. “I can’t protect anyone.†“Yes you can!†Axel said. He sat down next to Marluxia. “Marluxia, what’s happened? You seem so…different. The Marluxia I know would’ve done something by now. If this was any other Vampire Nobody, then you would’ve—“ “But she isn’t any other Vampire Nobody!!†Marluxia yelled, standing up. “This is my sister!†“But we’re your friends!†“So?†Marluxia snapped. Axel looked down at the ground, then outside of the window. Marluxia could see hurt in his eyes. Marluxia sighed. “I didn’t mean it like that.†He sat down again. Axel looked at him. “Some thing happened…and…now I’m not even sure I could protect myself.†“You could talk about it…I’m listening.†Axel said. Marluxia couldn’t help but chuckle at how much Axel sounded like a therapist. But he nodded. Marluxia took a pained breath. ~FLASHBACK~ Rose still stood there, scared stiff. The Heartless raised its orb. Miluara got to his feet. He promised he’d be there to protect her—and he would. “ROSE!†He yelled running towards her as fast as he could. The Heartless raised the orb higher… He ran faster… Her eyes…frozen white… He ran faster… Orb released… He ran faster… Coming closer… He pushed her… Orb hit… Terrible, pained scream… Lying…there… Beast laughed…satisfied… “Miluara!!†Rose screamed as she found the strength in her sick body to rise to her feet and run towards her brother, who was now lying where she had been standing. She fell to her knees next to him. His eyes were closed—his face expressionless. She shook him gently. “Miluara!†She said. He opened his eyes slowly and looked up at her. Rose…was okay…he tried to smile, but couldn’t. He felt himself…slipping away. Rose didn’t cry for her brother—it would only make him sad. Miluara smiled on the inside. Brave…he thought. He didn’t know what was happening. He expected to feel as if he was dying. But he didn’t feel that way—he only felt as if part of him was leaving—he felt lighter. He could feel himself fading into darkness. He couldn’t feel…not the ground, not the wind, not her love. The Heartless beast came closer. Taking only his heart didn’t satisfy it—it wanted hers too. Rose stood in front of her brother. “This time…I’ll protect you.†She whispered. Miluara tried to sit up. He couldn’t let her do this—he’d protect her—but he couldn’t move. The beast prepared another orb. Rose stood there fearlessly. Something inside of her was cold—she could feel it. Her breathing halted for a second, but then continued. She knew—the sickness was taking her… “No!†She shouted. “Not yet…I need to help Miluara!†Her breath became shorter. She almost stumbled back. Miluara could see—she was now dying. He wanted to get up—to hold her in his arms as she died. He wanted to hold her hand, kiss her cheek—tell her that he loved her too. But he could do none of that—he couldn’t feel anything. The beast shot the orb at her—it struck her directly, knocking her over. The Heartless laughed—it disappeared. She lay where she was—she could feel herself fading—fading and dying. She summoned enough strength to stand up, and stumble over to her brother. She collapsed by his side. She lay down next to him. She stared up at the sky, which seemed to grow darker. She looked at him—his eyes were closed. She smiled weakly. “I’m here, Miluara…†she said, taking his hand in hers. Her breath weakened. “We’ll…†her breath stopped, for a moment. She closed her eyes. With her last, dying breath, she whispered: “We’ll go together…†~END OF FLASHBACK~ Another tear slid down Marluxia’s face. He didn’t bother to turn his head to conceal it. He looked up at Axel. “I let her die.†He said. “I let my little sister die.†Axel put his hand on his shoulder. “I…I know it’s…†Axel tried to find comforting words to say. But there was none. Nothing he could ever say would help Marluxia’s broken heart… +++ Zexion was wandering the halls on the third floor of the Castle. He was searching for Marluxia. He wondered why Marluxia seemed so upset…maybe he’d tell him. He looked into a room—the main meeting room. He saw no one there. He was about to leave when he heard the swish of someone’s Organization coat. He could’ve promised it had come from the meeting room. He walked in and looked around—no one was here. Click. Zexion turned around to see that the door had closed. He walked slowly over to it to open it again. Suddenly, a hand wrapped around his mouth, and another hand grabbed his wrists, holding them together. He struggled to get out of his captor’s grasp, but failed. He heard laughter—strange but sweet—he recognized it. “Hello, Zexion.†Rose said. Zexion tried to yell, but it came out muffled. She laughed again. She moved closer to his ear, to his neck. He could feel her warm breath on his neck. “Now now, Zexion. You shouldn’t make too much noise…†she said. “You wouldn’t want Axel to hear you, and come up here to help you, now would you?†Zexion glared at her. Rose sighed, smiling deviously. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see her fangs. “I mean, sure, make all the noise you want. For as soon as he comes up here…†She snapped her fingers. Roxas appeared through his portal. He had the Vampire Nobody eyes. He walked over to the door and leaned against a wall near it. Rose moved closer to Zexion’s ear. “We’ll be waiting…†she whispered. Zexion’s eyes became wide. He feared for Axel’s safety. They were close friends, and he didn’t want Axel to get hurt. Rose let go of Zexion’s mouth and wrists. He stood there quietly. Rose walked around so she was facing him. “What do you want from me?†Zexion asked quietly. Rose smiled evilly. “Do you want me to become a Vampire Nobody?†“No.†she said. “We don’t need another—you and Axel are no longer needed.†She said, advancing towards him. Zexion didn’t move. She tightly grabbed the collar of his coat and roughly pulled him closer to her. Their eyes met. “Zexion…†she said. As she said his name, the pale rose-colored cay eye pupils of her eyes changed to a furious fuchsia color. “We won’t go together…†+++ By this time, Axel had left Marluxia and went looking for Roxas again. He tried to convince Marluxia to come with him, but couldn’t. Axel stopped in his tracks. Something—a feeling perhaps?—had told Axel that something was wrong. That someone was in trouble…Zexion? Axel shook his head. Zexion would be all right. But, the nagging feeling came again. He closed his eyes. No, he thought, Zexion was in trouble. He opened his eyes and ran up another flight of stairs, in search of Zexion. Zexion…he thought, hold on… +++ Rose had brought her fangs closer to his neck. If Zexion had a heart, he promised himself that this would be the part where he’d die of fright. “Any last words?†Rose asked softly. Zexion looked at the ground. “Leave Axel alone.†He said. She laughed. “Sorry, can’t do that…†She said. “But, I can do this…†She snapped her fingers again. Roxas nodded and yelled: “Axel! I’m up here, in the main meeting room! Help!!!†+++ Axel heard the yell. “Roxas?†He called out. He then started to run towards the main meeting room. +++ Zexion’s face was pale. Axel would come up here, and get killed. Zexion glared evilly at Rose. “You…â€he growled through clenched teeth. Rose laughed, amused. Zexion looked up. “AXEL! DON’T COME IN!!! IT’S A TRICK!!!†he yelled. He had to get Axel to leave… +++ Axel heard Zexion’s yell. He couldn’t make out what he was saying, but he soed like he was in trouble… “I’M COMING ZEXION!!!†he yelled, and ran towards the room faster. +++ Rose laughed again. “He’s still coming!†she said. She looked at him with her fuchsia and white eyes. “It’s time to let go, Zexion…†Zexion looked up. He had to try again… “AXEL! NO! LEAVE!!! DON—“ He was cut off by a terrible, sharp, stinging pain in his neck. He resisted screaming—he had to get Axel to leave, and him screaming out in pain didn’t help. Rose had bitten Zexion’s neck with her razor-sharp Vampire Nobody fangs. It felt as if someone had stabbed his neck with two knives. His vision blurred. He saw black. He felt cold. And then nothing. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ OOO! Coming up soon, I'm going to make a board, which story i should write next (I have a few i want to write, but can't decide). So keep an eye out! :D
Here's chapter 7! Wow, 2 chapters without a day in between! :D Things are REALLY heating up!!! Marluxia is greatly needed...but can he help? WILL he help? Only fate will tell... ~Chapter 7~ ~~~Wednesday Night~~~ Vexen suddenly got up and lunged at Zexion. He tackled him and pinned him to the floor. “We’ll go together, Zexion…” he said. He was about to bite his neck when one of Axel’s Chakrams struck Vexen and knocked him off. Axel ran over to Zexion and pulled him up off the ground, and they began to run down the hall. “Where are we running?” Zexion shouted, still running. “To Marluxia’s room.” Axel answered back. They ran to Marluxia’s door, yanked it open, and ran inside. Once inside they locked the door. Marluxia got up from his desk and looked at them strangely. “What are you—“ “We’ve got a problem!” Axel said, cutting Marluxia off. “The Vampire Nobody is your sister!” Zexion said. Marluxia looked at him as if he were crazy. “What’s wrong with you?” He said. “And how did you find out about her?” Axel shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. Vexen told us. He must have heard it from Roxas or someone." Marluxia crossed his arms. “I don’t find you joking about my sister funny.” He said. Zexion looked exasperated. “We’re telling the truth! The Vampire Nobody IS your sister!” he said. “She must have come because you miss her.” Axel said. Marluxia shook his head. “Impossible. She…” Marluxia sighed. “…Died.” He said, forcing himself to say it. “Well, she’s back, and she plans to kill us, and probably kill you too!” Axel said. Zexion looked at Marluxia. “You’ve got to call her off.” He said. “How do I do that?” Marluxia asked. “You have to stop missing her! You have to stop wanting to see her.” Axel said. “I’ll NEVER do that!” Marluxia yelled. Zexion walked over to him “Calm down! Maybe if tried forgiving yourself for wanting to see her…” Marluxia pushed Zexion away. “I don’t regret wanting to see her! I have nothing to feel sorry for, except for letting her die.” Marluxia yelled. He walked toward the door, but before opening it, he turned to face Axel and Zexion. “Maybe she was meant to be here. Maybe this was all meant to happen. Fate works like that.” “Marluxia! Are you even listening to yourself?” Zexion yelled. “You are letting your friends down! They are getting HURT!!! Don’t you care?” Marluxia turned so that his back was towards them. “Don’t you?” He asked. He opened the door. “I won’t give her up for my friends. Blood is thicker than water.” Axel sighed angrily. “We’re NOBODIES! We are neither blood nor water!!” Marluxia laughed. “Then why should it matter?” He walked out of the door. Zexion sighed. “We’ll have to kill her. It’s the only way to save the others.” He said. Axel looked up at Zexion. “I understand what Marluxia is feeling. I know what it’s like to lose someone close.” Zexion looked at Axel. Axel looked back at him. He smiled. “But I’d never let a memory lose out to you guys.” “Never?” Zexion asked. “Never.” Just then, the ground shook. “It is time!!!” A voice boomed. Axel and Zexion ran outside—where the voice sounded like it was coming from. A girl appeared in front of them. She reminded them of Marluxia. “Who are you?” Axel demanded. She laughed. Strangely, yet sweetly. “My name is Rose. Perhaps you know my brother.” “Marluxia?” Zexion asked. “Yes.” She replied. Axel summoned his Chakrams. Zexion tried to summon his book, but couldn’t. “Looking for this?” she asked, summoning his book. Zexion’s eyes got wide. “Give that back!” He shouted, running towards her. Holding the book in one hand, she lifted her other one and pointed at Zexion. “Rose storm!” she shouted, and a huge gale of rose petals and thorns came towards him. “Deflect!” Zexion shouted. “Reverse deflect!” she shouted. The gale rushed towards Zexion and knocked him back 5 yards. He stood up. He had no idea she knew that spell. “Rose binds, briar thorns of size, hold fast, and paralyze!” Rose shouted. A dense group of thorny vines wrapped tightly around Axel and Zexion. Axel tried burning them away with blasts of fire, but the vines wouldn’t budge. She laughed again as she walked up towards the two. “This is where it all ends.” She said, “It’s time to come home.” She laughed again. “But not for you two…” She looked at the book in her hands, and then closed it after a moment. She knew what she was going to do. She held the book out to Zexion. “You want it back?” she asked. “YES!” Zexion shouted. “Very well.” She blew on the book. As she did, rose petals blew off of it. Zexion and Axel watched in awe and in horror as they watched a perfectly normal and solid book blew away in hundreds of petals. She smiled. Her fangs showed. “Cool, huh?” she said. Then, she raised her hands. “What are you doing?” Axel asked. She looked at him. “Performing a combined spell.” She said. “If you liked that petal trick, you’ll love this…” A combined spell? Zexion thought, I can’t even do that and I’ve been studying for years! She raised her arms and began to recite from memory: “Moonlit freedom, fast forward time. To Saturday time, to moon risen rhyme. Let the pale moon’s glow everlasting, in vision of the Vampire wing. For the full moon lives, let it live, let it thrive, let it grow and revive. Let the sunlight die, let moonlight breathe: Let the twists of time bend and allow this to be: MOONSHINE FOREVER!!!” As soon as she was done, the land around everyone spun. A day past, another past, and another past. Three days flied by in less than 10 seconds! The moon changed into a full moon and froze there. Rose turned towards Axel and Zexion. She snapped her fingers and the briars around them snapped and fell to the ground, freeing them. “I’ll be back for you two later.” She smiled, again showing her fangs, reminding them of what was after them. “But I wonder who’ll be first…” she then vanished. Zexion looked at Axel. “We need to find Roxas.” Axel looked at him. “Why? He’s Vampire Nobody now.” “He’s still your best friend at heart. Maybe if you talk to him, he’d remember.” “Maybe it’ll work…” Axel said. He and Roxas were best friends, and it worried Axel terribly that he was a Vampire Nobody. “How about I go look for Roxas, and you go look for Marluxia.” “Why?” Zexion asked. “Maybe you can talk some sense into him.” Axel said, before running off. Zexion ran off as well. +++ Marluxia was looking outside of his window, watching the moon. He didn’t notice the change. He closed his eyes. “Rose…” ~FLASHBACK~ Today was the day—the day the doctor had predicted he’d lose Rose forever. Miluara was with his sister outside. She begged him to let her go outside—she hadn’t been outside in months, and she loved to be outdoors. He took her outside, to her favorite place—their rose garden. Miluara had always thought of it as ‘girly’, but his sister had taken care of for them for them. All of her roses were colorful, healthy, and beautiful. She claimed to be able to talk to the roses, to know what they wanted. He always thought she was so silly. He loved that about her. They walked through the garden. Miluara had to help her walk sometimes, because she’d feel somewhat tired. But for the most part she insisted on walking on her own. She looked up at him. “Miluara?” she asked. “Yeah?” “Would you please take care of my roses for me?” Miluara almost lost it. She had always been very protective of her garden, never letting anyone take care of them. But her asking him to take care of them almost made him cry. It was more real than ever—she was going to die. Miluara nodded. “Yeah. I’ll take real good care of them.” He said. Rose hugged him. “I love you, Miluara.” She said. He ruffled her soft hair. All of the sudden, a huge Heartless beast rose from the ground. Miluara stood in front of Rose to protect her. The Heartless attacked. Miluara charged at it and kicked it. It flew back a foot. It charged again. This time, catching him off guard, knocking him to the side. It advanced towards his sister. She stood there, scared stiff. It reared up a glowing orb of power and was about to throw it. “NOOOOO!!!!!” Miluara screamed… ~END OF FLASH BACK~ “NO!” Marluxia yelled. He looked around, realizing that it was only a memory. He put his head in his hands. “I’m sorry…”
This will probably be THE LONGEST chapter i will ever write for this story! Enjoy! :) ~Chapter 6~ ~~~Wednesday~~~ Axel opened his eyes and stretched. It was morning. He looked around to find that he had fallen asleep on the sofa. Wait! He thought, we fell asleep! He quickly felt his neck for any bite marks. He could feel none. On the sofa opposite to him was Zexion, who was still sleeping. Axel walked over to him. From what he could see, Zexion had no bite marks. He shook him roughly. “Zexion, wake up!” He said. Zexion opened his eyes abruptly and sat up. He stretched, looking at Axel. “What?” he asked. “We fell asleep out here.” Axel said. Zexion looked around. He was right. Then his eyes got wide. “We fell asleep! We could’ve got bitten!” he said, scared. He then felt his neck for the mark. “You don’t have it; I checked.” He said, sitting down on the sofa next to Zexion. “What about everyone else?” Zexion asked. Just then, Vexen walked down the stairs and into the living room. “Good morning, guys!” He said cheerfully. Zexion and Axel rushed up to him. “Did you fall asleep?” Axel asked. Vexen thought for a moment. “I guess I did.” “Did you get bitten?” Zexion asked. Vexen ran his hand against his neck. He shook his head. “Hope. Doesn’t seem like it.” Luxord walked down the stairs into the living room groggily. “Well, I hope you guys all had pleasant nights.” He said bitterly. “This morning I woke up, on the floor! I don’t even remember how I got there.” Axel and Zexion exchanged nervous looks as Zexion walked over to Luxord. He took a quick look at him, and then put his head over his face in frustration. “Oh smoof…” he said. They all looked at him in confusion. Zexion looked up at them. “He’s been bitten.” Luxord’s jaw dropped. “WHAT?” He yelled. Then, he started muttering something—curses and gibberish—under his breath. Then, he stormed up the stairs. Zexion, Axel, and Vexen listened as they heard a door slam upstairs. Vexen turned towards Axel and Zexion. “So now what do we do?” he asked. Zexion started to think. Axel tried to think as well, but then he noticed something. “Hey, did anyone notice that we haven’t seen Larxene, Roxas, or Demyx for a while?” he asked. Vexen looked up. “You’re right…” he said. “Vexen, you check for Larxene. Axel, you check for Roxas, and I’ll check for Demyx.” Zexion said. They all nodded, and ran off… +++ Vexen walked up to Larxene’s room. He looked around for her. She wasn’t there. He was about to leave when he noticed a dartboard on the wall, with something tacked to it with a dart. He walked over to it and looked. It was a picture of him! Vexen angrily snatched the picture off and crumpled it up. He turned to leave, when he noticed a note on Larxene’s pillow. He picked it up and began to read to himself… +++ Axel ran up to Roxas’ room. The door was closed. He knocked loudly on the door. “Roxas? Roxas, you in there?” he said. After receiving no response, Axel walked in. His room was the way it always was—messy. He looked around and, after seeing no Roxas, he turned to leave. But, as he reached for the doorknob, he noticed a note taped to the back of the door. “What’s this?” Axel said to himself as he pulled the note off. His mouth dropped as he read the note… +++ Zexion walked up to Demyx’ room. He knocked twice—Zexion’s signature knock. No one answered the door, so Zexion walked in. He took a step and tripped over something. He looked and realized it was a pair of Demyx’s shoes. He looked around the room. It was a mess! Zexion stood up and began to walk out the door. He almost tripped over some of Demyx’s junk, and to stabilize himself, he grabbed a nearby end table. His hand rested on a crumpled note. Zexion picked it up and skimmed it… +++ The three of them met back in the kitchen. “Look! I found this in Roxas’ room!” Axel said, holding up a note. Zexion held up his. “So did I.” He said. Vexen showed his. “And so did I!” he exclaimed. Zexion read his aloud: “It is time I return to Kingdom Hearts, my true home. The dark is awaiting my return, and so is the light. I shall be back, to take you with me. Join me. Do not fret. Do not fight back. Us Vampire Nobodies must stay together. Alone, we are powerless. But together, we are strong… I will be back… We’ll go together… ---Demyx” Zexion looked up. “That’s what it says on mine, except its signed ‘Roxas’.” Axel said. Vexen nodded. “Doubtless they’ll be back tonight.” He said. “Well, we’re no longer tired, so it should be easy for us to stay awake.” Axel said. They all nodded. +++ It was 12:09 a.m. The three Nobodies (Marluxia insisted he had other things to do) sat in the Kitchen, waiting. Vexen stood up. “I’m going to the library. Anyone who’d like to join me?” he asked. Zexion and Axel looked at each other, and then back at Vexen, shaking their heads. Vexen shrugged. “Suit yourselves.” He said, walking off upstairs. +++ I wonder what I’ll read today…Vexen thought. Perhaps a science-fiction novel? Vexen walked up another flight of stairs, making his way to the end of the hall where the library was. He reached the door and was about to open it when he heard someone talking. Marluxia? No, it couldn’t be. He was on an entirely different floor. Besides, the voice belonged to a girl. He walked over to a partially cracked door, leading to the main meeting room. Through the gap, he could see Larxene, Roxas, Demyx, and Luxord sitting on the table in the room. They were listening intently to whatever someone was saying. The person walked closer to the group of Nobodies, and Vexen could see her clearly. She was about the same age as Roxas, give or take a year. She had pale rose-colored hair that went to her shoulders. She was wearing an all-white Organization-type coat. She seemed vaguely familiar. He listened as well when she began to talk. “It is time.” She said, her voice soft. “Most of you are with us now. We can go home soon.” “What about the others, Rose?” Larxene said. Oh, Vexen thought. Her name was Rose. He cocked his head. It seemed familiar. Had someone mentioned it to him? Larxene continued: “There’s still Axel, Zexion, Vexen, and, of course, Marluxia.” Roxas looked at her and smiled deviously. Vexen could see his fangs. “We can take them easily.” He said. Luxord nodded in agreement. “Especially Vexen. The guy’s a wimp.” He said. Demyx laughed in agreement. Vexen was angry now, but he shook it away. Now wasn’t the time to be mad. He could always get him back later. He listened closer. “You aren’t to make fun of him, Luxord.” Rose said. “He is family. Now listen closely: we only need one more Vampire Nobody. Whoever you can bite first, that will be it.” “What about the other two?” Demyx asked. Rose smiled. “Leave them to me.” “What do you plan on doing to them?” Roxas asked. Rose smiled again. “Let’s just say, they’ve lived a good life…” Vexen’s jaw dropped. After one more was bitten, the other two would be killed!!! “What should we do about Marluxia?” Larxene asked. “I’ll talk to my brother. I’m sure he’ll…think reasonably.” Rose said. Vexen couldn’t believe what he was hearing. The Vampire Nobody was Marluxia’s sister! Which meant only Marluxia could call her off, and end her hold over all of the others who were bitten. Vexen stood up from where he was crouching, and as he did, he hit his head on the doorknob, making noise and pushing the door open, releasing a loud noise. The Vampire Nobodies turned to see him standing there, frozen with fright. “Looks like he’s coming home as well.” Demyx said, standing up and walking towards him, along with the others. Vexen then took off running. Rose watched him run off. “Luxord,” she said, with him looking at her, “bring Vexen home.” She smiled evilly. Luxord smiled a half-smile and took off after him. Once he was gone, she turned towards Larxene. “Did you get what I told you to?” she asked. Larxene made a book appear in her hands—Zexion’s book. “I always do as I am told.” She said, handing it to her. Rose opened the book, and flipped to a page. The first spell was called ‘Fast Forward’, and the spell at the end of the page was called ‘Everlasting Moonlight’. She looked up. “Perfect.” She whispered. +++ Vexen ran as fast as he could, with Luxord close behind him. He tired to make a Corridor of Darkness, but couldn’t make one since he was running. Suddenly, an enormous card blocked his path. Vexen stopped. He was trapped. Luxord walked closer to him. “Come, Vexen.” He said, stepping towards him. Vexen put his back against the wall, desperately trying to focus long enough to summon a portal. But he was too scared. Luxord smiled, revealing his fangs. “We’ll go together…” +++ Axel and Zexion were still at the kitchen table, playing hangman on a piece of paper, trying to occupy themselves. “Where’s Vexen?” Axel said. “He usually comes back with a book.” Zexion shook his head. “I’m sure he’s—“ “AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” A scream could be heard upstairs. “VEXEN!” Both Axel and Zexion shouted in unison as they ran from the table and up the stairs… +++ When they reached the upstairs hall, they saw Vexen on the ground, his back against the wall. They ran over to him. “Vexen!” Axel said, kneeling next to him. Vexen looked up at him. He couldn’t focus his eyes, and were straining to keep them open. Axel could see the bite mark on his neck. “Axel…Zexion…” Vexen said slowly, trying to speak. He seemed to be in pain. “What is it?” Zexion asked, hoping Vexen would keep talking. Vexen closed his eyes, and then opened them again. I must keep from changing…Vexen thought. They need to know what I heard… “Rose…Marluxia…Kingdom Hearts…” Vexen said with great difficultly. “What are you talking about?” Axel said. Vexen took a breath. He had to get this out. “Marluxia’s sister…” “Marluxia has a sister?” Zexion said surprised. Vexen nodded slowly. “Vampire Nobody…Rose…Marluxia’s sister…Vampire Nobody…” Both Axel and Zexion’s eyes grew wide. “Marluxia’s sister is the Vampire Nobody???” they both yelled. Vexen laid his head back against the wall. “You two…dead…run…leave…” He said, looking at them. “Go…NOW! We’ll…we’ll…” “What?? We’re going to die?” Axel asked. Vexen closed his eyes. He seemed more relaxed. He laughed—a laugh that wasn’t his own. He opened his eyes. They were now white with pale rose-colored cat eye pupils. “We’ll go together…” he whispered.
Ch 5 is out! Poor Luxord, lol..... The next morning Roxas and Larxene were sitting at the kitchen table. “I’m am SO tired…†Roxas complained, laying his head down on the table. Larxene nodded in agreement. “I don’t even remember when I went to sleep.†She said. They looked up to see Axel and Zexion walking down the stairs. They looked tired. “You guys ok?†Roxas asked. “No, we were up all night hiding from you two.†Axel said, yawning. Larxene gave him a puzzled look. “What are you talking about?†she asked. Zexion sat down at the table. “Well,†he said, taking a shout pause to yawn, “Roxas bit you, Larxene, and you turned into a Vampire Nobody. Then, you two bit Demyx, and now…†“AHH!!†Demyx came running down the stairs, pale-faced. He pointed to the bite mark on his neck. “What’s going on???†He shouted. Zexion stared at him for a moment, and then turned back to Larxene. “Like I said, you two bit Demyx and now all three of you are Vampire Nobodies.†Roxas looked shocked. Demyx looked scared. Larxene looked mad. “YOU BIT ME???†Larxene yelled at Roxas, who was now the one who was scared. Her eyes showed that she was furious. Roxas then got out of his seat and ran away from the table. “COME BACK HERE PUNK!!!†she yelled, chasing after him. Axel and Zexion laughed softly at her reaction. Demyx slowly walked back up to his room, muttering something about ‘karma’. Zexion looked up at Axel, who was trying to keep his eyes open. “Tonight gonna be a long night?†he said. Axel sighed tiredly and nodded. “Tonight’s gonna be a long night…†+++ It was 8:33 p.m. Axel, Zexion, Vexen and Luxord all made a pact to stay up tonight, so that no one can bite them. Marluxia walked past them sitting on the sofa, talking about ways to find the Vampire Nobody who started all of this. “You going to stay up with us?†Luxord asked. Marluxia shook his head. “No.†he said, walking up the stairs in his room. Axel turned around to see him. “Aren’t you worried you’ll get bitten?†he asked. Marluxia turned towards him and smiled half-heartedly. “No. And if I do get bitten, it’ll be what I deserve.†He said. Then he walked up the stairs, leaving the other members confused. +++ Marluxia, once in his room, sat down at his desk. He then sighed and looked out of the window, at the bright moon. He then found himself rummaging through one of the drawers of his desk. After a minute his hand rested on something wooden and smooth. He looked in the drawer to see a medium sized wooden box. He pulled it out and placed it on the surface of his desk. Marluxia smiled. I remember this…he thought. He unlatched the box and opened it. Inside were a few papers, a small necklace with an ‘R’ on it, and a few old photos. He looked at one of the photos. In it was a young boy, about 17, and a young girl, about 12. They were sitting on the beach, eating ice cream together. Another photo was just of the boy, smiling. The last one was just of the girl, smiling. She had pale rose-colored hair and soft blue eyes. Marluxia smiled. What I would do to see that smile again…he thought. Marluxia laid his head down on his desk, on his arm. He closed his eyes. “I’m sorry…†he whispered, before drifting off to sleep. ~DREAM~ The young boy from the picture was sitting next to a bed. In the bed was the young girl from the picture. Her face was pale and sickly. She looked up at her brother. “Miluara?†she said, sitting up. “Yes?†he answered, looking at her. “Does it hurt when people die?†There was silence. Miluara fought back tears. He didn’t want his sister to die. The sickness had come in his hometown, choosing some and leaving others alone. But why’d it have to choose her? Why couldn’t it have been him? Miluara shook his head, and sat on the bed next to his sister. “No, Rose. It doesn’t hurt.†He lied. It may not always hurt physically, but it always hurt your heart. But he’d never tell her that. She looked up at him. “Then why don’t people want to die? Why are they scared?†she asked. He moved closer to her and held her hand. “Because…†he started, “Because people don’t want to leave the ones they love. Like their family and friends.†Rose started to cry. “I don’t want to die, Miluara!†She said, throwing her arms around her brother in a hug. “I don’t want to leave you!†Miluara hugged her back tightly. “Don’t cry Rose!†He said. “You’ll never truly leave me, like I’ll never truly leave you.†Rose looked up at him. “What do you mean?†she asked. “No matter where you go, or how far we’re apart, I’m always going to be in your heart. I’ll always be there to protect you, and I’ll always be there to love you.†He said smiling. Rose hugged him again. He hugged her back. Unlike mother and father…he thought bitterly. “So, we’ll go everywhere together?†she asked. He smiled at his sister. He loved her so much. “Yeah, we’ll go together.†~END OF DREAM~ A tear slid down Marluxia’s cheek. He opened his eyes, and then closed them again. “I’m sorry…Rose…†+++ Down in the living room, the group had split up. Luxord went off to play a car game in his room. Axel and Zexion were attempting to stay awake by talking. Vexen went to the library to read. The night was indeed going to be a long one… +++ Luxord was playing a game of solitaire. It was hard to see the cards, since he was so tired. He didn’t notice Demyx walk in. “Hey Luxord.†Demyx said casually as he walked in and sat down next to Luxord. Luxord looked up at his eyes. They were still green. “Good to see that you’re still you.†He said, laying his head down on the table, not caring that he was messing up his card arrangement. Demyx smiled. “Yeah, I don’t know when I’ll turn into a Vampire. Actually, I was scared at first, but now it sounds sorta cool and I’m…†but Demyx was cut off by the loud snoring of Luxord. Demyx chuckled softly and reminded himself to make fun of him later for that. All of the sudden, he got this feeling over him—like he was beside himself or something…He started to shake. “We’ll go together, Demyx.†A voice said. Something about roses flashed through his head. “Wha….?†He said aloud. The voice came stronger. “We’ll go now…†Demyx closed his eyes, and he stopped shaking. He opened them again. They were now all white, with pale rose-colored cat eye pupils. “We’ll go together…†he repeated, eyeing Luxord. He walked over to the sleeping member shook him hard. Luxord sat up abruptly, looking around. “Wha? What’s on?†he said. Demyx then pulled him out of his chair by his collar, and slammed him into a nearby wall. By this time, Luxord had woken up fully, and was aware of what was going on. “Demyx? What are you—� “We’ll go home together, Luxord.†Demyx said, coming closer to his neck. He whispered into his ear: “Kingdom Hearts is waiting…†+++ “AHHHHHHHH!†Luxord screamed. But it didn’t matter. Anyone who could help him and would help him had fallen asleep…
Ok, here's the real chapter 4 :) I hope you like it, and things are getting interesting....*evil laugh* ~Chapter 4~ ~~~Monday Night~~~ Larxene was sitting at the kitchen table, sharpening her Kunais. She stopped what she was doing, and suddenly looked up. She thought she had heard footsteps behind her. She turned around and looked around the room. No one here but me. She thought, returning to her sharpening. “Hello, Larxene.†A voice said, right in her left ear. She quickly turned to the left and looked at who was there. There was no one. “It’s time to go to Kingdom Hearts…†the voice said again, this time in her right ear. She turned to her right. No one was there. Suddenly, a strong force pushed her off of her chair and onto the floor. Then, something—or someone—grabbed her by the collar of her coat, and slammed her into a nearby wall. She looked up to see Roxas, holding her by her arms, pinning her against the wall. “What are you doing, you PSYHCO??†She yelled at Roxas, trying to break free of his grasp. He smiled evilly, revealing his sharp, long fangs. He moved closer to her ear, closer to her neck. “I’m taking you home, Larxene…†+++ Marluxia came down the stairs with two magazines. “Hey Roxas, I got you something to read…†he trailed off. He looked around the living room. No one was here. He started looking wildly around the room. “Roxas?†He started to panic. “Oh boy...†“AHHHH!!!!†Marluxia turned towards the kitchen, where the scream had come from. That sounded like Larxene…he thought. He ran into the kitchen. +++ Marluxia arrived in the kitchen and looked around. On the floor was Larxene, her back against the wall. Her head was down, and she seemed unconscious. “Larxene!†Marluxia said as he ran towards her and kneeled down next to her. He looked at her. She had the same bite mark on her neck that Roxas had. Marluxia gently shook her shoulder. “Larxene! Larxene! Are you ok?†He said. She opened her eyes, and closed them again. “Marluxia…†she said, quietly, strangely. She opened her eyes, and looked up at him. “We’ll…†Marluxia cocked his head in puzzlement. “We’ll what?†he asked. She smiled evilly, revealing a pair of fangs. “We’ll go together…†she said. Then, Marluxia watched in horror as Larxene’s sea-green eyes clouded completely white, and pale rose-colored cat eye pupils appeared. “Ahhh!!†Marluxia yelled as he backed away, still sitting on the ground. Larxene stood up and lunged at him. But he quickly dodged, scrambled to his feet, and ran out of the room. He wasn’t looking where he was going, and smacked into someone. Both of the Nobodies fell down. Marluxia looked to see Demyx, standing up and brushing himself off. “What’s wrong with you?†Demyx said to Marluxia, annoyed. Marluxia stood up, still panting from running. “We need to run…now!†He said. Demyx looked at him strangely. “What are you talking about?†he asked. “Larxene’s a Vampire!†“Ok, I know Larxene’s a bit on the evil side, but a Vampire…†“I’m serious!†“Have you been sniffing any strange plants, lately?†Demyx joked. “DEMYX!!!†Marluxia yelled. “She probably got bit by Roxas, and now she’s a Nobody Vampire!!†“But weren’t you supposed to be watching him?†“Uhhh…†but before he could answer, Larxene came walking towards them. “Hello Marluxia, Demyx. Now, we can all go home together…†she said, coming closer to them. She smiled, again showing her Vampire fangs. “RUN!!!†Marluxia yelled, and he and Demyx took off up the stairs. Larxene ran after them. They kept running down the halls. “Is she still chasing us?†Marluxia asked, still running. “Are we still running?†Demyx replied, also still running. “Yeah…†“Then yes she’s still chasing us!!!†he yelled, and they ran faster. By now Larxene had started to throw bolts of lightning at them, trying to slow them down. The two were about to reach the end of the hall when out of nowhere Roxas appeared. “Hello, Demyx. Marluxia…†he said. Marluxia and Demyx skidded to a stop. Roxas walked closer to them. “No we can go together…†The two of them turned around and were about to run until they saw Larxene was behind them closing in on them as well. “We can go home together…†she said, walking closer. Soon, Marluxia and Demyx were standing back to back, the two Vampire Nobodies coming closer. They thought it was all over, until someone opened the door behind them, and yanked the two inside, shutting the door after them. Demyx and Marluxia fell on the floor, and when they looked up they saw Axel, Vexen, Zexion, and Luxord. “Thanks for that.†Marluxia said, getting to his feet. Demyx stood up as well. “What are you guys doing in here?†Demyx asked. “The same reason you are!†Vexen said. “Roxas came up here and tried to attack us.†Luxord said, crossing his arms. “When SOMEBODY was supposed to be watching him!†Zexion said, ticked off. “Well, technically, I’m a Nobody, not a somebody, so…†Marluxia said. “MARLUXIA!!!†They all yelled, angry with him. Marluxia put his hands up as a sign of apology. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Ok?†He said, meaning it. “I only left him alone for a minute! I didn’t think he’d bite Larxene…†“Wait, Larxene’s a Vampire Nobody too?†Axel said. He put his hand to his head in frustration. “Great. Just great.†Vexen said. “No we have two to worry about!†“We’ll I think they’re gone. One of us should go out and check to see if they’re really gone.†Demyx suggested. Everyone looked at him with evil eyes. Demyx looked at them nervously. “What?†+++ The five other Organization members pushed Demyx out of the room and shut the door. Apparently he was the one chosen to check the situation out. Demyx cursed the guys under his breath as he walked down the hall. It was very quiet. Demyx took a quick look around. “Well, looks like no one’s here!†Demyx said quickly and nervously as he turned to walk back into the room. “Hello, Demyx.†A duo of voices said. Demyx slowly turned his head around. Suddenly, he felt as if he weren’t alone anymore… +++ “You think we should’ve done that?†Axel said, his ear to the door. All of the Organization members had their ears to the door, listening to see if Demyx was all right. “Would you rather it have been you?†Vexen said, looking up at Axel, who quickly shook his head. “I didn’t think so.†“Still,†Zexion said, starting to feel bad for pushing him out there, “we should go see if he’s al—“ “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!†A scream could be heard from the other side of the door. Marluxia quickly opened the door and they all peeked out into the hallway. Demyx was lying on the ground, Larxene and Roxas standing over him. Then, they disappeared, laughing, into their Corridors of Darkness. Once they were gone, the five members ran down the hall towards Demyx. “He’s unconscious.†Zexion said, examining him. He could see he had the bite mark on his neck. “And he’s been bitten.†Luxord shook his shoulder. “Demyx! Wake up!†He shouted. Marluxia stopped him. “Don’t wake him!†he said. “When I woke up Larxene, she turned into a Vampire Nobody.†Zexion thought for a moment. “Hmmm…it seems that once someone is bitten, they’ll remain a regular Nobody until as long as they are unconscious.†He said thoughtfully. “We’ll, we can’t leave him here.†Axel said. He took his left arm and put it over his shoulder, while Vexen took his right arm and did the saThey dragged him back to his room, and placed him on his bed. “He’ll wake up in the morning, you know.†Luxord said. Marluxia looked at him. “But at least he won’t be a Vampire Nobody in the morning.†He said. “We already have two to deal with tonight.†Axel looked out of Demyx’s window. “Tonight’s over.†He said, pointing outside. The moon was gone, and the sun was peeking over a distant hill. They had been up all night. “Well let’s get some sleep.†Zexion said, as they all filtered out of Demyx’s room. Then he muttered, “We’ll need it for tomorrow night…â€
Here's another poem I wrote. Ok, hopefully someone will take this seriously! (Some of my friends who read it thought it was funny that i wrote a kh2 poem) But here it is: ~~~ A Nobody not a Somebody This…is me. A broken being A heartless shell Is me. A shattered soul A tainted whole Is me. A Nobody….Is me. Deprived of Emotions Deprived of Memories Light and Dark? Deprived of choice. I long for the day When my heart shall be mine Free to grieve, And love And hate And when I will be labeled as a “Somebody†But still, I’ll forever remain A broken being A heartless shell I’ll forever remain A shattered soul A tainted whole A Nobody not a Somebody. This…is me.
I'm not sure if you'll like it, but i decided to post it any way. Here it goes: Familiar face Starlight wish, Where are you? Are you there? I hear your voice I feel you there Illusionate presence Taunts me. Familiar friend Twilight hope, I’m searching for you. I’m hoping you’re there. It’s been so long Friend, my friend. I’m wishing for you To see me now. Familiar uncertainty Midnight despair I wish you were here, To be here with me. So many years Have passed us by I don’t want to forget Your face, your heart. Familiar illusion Sunset dream Are you real? Please, be real. I hope you like it. Critisisim is always welcome! I hope you ppl will take my poem more seriously than my friends do...:( I guess no one likes it... :(
Ch 3 is out! I'm SO SORRY it took so long for this one to come out! I had to go to church, and I came back only 2 hours ago (it takes be about 2 hours to write a chapter). Sorry again, and I hope to release ch 4 later on today! Note: Demyx was voted to be bitten next, so you'll vae to see when he'll be bitten... ~Chapter 3~ ~~~Monday~~~ The next morning, they all awoke and got to work on their chores. Everyone was in the kitchen (since they all had chores in the kitchen). Luxord looked up. “Where’s Roxas?†he asked. Everyone looked up and surveyed the room. Roxas wasn’t there. “He’s probably still asleep.†Axel said. “He had a…rough night…†Marluxia looked up. “Well I don’t care. We’ve got stuff to do. Go wake him up.†He said, returning to his job. Axel glared at him for giving him an order, and then walked up the stairs towards Roxas’ room. +++ Axel opened Roxas’ door and walked in. Roxas was, surely enough, sleeping soundly. Axel walked over and was about to shake him when he saw Roxas had two parallel pencil-width holes in his neck. They looked like bite marks. Axel shook Roxas hard. “Roxas! Roxas! Get up!†He said. Roxas slowly opened his eyes and glared at Axel. “Go away…†he muttered before turning over and trying to sleep again. Axel just shook him harder. “Get up!†he shouted. Roxas grunted. Axel cocked his head. “And what’s that on your neck?†Roxas opened his eyes and looked up at Axel. “What are you talking about?†He asked, confused. Axel yanked him out of bed and towards the mirror in his room. Axel pointed out the mark. “See?†he said. Roxas felt the two holes with his hand. “How’d I get that???†he said. Axel looked at him. “Maybe we should get a scientist to look at that…†+++ Roxas was sitting on the kitchen table, while Vexen examined the mark on his neck. Everyone else was there, wanting to find out what was up. Roxas glared at Axel. “When you said a scientist should look at it, I didn’t know you meant a MAD scientist.†He said, annoyed. Vexen shot him an angry look and slapped Roxas in the back of his head. “OWW!†Roxas yelled, rubbing the back of his head. Vexen smirked. “Serves you right.†He said. Then he took one last look at the mark, and turned towards the other members. “Well, it appears to be a bite mark of some sort. If I may say, the bite mark of a Vampire Nobody.†Everyone seemed confused. “A Vampire what?†Luxord said. Zexion summoned a book in his hands. It wasn’t his regular book. He opened it and flipped a few pages before stopping on one, nodding. He cleared his throat and began to read: “The Vampire Nobody – This is a special type of Nobody, made in a unique way. Regular Nobodies are created when a strong-hearted person loses their heart, and the soul and body begins to act on its own. This is true for a Vampire Nobody, but with a minor alteration—the person who loses their heart must be only minutes or seconds away from death. This person would technically be considered dead, but when they lose their heart, they are reborn as a Nobody. They are classified as dead, and yet they live as a non-existent being, known as the Nobody. Therefore, they are ‘living dead’, or as they call themselves, ‘Vampires’. These Vampire Nobodies live in an alternate world, amongst the dark side of Kingdom Hearts, or the side we don’t see. They refer to it as ‘home’, and these Nobodies seek out other strong-hearted Nobodies to take back to Kingdom Hearts with them—their goal unknown. They bite other Nobodies with their fangs, which causes a reaction in the Nobody victim, that makes them believe they are Vampire Nobodies as well. The effects only occur once at night, or in other words, when the moon is out. The effects can last one minute or one hour, even more and even less.†Zexion closed his book and looked up at everyone. Roxas’ face was pale. “SO I’M A VAMPIRE???†He yelled, freaked out. “Calm down, Roxas!†Vexen said. “We just have to reverse the effects, and you’ll be fine.†Vexen looked up. “How do we do that?†Zexion opened his book again and read: “In order to cure the victim of a Nobody Vampire, the real Nobody Vampire must be either destroyed, or called off. Nobody Vampires usually once had families or lovers, and tries to seek out their lost family members or lovers, as long as they are Nobodies, for their effects don’t work on ‘whole people’. The summoner of the Vampire Nobody is usually one of the Vampire Nobodies’ family member, or lover. They desire greatly to see them again, and their desire leads the Vampire Nobody to them. They don’t even know that they are summoning them.†Zexion closed his book again. “That’s all there is about Vampire Nobodies in here.†He said, making the book vanish. Marluxia sighed. “Now what are we going to do?†he said. “If we don’t do something, Roxas will bite us all!†Axel cocked his head and crossed his arms. “All we have to do is watch him. That way, when he turns into a Vampire Nobody, we can tie him down to the chair and wait for it to pass.†He said. “Or, we could just tie him to a chair now and leave him there.†Larxene suggested. Everyone gave her a look. “Sheesh, can you guys take a joke?†she said defensively, crossing her arms. “Then it’s settled.†Demyx said. “Tonight, we watch Roxas.†Roxas sighed in annoyance. +++ It was later on that night. The moon had risen. Everyone drew straws to see who’d watch Roxas—and Marluxia got the short one. Roxas and Marluxia sat in the living room in silence. Marluxia drummed his fingers on the arm of the sofa in boredom. Roxas was bored too. He then had a brilliant idea. He jumped up from his seat on the sofa. “Ahhhh!!! I’m turning into a Vampire Nobody again!!!†Roxas shouted, violently twitching. Marluxia jumped up. “AHHH!†He yelled as he ducked behind the sofa in fright. Roxas then stopped and started to laugh uncontrollably. Marluxia stood up from where he was kneeling. Roxas had tricked him. He walked over to Roxas and slapped him in the back of his head. “OWWW!†Roxas yelled, glaring at Marluxia as he rubbed his sore head. “Stupid.†Marluxia said. He walked towards the stairs. “I’m going to go get a magazine. Don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone.†With that he walked up the stairs. Roxas sat down on the sofa, still chuckling. He looked at the time on the clock: 9:56. Roxas yawned. He closed his eyes for a moment. Then, he felt strange, like he was beside himself. He started to shake. “We’ go together, Roxas.†A voice called in his head. It was familiar. The word ‘rose’ came to him. Roxas opened his eyes. They were tainted white and pink again. He stood up. “We’ll go together.†He responded. ~~~~~ I just noticed i put Chapter 4 in the thread title instead of Chapter 3... SORRY! THIS IS CHAPTER 3!!! CHAPTER 4 WILL BE OUT LATER!!! Sorry bout that, ppl
Sorry this one took a while to come out! How you enjoy ch 2!! ~Chapter 2~ ~Sunday Night~ Demyx was sitting alone in his room. He had started to clean it, but then took a break for playing his Sitar. He was so absorbed in his music that he didn’t even notice Roxas walked in. Roxas smiled evilly; his eyes still tainted. “Hello, Demyx.†He said quietly. Demyx looked up. “Oh, hey Roxas.†Demyx replied, still strumming his instrument. Roxas walked closer to him. “Come, we’re leaving.†Roxas said. Demyx looked up again. He didn’t like how Roxas was talking. He soon felt chills going up and down his spine. Demyx gulped. “To where?†He said nervously. Roxas laughed, which really freaked him out, for it wasn’t Roxas’ normal laugh. “To Kingdom Hearts…†Roxas said, and began to advance towards Demyx… +++ Down in the living room, Zexion was dusting, Axel was picking up trash, and Larxene was sitting on the sofa, reading a book. “Why aren’t you doing anything?†Zexion asked, looking up from his work. “I finished all of my stuff.†Larxene said without looking up from her book. “I cleaned the down stairs bathroom, I swept the kitchen, and I cleaned my room.†Axel looked up at her. “How’d you get it done so fast?†he asked. Larxene looked up at him. “I’m not fast, you guys are just slow.†She said with a satisfied smile as she returned to her book. There was silence for a while, until all of the sudden… “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!†A blood-curdling scream could be heard. Zexion, Axel, and Larxene looked up from what they were doing. “What was that?†Axel said. “It sounded like Demyx.†Zexion said. The three of them ran up the stairs and towards Demyx’s room. +++ “ROXAS GET OFF OF ME!!!†Demyx yelled. Roxas had tackled him and pinned him to the ground, trying to bite his neck. “Come back with us.†Roxas said. “We’ll go together.†By this time Axel, Zexion, and Larxene had reached Demyx’s room and were watching as Roxas attacked Demyx. “Roxas?!?!?!†Axel yelled, confused. “What the smoof are you trying to do to Demyx???†Zexion ran over to Roxas and pulled him off of Demyx, who was now shaking with fear. Zexion pinned Roxas’ arms to his sides and held him there. Larxene started laughing. Demyx glanced at her angrily. “That’s not funny!!!†He yelled. +++ They eventually dragged Roxas into the kitchen, and tied him to a chair so he couldn’t attack anyone. Despite trying to break free of the binds that tied him, he sat there calmly and quietly. Axel walked up to Roxas. “What is wrong with you?†He said. He turned to the others standing behind him. “What’s wrong with him?†Larxene cocked her head. “He’s insane. That’s all.†She smiled. “10 years in an asylum should take care of that.†Zexion chuckled at her remark, but Axel remained serious. “That’s not funny.†He said. Although Roxas had gone insane, he still had to stick up for his friend. Zexion struck a thoughtful pose as he circled Roxas, examining him. He stopped in front of him. “Interesting.†He said, while looking at his eyes. “He seems to be possessed.†Everyone looked confused. He beckoned for them to come closer. “See, his eyes aren’t his.†Everyone looked at Roxas’ eyes, which were still white with pale rose-colored cat eye pupils. Everyone backed away from him. “So what are going to do?†Axel said. “I say we call it a night!†Larxene said. Everyone gave her a hard look. “What? I was joking.†She said defensively. But it was getting late. “Hey, what’s going on here?†The three of them turned to see Roxas, who was talking the way he normally did. He tried to get out of the binds around him. Axel walked up to him and looked at his eyes. They were blue again. “You’re you again!†He said excitedly. Roxas’ expression was that of pure confusion. “What are you talking about? And why am I tied to a chair?†He said, struggling in the binds that held him to the chair. Axel untied him, and he stood up. “You seemed to be possessed a minute ago.†Zexion said. Roxas raised an eyebrow. “Excuse me?†“You even attacked Demyx!†Larxene said, starting to laugh again. Roxas was horrified. “I…did…?†He said slowly. He looked at the ground. “Why don’t I remember this?†Zexion shrugged. “Not sure.†He said. He then sighed. “But you seem fine now. We’re all tired. Why don’t we pick up on this tomorrow morning?†They all nodded, and walked off upstairs—except for Roxas. He lingered for a moment, thinking. He tried to remember what had happened. But all he could recall was the word ‘Rose’… ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok, so the poll isn't COMPLETELY right...I already know who's getting bitten the person who gets picked in the poll will be bitten 3rd. Got it? :)
I'm making an Archive of all of my stories, videos, pictures, whatever. I'm going to keep the link to this in my signature. That way, who ever wants to read my stuff, can! :D ~~STORIES~~ Larxene's Crush: Ch 1:'s+Crush Ch 2:'s+Crush Ch 3:'s+Crush Ch 4:'s+crush+chapter+4 Ch 5:'s+crush+chapter+5 Ch 6: Ch 7: The Vampire Nobody: Ch 1: Ch 2: Ch 3: Ch 4: Ch 5: Ch 6: Ch 7: Ch 8: Ch 9: Ch 10: Look through my Eyes: Ch 1: Ch 2: Ch 3: Ch 4: Ch 5: Ch 6: Memory Break: Ch 1: Ch 2: Ch 3: Ch 4: Ch 5: Ch 6: Ch 7: Ch 8: Ch 9: Ch 10: The 14th Key Ch 1: Ch 2: Ch 3: Ch 4: Ch 5: Ch 6: Ch 7: Ch 8: Ch 9: Ch 10: Ch 11: Ch 12: Ch 13: Ch 14: Ch 15: Org. XIII Famous Last Words Roxas: ~~VIDEOS~~ Sora/Roxas fight: The River: Saix Can't fight the Moonlight: Champions: Slow Trailer: Circles: Xepher: Roxas/Namine: Just Friends: Sora/Kairi: I'm with the Organization: ~~~PICTURES~~~ Complex Simplicity Keyblades: KH Desktops: ~~~POETRY~~~ A Nobody not a Somebody: Familiar Face: Untitled: ~~~YOU DECIDE~~~ Which story should I write next?: Which story should I write next? 2: Hope you enjoyed them! More to come!!!
This is a new story I'm making! I hope you like it! :D ~Chapter 1~ ~~Sunday~~ “Everybody have their list of things to do while we’re gone?†Xemnas called out into the Castle. A chorus of unhappy ‘yeahs’ echoed throughout the Castle. Today Xemnas had to take care of some business, and would be gone for a week. Going with him was Xigbar, Xaldin, Lexaeus, and Saix. The other members who were staying behind (Vexen, Zexion, Axel, Demyx, Luxord, Marluxia, Larxene, and Roxas) had each received a list of chores to do before they got back. Those who were leaving had everything they needed and were waiting impatiently. They had been looking forward to leaving the Castle for weeks, and now Xemnas was taking forever. Saix sighed angrily. “Xemnas, can we go now?†he asked, almost whining. Xemnas looked at him. “Hold on.†He replied. Roxas had been walking by when Xemnas saw him. “Roxas!†Roxas stopped walking and went over to Xemnas. “Yes?†“I have one more thing for you to do.†Roxas moaned. Xemnas heard it. “Just listen—I want you to clean the attic before I get back.†Roxas moaned louder. “Why?†He whined. “When we get back, we’re going to move some things from the basement into the attic, and I want it clean.†“But it’s creepy in there!†Roxas complained. Xemnas crossed his arms. “Oh really?†he said sympathetically. He then frowned. “Get it done.†Roxas rolled his eyes and walked off. Xemnas turned around to face the other members who were waiting to leave. “Alright! Lets go.†He said. There was some loud cheering from the crowd and they all opened their Corridors of Darkness. The members who were staying behind came to see them off. “Have fun.†Axel said. Xemnas turned towards them. “Look at this Castle.†The members looked around. “This Castle is in one piece. I expect it to be in the same condition when we come back.†They all stepped through their portals and disappeared. As soon as they were gone, everyone cheered. “Woohoo! No Xemnas for a whole week!†Demyx yelled. “PARRTTYY!!!!†Luxord yelled. Larxene walked up to him. “Yeah, lets have a party!†She said with fake excitement. “And you know what? We can invite the heartless and the nobodies down the street!†She gave him a wow-you’re-stupid look. “If you haven’t noticed, we live in scenic nowhere. No one live here, Stupid.†She walked away as Luxord narrowed his eyes at her. “I’m getting to work on my chores.†Zexion said, walking off to the kitchen. Everyone walked off to do his or her own thing. Roxas stayed in the room and sat down on the sofa. “Lets look at what I’ve got to do.†He pulled his list out of his pocket and read it out loud: Clean the upstairs bathroom Clean Roxas’ room Vacuum living room And in addition to that, clean the attic. Roxas sighed. “I guess I’ll do the attic first.†+++ Roxas walked up an old set of stairs into the attic. Everything was layered in thick dust. Roxas grunted. “Thanks Xemnas.†He muttered sarcastically. He looked around. There was no furniture or anything in here. There was only a window (covered in dust). Through the dust on the window penetrated the light of the moon from outside. DONG! Roxas jumped back, startled. He looked around to see what was the source of the noise. DONG! The sound was coming from a grandfather clock. Roxas laughed as he read the time: 9:00. He began to start sweeping, when he suddenly looked up. He had thought he heard something. He shrugged and kept sweeping. He looked up again. There was something—or someone—in here. He looked to where he heard the noise: a closet in the attic. He slowly walked over to investigate. He was about to look inside when something pushed him and tackled him to the floor. He looked up to be looking into the eyes of a Nobody. He summoned his Oathkeeper Keyblade and knocked it with it. Before he could hit the Nobody, it dodged and got off of him. Roxas stood up. Even in the dark of the room, he could see the Nobody clearly. It was a girl, about his age, with pale rose-colored hair. She wore a white version of the Organization coat, with white boots and white gloves. He all-white eyes seemed to glow in the darkness. “Who—what—are you?†Roxas asked. She laughed. “My name is Rose, and I am a Nobody just like you.†She ran towards Roxas. Roxas swung his Keyblade at her but she jumped over it and punched him. Her hit was hard and caused him to fall to the ground. He then summoned his Oblivion Keyblade and started to slash at her with both Keyblades. She easily dodged each swing, and landed many hits on him. Roxas then lifted both Keyblades and charged at her. But before he could strike, she reached out and grabbed both Keyblades. As soon as she touched them, they both burst into pale rose-colored petals. Roxas tried to call them back, but he couldn’t. “What, are you related to Marluxia or something?†He said. She ran towards Roxas and, grabbing him by the collar of his coat, slammed him into a nearby wall. She held him there, and moved in closer to his face. “I’m not just a Nobody—I’m a special type. I’m a Vampire Nobody.†As she talked, Roxas could see she had a pair or sharp vampire-like fangs. She smiled evilly. “I’m here because someone here wants to see his sister again. I’m her.†“Marluxia?†Roxas choked out. “Yes. I’m here to take him and everyone else back to Kingdom Hearts with me.†“What?†Roxas said, confused. He had no idea what she was talking about. She laughed again. “You’ll find out soon enough.†She moved in closer towards his face. “And you will come back with me as well.†“No way!†he shouted. “Come back with us, live in the dark light of Kingdom Hearts. Feel its love for all of us Nobodies.†She said. “Never!†Roxas shouted, trying to break free of her grasp. But she held on to him. “Roxas.†She called, her voice sounding different, like a million soft voices in one. She moved closer to his ear, and closer to his neck. “Let’s go back to Kingdom Hearts. We’ll go together.†Just then, she sank her razor sharp fangs into his neck. Roxas screamed ouin pain as he fell into a semi-unconscious state. She pulled away and looked at him. “We’ll go together.†She repeated. Roxas looked up at her. His eyes now were changed. Instead of them being ocean blue like they always are, they were now all white, with pale rose-colored cat eye pupils. “We’ll go together.†Roxas said.
Ok, this is the VERY last chapter, so enjoy! :D And I'd like to thank everyone who read. You guys ROCK!!!! *does air guitar* ~Chapter 7~ (Epilouge) “Hey Roxas.†Roxas turned around to see Larxene walking up to him, smiling. Roxas smiled nervously. “H-h-hey.†He stuttered. Larxene cocked her head in fake confusion. “What’s wrong?†she asked. Roxas shook his head. She put her hands on her hips. “I know it was you.†Roxas gulped. “Me?†he asked. “Who wrote the message on the wall about me and Axel.†She said, not angry. Roxas’ face turned pale and almost white. His mouth formed the words ‘How did you find out?’ but no sound came. “Xaldin told me.†Larxene said, answering his question before he could ask it. Roxas looked around. There was the door leading outside, and 3 open windows. If she was to attack, he could easily escape. He hoped. “I’m sorry.†Roxas said, truly sorry. Larxene laughed, shaking her head. “No problem.†Roxas was about to run until he heard those words. “Huh?†“I said no problem.†She repeated. “You mean you’re not mad?†“No way!†“So…†Roxas started, “no hard feelings?†Larxene nodded. “None whatsoever.†She said. “In fact, can you bring everyone who was laughing at the message the other day in here please? I’d like them all to know I’m not mad.†Roxas nodded, and ran off. In a minute or two, he came back with every Organization member except for Axel and Xigbar. Larxene smiled. “What’s going on?†Lexaeus asked, feeling uncomfortable. “I just wanted to know that there are no hard feelings for what happened a few days back.†She said. Everyone was silent; unable to believe they were getting off so easily for it. “Really? No hard feelings?†Luxord said. “Yup, no hard feelings.†She then snapped her fingers, and a wall of lighting covered the windows and door in the room. There was no escape. “In fact…†She said, her tone picking up. Her eyes started to glow an intense orange-red. “YOU WON’T BE ABLE TO FEEL ANYTHING WHEN I’M DONE WITH YOU!!!!!!!†She yelled, furious; thunder rolling with each word she spoke. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!†The Organization members shrieked in unison as she stepped closer and closer towards them… +++ Axel and Larxene were sitting on the sofa in the living room, watching a movie. His arm was around her shoulder, and they were talking in between scenes. Xigbar walked in. “About time you guys showed you like each other in public!†He said, smiling. He walked over to them and sat on the arm of the sofa. Axel cocked his head. “It’s been awful quiet around here today. Where is everybody?†he asked. Larxene smiled deviously. Both looked at her in suspicion. “Larxene…?†Axel and Xigbar both said in question, knowing she had something to do with their absence. Larxene just giggled softly. “They’re on a…vacation...if you will…†She said, before resting her head on Axel’s shoulder. Axel and Xigbar looked at each other with sly smiles, knowing that Larxene had had some fun with them… ~~~Somewhere in a 25 ft deep sand pit along the shore in Atlantica while the high tide is coming in REALLY fast~~~ “HEEEELLLLLLLPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!†~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE END!!!!! (The real end this time J) Oh, just a quick note: Larxene had tied them up so none of them could use their weapons, and they were all too scared, that none of them thought of using their elements....*evil smile*
The very last chapter!!! I hope enjoy it! (The poll doesn't come into play now, but it will later. Since the majority of voters wanted to din out who wrote it, i made another poll, and there's a suprise coming up!) Here's ch 6: ~Chapter 6~ Nightfall had come, but Larxene hadn’t noticed. She was too lost in thought. Maybe, she thought, I could take Zexion’s book, and find a spell that’ll make everyone forget what happened. She shook the idea from her head. She wasn’t too good with spells… ~FLASHBACK~ Zexion was sitting at the kitchen table, reading his spell book. Larxene walked up to him and read over his shoulder. “The Flood Spell?†She read. Zexion looked up at her, slightly annoyed that she was looking in his book. “Yes, it’s a difficult spell that I want to master.†He said. “Pfft, looks easy enough to me!†Larxene said, snatching the book from him. Zexion stood up and tried to take it back. “Hey! Give it!†he shouted, angry. She ignored him. “Spirit of the Ocean, Mistress of the Sea,†she recited, “Let rain pour in from the Heavens, Let Flood be Free!†Just then, a huge wave of water rushed over the Castle, flooding into the open windows and doors. Everything was soaked. Everyone was mad. Very mad. Especially Zexion. Then, complaints started to fill the halls…. ~FLASHBACK ENDS~ Larxene shook the memory away. No, she decided not to use a spell. She sat down on her bed and sighed. She’d never be able to face Axel or any of them again. Out of the blue, someone knocked on her door, startling her. “Larxene, it’s me, Axel.†Larxene went to the door, but didn’t open it. She heard Axel sigh. “Larxene, please come out. Xigbar had everyone in the Castle leave for a few hours. No one is here but you and me. No one will laugh at you.†There was silence. “Please come out.†He repeated. “I want to talk to you. It’s…important.†Then she heard footsteps fading down the hall. Why did Axel want to talk to her? She wondered… +++ Larxene finally forced herself to unlock her door and walk down into the kitchen. She looked around. Axel hadn’t been lying—no one else was here except for Axel and her. She walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa. “Larxene?†Axel said as he walked through the living room door. He was smiling. “I’m glad you came down.†Larxene smiled weakly, and then looked at the floor. The feeling had come back. That stupid feeling. She wished she could remember what it was called. Axel came towards her and sat down next to her. They sat together, in silence. Axel then fumbled around in his pocket until he pulled out a piece of paper and held it out to her. “What’s that?†she asked, confused. “It’s from the other Organization members. You know, besides you, me, and Xigbar.†Larxene took the piece of paper and read it in her head: Dear Larxene, We’re very sorry for making fun of you. We didn’t mean to let it go that far, and we didn’t mean to hurt you. Please forgive us. And it was signed by all of the Organization (except for Axel and Xigbar). She looked up at Axel. “How’d you get them to apologize?†she asked. Axel smiled slyly. “Xigbar and I have our ways…†~FLASHBACK~ Axel and Xigbar walked down from Larxene’s room and back into the living room, where everyone was talking. Everyone quieted down as they walked in. “You guys owe her an apology.†Xigbar said. Marluxia laughed. “Yeah right. Like we’d do that.†There was a murmur of approval of Marluxia’s words from the crowd of Nobodies. “You guys had better do it.†Axel said. Again, Marluxia laughed. He walked up to them and smirked evilly. “Make us.†Marluxia challenged. Axel and Xigbar looked at each other and nodded once, smiling deviously. ~10 Seconds Later~ “AHHHHHHH!!!†Vexen shrieked, along with some of the other members. They were all encircled in a ring of fire that was steadily closing in on them. Xigbar and Axel looked at each other with satisfied smiles. “FINE!†Xemnas yelled over the roar of the flames and the yells of the organization members. “You win!!! We’ll apologize!†~FLASHBACK ENDS~ Axel chuckled at the memory. Larxene looked up at him, smiling. “Thank you.†She said. Axel nodded. “No problem.†He said. Then he turned to her. “Did you mean what you said, you know, saying that you liked me and all?†Larxene felt her face become hot with embarrassment. But nevertheless she nodded. “Yeah, I meant it.†As soon as she said those words, she wished she could take them back. She didn’t want Axel to know. But it was too late. He now knew. Axel smiled. “Yes!†He said, excited. Then he quickly shut his mouth. He hadn’t meant to say that out loud. “Huh?†Larxene said, confused. He was…happy? Axel sighed in annoyance. Well, he thought, Might as well say it now. “Larxene,†he said, shyly taking her hand in his. Larxene could feel the feeling come back. “I like you too. A lot.†She smiled. So he felt the same way too! She relaxed. There was nothing to worry about at all! “Why didn’t you say something before?†She asked. He shrugged. “Why didn’t you?†he asked. She looked down at the ground. He smiled again. “Exactly. That’s why I didn’t say anything either.†She sighed. “But what will the Organization say? Nobodies can’t like others, and we can’t—“ “Forget the Organization.†Axel interrupted. He took his free hand and lifted her chin up gently, so that her aqua blue eyes met his olive green eyes. “From now on, I’m listening to my own heart.†Then, he leaned in and gently kissed her on the lips for a few lingering seconds before pulling away. He smiled. “Got it memorized?†The Castle door clicked, and they heard voices. Everyone was back. He let go of her hand and walked towards the voices, smiling foolishly to himself. Larxene sat there, grinning foolishly as well. Then, it clicked. She remembered. During that kiss, the feeling came full force, and she recognized it. She remembered its name. That feeling… Was called… Love. THE END!!! ~~~~~~~~~ I hoped you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! :D
CHAPTER 5!!! As dicated in the poll, Larxene's gonna stay in her room for a day. Wow I hope she's ok...Heres ch 5: ~Chapter 5~ All of the Organization members were silent as they watched Larxene run away. Xigbar immediately ran after her. “Larxene! Wait!!!†He called as he chased after her. Once he left, the silence resumed. No one had ever, EVER seen her cry. She had always been the toughest of the Organization: always strong, sarcastic, and uncaring. But seeing her like that, with a softer side, they realized that maybe there was more to her than they thought. Axel suddenly stood up and walked over to Marluxia, anger painted on his face. He then slapped Marluxia in the back of his head. “OW! What was that for?†He yelled, angry. Axel crossed his arms and gave him a sarcastic smirk. “Nice. Very nice. You had to make her cry, didn’t you?†Axel said, before running off towards the stairs to Larxene’s room. +++ Once in her room, she locked the door and leaned against it. Silent sobs shook her. She hated this. Right now, she hated the Organization. He hated ‘existing’. And most of all, she hated the fact that she was crying. She had no reason to cry. She was a Nobody, incapable of feeling sad. So why was she crying? Everyone had seen her cry. She’d no longer be respected. Everyone would taunt her more. She sank down against the door and sat down, bringing her knees to her chin. Unexpectedly, she heard a knock on her door. She turned her head to face the door. “Go away or I’ll shoot you.†She said angrily. “Larxene! It’s me, Xigbar!†Xigbar said from the other side of the door. Axel was behind him. “And I’m the one with the laser guns!†He joked. Larxene didn’t find it so funny. “I’ll still shoot you if you don’t go away!†She yelled. Axel rapped on the door with his hand. “It’s me, Axel. Open up.†He said, leaning against the door. Axel! That was the last person she wanted to see right now! “I don’t care, I’ll shoot you too!†There was a silence, as if Axel had been offended. Larxene sighed. “I’m sorry but…I just don’t want to talk to anyone right now.†Xigbar nodded. “Ok, we’ll see you later then.†He said, beckoning Axel to follow him down the stairs. Axel lingered a moment, staring at her door, and then ran to catch up with Xigbar. +++ A day past, and Larxene stayed in her room. Xigbar began to worry about her. “I hope she’s ok.†He said to Axel, who was sitting next to him on the living room sofa. “Yeah, me too.†Axel replied. “But she was pretty upset.†“Yeah.†Xigbar said. A moment of silence passed. “I can’t believe Marluxia did all that, just to get her to say she liked me.†Axel chuckled. “Like she was for real.†Xigbar gave him a wow-you’re-an-idiot look. Axel noticed this. “She WAS for real? So she really does like me?†Xigbar followed up with a duh-isn’t-it-obvious look. “You didn’t notice?†Xigbar said. “No, I…never thought it was possible.†“Well, it is.†Axel sighed. “Actually, this is sorta a good thing†Axel said. Xigbar looked up at him. “What do you mean?†he asked, confused. “At least now I know that she likes me. And at least she had the courage to say so. I just wish I had the courage to say it back.†Axel said. Xigbar nodded. “Yeah, I just guess some peopl—HOLD UP!!!!†He shouted, startling Axel. “YOU LIKE HER BACK??†Axel took a pillow from the sofa and shoved it in Xigbar’s face, muffling his words. “Man, shut up!!!†Axel said, taking the pillow from Xigbar’s face. Xigbar sat their, his mouth wide open. “You like her back?†he said, quieter this time. Axel nodded shyly. “How come you’ve never told me before?†Axel shrugged. “I don’t know. I guess…I guess I was a bit afraid of what you’d think. And what the Organization would think.†Xigbar shook his head. “Dude, it doesn’t matter what we think. It only matters what you think.†He said. Axel thought for a moment. “But it doesn’t matter. Nobodies can’t feel emotions, and that included liking someone.†Xigbar shook his head again. “I’m gonna tell you the same thing I told Larxene.†Axel turned towas Xigbar, who continued. “Even though we don’t have our hearts with us, we are still in control of them. We can feel if we want to. We just have to listen to our hearts.†He stood up, and walked outside. Axel remained seated. He thought for a moment, and then looked up. “Maybe it’s time that I listened to my heart…â€
W00t! Ch 3 is out! In the last chapter's poll, Roxas was the Organization member who got the most votes, so he's the...uh..."Lucky" one...hehe... Ok! Ch 3: ~Chapter 3~ “I don’t believe that.†“It’s true! I felt it!!†“Felt what?†“…†Larxene woke up, the words echoing in her head. Felt what? She thought. This was really starting to annoy her. She wished she could figure out what she was feeling, and get it over with. She could remember feeling this same feeling before, but she couldn’t remember the name of it. She glanced over at her clock. 12:31. Larxene grunted. She hated when she woke up late—Xemnas always scolded her about that. But today she wouldn’t care. Today she had something else in mind… Larxene snapped herself out of her thoughts, changed clothes, and walked down the stairs into the Castle kitchen. +++ “Good—“ “Save it.†Larxene said, agitated, cutting Demyx off. Demyx got up from the table he was previously sitting at. “Whatever.†He said before walking off outside. Larxene sat down, laying her head on the table. She sighed deeply. “Something wrong?†Larxene looked up to see Xigbar, standing only a few feet from the table. Larxene shook her head before laying it back down on the table again. “It’s nothing.†She said. Xigbar walked over and sat down next to her. “Sure seems like a whole lot of nothing to be something.†He said, smiling. Larxene looked up at him. “Hey Xigbar, do you think Nobodies can feel? You know, emotions?†Larxene asked. Xigbar thought for a moment. “Naw, I don’t think so.†“Can Nobodies remember emotions?†“I’m not sure. Can you?†Xigbar said. Larxene was silent, and then shook her head. He continued: “Maybe we can, maybe we can’t. Just because we don’t remember them, doesn’t mean we can’t feel them, right?†Larxene shrugged, sitting up. “But do you remember? What it was like?†She asked. “No, not really. It’s just been so long…†he replied. “But emotions weren’t really important to me. What I remember, and what others remember, is what was important to them. Were emotions important to you?†“I guess so.†Larxene said. “Then you probably remember. Just try to remember what is in your heart.†“My heart? I don’t have a heart anymore. None of us do.†Larxene said, confused. “You still have a heart.†Xigbar said. “It’s just not with you. Listen to it, wherever it is. You may not have it, but you are in control of it.†Larxene nodded. Suddenly, what sounded like a million laughs echoed throughout the Castle. Xigbar and Larxene looked around, trying to figure out where it was coming from. Just then, Roxas came running in from the door in the kitchen that led outside. He was laughing very hard, and was out of breath. “Larxene!†He said, still laughing. “Come here, quick!!!†He ran up to her, grabbed her wrist, and literally yanked her from her chair and dragged her outside. Xigbar got up and followed close behind. +++ Outside were all of the Organization members (except for Xemnas, Axel, and Xigbar). They were all facing the side of the castle, laughing their heads off (even Saix, and THAT was saying something). Roxas joined them in their laughter. Larxene walked closer to the group of members. “What in the name of Kingdom Hearts is going on…?†Larxene started, and then trailed off. She saw what they were laughing at. And she was mortified. Scribbled all across the wall, in jet-black paint were the words: LARXENE LOVES AXEL!!! LARXENE + AXEL FOREVER!!!!!!!! She was absolutely horrified. But greater than her horror was her rage. The skies turned from a sunny and clear blue to a dull and dark gray. Lighting flashed across the skies, and thunder shook the earth itself. Larxene turned towards the rabble of Organization members. Her eyes were close to glowing an intense red color. Everyone grew quiet. “Who…wrote…this?†She said, trying to control her anger. No one moved or spoke, because they were too afraid to. “WHO WROTE THIS????†She yelled, lighting and thunder matching her words. Once again, no one moved nor spoke. Then, Roxas stepped forward to speak. “I think that…†he started, but right now she wasn’t in the mood to hear what he had to say. She lifted one of her hands straight up, and then brought it sharply back down. As she did, an enormous bolt of lighting came down from the sky and struck Roxas, knocking him nearly 10 yards from where he was standing. Everyone looked in fear, as Roxas didn’t move. “WHO DID THIS???†She yelled once again. She was furious by now. “Whoa.†Larxene turned to see who was behind her. It was Axel, who was looking at the wall. Instantly, the skies cleared, and her fury transformed into pure embarrassment. Her face flushed bright red. Axel was about to say something when Xemnas came walking outside. “What is going on ere?†He said, obviously angry. Larxene pushed past him and ran inside of the Castle. She heard talking and loud laughing as she walked up the stairs and into her room. She sat down on her bed. A feeling had come over her then, two actually. But what were they? What were they?