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  1. Axel's#1fangirl
    Here's the new story :) I hope you like it!

    ~Chapter 1~


    Xemnas shouted, furious. All of the Organization members had left their weapons in the Weapons Room for a short while, and when they returned, they all found that their weapons (along with the rest of the room) were all piles of ashes and soot. As you can imagine, all of them were VERY angry. There was a rather large hole in the wall (presumed to be the outcome of an explosion), leading to the Science Lab. Whatever had happened, they were all sure that Vexen would know…

    A few seconds later, Vexen came running into the room, nervously. He smiled sheepishly.
    “Y-yes?†he stuttered. Everyone turned towards him, anger painted on their faces.
    “What happened, Vexen?†Xemnas asked, crossing his arms and trying to keep a calm tone. Vexen took a breath.
    “Well…you see…I was testing a few unstable chemicals, and I….â€
    “BLEW UP ALL OF OUR WEAPONS???†Axel yelled, walking towards Vexen, getting ready to kill him. Vexen backed up.
    “I didn’t mean to! It was an accident!†he said. Larxene rolled her eyes.
    “You always have to have accidents, don’t you?†she snarled. Vexen looked over at Demyx, who was holding piles of what used to be his Sitar. He looked like he was close to tears.
    “This was my favorite Sitar…†He said quietly, sadly. Saix rolled his eyes.
    “Grow up Demyx.†He said angrily. Demyx glared at him.
    “The only good thing is that your weapon is gone too!†Saix advanced towards him.
    “That doesn’t mean I still can’t use my hands to kill you!†He growled, his fists clenched. Demyx backed up behind Xigbar. Xigbar rolled his eyes.
    “Look, just chill, ok dudes?†he said.
    “But what are we going to do about our weapons?†Marluxia asked, somewhat sad about the loss of his Scythe. Luxord smiled.
    “At least I don’t have a weapon!†He held up his cards. Everyone glared at him.
    “SHUT UP!†They all chorused. Luxord crossed his arms.
    “Sheesh, just because some of us don’t use fancy weapons, doesn’t mean you have to be so sour about it!†he said. Suddenly, the room burst into loud arguing. Xemnas put his hands to his temples and tried to relieve the oncoming headache. Unfortunately, it didn’t work.
    “Everyone!†Xemnas shouted. The room grew quiet, with everyone looking at him. He sighed deeply in frustration.

    “There is to be a meeting today—NOW…â€
    After they had all walked into the Main Meeting Room, and after they had settled down into their seats, Xemnas stood up from his chair. All of the chattering stopped, and everyone looked at him.
    “Now that I have your attention, I’d like to inform you that, since everyone’s weapons were destroyed except for mine, Zexion’s, Luxord’s, Larxene’s, and Roxas’, we will be getting new weapons—“
    “NOOOO!!!!†Demyx shouted, close to tears again. “I don’t want another weapon! I like my Sitar!†Axel then slapped Demyx in the back of his head to shut him up. Xemnas looked over at him in annoyance.
    “Demyx.†He said slowly, trying to stop himself from yelling at the dense boy. “We will be getting new versions of our weapons. Not new weapons entirely.â€
    “Oh.†Demyx said quietly, sinking into his chair. There were a few snickers from the other members. Xaldin looked up at Xemnas.
    “But…how do we get new weapons?†he asked.
    “Yeah…none of us can fix weapons, and none of us can make weapons.†Lexaeus said. A small wave of murmurs flooded the room. Xemnas held up his had to silent them. It worked and he regained everyone’s attention.
    “That is exactly why I am hiring someone to create new weapons. They will stay with us until the weapons are complete.†He said. Everyone looked around nervously.
    “You mean, a Whole is going to stay with us Nobodies?†Zexion asked. Xemnas nodded.
    “Yes. I have been recently referred to, what I’m told, an excellent weapons technician and expert.†He said. There were a few approving nods
    “How much Munny will this cost?†Saix asked. Xemnas raised his eyebrows.
    “Surprisingly, none.†Everyone was shocked.
    “None? At all???†Vexen shouted in disbelief. Xemnas nodded.
    “Are you serious?†Roxas shouted, also in disbelief. Xemnas sighed angrily.
    “Yes. I am quite serious.â€
    “How come?†Axel asked.
    “Well,†Xemnas started, “I’m not really sure. But I’ve been told that they take no money for their work, although it is always top quality.†Some of the members nodded.
    “When are they coming?†Roxas asked.
    “Tomorrow.†Xemnas replied. “Everyone, the meeting is concluded. You may leave.†Everyone got up from their seats and started to leave. Xemnas pointed at Vexen.
    “Except for you.†He said. Vexen turned to face Xemnas. Xemnas crossed his arms. “I believe you have a mess to clean up.†Vexen frowned; walking out the door and towards the Science Lab. Everyone snickered as they left the room.
    “I wonder when they’re gonna get here.†Demyx said, slightly bored. Xemnas had all of the Nobodies sit in the living room to wait until the person that would make the new weapons came, so that they could all greet him.
    “I don’t know…†Marluxia said.
    “What do you think he’ll look like?†Larxene asked. Xaldin shrugged.
    “I don’t know…muscular maybe?†he said.
    “Well yeah,†Xigbar said, “they’d have to be strong to build weapons.†Roxas crossed his arms.
    “I think they’ll have reddish-brown hair.†He said. Everyone stared at him weirdly.
    “What?†he asked. Axel rolled his eyes.
    “Random much?†he said. A couple of the Nobodies laughed. Just then, there was a light knock on the door. Roxas jumped up.
    “I’ll get it!†he shouted excitedly. Xemnas walked over and pushed him back in his seat on the sofa.
    “I’ll answer it.†He said, walking over to the door. Roxas crossed his arms in annoyance.
    Xemnas opened the door and looked straight out, expecting to see a man about his height. But he saw no one. Then, he looked down to see, not a man,

    But a girl.

    One about Roxas’ age.

    Hoked strangely at her. Why was she here? He thought.

    “May I help you?†Xemnas asked, still wondering. She looked up at him, her pale gray eyes meeting his bright gold ones.
    “Are you Xemnas?†she asked.
    “Yes…†he said, confused. Why was this girl here? And where was the guy who’d make the weapons? He thought. Just then, the girl extended her hand, in a hand-shaking gesture, smiling.

    “Hi, my name is Xedramon, and I’m here to make your weapons.â€
    Thread by: Axel's#1fangirl, Apr 17, 2007, 324 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. Axel's#1fangirl
    The 14th Key!!!

    I really wanted to pick this as the next one, because I have a huge story plan coming up (Not the summer story project), and I want to finish it before the summer! :)

    The 14th Key will start tomorrow. I also hope to maybe put up some pictures connceting to the story if my stupid camera would work!!! *kicks camera*

    (I named it Saix, because it somethines is very calm and works well, but other times it acts like living *bleep*!!!!!! (That woulda rhymed))

    So take it easy, and anticipate the next story! :D

    Oh, and from now on I'm gonna refer to the summer story as the LSSP

    (Long Summer Story Project)

    Also, I promised a hint or two about the project, so here they are:

    * It has to do with KH2 and possibly what might happen in KH3
    * It will be a LONG LONG story!
    * There are a few characters that I made up in it (most you already know)
    * It has to do with what I think Kingdom Hearts is

    Well, I hope ur more exicted now! :D I am! :D

    Dream on --- Axel's#1fangirl
    Thread by: Axel's#1fangirl, Apr 16, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Archives
  3. Axel's#1fangirl
    CHAPTER 10 IS UP!!!! THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER!!! I'd like to thank everyone who read my story. You guys pwn all! I hope you had a lot of fun reading it, because I had a lot of fun writing it! :D

    ~Chapter 10~

    All of the Nobodies in Organization XIII were in the living room, all excited about Zexion being able to talk and remember again.
    “How much do you remember now?†Lexaeus asked. Zexion looked up at him.
    “Well…I remember everything. My childhood, my days in the Organization—everything.â€
    “We’re just really glad you’re ok!†Demyx said, smiling. Zexion nodded, turning towards Larxene.
    “So, Larxene…you still think that I’m just a broken toy?†he asked. She looked away, crossing her arms.
    “Sorry about that…†she grumbled unhappily. Zexion’s smile faded.
    “But still…†he said, turning to everyone. “I don’t remember exactly how I lost my memory in the first place.†Xigbar sighed, and then looked at him.
    “It was my fault.†He sat down on the sofa, next to where Zexion was sitting. “You remember Luxord’s birthday that just passed, right?â€
    Zexion nodded.
    “Well…I got you to come with us to celebrate. When we were there, I got drunk and…†he trailed off, finding hard to finish.
    “I pushed you into the street, because you were trying to take us home.†Xigbar said. He looked down at the ground.
    “And then you got hit by a car.â€
    There was silence.

    Zexion nodded slowly as he took this in. Xigbar looked up at Zexion.

    “I’m sorry.â€

    Zexion then put a hand around Xigbar’s shoulder. He smiled.
    “Forget about it! What are friends for?†he said. Xigbar smiled.
    “I’m pretty sure it’s not to get their friends hit by a car.†He said. Zexion stood up.
    “Then I guess you haven’t had yourself as a friend†he said. Everyone laughed, including Xigbar.
    “Want to go for a REAL walk this time?†Xigbar asked, standing up. Zexion nodded.
    “Sure!†he said, as the two walked out of the door and began to walk around the Castle.
    “Hey, Xigbar?†Zexion said, as they continued their walk. Xigbar looked over at him.
    “It’s sort of funny…for the time that I couldn’t remember, I could only remember this story…†Xigbar cocked his head.
    “Really? About what?†Zexion smiled.
    “About this boy named Braig, and this boy named Ienzo.†Xigbar smiled.
    “Really?†he said, amused. “What did they do in this story?â€
    “Well…†Zexion said. “Braig had gone to Ienzo’s house to help him do something about this problem of his.â€
    “And, Braig ended up standing up for Ienzo, who was getting abused by his family.â€
    “That’s terrible!â€
    “But I’m sure it had a nice ending.†Xigbar raised an eyebrow.
    “You mean you never got to finish the story?†Zexion shook his head.
    “I got my memory back.†Xigbar smiled.
    “Well, I think I could finish it.†Zexion looked at him, smiling.
    “Please do.†Xigbar thought for a moment, and then nodded.
    “Ienzo ended up finding his voice, and he finally stood up to his brother who was hurting him, and finally told someone at school about it.â€
    “And what happened then?â€
    “He got out of the family.†Xigbar said, smiling. “He got put into a nicer home, with a nicer family.†Zexion nodded.
    “Hey Xigbar, how do you know so much about this story, you know, with Braig and all?†he asked, smiling. Xigbar smiled back.
    “Well…I may have happened to know the main characters of the story…†he replied. With that, the two friends laughed, and continued their walk.

    “Xigbar, I’m sorry that I’m broken.â€

    “Zexion, I’m sorry that I let you become that way.â€

    â€broken together.â€


    “Broken best friends.â€

    “Hey Xigbar?â€


    “I remember something else from the night of the accident.â€

    “Oh really? What’s that?â€

    “I remember…someone yelling: “YAY GO RED CAR!!!â€


    “Who was that?â€

    “No one important…â€
    Thread by: Axel's#1fangirl, Apr 16, 2007, 19 replies, in forum: Archives
  4. Axel's#1fangirl
    Would someone please watch the new vid I made?

    I worked REALLY hard on it, and I'm soooooo insanely proud of it :D

    And I know that the song has been used a million and one times, but I don't care. I love the song, and it fit the vid perfectly :D

    Thank you! :D

    Critisism is ALWAYS welcome!
    Thread by: Axel's#1fangirl, Apr 16, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  5. Axel's#1fangirl
    Chapter 9! YES!!! *plops back in computer chair* Ok, the VERY last chapter will come out tomorrow after school.

    I'm sorry that the evil world has to put me back in school.....:(

    Enjoy the chapter! :D

    ~Chapter 9~

    “Find your voice…â€

    Who are you?

    “Who are you?â€

    Just tell me who you are!

    “You know who I am.â€


    “Find your voice…â€

    Xigbar and Zexion were walking around. It was pitch black outside, with the moon shining brightly. Xigbar looked over at Zexion.
    “So…you remember anything else?†he asked. Zexion nodded slowly.
    “Really?†Xigbar said, sounding excited. Zexion sighed. He looked up at Xigbar.

    Can you live if you are broken?

    Xigbar looked back at him. Zexion seemed worried.
    “What’s wrong?†he asked. Zexion looked at the ground.

    Me. There’s something wrong with me.

    Xigbar smiled.
    “Hey Zexion?†he asked. Zexion looked up at him. “Are we still friends?†Zexion looked at him. That word…friend. What did it mean again? His eyes widened. He forgot! Xigbar noticed his fright.
    “Zexion.†He said quietly. Zexion looked up at him. “No matter what you remember, or what you forget, we’ll always be friends.†Zexion smiled.

    Best friends…


    “Ienzo, we’re best friends! I’m not going to let you get hurt like this anymore!†Braig said, pushing open the door to the other boy’s house.
    “Braig, please, stop!†Ienzo cried, trying to pull his friend out of the house.

    “So…Ienzo’s home from school early today, eh?â€

    Ienzo and Braig looked up to see Rhais coming down the stairs towards the two. Ienzo moved behind Braig.
    “Please! We can still run!†Ienzo whispered as his brother came closer.
    “No! It’s time you found your voice.†Braig said. He then walked up to Rhais, who was grinning, amused.
    “Leave him alone! I know that you hurt him!†He said. Rhais laughed.
    “So?†He then punched Braig in his face, causing him to fall to the ground. Ienzo was horrified.
    “Braig!†he shouted, running to his friend’s side. Rhais shoved Ienzo out of the way.
    “Move it, brat.†He said cruelly. Braig stood up.
    “I’ll tell if you don’t leave him alone!†he said. Rhais laughed again.
    “Awww…who are you going to tell?†he said in a mocking voice.
    “Anyone! Everyone!!!†Rhais punched Braig in his chest, causing him to fall again.
    “You better not, or I’ll beat you up!†Rhais growled. Braig looked up at Rhais.
    “Go ahead! Just leave him alone!†he shouted. Rhais kicked him in his side. Braig yelled out in pain. He looked up at Ienzo, too afraid to do anything.
    “Ienzo! RUN!!†He shouted, as Rhais kicked him over and over again in his side.




    Zexion looked up. While he was lost in thought, many large Heartless had appeared, and were surrounding the two of them. Xigbar summoned his Laser guns.
    “RUN!†Xigbar shouted again, shooting at a Heartless. He knew Zexion still didn’t remember how to fight. Zexion looked around. What were those…things? Hear…tl…ess? He…eartl… Suddenly, one charged at him, but Xigbar shot it away.
    “Run! NOW!!!†He shouted. He was clearly out numbered.

    No…I won’t leave you…
    “No…I won’t leave you…â€
    “Run Ienzo!â€
    “Shut up kid!â€
    “Leave him alone Rhais!â€
    Find your voice…
    “Run! Ienzo, run!!!


    “Find your voice…â€
    Who are you?
    “Who are you?â€
    Broken…so broken…
    “Find your voice…â€
    Why am I broken?
    “Find your voice…â€
    My voice…Ienzo…
    “Who are you?â€
    I am…
    I remember…
    “Find your voice…â€
    I’ve found it…
    “LEAVE XIGBAR ALONE!!!†Zexion shouted, summoning his spell book. Xigbar looked at him in surprise.
    “Storm of Swords!†Zexion shouted, as a whirlwind of swords appeared and destroyed every last Heartless. Once they were all gone, Xigbar walked over to Zexion. He looked like he was close to tears.
    “Zexion…you can talk?†Xigbar said, smiling. Zexion nodded.
    “I remember how to, now.†He said. Xigbar smiled wider. Just then, Axel came running outside, along with Roxas.
    “What’s going on? I heard someone yelling.†Axel said.
    “It was me!†Zexion said. “I was yelling.†Roxas and Axel’s jaws dropped in surprise.
    “Zexion! You can talk!†Roxas shouted. Zexion smiled. Xigbar turned t.
    “But…why now? Why can you talk now but you couldn’t before?†he asked. Zexion struck a thoughtful pose.
    “I’m…not sure. I just saw you were in danger and…I needed to help.†He replied, smiling. Xigbar put his arm around Zexion’s shoulder. The four Nobodies walked inside towards the Castle.
    “Maybe it was time for Zexion to find his voice.†Xigbar said, smiling. Zexion smiled back.

    “Or maybe…†he whispered.

    “It was time for Ienzo to find his voice…â€
    Thread by: Axel's#1fangirl, Apr 15, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Archives
  6. Axel's#1fangirl
    Chapter 8! :D Sadly, there is probably 2 more chapters after this one :( I'm doing my best to get it all done today, so that you guys don't have to wait when I'm at school

    ~Chapter 8~


    Braig was walking home the boy from the dream from school. The boy had had a heat stroke from wearing the long sleeve shirt and jeans, and the nurse sent him home, along with Braig to take him there. The boy was panting hard, the sun feeling miserable on what was visible of his skin.
    “Dude, take off the shirt!†Braig said. “You’re gonna get another heat stroke!â€
    “I don’t care!†the boy breathed. Braig looked at him with fright in his eyes.
    “You have to tell someone.â€
    “About what?â€
    “Your brother hurting you.â€
    “Who am I supposed to tell?†The boy asked.
    “Uhhh…your parents?†Braig said with a tone. The boy sighed angrily.
    “I can’t.â€
    “Why not?â€
    “I just can’t!†he yelled.
    “WHY NOT??†Braig yelled back. The boy looked up at him with fierce eyes.
    “BECAUSE THEY HURT ME TOO!!!†he shouted, crossing his arms, but never looking away from the other boy. The rage in his eyes melted away into pain and fright.
    “How come you’ve never told me?†he asked. The boy looked away.
    “They said if I told anyone, they’d hurt me more.†He said, hurt in his voice. Braig looked at the ground, and then back up at him. He saw how defeated he looked, how afraid he was. He wasn’t going to let his best friend live like this.
    “If you won’t speak up, I will!†he shouted, running off in the direction of the boy’s house.
    “Stop, wait Braig!†the boy yelled, running after him.
    “Come on, —“


    What was the boy’s name?



    “His name was Ienzo.â€

    Who are you?

    “Who are you?â€

    I am…

    “Find your voice…â€

    Zexion opened his eyes. He was still sitting on his bed. So the boy’s name was Ienzo? He smiled. He was remembering. This was definitely a good thing. He sighed. It would take time to put back together his memory, but he knew he could do it. All he had to do was follow the story. His thoughts went back to Ienzo.

    Ienzo…it sounded familiar. Did he know someone named Ienzo?

    Just then, the loud chattering of two Organization members broke his train of thought. He walked over to the door to listen better.

    Someone laughed. Zexion could tell it was Larxene.

    “So any news on Zexion?†she asked.
    “Yes, some bad news.†Another voice said. He could make it out as Vexen’s voice. He continued:
    “It seems that Zexion, in the accident, had suffered a terrible head injury, and caused him to lose all of him memories.â€

    Accident? There was an accident? What accident?

    Larxene laughed again.
    “That’s no surprise.†She said.
    “But it’s not just memories!†Vexen said. “He’s lost his ability to write and speak. I doubt he can even think straight.â€

    I can too think…? Strai….gh…t? Straight? See!

    “Awww…poor Zexy.†Larxene said teasingly. “Sort of funny, actually.â€
    “How is this funny?†Vexen asked.
    “Well, Nobodies are already broken. We’ve lost half of what we are, and we’re left with basically our memories, will, and personality, right?â€
    “Now, Zexion’s lost his memories.â€
    “And pretty much half of his personality was reading and writing, so he’s lost that too.â€
    “Yes. Your point is?â€
    “I’m just saying he’s already broken, but he’s becoming more broken by the second.†Larxene laughed again.
    “Well, I hear that Axel and Xigbar are trying to help him remember.†Vexen said. Larxene rolled her eyes.
    “Yeah, good luck to them with fixing the broken toy.†She said. Then, their footsteps faded as they continued walking down the hall.

    If Zexion had a heart, he was pretty sure it’d be broken, along with the rest of him. He leaned against the door. All he was doing, trying to remember, it was all for nothing. He sighed sadly.

    I’m…broken? He thought. Why? Why am I broken?

    His eyes started to sting. He would’ve held back his tears, but he didn’t remember what they were.
    Zexion walked down the stairs slowly and sat down at the kitchen table. He put his head in his hands.

    How could he live life knowing he was broken? That there was a time when he wasn’t broken?

    He felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to see Xigbar. He was smiling at him.

    Xigbar. Zexion thought. I’m sorry that I’m broken.

    “Hey, Zexion, are you ok?†Xigbar asked. Zexion shook his head. Xigbar’s smile faded. He wished he could tell his friend that he could tell him what was wrong, but he couldnt tell him if he wanted to. Xigbar then had an idea.
    “Zexion.†He said. Zexion looked up at him.
    “You want to go for a walk?†Zexion nodded slowly, standing up. They walked out of the kitchen door, and decided to walk around the Castle (after all it was relatively big).

    Xigbar, I’m sorry that I’m broken…

    Zexion, I’m sorry I let you become that way…

    “Find you voice…â€
    Thread by: Axel's#1fangirl, Apr 15, 2007, 8 replies, in forum: Archives
  7. Axel's#1fangirl
    Chapter 7! w00t! Oh, and if you were wondering why sometimes the chapters are somewhat choppy and inconsistent, its not an accident. its on purpose :)

    ~Chapter 7~

    Running down the stairs, and not paying attention to where he was going, Zexion slammed into a tall figure and was knocked down. He looked up to see Xigbar, standing over him. He seemed to be slightly amused.
    “You ok?†he asked, reaching his hand down towards him to help him up. Zexion took his hand and let him help him up. Then, he grabbed his hand and yanked him into the kitchen. Once in the kitchen, Zexion sat down, and Xigbar sat down as well. Zexion put the paper in front of him, and held the pen up against it.

    Come on, Zexion… he thought. Write…please write!

    But the pen in his hand wouldn’t move.

    Write!!! He shouted in his mind.


    He started cursing at himself again.


    Still nothing. He sighed. He needed to ask Xigbar about Braig. Then he had an idea. He pushed the paper and pen in front of Xigbar.
    “What do you want me to write?†he asked, confused.

    Your name.

    Zexion pointed to him. Xigbar cocked his head.
    “My…name?†he asked. Zexion nodded. Xigbar scribbled something, and pushed the paper back in front of him.


    He couldn’t read it, but he knew that whatever was on the paper, was Xigbar’s name. He nodded. Xigbar took the paper back.
    “You want to see my other name?†he asked. Zexion looked confused. He had another name? Zexion nodded. Xigbar scribbled on the paper again, and handed it back to Zexion.


    Zexion couldn’t read it. The marks looked familiar though. Xigbar saw his confusion.
    “It says ‘Braig’.†He said. Zexion’s eyes got wide. He was Braig? Those dreams he had, they weren’t dreams…they were real! So…he did forget!

    Best friends…

    They were…best friends?

    He had to get Xigbar to remember. Did he forget?

    Zexion stood up suddenly. Xigbar stood up as well.
    “Zexion…what’s…?†Zexion then grabbed his Organization coat sleeve, and pulled it up to his elbow. Xigbar looked at him.

    Come on, Zexion thought, do the same thing.

    Xigbar shrugged, and pulled his sleeve up like Zexion’s. What is he doing? He thought. Zexion then punched Xigbar in his exposed arm—HARD. Xigbar stepped back, grasping his arm, wincing in pain.
    “What the smoof was that for!†He shouted, angry. Then, he pulled his coat sleeve over his bruised arm. Zexion then held his hand out, as in a kind gesture. Xigbar just looked at him.

    Shake my hand, Xigbar. You must remember!

    Reluctantly, Xigbar reached out his hand and took Zexion’s hand. He had no idea why Zexion was doing this, but he was trying to get some point across, so he decided to just go with it. After a quick shake, Zexion imitated what Braig had done to the boy in his dream; he used his other hand to pull up the sleeve of Xigbar’s outstretched hand to his elbow, revealing the bruise he had given him.
    “OOWWW!!†Xigbar yelled, ripping his arm away from Zexion’s grip. He was about to curse at him when all of the sudden, he remembered. He had done this to Zexion such a long time ago, when they were kids. He never forgot it, because it had scared him so much to know that Zexion was being hurt like that. Xigbar looked up at Zexion.
    “You…remember that?†he asked. Zexion nodded excitedly.

    He hadn’t forgotten!

    Xigbar smiled. His best friend was still there! He could remember! How he remembered that event was unknown to him, but he was happy that Zexion could remember. Just then, Zexion dashed up the stairs excitedly. He had something to do…
    Zexion sat down on his bed. He took a breath, and tried to make sense of this entire situation…

    The dream he had was real. It had really happened. He didn’t remember it, but it happened because Xigbar remembered it. Also, Xigbar was Braig. He was a friend to the little boy.

    But… he thought… who was the little boy?

    Was it… he?

    There was only one thing he could do:

    Since the only thing that he could somewhat remember was the story from his dreams, he’d have to go by that. He decided that, if he was to ever remember again, he had to find out why the dreams were happening, and why he could remember only them. He may not be able to remember how to read, but he had to follow the story. Zexion closed s eyes to think. Maybe closing his eyes would be enough to bring on another dream.

    “Find your voice…â€

    Find my voice?

    “Who are you?â€

    I am…
    Thread by: Axel's#1fangirl, Apr 15, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  8. Axel's#1fangirl
    Chapter 6! :D I'm going to try and get as much done as I can today, for I have to go back to school tomorrow...:(

    ~Chapter 6~

    The rest of the day passed, and still Zexion didn’t remember anything. They tried his spell book, his favorite places to read, and they even tried to show him a couple of his spells (which didn’t go very well…). But nothing worked. Zexion simply did not remember anything.
    “It’s ok, Zexion.†Xigbar said, walking up the stairs towards their rooms. “We’ll think of something.†Zexion nodded, stopping at the door to his room. Xigbar looked at him.
    “Goodnight.†He said. Zexion turned around and smiled weakly, nodding. Xigbar walked away, and Zexion went into his room and sat down on his bed. He sighed, and looked around. This room…he thought, was his room. But, this isn’t his room. This room was…un..fami..liar? No, that wasn’t the word….unfam… No no no!!! That wasn’t it either! He crossed his arms in frustration. Why couldn’t he finish these thoughts he had? He looked up at the bookshelf across the room. He walked over and picked up a book, and sat back down. What were these called again? Stor..ies? Stories? Stories! They were called stories! He opened the book.

    Maybe, he thought, I can still read.

    But he looked at the first page, and his mind was filled with despair. There was what seemed like hundreds of thousands of…what were they? Lettders? Let…ters? Lett..ters? He gritted his teeth in anger. He cursed himself in his mind for not being able to complete his thoughts.

    Oh great. He said to himself. I remembered how to curse, but I didn’t remember what these squiggly marks were called. He rolled his eyes in annoyance.

    He looked at the marks. He tried to understand them. But nothing was coming to his mind. Now tired and even more frustrated, he closed the book and placed it back on the shelf. Then, he climbed into bed and closed his eyes, and then slept.


    The little boy was walking off to school. Although it was the middle of the summer, he was wearing a long-sleeved shirt, and jeans that completely covered his legs. Part of his hair was combed over to cover half of his face, to hide the nasty bruise he received from his brother the other night.
    “Hey!†A voice called cheerfully. The boy looked up to see another boy running towards him. The boy had long, raven black hair tied into a ponytail. His eyes were a shining, golden color. He was wearing denim shorts and a white t-shirt. Looking at him reminded him of how miserably hot he was.
    “Hi Braig.†He replied, smiling. Braig looked at the boy quizzically.
    “Dude, don’t you know it’s one of the hottest days of the summer?†he asked.
    “Don’t remind me…†the boy groaned. Braig looked at the boy with a worried expression.
    “Your brother didn’t hurt you again, did he?†he asked. The other boy shook his head quickly.
    “Of course not.†He said, his eyes to the ground. Braig looked at him.
    “Well, you know I’m your best friend, and you can tell me anything, ok?†The boy nodded.
    “Ok.†Braig held out a hand.
    “Shake on it?†he asked. The other boy smiled, reaching out and taking his hand, giving it a shake. But, as soon as Braig had his had in his, he held onto the other boy’s hand, pulled him slightly closer, and shoved the boy’s long sleeve up to his elbow.
    “OOOWWWW!!!†the boy shrieked. Braig was horrified. All over his arm were many black, blue, and red bruises. He had many cuts and burn marks too. The other boy snatched his arm back, and carefully pulled his sleeve down over his arm, wincing as he did.
    “You lied!†Braig shouted. “Your brother did hurt you! The other boy glared at him.
    “That’s none of your business!†He said, taking off, running towards the school building.
    “Wait!†Braig shouted. “Wait for me, —“


    “Zexion! Zexion, wake up!â€

    Who are you?

    “That’s not important.â€

    Who are you?

    “Better yet…who are you?â€


    “Find your voice…â€

    Zexion opened his eyes. He had another dream about the boy! He sat up. He looked around. He was still in his room. No, correction: He was still in the room given to him. Everything in the room, was un…fam…iliar… Oh whatever! He crossed his arms. Nothing in the room was his, truly his. He didn’t remember anything in this room being his. But the boy, and the dreams…it reminded him of something…

    A st…ory? Stor..y? Come on, think! He said to himself. What was it called? A st…oory? A story…? A story! It was called a story!

    So, the drea…ms, dreams. Ok, that was the word. So the dreams he was having were part of a story? But whose story? He tried to remember who was in it….

    The little boy….

    Someone named Rhais…

    Someone named Braig…

    Wait! Braig?

    That sounded familiar. Braig. When he thought of the word, he got the same feeling he got around…Xigbar? Yes, that was it! The exact same feeling. Maybe the two were related? But how? He had no recollection of Braig, and no recollection of Xigbar. But…they were similar to him? Zexion then stood up. Maybe Xigbar knew something about Braig. He didn’t know wy he would, but it was worth a try, wasn’t it? He grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, and rushed down the stairs to find Braig.

    Zexion stopped suddenly. Had he just addressed Xigbar as…Braig? He shook his head. My mistake, he thought, as he continued down the stairs.

    “Find your voice…â€
    Thread by: Axel's#1fangirl, Apr 15, 2007, 11 replies, in forum: Archives
  9. Axel's#1fangirl
    Chapter 5! A little short, but still good :)

    ~Chapter 5~


    The little boy cowered in fear of his brother, who had backed him up against a wall, and was laughing, in his face.
    “Awww…is little brother scared?†he taunted, punching his brother in his arm. The little boy yelped in pain. His eyes stung. He was going to cry soon.
    “I asked you a question!†The older boy yelled, slapping the young boy across the face. The younger boy just winced in pain, tears coming down his bruised cheeks. The older boy slapped him again. This time, harder.
    “ANSWER ME!†He roared.
    “Yes!†The young boy squeaked. He hated his older brother. His brother laughed, and punched him in his stomach. The young boy collapsed to the ground, gasping for air. The older boy kicked him in his face. A bruise remained. The older boy walked away, laughing viciously. The younger boy sat up with much pain.
    “I…hate you…†the boy whispered angrily. “I hate you so much…Rhais…â€


    Zexion woke up shaking in fear. The dream he had…it was so real. He put a hand to his face to see if there really was a bruise there. Luckily, there wasn’t. He sat up. Today his goal was to talk. He’d force himself to speak. He had a lot of questions, and he was hoping for some answers…
    “Why were you acting like that?†Xigbar said to Axel. They were both in the living room. Apparently Xigbar was mad at something that Axel wasn’t aware of.
    “What are you talking about?†Axel asked confused. Xigbar glared at him.
    “How you were acting around Zexion!†he shouted. “You were acting like he was a new member!â€
    “Because, he currently is!†Axel shouted back.
    “No, he is number six of Organization XIII!†Axel glared at him.
    “He doesn’t remember that he is number six of Organization XIII!†he said. He then sat down on the sofa. “He didn’t even remember that his name was Zexion.†Xigbar sat down next to Axel, his hands in his head.
    “Axel…†he said, his voice muffled. “I feel so terrible.†He looked up at Axel. “I caused all of this. Because of me, he doesn’t even know who we are. He doesn’t even know who I am.†Axel put a hand on his shoulder.
    “He’ll remember…eventually…†Xigbar shook his head.
    “No, he’ll LEARN eventually. He’ll never be the same again. I bet he doesn’t even remember how to talk!†He said. Axel looked at him with sympathetic eyes. He knew how close of friends they were. Just then, Zexion walked into the room. Xigbar looked up. Zexion took a breath. He knew what he was going to say; he had thought it over. Good……ng? Good… Good morning? That was it! Good morning! He tried to open his mouth to talk.

    But he couldn’t.

    He tried again to talk. No luck. Xigbar stood up.
    “Good morning, Zexion.†He said. Smoof. Zexion said to himself. He beat him to it. Xigbar walked over to him.
    “Uh…are you feeling better?†he asked. Zexion nodded. Xigbar smiled. Zexion was still his friend at heart, and he would still be his best friend. The REAL Zexion was in him somewhere.
    “Hey!†Axel said excitedly. “How about this: We can maybe get Zexion to remember if we show him things that are his!†Zexion gave him a quizzical look. What was he forgetting? What does he have to remember? Then, an idea struck him:

    He could write out what he needed to say.

    He looked around wildly. He needed paper! Xigbar noticed this.
    “What’s wrong?†he asked. Zexion made a writing gesture on his hand. Axel snapped his fingers.
    “He wants to write out what he wants to say!†he exclaimed. Zexion nodded enthusiastically. Axel walked off, and when he came back, he had a sheet of paper and a pencil. He handed them to Zexion, who walked over into the kitchen and sat down. Axel and Xigbar followed him. He brought the pencil to the paper.

    Come on, he thought, write: What am I forgetting?

    But he didn’t move his hand.

    He closed his eyes and took a breath.

    You can do it! Write it! Write it!

    But nothing happened.

    His hand shook. He couldn’t remember how to write.

    Write something! He thought. Anything at all!

    He still couldn’t bring himself to write anything.

    He put the pencil down, and put his hand in his head.

    He had forgotten how to write.

    An arm draped over his shoulder. He looked up to see Xigbar by his side. He was smiling weakly, in sympathy. Zexion smiled back. There was something about Xigbar that he liked. It was that feeling…that feeling that he’s known him longer than he could remember…
    “It’s ok, Zexion.†He said. “We’ll help you remember.†Axel nodded. Then, it hit Zexion.

    That’s what they had meant by ‘forgetting’ and ‘needing to remember’.

    Zexion was so sure, and had every reason to believe he could write. But, he had forgotten how to. Which meant that he had known previously how to write. So he did forget. But, if that was true, he thought, what else did I forget? Maybe something important. He looked up at Xigbar. A word popped into his head. Fri…en..d? Why couldn’t he remember? Fr…iend? Friend? There it was. Friend. He sighed, relieved he had remembered. He never wanted to forget it.
    “You ok?†Xigbard, breaking Zexion’s chain of thoughts. He looked up and nodded. Xigbar smiled.
    “Like I was saying,†Axel said, “All we need to do is show Zexion some old things of his, and he’ll remember!†Xigbar and Zexion looked up at him.
    “You think it’ll work?†Xigbar asked. Axel nodded.
    “I’m sure it will!â€
    Thread by: Axel's#1fangirl, Apr 14, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Archives
  10. Axel's#1fangirl
    Chapter 4 is out! (I'm trying to get as much i can before school monday :( )

    ~Chapter 4~

    “Zexion! Wake up!!”


    Who…is that?

    “Wake up!”

    Zexion slowly opened his eyes. His head felt terrible. It felt like…he couldn’t remember what it would feel like. Without moving, his eyes slowly surveyed the room. Where was he? The room was all white, the floor was all black. There was a bookshelf against the wall, with what seemed like hundreds of books. He could read? He didn’t remember being able to do that. He sat up slowly. He looked down to see he was wearing a black…what was it called? He shook his head. Why couldn’t he think straight? He turned his head towards the door. He had heard…footsteps? Was that the right word? It sounded right. Then, a man passed by. He had long black hair in a ponytail, the hair being streaked with gray. He also had a scar on his face and an eye patch. He was wearing a black…thing too, like he was. The man stopped suddenly and looked into the room. His expression…he seemed happy…why?
    “Zexion!!!” He shouted, as he ran up to him and hugged him tightly. He winced. Why was this man hugging him? And who was Zexion? The man pulled away and looked at him. His expression looked different now. He looked like he was about to…cry? The man hugged him again.
    “Zexion…I’m sorry.” He looked at the man weirdly. Sorry for what? And who was Zexion? Just then, another man passed the door. He was younger, much younger, with blond spiky hair, and bright blue eyes. He had on the black thing too. He ran up to him as well and hugged him.
    “Yay! Zexion, you’re alive!!” he shouted. He wanted to pull away from the two hugging him. This was…awkward…was that the right word? They both pulled away to his relief.
    “Hey everybody!!!” The younger guy said, “Zexion’s awake!!!” He was starting to get mad. WHO THE FLIP WAS ZEXION?? Just then, three more people came in, all wearing the black things. One had red, spiky hair. Another one had blue-gray hair with an ‘X’ shaped scar on his head. And the last one was a man with bright blonde hair and many earrings. They all came up to him and hugged him, and called him Zexion. Except for the blue-gray hair guy. He was grateful for that. He looked around wildly. What was going on? The guy with the eye patch saw his confusion.
    “Zexion, don’t you remember?” he said. He gave him a puzzled look. Remember what? He could barely finish his…thoughts? That sounded right. Thoughts. The eye patch guy looked up.
    “I don’t think he remembers us.” He said. The guy with the spiky red hair walked over to him.
    “Well, then maybe we should try to help him remember.” He said. He then sat next to him. He was nervous. What were these people doing here? What was he doing here?
    “Zexion, my name is Axel. A-X-E-L. Got it memorized?” The spiky red hair guy said. Oh. He thought. His name is Axel. He nodded. But who was Zexion? They seemed to be calling him Zexion. Was that his…name? The spiky blonde hair guy came up to him.
    “Zexion, my name is Roxas.” The guy said, smiling. He nodded. Then something just hit him. He could just ask who Zexion was! Wow, he thought. I’m an idiot. He decided—he’d ask.

    But his mouth wouldn’t move. He was puzzled. He tried again. But his mouth still wouldn’t open. This time, the blue-gray hair guy spoke up.
    “Zexion, my—“ but he cut him off. He then pointed to himself. Since he couldn’t ask, he’d have to make gestures to ask. The blue-gray hair guy looked at him strangely. Roxas looked at him.
    “Zexion, what’s—“ but he cut him off again, and then pointed to himself. Axel nodded.
    “He’s wants to know if his name is Zexion. You're calling him that, and he wants to know if that's his name.” He said. He nodded wildly. Finally, SOMEONE got it! The eye patch guy looked sad.
    “Yes, your name is Zexion.” he said. Zexion nodded. So, I have a name? He looked again at the eye patch guy and pointed at him.
    “My name is Xigbar.” He said. Zexion nodded. He then pointed to the blue-gray hair guy.
    “Saix.” Zexion nodded. He then pointed to the bright blonde hair guy.
    “Name’s Luxord.” Zexion smiled. At least he knew who they were. He then looked around, and then at Xigbar.
    “You’re in the Castle That Never Was, in the World That Never Was.” He said.
    “And you’re part of an organization, called Organization XIII.” Luxord said.
    “You’re rank number six, which is pretty high.” Roxas said.
    “You’re known as the Cloaked Schemer. Your element is illusion, and your weapon is a spell book thing.” Axel said. Zexion nodded slowly, taking all of this in. He could fight with an element? He had a weapon? But does someone use a book to fight? Throw it at the person? Zexion looked up at Xigbar. Xigbar looked back. He seemed sad again. But why? He felt happy. He knew he had a name, and was not a stranger in here. The others seemed to know a lot about him, so he assumed them to be his…what were they called again? Fri..en…ds? Frie..nds? Friends? That sounded right. Axel suddenly stood up from where he was.
    “Well, we should get Zexion acquainted with everyone.” He pulled Zexion up off the bed. He almost fell over from lack of walking for the past two days, but he quickly caught his balance. Axel led him to the door, with everyone following except for Xigbar and Luxord. Xigbar sighed.
    “He didn’t even remember his own name.” He said. Luxord put a hand on his shoulder.
    “It’s ok…he knows now.” He said. Xigbar shook his head.
    “No, he knows that he is called Zexion. He doesn’t know that he IS Zexion. He doesn’t know that he’s Zexion, my best friend.” He said, before slowly walking out the door. Luxord sighed, and followed him.
    The rest of the evening was spent introducing everyone to Zexion. Funny, he thought, everyone seems to know me, although I’ve never met them before in my life. Some of the people he met, like Demyx, were nice. Others, like Larxene, weren’t. He didn’t like her very much, considering she punched him in the arm in an attempt to get him to ‘remember’ her. Zexion didn’t understand it. Why did they all say he ‘forgot’ them? He just met them! But as the day went on, he realized he wasn’t able to think clearly. His thoughts would be broken randomly. He’d forget what he was thinking, or couldn’t complete what he was thinking due to a lack of words. He still wouldn’t open his mouth to say a word. He desperately wanted to. He wanted to ask how they all knew him. He wanted to ask what they meant by him ‘forgetting’ them all. And most importantly, he wanted to know why Xigbar felt the closest to him over everyone else…
    That night, he lay awake, unable to sleep. Actually, he couldn’t remember what sleep was. He could only lie in bed, and wait for something to happen. As he waited, shattered thoughts swam around in his head.

    Why can’t I speak?

    Why won’t I speak?

    Why does Xigbar sound so familiar?

    Xigbar. His name…his presence…it was all so familiar. He felt like he had known Xigbar for a long time. No, he thought. I could promise that I’ve never seen him before in my life. He turned over in bed. He felt different. He felt…tied? No, that wasn’t it…tire? No, but closer…tir…ed? Tired? Yes that was it. He felt tired. He closed his eyes. It felt…natural. As he closed his eyes, he could see someone. A young boy, with shining silver hair like he had himself. The boy was…crying?

    The boy…


    It seemed so…familiar…
    Thread by: Axel's#1fangirl, Apr 14, 2007, 8 replies, in forum: Archives
  11. Axel's#1fangirl
    :D poor Xigbar *hugs Xigbar*

    ~Chapter 3~

    Zexion was brought back to the castle the next morning. This was his second day of being in an actual coma. He was lying on his bed. Xigbar was sitting on a chair next to him, watching him.
    “Hi, Zexion.†Xigbar said quietly. He didn’t expect a response back, but he liked talking to Zexion. He felt like Zexion was listening. Xigbar looked at the ground.
    “I’m…really sorry…for hurting you like that.†He looked over at Zexion. He smiled weakly. “I wonder…did it hurt? To be hit?†Xigbar chuckled. “I’ve been hit with a lot of things, but never with a car.†His smile faded. Just then, Axel walked in, and went over to where Xigbar was sitting.
    “You know,†Axel said, “Vexen said that Zexion would be all right.†Xigbar sighed.
    “I know but…†he looked at the ground. Axel put his hand on his shoulder and smiled.
    “He’s your best friend. You’re just worried about him.†Xigbar looked up at him. Axel smiled again. “There’s nothing wrong with that.†Xigbar looked at the ground again.
    “But…say if…†Xigbar couldn’t finish the sentence. He sighed deeply. “I’d feel like it was my fault…because it was…†Axel shook his head.
    “It wasn’t your fault.†Xigbar stood up suddenly, and Axel stepped back.
    “Yes it was!†he shouted angrily. “I pushed him!†Axel glared at him.
    “You were drunk! You really didn’t know what you were doing!â€
    “That’s the point! It was my fault!†Xigbar looked over at Zexion with sad eyes. “If he died, it’d be my fault.†Axel looked at Zexion as well. He could see his chest rising in a steady manner, his breathing even. Axel turned to walk out of the room, but stopped.
    “He’ll be fine.†He said, before leaving the room. Xigbar sat down next to Zexion again. Xigbar sighed.
    “If you died, it’d be my fault…â€
    Axel came walking down the stairs into the kitchen, where Lexaeus, Luxord, Roxas, and Demyx were sitting at the table. They all seemed somewhat bored.
    “Xigbar feeling any better?†Luxord asked. Axel shook his head while sitting down.
    “He still thinks it’s his fault.†Lexaeus sighed.
    “What are we going to do about him?†Axel shrugged.
    “Maybe we should let him deal with this himself.†Demyx looked at him.
    “I feel bad for him.†He said. “I mean, could you imagine how he’d react if Zexion didn’t…†Luxord slapped him in the back of his head.
    “OOWWW!†Demyx shouted. Luxord glared at him.
    “Don’t talk like that.†He said.
    “Yeah, Zexion will be alright.†Roxas said. Xigbar came down the stairs into the kitchen. Roxas looked up at him.
    “Hi!†he said. Xigbar glared evilly at him. Roxas saw this.
    “What?†he asked nervously. Xigbar walked up to him, his eyes narrowed.
    “I should hurt you for yelling out what I told you to not yell put on the phone last night.†He growled. Demyx jumped up from his seat.
    “OH! I want to watch!!!†he shouted. Xigbar walked over to Demyx and punched him in his arm.
    “OWWW!!!†he shouted, rubbing his once again sore arm. Xigbar smirked.
    “Instead of watching, why don’t you be part of it!†he said as he raised his clenched fist to punch Demyx again. Demyx backed away, but before Xigbar could strike, Lexaeus grabbed his arm and forced him to lower it.
    “Xigbar, it’s not his fault!!†he said. Xigbar pulled away from him and looked at the ground with sad eyes.
    “I know…†he said quietly. “It’s…mine.†He then walked slowly back upstairs. All of the Nobodies in the room could only watch as he left. Luxord sighed unhappily.
    “I hate birthdays…â€
    Xigbar was walking towards his room when he over heard a conversation between Saix and Xemnas. He walked towards the door of Xemnas’ room and put his ear to it, trying to listen…

    “How is Zexion doing?†Xemnas asked. Saix nodded.
    “Fine. I just checked on him. Vexen said he was all right. Nothing broken.†Xemnas nodded.
    “Good. Very good.†Saix shuffled his feet nervously. Xemnas noticed this. “What is it?†Saix looked up at him.
    “There’s only one bad thing…†Saix started. Xemnas looked at him.
    “Vexen can’t predict when Zexion will wake up.†Saix looked at the ground. “Or if he’ll ever wake up…†Xemnas nodded slowly, sadly. Xigbar, still listening, blinked back tears. He hated crying. He wanted to leave, but he forced himself to stay and listen.
    “I see…†Xemnas said. Saix looked at him again.
    “What is to happen…if…â€
    “What is to happen if what?†Saix sighed sadly.
    “What is to happen if he doesn’t wake up?†At those words, Xigbar almost lost it. If he had a heart, it would’ve shattered into a million pieces at those words. Xigbar walked away from the door, and towards his room. He didn’t want to stay to hear the rest. He knew what they’d do. His eyes started to sting, and he blinked back more tears. He hated crying so much. It was so weak of him to cry. He cursed himself as tears threatened to come. He sat down on his bed. He closed his eyes. He wished he could go back in time and change everything. If Zexion was awake, he could ask him for a spell to do so. He could make it so that he never pushed Zexion. That he never drank anything other than soda. That he left Zexion alone after Zexion told him he didn’t want to go to the club. But it was too late. What happened, happened. He couldn’t change that. He lay down on his bed, and opened his eyes. He suddenly felt tired. He closed his eyes.

    “Best friends…â€
    Xigbar awoke with a start sometime later. He looked out of his window to see the moon shining brightly. He yawned and stretched. How long had he been sleeping? He walked out of his room, and down the hall, peeking into everyone’s rooms as he walked. Everyone was asleep. He then stopped at Zexion’s room. He walked in and sat down in the chair next to Zexion’s bed. Xigbar looked over at Zexion. He looked like he was sleeping—not in a coma. Xigbar smiled. He wished he were only sleeping. That way, in the morning he could walk into the kitchen, to see Zexion reading his spell book, studying, like he always did. He’d sit there and read, and Xigbar would know:

    Zexion was alive.

    Xigbar looked at his friend once more. He sighed.
    “Goodnight, xion.†He rose from his seat and walked towards the door. Before he left, Xigbar turned around.

    “Zexion…I’m sorry…†he said sadly before walking away to his own room.


    Who…was that?



    I go back to school Monday. That means I will start to have homework again >:P

    I'll try my hardest to release a chapter a night, or at least a chapter every other nite :)

    Sorry about that...blame the school system :)
    Thread by: Axel's#1fangirl, Apr 14, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. Axel's#1fangirl
    Chapter 2! :D And Roxas really needs to keep his mouth shut at

    ~Chapter 2~

    “Have any fours?†Roxas asked.
    “Go fish.†Demyx answered. Roxas sighed as he drew another card from the pile. He, Demyx, Axel, Larxene, Marluxia, and Vexen were sitting at the kitchen table playing Go Fish. They were all incredibly bored. Vexen looked at Larxene.
    “Have any nines?†Larxene glared at him.
    “Do I look like I have any nines?†she snapped. Axel chuckled. Playing card games with Larxene was always a challenge, considering that she was such a sore loser.
    “You do too have a nine!†Vexen said.
    “No, I don’t!†Larxene insisted. Vexen looked over at Demyx.
    “Does she have a nine?†he asked. Larxene put her cards face down on the table.
    “Stop cheating!†she said. Demyx laughed.
    “You’re the one who’s cheating! You have three nines!†he said. She growled at Demyx and slapped the cards in Vexen’s hand. She then punched Demyx in his arm.
    “OW!†He yelled, rubbing his sore arm. Marluxia laughed. Just then the phone rang. Roxas jumped up from his seat.
    “I’ll get it!!!†Roxas shouted. He ran over to the phone and picked it up.

    “Hello?†He said. The Nobodies in the room were quiet, trying to listen to who was on the phone. They could hear some mumbling.
    “Oh hi Xigbar!†Roxas said, smiling. Everyone was quiet now, wondering why he was calling.

    Xigbar said something. Roxas looked confused.
    “You want to talk to Xemnas? But why?†he asked.
    Xigbar yelled. Roxas winced.
    “No need to yell! I just want to know why!â€
    Xigbar said something.
    “I won’t tell! I promise!â€
    Xigbar sighed. He said something. Roxas looked angry and hurt at what he said.
    “I do not blurt out things!â€
    Xigbar laughed.
    “Oh come on! Tell me!â€
    Xigbar sighed, and said something. Roxas nodded happily.
    “Yes, I promise not to yell what you tell me out loud.â€
    Xigbar said something. Roxas’ eyes grew wide at his words.
    “ZEXION GOT HIT BY A CAR???????†He yelled. Everyone in the room looked up at Roxas in surprise.
    Xigbar started cursing and yelling. Roxas held the phone away from his ear. Axel ran up to him and snatched the phone away.
    “Xigbar? Xigbar, it’s me, Axel.†He said.
    Xigbar said something. Axel nodded.
    “Sure. I’ll give you to Xemnas.†He said, running up some stairs towards Xemnas’ room. All of the Nobodies in the room watch Axel run away. Demyx then jumped up from his seat.
    “Let’s follow him!†he said. Everyone nodded, and quietly ran after Axel.
    The six Nobodies (including Axel) were out in the hall, just outside of Xemnas’ door, trying to listen to the conversation between him and Xigbar. Marluxia looked at Roxas.
    “So Zexion got hit by a car?†he whispered. Roxas nodded.
    “That’s what he said.†Roxas whispered back.
    “I hope he’s ok.†Larxene whispered, sounding worried. All of the Nobodies looked at her.
    “You’re worried about him?†Axel whispered. “You never worry about him!â€
    “Or anyone else for that matter…†Demyx whispered. Larxene glared at him, and punched him in his arm again.
    “OWWWW!!!†Demyx hissed. Vexen glared at him.
    “Shut up!!!†he hissed back. Everyone then became quiet, so that they could listen to the conversation.

    “Zexion got hit by a car?†Xemnas said in disbelief.
    Xigbar said something. Xemnas sighed.
    “How did this happen?†he asked.
    Xigbar said something. Xemnas raised an eyebrow.
    “You pushed him into the street?â€
    Xigbar said something, sounding nervous.
    “You were DRUNK?†Xemnas shouted, angry.
    There was silence. Xemnas rubbed his temples with his hand.
    “I told you guys to be careful.â€
    Xigbar said something. Xemnas rolled his eyes.
    “Where are Luxord and Xaldin?â€
    Xigbar said something. Xemnas nodded.
    “And where is Zexion now?â€
    Xigbar said something. Xemnas nodded again.
    “Can he come back to the Castle?â€
    Xigbar said something.
    “But what?â€
    Xigbar said something very quietly. Xemnas looked worried.
    “He’s not waking up?â€
    Xigbar quickly said something. Xemnas looked annoyed.
    “Xigbar, a coma is serious.â€
    Xigbar sighed sadly. Xemnas closed his eyes.
    “Just…come back as soon as you can.â€
    There was silence. Xemnas hung up, and began walking towards the door. He opened it, and hit something hard.
    “OWWWWW!!!†Demyx screeched, rubbing his now sore head. Xemnas looked to see all the six Nobodies staring at him. Xemnas rolled his eyes.
    “Is Zexion alright?†Marluxia asked.
    “No, he’s in a coma.†Xemnas replied. He began walking down the hall, but then stopped and turned around to face the six members. “Let Saix and Lexaeus know about Zexion’s condition.†The Nobodies nodded. Xemnas narrowed his eyes. “And if I catch you eavesdropping again, you all will pay.†He then continued to the end of the hall and went down the stairs.
    “I’ll tell Saix.†Roxas said. Axel put a hand on his shoulder.
    “That’s ok, I’ll tell him. He gets angrily easily, and might go berserk.†He said. Roxas looked at him quizzically.
    “But Saix hates you. Won’t he get even angrier if you’re the one to tell him?†Roxas asked. Axel nodded.
    “Exactly. With me telling him, maybe he’ll go extra berserk.†Axel smiled. “It’s fun to see him go crazy.†He then walked off towards Saix’s room, with Roxas and Demyx following, in anticipation the outcome. Vexen shook his head in annoyance.
    “I’ll tell Lexaeus.†He said, and started down the hall. Larxene and Marluxia walked down with him, with nothing better to do.
    Xemnas was in the living room, sitting on the sofa. He was shaking his head in disbelief at tonight’s events.
    “Xigbar, you’ve screwed up a lot of things in the past.†He said.

    “But this has got to be the worst…â€
    Thread by: Axel's#1fangirl, Apr 13, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Archives
  13. Axel's#1fangirl

    These keyblades are connected to a story I'm writing, which is why there is a twilight keyblade, and no keyblade to represent roxas (he's not in my story)
    Thread by: Axel's#1fangirl, Apr 13, 2007, 20 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  14. Axel's#1fangirl
    Okay, the new story is here! According to when I closed the poll (not to what the poll results are now) Memory Break was the winner! So here is chapter 1! enjoy! :D

    ~Chapter 1~

    “Happy Birthday Luxord!†Roxas shouted as Luxord came walking down the stairs into the kitchen. He smiled.
    “Thanks!†he said. Axel then came walking in from outside.
    “Hey, mister 24!†he said cheerfully. “Where are you going to celebrate your Birthday?†Luxord looked at him, smiling.
    “Well, me, Xigbar, and Xaldin were planning to go out to a club tonight. It’s in a world called ‘The Real World’.†He said. Axel cocked his head.
    “ ‘The Real World?’ I’ve never heard of that place before.†Axel said. Luxord shrugged.
    “I haven’t either. Xigbar said it’d be a nice place to have some fun.†He smiled again. “And best of all—he says there are no Heartless or Nobodies there.†Axel nodded, smiling, and walked off. Demyx walked in and sat down at the table.
    “Happy B-day!†He said, before turning his attention to his Fullmetal Alchemist manga. Luxord smiled. Roxas went up to Luxord.
    “Hey Luxord, can I come to the club with you tonight?†he asked. Demyx looked up at him.
    “Roxas, it’s an over 21 club.†Demyx said. Roxas was confused.
    “What do you mean?†he asked.
    “You’re 15, which means you’re underage. You can’t go in.â€
    “Why is it an over 21 club?â€
    “I don’t know!â€
    “Well, I’m not leaving until someone tells me why it’s an over 21 club!â€
    “Fine then.†Demyx said. He summoned his Sitar. “I’ll tell you why in a sing-a-long!†He then started to strum an overly happy tune. Roxas backed away.
    “That’s ok, I don’t care that much.†Roxas said before backing slowly out of the room. Demyx dismissed his Sitar and went back to reading his manga, laughing wickedly.
    “Works every time…†he said to himself.
    Zexion was reading his spell book quietly in his room, studying his spells. Just then, Xigbar came barging into his room.
    “Hey! Zexion!†he said. Zexion rolled his eyes in annoyance.
    “Hello, Xigbar.†He closed his book and looked up at Xigbar.
    “Hey, do you want to come celebrate Luxord’s birthday with us?†Zexion raised an eyebrow at him.
    “Who’s ‘us’?â€
    “Xaldin, Luxord, and me.†Zexion shook his head.
    “No thanks.â€
    “Oh come on!†Xigbar begged. “It’ll be real fun! Besides, you’re my best friend, and I won’t have a fun time without you.†He made a pouting face. Zexion couldn’t help laughing at it.
    “Fine. I’ll go.†He said. Xigbar smiled.
    “Great! I’ll tell the guys!†He said, running out of the room. Zexion smiled and returned to reading his book.
    “Best friends…†he said.
    Xaldin, Xigbar, Luxord, and Zexion got ready to go. Xemnas walked up to them.
    “Oh no…†Xaldin said quietly to the group. “He’s got that lecture look again.†They all broke out in quiet snickers. Xemnas crossed his arms.
    “Now, I know that you all are going out to have fun,†He started, “but don’t have too much fun.†Xigbar put his hands on his hips.
    “Relax!†he said. “There’s no such thing as too much fun!â€
    “We’ll be fine.†Zexion said. Xemnas looked at them, and then at Luxord.
    “Have a nice birthday.†He said smiling.
    “Thanks, I will.†Luxord said. Then, Xemnas’ smile disappeared as he looked at the four of them again.
    “And don’t kill yourselves.†Xemnas then walked off. The four of them laughed at his lecture, opened their Corridors of Darkness, and disappeared.
    The arrived in The Real World, right in front of the club. Xigbar looked at the sign overtop the club doors.
    “The Smash club—here we are.†He said, smiling. Outside, there was a lot of noise. People were dancing, drinking, and eating. Along the street, cars were racing. The drivers they presumed to be drunk.
    “Let’s head inside!†Xaldin said, and with that the four walked up to the doors, and were let in.
    The interior of the club was louder than the exterior. People were talking loudly, drinking, eating, and dancing. The four Nobodies blended in with the Wholes perfectly. Xaldin, Xigbar, and Luxord walked over to a bar serving drinks and sat down.
    “Three sodas, please.†Luxord said to the bar tender. Xigbar looked around.
    “Where’s Zexion?†he asked. Xaldin looked around, and then sighed in annoyance.
    “Over there.†He said, pointing to a table a little ways away from them. Zexion had stationed himself at a table far away from the music and noise of the club. He was sitting there, reading his book. Xigbar rolled his eyes.
    “I’ll go get him.†He said, getting up from his seat. He walked over to where Zexion was and sat down.
    “What’re you doing?†he asked. Zexion looked up from his book.
    “Reading.†He said.
    “Come on! This is a celebration! Come hang out with us!†Xigbar said, pulling Zexion up from the table and towards the bar where the others were waiting.
    “Nice of you to join us.†Luxord said, sipping on his soda. Zexion smiled half-heartedly. He really wanted to read his book. Just then, a group of four girls came up to them. They were all blonde with brown eyes.
    “Hey.†Said one of them, smiling. The four Nobodies chorused a ‘hey’ back. The youngest girl in the group smiled.
    “You guys want to dance?†she asked. Xaldin, Xigbar, and Luxord nodded, and got up from their seats to dance with them. Zexion remained seated. The youngest one looked at him.
    “Are you coming?†Zexion shook his head. Xigbar looked at him.
    “Come on, Zexion!†he said. Zexion shook his head again.
    “You guys go ahead.†The youngest one shrugged.
    “Suit yourself.†She said, as the group of seven went off to the dance floor. Zexion, as soon as they were gone, walked back over to his spot at the table he was previously, and went back to reading his book, occasionally looking up to laugh at how ridiculous the three Nobodies looked dancing.
    Hours passed. It was getting late. Zexion looked up. The club had grown more crowded. He stood up and started to walk around the club, looking for Xaldin, Xigbar, and Luxord. After searching the entire club, he went outside to search. And surely, Xaldin and Luxord were on the other side of the road, watching the cars race up and down the street. Zexion got close to the side of the street and tried to get their attention.
    “Hey!†Xigbar said suddenly, coming from behind Zexion. He put his hand on his shoulder. “What’s up, man?†Zexion could tell he was slightly drunk by his tipsy appearance.
    “Have you been drinking?†Zexion asked. Xigbar wildly shook his head.
    “No way!†he said, standing in front of Zexion. Zexion then put a finger on Xigbar’s forehead, and pressed on it. Xigbar stumbled back, nearly falling over. Xigbar then shoved Zexion.
    “Stop pushing me!†he yelled. Zexion rolled his eyes.
    “I think we should go.†He said. He turned towards the other side of the street, where Luxord and Xaldin were standing.
    “LUXORD!†he called. “XALDIN!†They stopped and looked at him. “Let’s go! It’s getting late!â€
    “So???†Luxord called. He and Xaldin then began to laugh. Zexion sighed. They were drunk too.
    “Let’s go! NOW!!!†Zexion shouted. They laughed at him again. He then turned towards Xigbar. “Help me out here!†Xigbar again shook his head wildly.
    “No way! I’m having fun!†he shouted, as two cars whizzed past. He clapped for them. “YAY GO RED CAR!!!!†Zexion put his hand over his face.
    “Oh boy…†he said. He looked up at Xigbar. “We’re leaving RIGHT now.†Zexion then grabbed his wrist and started to pull him away from the street. Xigbar pulled away.
    “NO!†he yelled.
    “YES!!†Zexion yelled back. Xigbar shoved him.
    “I said NO!!!†He shoved Zexion again. This time, a little bit into the street. Zexion shoved back.
    “You’re DRUNK!!!†he shouted. Xigbar shoved Zexion harder.
    “GO DIE!!!†He yelled. He shoved Zexion even harder. Zexion this time stumbled back into the street. He gave Xigbar an angry look.
    “We’re going back home NOW!†He shouted. Xigbar glared at him evilly.
    “DROP DEAD!!!!†He yelled. He went up to Zexion and shoved him—HARD. Zexion went stumbling into the middle of the street. He was about to yell at Xigbar when all of the sudden he heard someone yelling at him. Zexion looked up to see a bright flash of white.

    Then, something large smashed into him.

    Zexion remembered flying, and then he hit another something hard. It was flat, and smelled of dirt. He was in a lot of pain. It was like som had crushed him. He felt like Roxas’ Keyblades had whacked him for a week straight. Suddenly, the pain left.

    “Zexion! Zexion!â€

    Someone was calling for him?

    He felt light headed.

    Whatever he was laying on felt really cold.


    He was pretty sure someone was calling for him.

    He felt cold all over.

    Something picked up his wrist.

    “He has no pulse!â€


    “Zexion! Don’t die!!â€

    He felt really cold now.


    Who was that?

    Everything was black.

    He felt numb.



    Who…was that?


    *reads poll*

    Someone hates it? Why? *feels bad*
    Thread by: Axel's#1fangirl, Apr 12, 2007, 20 replies, in forum: Archives
  15. Axel's#1fangirl
    Thank you for helping me choose my last story. It went really well, I knew what people wasnted to read, and everything went smoothly! :D But now, it's time to pick a new story. This will occur in the same manner as the last time, but now I've added a small key that shows my idea of a short, medium, and long story. So now, when you vote, you have a COMPLETE understanding of what you pick! Thanks alot! *huggles all*


    Short story = 6 to 7 chapters

    Medium story = 9 to 10 chapters

    Long story = 12+ chapters

    I will not make as story go under 6 chapters, and unless it is a HUGE story (like the summer story I'm working on, I usually won't make it go over 20 chapters.

    The Story Choices:

    Story 1:

    The 14th Key



    When there is a small mishap with weapons in the Castle That Never Was, Xemnas calls someone to repair and rebuild them. Simple, right? But, when Xemnas discovers that this weapon specialist is more powerful and more amazing than they look, he decides he wants a 14th edition to Organization XIII. Why does he want this person in? What is their secret? And would Xemnas be willing to sacrifice the ULTIMATE price of this person to harm them? Or would it be to protect them? Or maybe, the only person who can help is a true Keyblade master...

    Story 2:

    Forgotten Eyes: Got it Memorized?


    Tragety (more or less)/funny/rememberance

    Axel had worked hard to forget his past, his childhood. But when an unexected call from a forgotten friend comes, the memories come flooding back. His friend tries to help him remember, but Axel only ends up pushing them away. Why does Axel want to forget? Who is his friend? What do they mean to him? And can Axel ever remember again? A tale of forgotten promises, and forgotten secrets, this story reveals Axel's past, and will leave you shocked...

    Story 3:

    Memory Break



    An innocent night of fun turns into a terrible night of fear when an accident occurs, and Zexion is the victum of it. He wakes up from a two-day coma, unable to remember anything. Not his name, not the Organization. He can't even remember how to speak or write! All he can remember is the beginning of a story about a young boy...Can Zexion follow the story to gain his memories back? Or will they forever remain fragmented? Can a broken being survive being even more broken? Or will what's left of him collapse?

    SO THERE YA' GO!!! Happy voting! :D *passes out cookies to all voters*

    (Yes, I know these are the ones from last time, but people really wanted these ones, so I put them back up. I'll add new ones next time :D)
    Thread by: Axel's#1fangirl, Apr 12, 2007, 19 replies, in forum: Archives
  16. Axel's#1fangirl
    LAST CHAPTER! I know, it was short, but you had fair warning....A while later I'll need help deciding which story to start next, so please help out! I want to thank everyone who read my story :) You guys are the reason I keep on writing :)

    ~Chapter 6~

    “Where is he?†Roxas asked. Axel had disappeared in a Corridor of Darkness about 20 minutes ago. He said he was getting someone who could help Sora and Roxas switch back. Donald tapped his foot impatiently. Suddenly, a Corridor of Darkness appeared, and Axel came out of it. Close behind him was Zexion.
    “Axel, what was so important that you had to pull me out of my room and interrupt me while practicing a spell?†Zexion said irately. Sora and Roxas walked up to Zexion.
    “Zexion,†Roxas (still in the Sora body) said. “We need you to switch us back into our right bodies.†Zexion was surprised that Sora knew his name. Sora (still in the Roxas body) saw his confusion.
    “You see, when we broke The Twist Orb, something happened, and now I’m in Sora’s body while Sora is in mine.†Zexion nodded his head.
    “Do you know a way to fix them back?†Goofy asked. Zexion thought for a moment.
    “Possibly…I may know something that could help…†he said. He summoned his spell book, and flipped through a few pages, muttering something to himself about the stupidity of 15-year-olds. Then, he stopped on a page, nodding.
    “This should do it!†He exclaimed. While holding the book in one hand, he lifted the other and pointed at Roxas and Sora. He began to recite:

    “Turn it around, make it right. Twist, change, rearrange, the power of orb’s blight!†He shouted. The area around Sora and Roxas began to spin with swirls of blue and green. When it cleared, Sora and Roxas looked down at themselves.
    “I’m me again!†Roxas shouted, in his own body. He was happy to be back.
    “Yes!†Sora shouted, as equally as happy as Roxas. Goofy went up to Sora.
    “It’s nice for you to be back, Sora!†he said. Donald nodded in agreement.
    “You know,†Roxas said, walking up to Sora. “It’ll be hard fighting against each other, now that we’ve had a walk in each others shoes.†Sora nodded and smiled.
    “Yeah but, I’m sure we’ll find a way.†Roxas nodded.

    “HEY GIVE THAT BACK YOU STUPID DUCK!†Zexion shouted. Everyone turned to see Donald with Zexion’s spell book, and Zexion running after him.
    “I want to try a spell!†Donald shouted, landing on a page, where the first spell was called ‘Rewind Time’.
    “NO GIVE IT BACK NOW!!!!!!†Zexion yelled. Donald started to read:

    “Rewind time, a little way back. And what had happened, memories shall lack.†Donald recited. Nothing happened.
    “Awww, this spell doesn’t work!†Donald said, throwing the book at Zexion, who caught it. Zexion was quite literally about to kill Donald when all of the sudden there was a bright flash of light….

    And all was silent….
    Keyblades clash, swinging wildly. Roxas and Sora were fighting at Memory Skyscraper. Roxas had been sent there by the Organization to seek out a very old, yet very powerful, magic orb: The Twist Orb. The Twist Orb was capable of twisting time, space, anything. With it, the Organization XIII could do terrible things. Sora was also after it. King Mickey had told him that the Organization wanted it, and they had to get it before they did. Sora wouldn’t let him down.

    So there they were, battling it out. Roxas swung his Oathkeeper at Sora, who dodged it and parried the attack.
    “The orb belongs to the Organization!†Roxas shouted. Sora tried to strike Roxas with his Ultima weapon, but Roxas jumped in time.
    “Well you can’t have it!†Sora yelled back. They exchanged a few hits of the Keyblades, before Roxas jumped back. They both suddenly stopped fighting. Roxas looked at Sora.
    “Did this…happen before?†he asked. Sora thought for a moment, and then sook his head.
    “I don’t think so…†he replied. They both shrugged, and started to fight once again…

    THE END!!!!

    (I hoped you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it! :))
    Thread by: Axel's#1fangirl, Apr 12, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: Archives
  17. Axel's#1fangirl
    CHAPTER 5 IM ON A ROLL! (naw, just hyper!)

    Oh, and this one might get a *little* confusing. Just read and you'll be fine! Reread if you must ;)

    ~Chapter 5~

    Sora and Axel were walking through the Twilight Town market place. It was surprisingly empty. Axel couldn’t help but look at Sora every now and then. Sora noticed it, and looked up at Axel.
    “What?” He asked. Axel opened his mouth to say something, but changed his mind. He shook his head.
    “It’s nothing.” Suddenly, a huge mass of Heartless appeared, surrounding the two.
    “Stupid Heartless!” Axel said. Sora smiled.
    “We can take them.” Axel smiled back. He summoned his Chakrams, and Sora summoned his Keyblade—but it was the Ultima. Axel looked at him.
    “Where are your regular Keyblades?” he asked. Sora looked around nervously. A Heartless tried to attack, but Sora whacked it with his weapon and it faded.
    “I’ll tell you after we beat these guys.” Sora said. Axel nodded.
    “Right.” He said, and with that they began to fight.
    “SORA!” Goofy called. They were all calling Sora’s name, trying to see if he was nearby.
    “SORA!!!!” Donald called. There was still no reply.
    “SO—“ Roxas stopped suddenly, staring off in a direction. Goofy walked up to him.
    “Roxas, what’s wrong?” he asked. Roxas pointed.
    “Look!” he said. Donald and goofy looked where he was pointing, and they saw a large black crowd of Heartless.
    “We’ll take care of them!” Roxas shouted, summoning his Oathkeeper and Oblivion, and then charging in to fight. Donald summoned his staff and Goofy summoned his shield and charged in after them.

    The fight was on…
    Sora hit a Heartless with his Keyblade and it faded. He looked around. The number of Heartless had tripled, and he could no longer see Axel. I hope he’s ok… Sora thought, as he blocked a Heartless’ attack and counterattacked it. He was attacking intensely, and hadn’t noticed someone advancing towards him…
    Roxas had eyed a Heartless, about as tall as he was. It was completely black. He walked carefully over to it and raised his Oathkeeper in preparation to attack. He got closer, and when he got close enough, he brought the weapon down hard on the Heartless’ head…
    “OWWWW!!!” Sora yelled as something hard struck him in the back of his head. He collapsed to the ground, in a semi-unconscious state. His attacker raised its weapon, about to strike again…
    Roxas was about to attack again when he realized that the Heartless wasn’t a Heartless—it was Sora! In his body! He dismissed his weapon and kneeled down next to Sora. He shook him gently.
    “Sora?” He went shake him again when all of the sudden a blast of fire knocked him away from Sora. Axel walked in front of Sora.
    “Stay away from Roxas!” He yelled, angry. Roxas was shocked.
    “What are you talking about? I’m—“ but then he remembered: At the moment, he was Sora. And Sora was Roxas. By this time Sora had sat up, rubbing the back of his head. Axel turned towards him and held out a hand to him. He helped Sora to his feet.
    “Roxas! You ok?” he asked. Sora nodded. He looked to see Donald and Goofy finishing off the last of the Heartless.
    “Donald! Goofy!” Sora shouted. They turned to see Sora, in Roxas’ body, calling them. They walked up to them. They looked at him.
    “So, you’re Sora?” Donald said to the Roxas body. Sora nodded. Goofy turned to the Sora body.
    “And you’re Roxas?” Roxas nodded. Axel was confused.
    “What’s going on?” he asked. “This is Roxas, not Sora!” he said pointing to the Roxas body. Sora turned to him.
    “No, I’m Sora.” Sora said. He then pointed to the Sora body. “And he’s Roxas.” Roxas then gave a quick summary of how they switched places. Axel looked at the Sora body with suspicion.
    “How do I really know this is Roxas?” He said, beckoning to the Sora body. Roxas walked up to him.
    “Last Saturday, you told me as secret of yours.” Roxas said. “You told me that Larxene makes you feel like—“
    “OK! I believe you! You’re Roxas!” Axel shouted, cutting Roxas off and blushing insanely. He then turned to Sora.
    “So I’ve been hanging out with you all day, huh?” he asked. Sora nodded. Axel laughed. “Funny. You may have seemed different to me, but it felt exactly like I was hanging out with Roxas.” Sora smiled.
    “I hate to interrupt this happy moment here,” Donald said, crossing his arms, “but how are we going to switch you two back?” Axel thought for a moment, and then he snapped his fingers and smiled.
    “I know just the person who can help…”
    Thread by: Axel's#1fangirl, Apr 11, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Archives
  18. Axel's#1fangirl
    CHAPTER 4 WOOT I'M HYPER!!! *cough* sorry about that :D

    ~Chapter 4~

    Sora and Axel had arrived in Twilight Town. They went up to the Station Tower to eat their ice cream. Sora looked out at the view. Axel looked at Sora. Sora noticed him looking and turned towards him.
    “What?†he asked. Axel stared for a moment longer, and then shook his head.
    “It’s nothing. You just seem…different. That’s all.†Axel said. Sora nodded.
    “That’s because I am.†He muttered.
    “Huh?†Axel said. Sora looked up in surprise at him.
    “Uh…nothing…†He said, quickly diverting his eyes. They sat there, in silence. Axel sighed.
    “I’m going to miss this.†He said. “Just you and me hanging out.†Sora turned to him.
    “Why’s that?†Axel laughed.
    “I think you fell on your head yesterday. You must’ve to have forgotten.†Axel blinked slowly. “So you’re going to go through with this?†Sora was lost. He had no idea what to say.

    Yeah, I will. The words popped into Sora’s mind. They seemed…right…

    “Yeah, I will.†He said aloud. Axel looked at him.
    “I’m going to miss you, Roxas.â€

    I’m not going to be gone; just…I’ll be part of Sora again.

    “I’m not going to be gone; just…I’ll be part of Sora again.†Sora said. He had no idea where these words were coming from. But something told him to say them. Axel chuckled.
    “Still, you won’t be YOU anymore. You’ll be Sora.†He said. Axel stood up. “Sora’s lucky.†Sora looked up at Axel.
    “Why?†he asked.
    “Because…he has a heart. And soon you’ll be part of it. You’re lucky, too, Roxas.†Sora stood up.
    “Why is Roxas lucky?†Sora said. Axel gave him a puzzled look.
    “Why are Axel and Roxas speaking in the third person?†Axel joked. Sora laughed.
    “Why am I lucky?†Axel looked at him.
    “Because…you’ll be whole again…someday.†He looked out. “The rest of us…will go back to darkness. But you get to stay in the light.†Sora nodded.
    “Don’t worry, I’ll never forget you.†He said. Axel smiled. Sora felt weird.

    What he had said, had come from him…not from any voice in his head…
    Roxas, Donald, and Goofy arrived in Twilight Town. They looked around.
    “Sora! Donald! Goofy!†A familiar voice called. They all turned around to see King Mickey walking up to them.

    Hello, your Majesty. Huh? Roxas thought. Those words weren’t his. But they sounded right…

    “Hello, your Majesty.†Roxas said. He had no idea where the words were coming from, but they worked. King Mickey looked at him.
    “Sora, did you get the orb?†He asked. Roxas scratched his head.
    “Well…†he started. “Not exactly. During the fight, me and Sora broke it.†The king gave him a confused look.
    “You and Sora?†He asked.
    “I meant me and Roxas!†he said. King Mickey looked at him. Roxas looked back.
    “What’s wrong?†he asked. King Mickey looked up at him.
    “You seem different, Sora…†he said. Donald and Goofy exchanged nervous looks. What if the King could tell that he was Roxas? The King shook his head.
    “Never mind.†He said. Roxas let out a sigh of relief. The King sighed himself. “Well, the orb was better off destroyed.†He said. Goofy walked up to Roxas.
    “Roxas,†He said quietly, “I think we should let King Mickey know about what happened to you and Sora.â€
    “Why?†Roxas asked.
    “We can trust him. And I feel sorta bad about lying to him.†Roxas nodded.
    “King Mickey?†Roxas said. The King looked up at him.
    “Yes Sora?†Roxas sighed.
    “I’m not Sora. My name…is Roxas.†The King looked surprised.
    “Huh?†he said. Then, Roxas told King Mickey about how he and Sora were fighting, how they broke the orb, and how he found out he switched places. The King nodded.
    “Well,†he said, still surprised, “I had a feeling you weren’t you.â€
    “We’re looking for Sora now.†Donald said.
    “Yeah, maybe if we find him, we can switch them back.†Goofy said. Roxas nodded. King Mickey looked at the three of them.
    “Well, I can’t go with you. I have something to get done.†He said.
    “No problem! We can take care of the situation oes!†Roxas said. Goofy and Donald nodded. King Mickey nodded as well, and smiled.
    “I hope you can.†He said, before walking off. Donald turned to Roxas.
    “So where do we start looking?†he asked. Roxas thought, and then his eyes lit up.
    “The Station Tower!†he exclaimed.
    “Why?†Goofy asked. Roxas shrugged.
    “It’s that feeling again.†Goofy and Donald nodded, and all three of them ran off towards the Station Tower.
    Thread by: Axel's#1fangirl, Apr 11, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Archives
  19. Axel's#1fangirl
    Chapter 3! WOOT! *gets to work on chapter 4*

    ~Chapter 3~

    Sora walked down the stairs. They lead to a kitchen. At a table, a blonde woman was sitting, reading a book. Also, a man with short gray hair that covered part of his face was sitting, also reading a book. Sora walked past them.
    “Hey Roxas!†The woman said. Sora turned towards her. What should he say?
    “Uhhh…hi.†Sora said nervously. She got up from the table and walked over to Sora. She looked him up and down.
    “There’s something different about you today. What do you think, Zexion?†She said. The gray-haired guy turned towards her. So his name is Zexion…Sora thought. He made sure to remember it.
    “I don’t know, he seems the same to me.†Zexion said, turning back around to his book. The woman looked at Sora again. She seemed angry. Then, out of the blue, she punched him! HARD. Sora rubbed his arm.
    “What was THAT for?†He shouted at her angrily. She smirked.
    “THAT was for losing the orb Xemnas wanted you to get.†She said. “But this is for yelling at me!†She shoved Sora against the wall, REALLY hard. After hitting the wall, Sora fell on the ground, rubbing his now sore shoulder. The woman laughed in amusement and walked away. Some grabbed his arm and helped his up. He turned around to see Axel.
    “Sorry about that, Roxas. She’s in a bad mood today. Larxene can be such a pain sometimes.†Axel said. Larxene…. Sora thought. He didn’t like her. Axel started to walk away. At the moment, Axel was the only one being nice to him, so he decided to follow him.
    “So…Axel…†Sora said, trying to find something to say. Axel turned towards him.
    “What?†he asked.
    “Umm…never mind.†Sora said. Axel shrugged and walked away. Sora followed him. Axel looked at Sora.
    “I know we’re friends and all, but why are you following me?†Sora stopped walking. So Roxas and he are friends?
    “I’m not sure…†Sora said. Axel smiled.
    “You want to go get some ice cream? I’ve got nothing better to do, and Xemnas is out today.†Sora nodded. As long as I stick with him, Sora thought, maybe I can get some answers as to what is going on. Axel made a Corridor of Darkness appear. Sora watched how he did it, and tried to make one appear too. But he couldn’t. Axel gave him a puzzled look.
    “You feeling ok, Roxas?†Sora nodded.
    “Yeah, I’m fine.†Axel shrugged.
    “We’ll go through mine.†Axel said, stepping through his portal. Sora followed. Axel looked at him.
    “You know what? You do seem different today.†Axel said. Sora looked at the ground.
    “Almost as if you…nah.†The portal disappeared, taking the two with it.
    Donald and Goofy were walking towards their Gummi Ship. Roxas was walking behind them.
    “Sora, are you sure you feel okay?†Donald asked.
    “I told you, I’m not Sora!†Roxas said. He looked at the ground. “I’m Roxas.†Goofy walked over to him.
    “What are you talking about? You look like Sora to me.†He said. Roxas looked up at him.
    “I look like Sora to me, too. But I’m not. I don’t know how, but I think Sora and I have switched places.†Roxas said. Goofy and Donald looked surprised.
    “You know what?†Donald said. “I think he’s telling the truth.†Roxas looked at him. Donald walked over. “You seem different to me.†Goofy walked over to where Donald was.
    “Yeah, me too.†Roxas looked at the ground.
    “But…†he said. “How could this—“ his head shot up. “The orb!!!â€
    “What orb?†Goofy asked. Roxas looked at him.
    “The Twist Orb! While Sora and I were fighting, I think we broke it! Maybe us breaking it caused us to switch places!†Donald nodded.
    “That must be it!†he said. Goofy scratched his head.
    “So…if you are Roxas...†he said. Roxas nodded. “And you and Sora switched places…†Roxas nodded again. “That means…â€
    “Sora is with Organization XIII!!!†Donald exclaimed. Goofy looked worried. Roxas laughed.
    “Hey, what’s so funny?†Donald asked.
    “Sora is ok. The Organization isn’t going to hurt him. They think he’s me.†Roxas said. He smiled.
    “Then where is he now?†Goofy asked. Roxas thought for a moment.
    “I’m not sure. He could be in any world.†He said. Donald sighed.
    “That’s great.â€
    “We need to find him!†Goofy said. Roodded.
    “I think we should search Twilight Town first.†He said. Donald looked at him.
    “How come?†he asked. Roxas shrugged.
    “It’s just a feeling I got.†Goofy walked over to him.
    “And we should always go with what we feel is right!†he said.
    “Let’s go!†Donald said. The three of them went inside of the Gummi Ship, and took off for Twilight Town.
    Thread by: Axel's#1fangirl, Apr 11, 2007, 8 replies, in forum: Archives
  20. Axel's#1fangirl
    This is a story a friend and I are writing! We take turns writing the chapters so...yeah... :) Enjoy! (these characters are ones we made up)

    ~Chapter 1~

    Dear Diary,

    Today Nax and I went out to the top of the Station Tower in Twilight Town. The view up there is amazing! We went with Axel, Roxas, and Demyx. The guys were eating something called Sea-salt ice cream. I’ve never tried it before, but maybe I’ll try it some time. Axel says it’s really good. Nax and I like to joke about the ice cream. We call it ‘Happy ice cream’, because the guys always act crazy after eating it. I laugh every time I think about it.
    Today something funny, but a little scary, happened. We were all sitting on the Tower, watching the sunset. Then Roxas decided we have a game of truth or dare. Nax said she’d go first. And she picked truth. This was what Roxas asked:

    “For your truth…do you like Demyx?â€

    Nax gave him a look and said:

    “I pick dare.â€

    We all laughed, and Roxas picked a dare for her. He said:

    “Then, I dare you to jump up and down where you are 3 times.â€

    Nax shrugged, and got up. She jumped once. Then she jumped twice. She *almost* lost her balance, but she was fine. Then she jumped again.


    I was about to reach out and grab her, but then Demyx reached out and took her hand, and pulled her up. I was never so scared in my life! I thought I’d lose my best friend. But I’m just glad she was all right. But it was somewhat funny; when Demyx pulled her up…

    She blushed!

    I was going to say something, but, knowing Nax, she’d probably punch me, or push me off the Tower. I suggested we head back to the Castle, and everyone agreed. Today was certainly different. I wonder what tomorrow will be like. Nax and I were going to fight tomorrow. You know, to practice our skills. Can’t get rusty, now can we?

    Goodnight! Marluxia is about to come up here and yell at me for having the light in my room on at 3:00 a.m. J

    Thread by: Axel's#1fangirl, Apr 11, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Archives