I need someone to help me overcome a recent problem :( and I'm desperate.....
Well I'm hosting a competition thats like the MTV Series Cribs and this is to see who has the best crib on Kh-Vids and well I'm welcoming 2 more judges Rules: No More Than 3 Judges Give a description or picture of your crib and why you think you should win No more than 5 pictures of your crib NOOOOO SPAM!!!!! Judges: OblivionRoxas Contestants: Kingdom Konoha ILoveRikuAndYouCantStopMe Now let the fun begin!!! :D
Hey people :) I'm back from london. It was a great trips I saw and bought LOTS of things :) It was amazing P.S. I didn't really know where to post this so I put it here....
Hello there people I am currently posting to you in london in an apple (computer) shop and well I'm having a great time and I will hopefully be home tomorrow.......If I live that long :lol:
I've seen billboards, posters and trailers about a movie for that SW:TCW Show which used to be on cartoon network. I'm really excited, anybody else? EDIT: I found the trailer here it is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ9Vp6lRJ90
Hey guys I'm going to london tomoz for 3 days hopefully I'll find a comp were im staying :) but I'll miss you all :( bye
Ok so me and Demyxrabidfangirl9 got cookies so everyone can eat and well just everyone can talk to eachother about stuff and everyone can just get along :D
Who do you think will win? Timeless River Pete Or Normal Pete I think Normal Pete because he does have better attacks
What magic spells are in your shortcut menu??? Mine are: O: Firaga /\: Thundaga []: Curaga X: Reflega