Sora's Outfits Kingdom Hearts There's his original islander clothes from Kingdom Hearts, I must say that Nomura did an exellent job with this red look. Next is his vampire costume while in Halloween Town, not very frightening in apperence for rating reasons. Then there is the Atlantica transformation into part shark, Sora fangirls scream in delight though I didn't like the fact both Donald's magic forbade Drive form and there were no basic battles in Kingdom Hearts II. Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories There are literally no costume changes for Sora at all, he even sticks to the Kingdom Key the whole time. I find it depressing. Kingdom Hearts II Of course, Roxas' white clothing is complex in design. I'm impressed DiZ made it out of data. Sora awakens in his original red clothes, they're a bit short for him. During the groups visit at Yensid's Tower, Sora gets a sleek black outfit transformed from his islander clothes. I must say, incredible redesign. I still don't see how red, blue, and green combine to make THAT. Drive forms are now accesible. When the trio go back in time to retrieve the Cornerstone of Light, they discover everything is black & white. Either that or we all become colorblind till they leave. If you didn't notice, Sora seals the door to the present just like in the first game. The face at the HP bar change color corrisponding to the Drive form. Then comes the vampire outfit again. The mask changes during drive. Exclusive to Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix, Sora's clothes change yet again when they enter Christmas Town. It's a black Santa Clause outfit. Atlantica again, this time there's no practical battling, it's a complete "waste of time." It's shirtless shark Sora again! When Sora and the gang are digitized (please don't compare this to Digimon), they become program-like people. The glow changes with the Drive forms. On to the Pride Lands! Sora is now a lion, shame he can't do Drive forms here. A brown furred lion who fights with the keyblade in his mouth. Roxas strikes back! A fierce battle between Sora and Roxas occur in the depths of his mind. Roxas returns with an Orginization Cloak, awsomest of clothing from the entire rack from the KH Saga! And so far, that's it. Please analyse this asessment and tell me what you think. This is technically my first AMV, if you like it or not is up to you.
We really need his list of friends RIGHT NOW!
Oh man, I'm not as smart as the japanese, they're ingenious! Her high score is: *drum roll* 999 million. EDIT: The link isn't working.
Ok, so people go back in time and does some things, is it really changing the timeline? Theory 1) A time traveling person is open to the option of change the universe freely. Theory 2) Our fates are set, even with time travel, it's impossible to change the past. Which one's right and why?
Ok, mods, please move this into the spamzone when it's reopened. Sadly, some couples marry too early and realize their ture loves. I'm here to help move it along. Husbund: Husbund's Lawyer: Wife: Wife's Lawyer: Judge: Zexion of the Twilight (cannot change) Jury: (At least 3 and a leader to say the jury's decision)
Ok, I don't like sigs that expand the page, I hate to scroll sideways to read the messages, and I dispise wallpaper-sized pictures treated as normal pics. Anyone with a giant sig, please reduce them to fit a friggen page.
I'm watching NBC, they have Hayden Penittere and Panic! At the Disco. Switch your TV to NBC now!
This is the year 2007 in the country of Amestris. This was the golden age of alchemy, cities flourished with this seemingly all-powerful skill. More mysteries of alchemy are solved each day and more are discovered. Though alchemy is dominant, physics are also advancing as their grasp of technology grows. Still, legends of the greatest amplifier, the Philosopher's Stone, still survive. There are still those who wish to seek it. The military has improved, gaining new weaponry and recruits, also there are more State Alchemists joining. Alchemists of the day do not yet know of The Gate, the source of all alchemy, or where the energy for transmutation come from. There are those who still are willing to try ressurecting the dead.............................. ~Rules~ This may be the last RP I ever make here, I'm so friggen tired of the spam and n00bs here, I just wanna let it go to rest. Please try not to spam here, this may be the last one created by me at KH-Vids. No spamming-Please, it's annoying and will get you into deper trouble. No godmoding-It's a tendancy in most n00bs to become an all-powerful god, please, don't. No powerplay-Taking control of another character is extremely aggrivation. If you wanna be god over everything, make a fan fic. Romance-Anything above making out is restricted, I never wanna read anything that graphic. Character Selection-You can't pick any characters from the anime/manga beacuse they're all super old, you might wana make up your own characters. ~Application~ Name: Age: Rank: Title: Specialty Alchemy: Other Alchemy: Weapon Transmutation: Main Weapon: Accesories: Silver State Alchemist Watch (cannot remove) Biography:
I'm gonna log off and play some games. Bye! :)
Hey, it did say anything else that doesn't belong anywhere else! Here's the deal: A bunch of people give describe to me what kind of weapon they want, I make it up for them. If they don't give me a name, I'll make one up for them. This was too fun in The Writer's Block, I had to bring this over here! ^_^ Enjoy! Customers: ~n/a~
Man, feels like nothin' happened.
Post what time it is over at where you live. Be sure to include AM and PM! 4:49 AM, I'm still awake. :p
This is an awsome song, even though it's an oldie. Here it is:
I'm sure they're having a jolly ol' time up there, I can just imagine: Jesus is 2006 year old!
Guess what this Emoticon is: >ooo(T)_(T)
:) Though bloody and violent (and also expresses the creator's 4-years of depression so it shows the dark side of mankind), but good too.
Yeah, I'm gonna be up this whole day, arn't I?
I'm getting bored, I'm gonna log off. See ya, people!
In religion, it is the essence of life. It is what makes us move, and in Christianity, those who have no soul are demons. Souls is described to be smokelike, etheral looking. Oh course, we don't see anyone's soul coming out when they "snuff it" (AKA die), so does it even exist? Are there realms beyond this one, where the spirits of the departed lie? What do you think?