Really, I never watched it. I've heard it's bloody and gory. What do you think?
Ya know how Nala's talking about a baby after, what, several seconds after the first visit to Pride Lands? I just gotta say: dang, Simba, you're quick!
Of course, the best anime has to qualify. I think either Fullmetal Alchemist or Neon Genesis Evangelion takes the cake.
XD I just had to post this!
The alarm rang throughout the castle. Zexion woke up from his nap, got up, and teleported to the bathroom. "Oh man, I dispise that alarm. At least back then, we woke up at 7. Who wakes up at 6 in the morning?" He quickly brushes his teeth, takes a shower, gets dressed, and heads to elevator. Zexion walks in, spotting Axel and Roxas groaning on about having to stay up all night. "Roxas, remind me to beat up Demyx. He was jamming way too hard, our rooms are scattered across the castle connected by portals for a reason." "Yeah, Axel, my room is the farthest away from his and I could hear him from that distance!" Zexion pushes the buttons for the Throne Room and stands right next to the two. "Good morning, guys? Had a wonderful night? No? Thought so." The elevator stopped and the three Organization XIII members walked into Throne Room. The rest of the Organization were already sitting down on their tall chairs. The seats of the three who just arrived decended and allowed them to get on. They then accended back to their original position. Larxene started to talk. "So, what're we arguing about today?" Xemnas got out a mini chalkbored and wrote down: Sorry, I can't hear you. I'm temporarily deaf from "too loud music." Suddenly, the whole room was gassed and all the members of Organization lost conciousness. Rules: No spamming (no nonsense posts) No powerplaying (controling another character without permission) No godmodding (making your character invincible) Romance allowed (only to the PG-13 level, besides, Larxene's the only girl) Only Organization members are playable (No other characters allowed) Availible Templates (Most of it is already filled out) Username: The Reflective Superior Character: Xemnas Rank: I Element: Nothingness Weapon: Aerial Blades Persona: unfeeling, a dangerous enemy as he is the ruler of the organization. A disciplinary to say the least and always in control of situations nomatter what... Not some one to bicker and argue with, who knows where one false move could lead . He'll use brute force to get what he wants but would prefure to stratigize and convince before using violence. Username:mr_croup Character: Xigbar Rank: II Element: Space Weapon: Gun Arrows Persona: Likes to mess with people. WIll often say weird stuff just to throw people off. It's hard to tell whether he's just screwing with your head or telling the truth. Username: Character: Xaldin Rank: III Element: Wind Weapon: Lances Persona: Username: Twilightsown Character: Vexen Rank: IV Element: Ice Weapon: Shield Persona: Quiet and introverted, Vexen is naturally skeptical of everyone anyways, and thrust into a battle royale situation, he qould quickly descend into sadistic madness. All those experiments on helpless animals have made him cold to death... Username: Random Idiot Character: Lexeaus Rank: V Element: Earth Weapon: Tomahawk Persona: Sorry, can't find page. Username: Zexion of the Twilight Character: Zexion Rank: VI Element: Illusion Weapon: Book Persona: Stragitical rather than combative, highly kiddish Username: ukali_rules Character: Saïx Rank: VII Element: Moon Weapon: Claymore Persona: Calm and relaxed. Loyal. Easy to anger. Username: burnitup Character: Axel Rank: VIII Element: Fire Weapon: Charakams Persona: Laid back, cool, and is a pyro. User Name: Rat Character Name: Demyx Rank: XI Element: Water Weapon:Sitar Persona:Childish, playful, scardy cat Username: Character: Luxord Rank: X Element: Time Weapon: Cards Persona: Username:Xx.KeyBlade Master.xX Character: Marluxia Rank: XI Element: Flowers Weapon: Scythe Persona: Cool, Aggresive & ruthless Username: Jade Rhade Character: Larxene Rank: XII Element: Thunder Weapon: Throwing Knives Persona: Cruel and sadistic, Larxene will stop at nothing to win. She'll use manipulation and brute force to achieve her goals. She's not above using her status as the only female of the Organization to control those around her. Username: Sorax Character: Roxas Rank: XIII Element: Light Weapon: Dual Keyblades Persona: Shy, friendly, and heck an awesome fighter!
Xemnas- "The Imperal March" from Star Wars Xigbar- Xaldin- Vexen- Lexeaus- "Iron Man" by Black Sabbeth Zexion- I'M CHOOSING THIS ONE Saïx- Axel- Demyx- "A Cruel Angel's Thesis" from Neon Genesis Evangelion Luxord- "Yo Ho (A Pirate's Life For Me)" from Pirates of the Caribbean Marluxia- Larxene- "Electric Funeral" by Black Sabbeth Roxas- I've chosen those, though still trying to find a song for me.
Tell me, stupid or not stupid? I need an answer. Here's the link:
Post count: 666
1. Lexaeus likes reading manga, dispite having no emotions.
:) It's amazing what we can learn in class these days.
I was sifting through the fourm and I suddenly thought I saw the name cloudfinalfantasy4, dang I was so scared. My heart was pumping, but I double checked and it was my eyes playing tricks on me. For a second, I though it was the beginning of a nightmare. :D I'm not joking.
I. Xemnas, the Seeker of Darkness What do ya think of it? Yes, that's Darth Vader's theme.
Yeah, that's it, good night!
Tell me, is cloudfinalfantasy finally banned for good? If not, IP ban him.
What do you think of this theory: The whole Time/Space Continuum is a loop. For example: A person from this time around time travels way past the end of the universe and ends up in 1865 the next time around.
What songs do you have availible on your's? I'll tell you this, I am A GEEK! If you have extreme trouble finding free downloads, search on [No Advertisement] Audio search engine. ~My song list~: Doctor Who themes 1-10 (What can I say, the show is awsome) .hack//G.U. themes 1 and 2 (still don't know where to download the third for free) Simple and Clean & Passion by Utada Hikaru (If you don't have these, shame on you) Fullmetal Alchemist themes 1 and 3 (Dogpile isn't perfect, ya know) Lost Heaven by L'arc~En~Ciel (Yes, Conqurer of Shamballa's ending theme) All the songs in .hack//Roots (Download from LuPerry, you can just search on Google to find w) The song in the prototype .hack//G.U. trailer (Also LuPerry) A Cruel Angel's Thesis (Neon Genesis Evangelion's theme song, it rocks!) Fly Me to the Moon (The one in Neon Genesis Evangelion) He's A Pirate (A very memorable song from Pirates of the Carribean)
I mean, Xehanort became coporial inside, shoudn't Zexion be invincible by making his illusions real?
Someone make me a Zexion signature. I'd like the background black. 523x113 should do it. It should display Zexion's rank (VI) and my username as well so no one else steals it. Here's the picture you can use: If you find a better picture please use that. Thank you to whoever does it.
:D Yeah, anyway, it's me! Zexion of the Twilight! Thank you to Arc and Annexio. I made a mistake in changing my password and couldn't find a way to contact anyone. Then I found a way (thank god for YouTube) and now I'm on again! Please note: I don't have an AIM account. Parental Controls have disabled the ability to e-mail or recieve e-mail. My The Writer's Block account was hacked. Basically every single was of contact with anyone at KH-Vids was shut off.
Song: Back in Black by ACDC Clips: Kingdom Hearts II -Click Here-