I listened to them, I don't really take that much of a liking to screamo, unfortunately. ALSO, today I was trying to figure out why her boyfriend...
Nah ho, I took them from doze intahnetz, dehn I edited doze gaiz.
Expanding the ol' playlist never hurts. Indeed you do. My vote is for cheese again. Other than I hit her boy friend. That or it's natural hatred...
Well...Assuming I'm still aloud to join, I think I shall. And I do put those bracket-ed words in a PM, yeah? Sorry, I suck at this stuff. Username: XIII-roxas Name: River Gender: Male Age: 16 Class: Assassin (More of a rogue, would prefer to call it that if okay with you.) Appearance: Has short, white hair with black streaks, with a fringe just coming above his eyes. He has one black and one silver eye, with a trumpet-y collar on his shirt that goes up past his nose, that's usually slightly unzipped so people can hear him talk. It has one long and one short sleeve, and is black with red spikes pointing towards a red dot in the centre of his shirt. He wears a pair of slightly tattered jeans, usually with some light metal armour on his shins. He wears a pair of black and green metal boots, the green almost resembling wiring. Bio: River, before moving to the underground city, had once lived with his brother, Deveraux, before he had died. At his age, he didn't exactly know what to do until he was saved by a group of strange people. He can't exactly remember his parents, them having died whilst he was even younger. For a while, he had kept quiet, and did what he was supposed to do in exchange for his safety. Now, he's become much more talkative, and does his job much more effectively. Whilst he still holds sorrow for his lost family in his heart, he knows he must carry on, to ensure no one else has to suffer the same past he has. Personality: Whilst he talks, he chooses to remain relatively quiet. When he does, though, he's rather sarcastic, and has an optimistic, yet realistic view on situations. He'll do anything for someone he cares for, but will happily leave someone to die if they attempt to cross him without reason. Weapon(s) : A claw gauntlet on his shorter sleeved arm, and carries some throws knifes and a few vials of poison around with him. Abilities: Invisibility, flash step. Skills: He's a fast thinker and a fast attacker, has a good aim and knows a fair bit about poisons. Other: He carries around a speacial orb, tied onto his pants by a piece of black ribbon. This is something Deveraux gave him, calling it a 'soul orb'. According to the elder brother, it has the ability to capture the dead's souls.
THAT'S THE ONE. Sorry, I like correcting people.
Holy crap that's A LOT of songs. I'll have to wait for two or so more days to listen to them, as my computer is download-less. Good is good. I'll...
You don't have to worry about me. I've gotten through plenty of things, I'll get through this. Life? Brilliantly decent. How's yours? Seeing as...
I know, still. Try not to. Thankchu.
Don't be. I would agree, but my computers in it's "out of monthly downloads" state. it'll be better in 3 or 4 days.
Being in a state of depression couldn't be any better, honey. And sucks. You can never forget sucks. The only thing I did was punch her boyfriend...
*Takes a deep breath* ... HOMAHGAWDXIONICAN'TBELIEVEIT'SACTUALLYYOU. *Breathes* No, seriously, this is freaking scary. I havn't seen you properly...
Because I exist.
It's a term? Well, I've learned something today. Also, no thanks on those there suggestions. I'm happy listening to I Fight Dragons. SUPER CIVILISED. Herpa derp.
That one person who was completely irrelevant to the story line. Uh...Whats his name?
Grimdarkness isn't grim or dark enough. How about psychoticlygrimdarkapocalypse? Or is that too much for you to handle!?
Do yo liek mah pictarz, bishy?
If you have the money to buy it for me, go for it.
Exactly, it was my fault. But even then, the end we got was pretty god damn awesome.
Would you liek to see mah pictures? It ish in mah album.
But I thought you were on the lesbian cruise ride side...Okay, that's it. That's the new name of this story path.