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  1. XIII-roxas
    Oh god yes. Please, murder the feature brutally and throw the remains in a fiery pit. Not like I actually posted much in the first place, but it gets annoying in my VMs. Plus one supporter. *Salutes*

    And mixt. Never forget these next words:

    We love you. SO MUCH.
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Aug 22, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  2. XIII-roxas
    Poor, poor Spyro. What has the game industry done to you?
    I didn't even get a chance to play any of the older games, unless you count Heroes Tail, which unfortunately is now scratched, and absolutely unplayable, and it still makes me sick.

    And yes, why u no have Sparks?
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Aug 22, 2011 in forum: Gaming
  3. XIII-roxas
  4. XIII-roxas
  5. XIII-roxas
  6. XIII-roxas
    Welcome to KHV. I suppose there's no point in me telling you again, so what everyone else said. Read the rules and all that jazz.

    Also, just a warning. Tread carefully, if not, KHV might consume your soul.
    Just kidding, the second you come here it's already ours. Nice to meet you~
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Aug 21, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  7. XIII-roxas
    *Looks around himself*

    Post by: XIII-roxas, Aug 20, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  8. XIII-roxas
  9. XIII-roxas
  10. XIII-roxas

    River had been wondering around the city for a while, and it was awfully...Quiet, to say the least.
    "Where is everybody?" He thought out loud, then realising that, well, they were probably on a mission.
    'May as well head up to ground level. Make up for lost time, figure out where the hell everyone is.'

    'Huh. Someone must've gone up recently...' He had thought. He had started going up, and tipped his claws with the poison he usually carry's around, and prepared his invisibility. 'Can never be too careful...' And as he neared the top, he got the feeling he might regret waking up again.
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Aug 19, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. XIII-roxas
    Now, you see, I would use the forums, but, still.
    This place is dead.

    ...And I figured there had to be some sort of way to make this place more...Active, so to speak.
    Then I realised my last attempt didn't really work.
    So I figured I would give up, and post this discussion to get at least one person to post here.
    But then I saw a ray of light, which later turned out to be a light from the other side of my door, and I decided to build you all a HOUSE....And god mode and more cupcakes. Yes, I built them.
    Thread by: XIII-roxas, Aug 19, 2011, 2 replies, in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  12. XIII-roxas
    That one guy who's alive.
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Aug 19, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  13. XIII-roxas
  14. XIII-roxas
    Whilst I understand, would it kill you to use telepathy?
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Aug 18, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  15. XIII-roxas
  16. XIII-roxas
  17. XIII-roxas
  18. XIII-roxas


    Welcome to KHVids! Read the rules, as everybody has stated, the basic kind of stuff you would expect from a forum.
    Also, a word of advice. The second you step virtual foot into KHVids, your soul belongs to us. You can not leave, so be careful. It's like hell, but less painful and much, much scarier.
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Aug 13, 2011 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  19. XIII-roxas
    *Uses bump potion*
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Aug 12, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  20. XIII-roxas
    River (I don't have a picture, forgive me...)

    River woke up in his bed, looking around his room, trying to figure out where he was.
    'Ah. Right. Underground city.' He reminded himself. 'How long have I been asleep? Lets see...I think I went to sleep at...Wait, that's ATLEAST a few days ahead of yesterda-' He had just realised that he had been asleep for around 2 or so days. 'When are the day long blackouts gonna stop? It's starting to get annoying...' River thought to himself.

    He had decided to go check things out, seeing as whenever he went unconscious, something really, really important happens, or a really dangerous ghoul appears. That kind of stuff.
    'Okay then, I better get going. Who knows what the hell happened...'

    Post by: XIII-roxas, Aug 12, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home