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  1. XIII-roxas
  2. XIII-roxas
    Profile Post

    Emo kid? Neku :3

    Emo kid? Neku :3
    Profile Post by XIII-roxas for eentje, Sep 22, 2011
  3. XIII-roxas
  4. XIII-roxas
  5. XIII-roxas
  6. XIII-roxas
    And, of course, now I'll have to buy a 3DS. I hate you so much square...
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Sep 17, 2011 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. XIII-roxas
  8. XIII-roxas
  9. XIII-roxas
  10. XIII-roxas
  11. XIII-roxas
    Profile Post

    Ikr? It's brilliant.

    Ikr? It's brilliant.
    Profile Post by XIII-roxas for eentje, Sep 11, 2011
  12. XIII-roxas
  13. XIII-roxas
    I've achieved normal status. Awwwwww **** son.
    But yes, it is more fair. Back when I was a noob, I couldn't take a joke, so I think I get what you're saying.
    Once again, P, you have made up an imaginary (?) trademark.
    And it's not going to be become a flame war. Unless you count burning random buildings, then maybe, but otherwise no.
    Even then, I'm not really annoyed with Chrissu anymore. So it should be fine.
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Sep 11, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  14. XIII-roxas
    True. But sometimes people just get fed up with you. And that goes for me, too. And a lot of people, really.

    I would appreciate it if you didn't call me a noob. I used to be, yes. Wether it's a matter of the username (which I would love to change, trust me...) or a matter of opinion, I don't take myself as that much of a noob as I used to be.

    Okay, just makin' sure.
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Sep 10, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  15. XIII-roxas
    Someone really needs to make a hate group for you. I mean, really, is this necessary?
    >Posts video
    >You come
    >You question video
    >I tell you what I think
    >You start being annoying
    >I mute you, goto my room with maki and play my vids there
    >You spam my room by coming in and out repeatedly, I end up banning you
    >You manage to un-mute yourself from the voxli room, and play a high pitched ear-bleeding sound
    >I rage at you, and just leave it there
    Also, I realised that both me and chris have just bought a Voxli topic into KHV, which I'm pretty sure we're not supposed to do. Sorry about that, but if he's going to be like that about it then I may aswell.
    Thank you, and good day. *Pulls top hat tight over head*
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Sep 10, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  16. XIII-roxas
    Chrissytree. Hush. I'm trying to make an un-important point here.
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Sep 8, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  17. XIII-roxas
  18. XIII-roxas
  19. XIII-roxas
  20. XIII-roxas
    I mean this actual group, silly. Not Voxli.

    I am. DO IT. DO IT PEOPLE.
    Post by: XIII-roxas, Sep 2, 2011 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)