1. Double post. 2. Lolwut. 3. I'm brilliantly decent, as usual. Seriously, people need to stop asking.
Emo kid? Neku :3
With that logic, I should be able to burn things by blinking. Indeed you do see. Ikr. Xi-xi, has it not hit you that after all this time that I...
That's no where near as good as decent, but okay then.
It's an armour for SK (Spiral Knights). I'm brilliantly decent, as usual. Yourself?
And, of course, now I'll have to buy a 3DS. I hate you so much square...
Good is less than good, but I'm willing to accept that it is good in this situation. Things get to me sometimes. It's actually really fun if you...
Yes, I does. I try not to take things too seriously. Well, unfortunately I am. Well, today was actually pretty good. Got a whole lot of tests done...
Indeed. You. Do. *Puts on patient face* I'm used to it. None taken. That sounds wonderful. Too bad we don't live in the same country. Also, Does...
Welcome, Pegasista. You are now a part of the wonderful world of ponies. Also, does chu liek mah new avatarz?
Ikr? It's brilliant.
Your loss. Ah....I think that's good. Better than it usually does. Short and sweet, I hate both her and him and my friends don't hate me as much...
I've achieved normal status. Awwwwww **** son. But yes, it is more fair. Back when I was a noob, I couldn't take a joke, so I think I get what you're saying. Once again, P, you have made up an imaginary (?) trademark. And it's not going to be become a flame war. Unless you count burning random buildings, then maybe, but otherwise no. Even then, I'm not really annoyed with Chrissu anymore. So it should be fine.
True. But sometimes people just get fed up with you. And that goes for me, too. And a lot of people, really. I would appreciate it if you didn't call me a noob. I used to be, yes. Wether it's a matter of the username (which I would love to change, trust me...) or a matter of opinion, I don't take myself as that much of a noob as I used to be. Okay, just makin' sure.
Someone really needs to make a hate group for you. I mean, really, is this necessary? >Posts video >Enjoys >You come >You question video >I tell you what I think >You start being annoying >I mute you, goto my room with maki and play my vids there >You spam my room by coming in and out repeatedly, I end up banning you >You manage to un-mute yourself from the voxli room, and play a high pitched ear-bleeding sound >I rage at you, and just leave it there Also, I realised that both me and chris have just bought a Voxli topic into KHV, which I'm pretty sure we're not supposed to do. Sorry about that, but if he's going to be like that about it then I may aswell. Thank you, and good day. *Pulls top hat tight over head*
Chrissytree. Hush. I'm trying to make an un-important point here.
You...Haven't watched my little pony FIM? Not to be rude, but you HAVE to go watch it. Nao. Indeed it has. So. Hows life?
Rainbow Dash <3 Where that takes the conversation.
Only if they're cupcakes made by a pony. I'll be honest, I'm not entirely sure where that leaves us.
I mean this actual group, silly. Not Voxli. I am. DO IT. DO IT PEOPLE.