OOC: Please Ikki, its not Xainkar, its Kinara, KINARA!!!!!
X then turned his head slightly at Kardex, Attacking Kinara quickly, dealing a bit of damage, The white whisp then left X's body rushing towards Kardex trying all the intense healing abilities, The whisp then sighed, "There is no way to save you, Kardex, thankyou, you will forever be remember, within each organisation member, and our selves," The whisp sat and tried to comfort the boy.
X then ran at Kinara swinging the keyblades he then flipped over kinara lunging the sword into his back. Though he missed, X was soo tired, could he beat kinara, or was it just impossible?
X ran at Kinara swining the keyblades at him and then flipping over the top of him attacking the back of Kinara.
A Black cloud appeared infront of Takarnax catching her, taking her next to phisoxia, X didn't want anyone to get hurt.
X tehn dropped Kinara and another black cloud appeared infront of Phisoxia taking her next to Takarnax. The whisp split into two "We are needed, goodbye." The whisp's then dissapeared into X.
X got up his legs shaking he looked up at the two kingdom hearts slowly coming together, he ran up to Kinara grabbing him by the collar "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!"
X then pulled the keyblade out of him, "No, the neighbouring planets, I can't let them," X then closed his eyes the world then became dark and a huge Dark Portal appeared on the side of the world, the world then began shaking as it moved into the dark portal, everything went dark for a few seconds and then they were at the end of the world, X then fell to the floor exhausted.
X then jumped infront of Phisoxia taking the hit, the lightning going straight through him, he then looked to the side noticing the large dark blast ball following him, he then jumped infront of the dark blast and slashed at it, cutting it into tiny little blast's he then began attacking Kinara, each attack quick and acurate whilst dodging teh millions of small blasts.
X then cartwheeled to the side, dodging the hit, X then jumped away from Kinara and then ran at him stabbing the Keylades into the ground flinging him making him speed through the air, he then made the keyblades appear again in his hand he then swung the keyblade at Kinara.
X then jumped to the side softening Phisoxia's fall and then jumping infront of Kinara blocking the attack with a keyblade, why did X have a keyblade, it was strange. OOC: These are the keyblades
The whisp then turned a burning red it was Dizt. "Im not keen on X myself, but how dare you say that about him, this place, would never have been if it wasn't because of X, X has saved this organisation many times, you do not have a clue whats going on now, All X want's to do is give you all your hearts backs, for those two years all X did was try and repent, he spent most of the two years searching for your hearts, if you dont appreciate him, then go and die." The whisp was a burning Red constantly changing from yellow, orange and red.
The whisp bowed slightly "Thankyou, X cannot change fate per say, but he is able to have an incredibly influence in, because of his, circumstances, X is the nobody of a nothing, he is rare, not even rare he is the only one of his kind, the only one that theyre ever was, he has been linked with his past, now we must see its end." The whisp sighed "This is most likely, the end of X"
X's eyes then went white and a white light seeped out of his eyes, nose and mouth the whisp had returned, The whisp then appeared infront of Nebx and Phisoxia "Please, do not interfere, this is between Master X and Father Kinara, Do not disturbe, it must end with them, they are fate." The whisp hovered over to Nebx what seemed to be a hand hovered over the leg and a light shined on it, joining up the ripped tissue. "Theyre, you are healed. X is sorry."
X sighed as he turned his head to phisoxia and nebx, they didn't understand, they just couldn't Kinara and X were much bigger than the two, much bigger than anyone, everything would end with them, it was, fate.
Without even looking X then put his hand in the air and a dark cloud formed catching Phisoxia letting her down with the others.
As the Heartless were ripped out of him X coughed up blood but then felt regenerated, he cheaked his body "What have you done?" he turned around looking at Nebx and everyone "Im sorry, I really am" X didn't understand what was happening all he knew was he was going to protect what remained of his family, even if this went against his father's wishes.
One of the heartless inside X then said "Go fix those vines, they need a trimming" then another Laughed, seconds later another tried a deep voice and said "Yes, oh wonderful heartless lord" pretending to be X, almost toying with him, then the X jumped at the vines, cutting them down with a long sword, that appeared out of X's palm. He then turned to Nebx and ran at him, lunging his sword into his leg, wounding it critically, he then ran to the others and attkacked them. picking up other heartless as he went along.
X then spun his head around and spun his leg, kicking the shards back, only a few sticking in his leg, they then shot out, with little heartless hands reparing the skin. The heartless then giggled "You can't kill us."
X's body lunged at Kardex smacking him to the floor, then running to Tynoxhan, jumping on his shoulders, grasping his head between his ankles and doing a mid air flip, flinging Tynoxhan yards away.